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The Deadfire Scavenger Codes - WE FOUND THEM ALL - Cutthroat Cosmo! - Bonus Pets!

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We haven't found any code in trailers, haven't we? The scavenger mail cited them as a source for codes. Maybe they still have to release that/those trailer/s?


Yeah.  I don't think anyone has spotted anything yet. Maybe there is still some new media coming up over the next few weeks.


As far as the trailers we already have, I've checked out the Aedyran script featured in many of the videos, and while the result can be pretty cool, it isn't relevant to the hunt.


So, the sources indicated in the email and the Scavenger hunt announcement are:


screenshots - yes

trailers - nothing yet

social media posts - yes

website banners - ...maybe?

images - yes, but that's also quite vague

GIFs - yes

concept art - nothing yet


Other places we've found them include real-life printed media, backer videos, twitch streams, and an email.  Lots of sources, yes, but nearly all of the codes we've found are aren't much further than a link or two distant from a post on one of the official twitter accounts.

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We haven't found any code in trailers, haven't we? The scavenger mail cited them as a source for codes. Maybe they still have to release that/those trailer/s?


Yeah.  I don't think anyone has spotted anything yet. Maybe there is still some new media coming up over the next few weeks.


As far as the trailers we already have, I've checked out the Aedyran script featured in many of the videos, and while the result can be pretty cool, it isn't relevant to the hunt.


So, the sources indicated in the email and the Scavenger hunt announcement are:


screenshots - yes

trailers - nothing yet

social media posts - yes

website banners - ...maybe?

images - yes, but that's also quite vague

GIFs - yes

concept art - nothing yet


Other places we've found them include real-life printed media, backer videos, twitch streams, and an email.  Lots of sources, yes, but nearly all of the codes we've found are aren't much further than a link or two distant from a post on one of the official twitter accounts.



I demand that you fix the incorrectly-spelled 'cross-referenced' in the OP.  It's driving me nuts.

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I demand that you fix the incorrectly-spelled 'cross-referenced' in the OP.  It's driving me nuts.


Hey, that reminds me!


So, a pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel sticking out the front of his pants.

The bartender looks at him and asks, "Hey, do you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?"

Pirate looks back at him and says, "Arrrrgh, and it's driving me nuts!"


Anyway.  Sure.  Fixed it just for you, pal.

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So, a pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel sticking out the front of his pants.

The bartender looks at him and asks, "Hey, do you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?"

Pirate looks back at him and says, "Arrrrgh, and it's driving me nuts!"


I love these kind of jokes. and thanks for the list, I would never find them alone

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I demand that you fix the incorrectly-spelled 'cross-referenced' in the OP.  It's driving me nuts.


Hey, that reminds me!


So, a pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel sticking out the front of his pants.

The bartender looks at him and asks, "Hey, do you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?"

Pirate looks back at him and says, "Arrrrgh, and it's driving me nuts!"


Anyway.  Sure.  Fixed it just for you, pal.




I  suggested a ship's wheel belt buckle item to Sawyer back during the fig campaign. Seriously considered sponsoring it as a custom item but backing at that level was just too expensive.

Edited by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy
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Seems a bit too evil to hide a code somewhere in a 25 minute video. Nevertheless, I expect when we only need a few more, some of us will be going through it with a magnifying glass. ^^

My Deadfire mods
Out With The Good: The mod for tidying up your Deadfire combat tooltip.
Waukeen's Berth: Make all your basic purchases at Queen's Berth.
Carrying Voice: Wider chanter invocations.
Nemnok's Congregation: Lets all priests express their true faith.

Deadfire skill check catalogue right here!

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Does it seem odd to anyone else that we haven't had a new gif/image with a new code since the announcement of the scavenger hunt 5 days ago? At this rate to get the last 23 codes pre-launch we would need more than 1 new code per day...? Unless they don't plan to put all the possible codes out before launch. And that assumes they don't have "extra" codes for just in case, too. Unless as a community we are missing a LOT of codes that have already come out, but I kind of doubt that.

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Does it seem odd to anyone else that we haven't had a new gif/image with a new code since the announcement of the scavenger hunt 5 days ago? At this rate to get the last 23 codes pre-launch we would need more than 1 new code per day...? Unless they don't plan to put all the possible codes out before launch. And that assumes they don't have "extra" codes for just in case, too. Unless as a community we are missing a LOT of codes that have already come out, but I kind of doubt that.

I’m picturing a launch party on Twitch where everyone at Obsidian is wearing one of those fancy code-shirts
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I've had a feeling this past week that they are all out and we've simply missed them. The other case is they still have a few more to drop, but there are a few perniciously hidden codes that may take a lot of effort to search out.

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Still bunch of companion gifs and from what I understand at least two updates (47 is audio and 46 is ???). Closer to release, press stuff might me more prominent, right? We might still get a flood of stuff, though I am sure we missed something. 

So far they advertised every code we found via twitter right? (including magaizes and Versus Evil store)

Edited by Wormerine
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The Critical Role AMA references some related art assets that they are going to start showing off on Thursday at versusevil.com/criticalrole


I’m guessing this will be a potential new source for codes.

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