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How about a stretch goal for the missing godlike subraces?


From a shrewd marketing standpoint:

Do only 1 or 1 by one.


Make a Wael a Skaen or a Rymrgand stretch goal.


I think people would pay a lot even for 1 by one.


Heck we dont need everything at once in 1 game...


But 1 extra would be nice.


Come on... lift that curtain a bit obsidian! We wanna look behind.

Edited by Leeuwenhart
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Rymrgand would be ice, but what type of freakish hair would you associate with Wael or Skaen?

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Skaen looks to me as a blank face. No features. Black orb eyes. Thats freaky in itself. Shadow related? Weeping Blood. Hell if fire/death are tieflings and avian/dawn gonna be aasimar we could fill genasi gaps with fire godlike ice godlike


Ore(earth) for Abydon? Guys with jutting pieces of iron or silver from body. Think auriok and vulshok of MtG Mirrodin.

Ondra is water.

Avians are air.

Theres not much left in the planetouched inspiring origins



Shadow for skaen. Like i said. Maybe a vampiric influence. Not fangs ofc. But the style. The threat. The burn inside.

Hey... they could have normal faces that come out as horrors in the shadow. You can show this in portraits by shadows of hoods or hair hanging in the way of light and different horror faces in those shadows


Wael could be no face. Or many eyes. 3 eyes. 1 eye. Think about warhammer Tzeentch corruption.



Racial abilities?


Ice Godlike do some dmg and freeze/slow effect

Ore Godlike got natural armor

Shadow Godlike and reflect pain/afflictions back or lifesteal aoe

Dream Godlike...??? Give people status effects like frightened or dazed in aoe... crazy for rogues (nightmarish visage/paralizing vision/unbearable truth)

Edited by Leeuwenhart
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I thought death godlikes were related to Rymrgand?

Its uncomfirmed.


Could be both.


But since the growth decay is being drawn out of the new model and a more skeletal bony fiend takes its place im leaning Berath.


Also... if it was Rymrgand... they dropped an easy one for a hard one.


Rymrgand can be ice.

But whats another Berath?

Edited by Leeuwenhart
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Nobody knows for sure. Raedric believed they were related to Berath, but then, he also believed "undesirables" caused soulless births. They could be related to either, as both have aspects of death in their portfolio.


Honestly, I enjoy the fact that some of these things remain unexplained/uncertain. I, for one, still haven't a clue how Raedric got ressurected.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Btw the 5 godlikes fit like a glove in MtG 5 colours of mana.


Red= Fire






Even responding gods fit.


Red Godlike Magran Fire Freedom Revolution Struggle


Green Godlike Galawai Instinct Nature Growth Strength


Blue Godlike Ondra Oceans Seas but also Sky (moon)(moonfolk/kamigawa) but blue likes secrets too.


Black Godlike Berath/Rymrgand decay and doom. Even when used for good still a power of pure destruction. (The power aspect doesnt fit of black mana though)(unless you see the unyielding rule of entropy as unflinching power)


White Godlike Hylea. White has Birds. A lot. Sky. Light. Some healing and protection. Hyleas the goddess of childbirth the sky and birds.

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Maybe the other 5 fit too?


Red Abydon

Black Skaen power part!


Blue Wael secrets AND knowledge

White Eothas



So would leave green out for a Berath (circle of life)


Or a rymrgand...




In this way Rymrgand is indeed a better fit for Death Godlike ;)

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Wael Godlikes shouldn't even have a face. Or head. Or neck.


Instead there should just be this glow, or perhaps some kind of formless miasma, in the middle of which is a single stylized eye. Not an actual eye, but more of a drawing of one.


And you might ask, how does a Godlike like this live? How does it breathe? How does it speak? How does it eat?


To which Wael would reply: Exactly.

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Nobody knows for sure. Raedric believed they were related to Berath, but then, he also believed "undesirables" caused soulless births. They could be related to either, as both have aspects of death in their portfolio.


Honestly, I enjoy the fact that some of these things remain unexplained/uncertain. I, for one, still haven't a clue how Raedric got ressurected.

Probaly that animancer he kept in the basement, if I'm remebering his castle right.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

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"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

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Nobody knows for sure. Raedric believed they were related to Berath, but then, he also believed "undesirables" caused soulless births. They could be related to either, as both have aspects of death in their portfolio.


Honestly, I enjoy the fact that some of these things remain unexplained/uncertain. I, for one, still haven't a clue how Raedric got ressurected.

Probaly that animancer he kept in the basement, if I'm remebering his castle right.


You can kill her without influencing his comeback though.

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Nobody knows for sure. Raedric believed they were related to Berath, but then, he also believed "undesirables" caused soulless births. They could be related to either, as both have aspects of death in their portfolio.


Honestly, I enjoy the fact that some of these things remain unexplained/uncertain. I, for one, still haven't a clue how Raedric got ressurected.

Probaly that animancer he kept in the basement, if I'm remebering his castle right.


He came back as a Death Guard, so he basically got brought back by his DETERMINATION. Which means that the Watcher is Sans, I suppose?

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It would be nice if godlikes ware more emphased, since that is something very connected to Eoara Lora.

  • NPC freaking out on PC godlike
  • some quest to embrace or denay godlike heritage
  • feats to pimp up our godlike (the pun) powers
  • it would be cooler if stat bonus was mix of godlike and "frame", yes we could reach some sick combos (natural 21 might)

As for Godlike ideas:


Winter Godlike - Ice cold white walkers with frost instead of beards. Quite popular among boreal dwarves. Most often living us outcast on Wending White. Blue Ice Eyes. Shard crown. 100% coolness factor

Power: Never Cold - immune to cold dmg and freezing and chill effects

Power: Rymgard breath - exhale cold air in cone of cold effect

Power: Great White Wyrm - summon Rymgald servant errupting from the guard knocking enemies in are and biting their asses off.

Power: White Thralls - use enemy corpse to create slow dumb frost zombie to fight on your side.


Abydon - this god does not spawn godlikes, but prefers forget one. So there may be priest or orders dedicated to creating iron giants.


Dawn Godlike - so much this. Aesimar of Eoara. Probably even more common in last 15 years. In dyrwood most killed just incase. But elsewhere nobody got a memo. Now young dawnling are grown enought to start great journey, and meet the maker.

Power: Second Dawn - killing once is never enought

Power: Orbital Lazor -  when in doubt nuke from orbit

Power: Aurora Crown - blast aura blinding enemies around us


Beastlike - as furry as orlan, but the size of aumuna. Blessed by Galawain are often left in woods as infants. But often survive and end quite well. May however get to wild and become problem for local community as all other beast. Galawain dont care who wins. It is all about the hunt.

Power: Animal vigor - heal at slow rate in addition to all other sources

Power: The claws, the fangs  - unarmed attacks deal a bit more damage

Power: Natur ally - can summon something fuzzy when in need for cuddle


Blindfolk - birth without eyes, but seeing EVERYTHING. To not scarry others wael band (Le Sin style).

Power: Eyes wide shut - cant be blind, and in dialogues have 22 wisdom

Power: Sees but not seen - invisibility at will

Power: Sandman - cast a sleep on enemies


Living Scars - born with shattered body coverd in fresh scars. Open, bleeding wounds which never heal, but they somehow survive. Adults often wear masks, to not freak out others.

Power: Strenght from Pain - taking damage makes them only angrier (that monk synergy)

Power: Hatred - pick one enemy, deal more dmg against him, can only pick one target at once

Power: Madness - pick one enemy, curse him with constant damage over time pain, he also attacks randomly untill dead or time out.


I also can imagine Adra folk, being like humanoid ore. Obsidian folk. That would cool. But not sure with who they are connected. Maybe they are just Adra. Can Adra itself be nervous about gods action. And create own agents?


Random ideas:

Death Godlike

Power: Plaguebarer - cast plague on enemies, if you kill them, they explode. (classic) (they look like living cancer)


Natue Godlike:

Power: Natural Hentai - summon poison ivy entangling enemies and spreading vines in all the dark places.


Bereth Godlike (not sure if it is Death or maybe Death are Rymbald)

1000 gates - teleport on battlefield (i am the gate i am the key)


Note: It is all brainstorm so dont go serious.

Edited by evilcat
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I think a better stretch goal would be further expanding player customization based on race, including things such as godlike models and racial talents. There are enough people that have interests outside of the godlike that they should avoid such a limited focus for a stretch goal, especially so close to the end.


That said, I'll play along a bit since I'm a godlike fan myself.




Shadow for skaen


Shadows are more fitting for Wael, who's also the god of obfuscation. Nothing in Skaen's portfolio really lends itself to straightforward representation through godlike, but blood godlike could fit given his propensity for murder, mutilation, and sacrifice. The first guidebook mentions blood drinking as part of the ritual to transform into the Effigy, so there's that as well to emphasize the ties to blood. Skaen's godlike might exhibit stigmata that are tied to the god's own scars and the faith's ritual mutilations: castration/masectomy, oozing scars in the place of ears and noses, a flayed scalp, jagged black stones in place of eyes, shifting welts and gashes as though continually lashed, etc. In keeping with the "blessings" of a god of envy and covert plots, their power could relate to the temporary usurpation of features from those they maim/kill, making them better moles and spies than their gruesome appearances should allow, or allowing them to prey on the sentiments or fears of allies who have watched the godlike steal the face of one of their own. In the actual game, this could probably just be represented by a hazy red aura or something, though.


I'm still more interested in seeing an actual Effigy; a questline where a Skaenite Watcher could undergo the ritual to become the Effigy in order to claim their vengeance against Eothas might be fun but it might make the epilogue more dull since being an Effigy means dying once you've killed your oppressor.


Wael's godlike could hard to do right. Not so much because they're hard to conceptualize, but an emphasis on hazy, shifting features could compromise a character's sense of identity. Their power could follow the same activation pattern as the moon godlike racial talent, resulting in a stacking miss/graze chance for enemies in range as the mists and shadows wreathing the damaged godlike's form expand to cover a broader area.

Edited by blotter
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It would be nice if godlikes ware more emphased, since that is something very connected to Eoara Lora.

  • NPC freaking out on PC godlike
  • some quest to embrace or denay godlike heritage
  • feats to pimp up our godlike (the pun) powers
  • it would be cooler if stat bonus was mix of godlike and "frame", yes we could reach some sick combos (natural 21 might)
As for Godlike ideas:


Winter Godlike - Ice cold white walkers with frost instead of beards. Quite popular among boreal dwarves. Most often living us outcast on Wending White. Blue Ice Eyes. Shard crown. 100% coolness factor

Power: Never Cold - immune to cold dmg and freezing and chill effects

Power: Rymgard breath - exhale cold air in cone of cold effect

Power: Great White Wyrm - summon Rymgald servant errupting from the guard knocking enemies in are and biting their asses off.


Abydon - this god does not spawn godlikes, but prefers forget one. So there may be priest or orders dedicated to creating iron giants.


Dawn Godlike - so much this. Aesimar of Eoara. Probably even more common in last 15 years. In dyrwood most killed just incase. But elsewhere nobody got a memo. Now young dawnling are grown enought to start great journey, and meet the maker.

Power: Second Dawn - killing once is never enought

Power: Orbital Lazor - when in doubt nuke from orbit

Power: Aurora Crown - blast aura blinding enemies around us


Beastlike - as furry as orlan, but the size of aumuna. Blessed by Galawain are often left in woods as infants. But often survive and end quite well. May however get to wild and become problem for local community as all other beast. Galawain dont care who wins. It is all about the hunt.

Power: Animal vigor - heal at slow rate in addition to all other sources

Power: The claws, the fangs - unarmed attacks deal a bit more damage

Power: Natur ally - can summon something fuzzy when in need for cuddle


Blindfolk - birth without eyes, but seeing EVERYTHING. To not scarry others wael band (Le Sin style).

Power: Eyes wide shut - cant be blind, and in dialogues have 22 wisdom

Power: Sees but not seen - invisibility at will

Power: Sandman - cast a sleep on enemies


I also can imagine Adra folk, being like humanoid ore. Obsidian folk. That would cool. But not sure with who they are connected. Maybe they are just Adra. Can Adra itself be nervous about gods action. And create own agents?


Random ideas:

Death Godlike

Power: Plaguebarer - cast plague on enemies, if you kill them, they explode. (classic) (they look like living cancer)


Natue Godlike:

Power: Natural Hentai - summon poison ivy entangling enemies and spreading vines in all the dark places.


Bereth Godlike (not sure if it is Death or maybe Death are Rymbald)

1000 gates - teleport on battlefield (i am the gate i am the key)


Note: It is all brainstorm so dont go serious.





They fit Rymrgand 100%


Entropy and Ice.

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I wonder if Ondra's would be more "Fish Godlike" (mermaids, lol), or more "Water Godlike" such as this:





Or "Drowned Godlike", in case there's anyone who doesn't find Death Godlike creepy enough :biggrin: :






Also, it would be nice to have more diversity in the Nature Godlike models and portraits than just "stag themed" and "bunny themed".


Maybe some more plant themed ones:











"Some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them." -- attributed to George Orwell

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