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Politics Thread: Silicon Valley Edition


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A "it should be obvious that it depends on the place" sort of scenario. A double standard and it's inverse can exist in different locations.

Well he seems to be going on as if it is fairly widespread. Can't imagine one wouldn't get sacked for calling a coworker a honky or cracker or some other racist term for white people.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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A "it should be obvious that it depends on the place" sort of scenario. A double standard and it's inverse can exist in different locations.

Well he seems to be going on as if it is fairly widespread. Can't imagine one wouldn't get sacked for calling a coworker a honky or cracker or some other racist term for white people.

You would think but it doesn't happen. Going consensus is that it doesn't "hurt" or have the impact that other racist words towards other races.


Granted like I said, NOW in the past year since Trump been president, it's all been quiet on ALL sides from media, TV, and social media.

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I've always thought the term "cracker" referred to whip cracker from the slavery days as it applies to white people. I have no info to back that up, that's just what someone told me a long time ago and I took as the truth.


Well, you all know my take. If someone is an a-----e you can call him and a-----e. It even works in plural form. But it's never used to deride and entire ethnicity. So, don't use ethnic terms, just call them an a-----e.


Edit: One other thing. If you won't call a man an a-----e to his face, don't do it behind his back either. That is just low. I won't say anything about someone I wouldn't tell them while looking them in the eye. Probably why I have so few friends. :lol:

Edited by Guard Dog
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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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So we can kill people now? Steal? Etc.?

Those are all based on religious beliefs and why should somebodies religion insecurities and discrimination be used agains other people?

Those examples, and thousands of others, are covered by our respective countries laws and are required to maintain an orderly social contract. But, imo, if any religion's followers feel that they have to impose their gods will upon other people or cant execute the duties of their jobs, then they need to gtfo. Its always fascinating to me how these religious mantra's do not exist in their own lives but they sure as hell will draw a line in the sand over issuing marriage certificates to other people. That good sir, is a bigot. And they get to use this moronic excuse to discriminate against others. Really? You really thing "god" cares about this and its "your job" to make a stand? Give me a break. And maybe I should clarify "bible thumpers". That's a term from back in the day to denote highly religious folk that take the bible as a literal translation. Not your average Sunday morning Christian whos just going through the motions.


*"You" is not you the reader.

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Anyone wanna guess how long our govt will be shut down? I'm gonna guess at the longest, shortly before the end of January.


Trump would definetly rather it be solved by time he does the State of the Union speech. I suppose a better prediction is asking how many times he'd rip the Dems a new one in the speech over the shutdown.

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"Btw, cracker doesn't refer to skin tone."


Yeah, it does. Don't try to use the 'old definition' argument. When someone uses the word they are directing it a white person to insult them and demean them except the cases where some white person is using it 'ironically' or to be edgy. 


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I've always thought the term "cracker" referred to whip cracker from the slavery days as it applies to white people. I have no info to back that up, that's just what someone told me a long time ago and I took as the truth.


Well, you all know my take. If someone is an a-----e you can call him and a-----e. It even works in plural form. But it's never used to deride and entire ethnicity. So, don't use ethnic terms, just call them an a-----e.


Edit: One other thing. If you won't call a man an a-----e to his face, don't do it behind his back either. That is just low. I won't say anything about someone I wouldn't tell them while looking them in the eye. Probably why I have so few friends. :lol:

Quit being an ****.
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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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"Btw, cracker doesn't refer to skin tone."


Yeah, it does. Don't try to use the 'old definition' argument. When someone uses the word they are directing it a white person to insult them and demean them except the cases where some white person is using it 'ironically' or to be edgy. 


You are inferring that I'm saying that the term is generic for any sort of slave driver. I It most certainly is specifically directed at white people. It's etymology stems from it being a descriptive label that marks out someone who indulges in enslavement.


Do some people now connect the term to the color of a literal cracker? Sure. But in my experience the misconception mostly starts with white kids (naive by definition) that think people are poking fun at them being pasty, when it's often used to mark someone out as being participants in systemic racism.


So really you've just gone and made up some intent that I didn't have in writing, and there was no attempt to form an argument. Mainly I describe a fact on origins. Hell, I even went on to describe people using it explicitly as an insult, so the context was right in my post over what the fact I was mentioning was related to.


edit: I -> It

Edited by injurai
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Anyone wanna guess how long our govt will be shut down? I'm gonna guess at the longest, shortly before the end of January.


Probably only a few days.


The Senate is where the problem is (as is often the case), and if the Republicans grow some spine they could end it tomorrow by circumventing the retarded filibuster rule which requires 60 votes rather than a simple majority to pass something.


Will they do that? Doubtful, as spine is something politicians tend to lack, but it will still only likely last a few days.

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"Btw, cracker doesn't refer to skin tone."


Yeah, it does. Don't try to use the 'old definition' argument. When someone uses the word they are directing it a white person to insult them and demean them except the cases where some white person is using it 'ironically' or to be edgy. 


You are inferring that I'm saying that the term is generic for any sort of slave driver. I most certainly is specifically directed at white people. It's etymology stems from it being a descriptive label that marks out someone who indulges in enslavement.


Do some people now connect the term to the color of a literal cracker? Sure. But in my experience the misconception mostly starts with white kids (naive by definition) that think people are poking fun at them being pasty, when it's often used to mark someone out as being participants in systemic racism.


So really you've just gone and made up some intent that I didn't have in writing, and there was no attempt to form an argument. Mainly describe a fact of origin. Hell, I even went on to describe people using it explicitly as an insult, so the context was right in my post over what the fact I was mentioning was related to.



It's etymology actually predates any association with slaves and whip cracking. That meaning that was added later, and not one universally applied.

Edited by Valsuelm
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It's still a bus stop on an etymological path.


Well yes, and one no doubt increasingly stopped at, as it supports the these days popular narrative that white people all supported the oppression of black people if not outright supported their enslavement. Gotta keep that division alive we do, as divide and conquer is the name of the game that's being won by those playing it, and largely because a lot of people don't even realize it's being played. Pawns they are.

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