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Posted (edited)

I have answered WHY 20 different ways.  Just read, and reread what is being written. 


It doesn't make getting gold any easier, because Obsidian controls how much gold gets released anyway.  The point of DAILY challenges is to get people back into the app frequently, if I had to guess.  That is Obisidians main reasoning for doing it, while also offering new ways to deliver unique content.  The reward for people who do so, and completing the challenge is gold.  But the CAP on gold is the same in both systems - At Max, it's 365 days x Daily Reward.  That's true if it's 24 hours, 48 hours, or 72 hours.  


You keep putting down my very sane and logically suggestions with just something that's not even true, but that's ok, right?  


How is it punishing players who play every day?


Two examples:


A person logs in every day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week.  (how it is now)


A person logs in every other day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week.  (how it could be)


There is no difference here for the hardcore.  The amount of time spent on challenges is the same. The amount of effort is the same.  The reward is the same.   Where is anyone getting punished in this scenario?  


People have even said, multiple times, and I agree, that the challenges themselves aren't that hard.  How is your 120 minutes spent total any different than my 120 minutes total spent? It's not, other than which 24 hour period you do them in.   The only difference currently is, if I have a real life engagement, I'm screwed, but if you have nothing to do, you are rewarded. 


So, based on your logic, assuming everything you said is true (it's not) customers who have more free time are more valued customers than those who do not??  That is literally the only argument you are making.  If that is how Obsidian actually sees customers (I don't believe it is), then I would stop using their app immediately and never support them again.  But you can! Go for it!


The truth is, Obsidian values all customers, wants to make money, and wants a mechanism that keeps people playing in the app frequently.  Upping the daily challenge system to mimic other SUCCESSFUL games would be a great start.   I believe they'll do it.  And I'll keep putting up the fight for them to do it.   

Edited by wakasm

How is it punishing players who play every day?


Two examples:


A person logs in every day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week.  (how it is now)


A person logs in every other day, spends 120 minutes total on challenges, gets 700 gold in a week.  (how it could be)


There is no difference here for the hardcore.  The amount of time spent on challenges is the same. The amount of effort is the same.  The reward is the same.   Where is anyone getting punished in this scenario? 

But the effort put into it is not the same... first person made the effort to log in every day and do the daily challenge on that same day. The second person didn't. And in your example they get the same reward. So yes, those who made the effort and log in every day would be punished by getting the same reward as those who don't make that effort. Or more to the point, those who don't make the effort to log in every day would get rewarded for such behavior.


In my personal opinion that is wrong and not something that should be done. We should reward effort, not convenience.

Posted (edited)

I thought this day would never come, but here it has: Wakasm and I completely agree on something! :)


Folks, I think we need to finally slay, mutilate, burn, and put in the ground this notion that "X is optional, so if you don't like X, your game experience doesn't change and you have no right to complain." Chests were optional, yet everybody complained about them to high heaven (some even boycotted the game because of them!), and changes were made. If something is in the game, it's fair game for critique. End of story.


The developer's job is to make a game that makes players feel good. Something that makes a large proportion of players feel bad is, by definition, bad game design. Even if the players are "wrong" based on some objective argument, it doesn't matter -- pleasing players is the fundamental goal of a game that overrides everything else, because if your players aren't pleased, then they'll stop being your players.


So Pink, I totally respect your liking of the daily challenge timing. However, trying to shut down criticism of the system by saying "it's optional, so if you don't like it, it doesn't affect you" doesn't logically work. If the developers add something that makes a lot of players feel bad, fixing it is their job regardless of how optional it is.


In the case of the daily challenges, I agree that Hearthstone's 3-slot system makes way more sense than the silly wheel Obsidian reinvented in its place. Some of these challenges take a long time, and it's an AWFUL feeling when you think you can do one, fail, run out of gaming time for that moment, and the challenge is gone the next time you're able to log on. Sure, the challenge is "optional," but if the game lures me into wasting a bunch of time by offering a reward and then taking it away at a random moment during the day, then the "it's optional" argument really crashes and burns.


Developers need to avoid "feels bad" moments whenever it's reasonable to do so. The daily challenge timer is a HUGE source of "feels bad" for players and there's no earthly reason for it to be. I hope it is changed in the future.

Edited by Borissimo
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

The truth is, Obsidian values all customers, wants to make money, and wants a mechanism that keeps people playing in the app frequently. Upping the daily challenge system to mimic other SUCCESSFUL games would be a great start. I believe they'll do it. And I'll keep putting up the fight for them to do it.


The truth is the mechanism to keep people playing the app frequently is already there. Your solution only encourages more people to have the same playing habit as you ( which is better and more convenient ). Lets say they change it to stackable unlimited time challenge, What would be prevent me to just login 2-3x weekly if we are just talking about completing challenges?


If i have 20 evades, 20 bane and X character / X scenario completion challenge stacked..I could just complete this in one go, in one login with the right party. Thats if average 200gold reward and if on legendary/full party..almost 1k gold in one completion. That there is broken.


But if i have to do them separately over 3 days..my gold reward will be a bit higher around 1650gold but it has should be understandable as it has taken me 3 scenarios and 3 days to complete them.


Obsidian can't make money if gold farming is too easy. Introducing the challenge actually makes it easier for gold in the long run as everybody anticipates the challenges and prepare accordingly. Stacking it makes it even easier because if I clear 3 in one go, the 2 other scenario I would have done without stacking is now easier as I don't have to limit myself to the challenge constraint. No one would spend on the game because of this.


And in the frequency of playing, this just encourages less logins as there is no incentive in login in everyday, and actually penalized everyday login goldwise.


Perhaps persistent daily challenge could work even optional change 1x. But Stackable Multiple quest is something bad as the game does not have the same business model as HS.

Edited by Bajie
Posted (edited)
Perhaps persistent daily challenge could work even optional change 1x. But Stackable Multiple quest is something bad as the game does not have the same business model as HS. 



Hearthstone has a more successful business model because the IP is larger, and there is a competitive scene built around it, which provides a hook for needing/wanting/getting more cards.  But they also offer similar gold sinks as well.  I can't stress that there are many more games with similar systems, who have learned that respecting a users time is pretty important to both avoid burn-out and to give realistic expectations to free time.  


However, Obsidian decided to copy the F2P aspects of similar systems instead of just charging for content, so they should copy the best parts of those as well.


The whole worry about 'too much farmable gold" is not a real argument, because they set what this is.  Again, the math checks out, and even if a person queues up 3 daily challenges, they get the same amount (not more) than someone who logs in daily.


Obidian also can just create more uses for gold... like releasing more content (see other threads), but they can also easily lower it, or raise prices, or find even more unique things to throw into treasure chests for collecting purposes.  (That is what the dice is, a gold sink and another reason to get treasure chests).  



What would be prevent me to just login 2-3x weekly if we are just talking about completing challenges?



Now you are getting it, nothing is stopping a person from doing this, that's the whole suggested point.  



If i have 20 evades, 20 bane and X character / X scenario completion challenge stacked..I could just complete this in one go, in one login with the right party. Thats if average 200gold reward and if on legendary/full party..almost 1k gold in one completion. That there is broken.



There is nothing broken about this scenario because you'd get the same amount of gold, if not more, doing it on separate days.    Plus, it feels good when the stars randomly align and you get synergy... like the actual game when you get items, etc that have synergy saving 20 minutes... and the game respects your time and allows you some freedom to do this.  Win. Win. win.  



Obsidian can't make money if gold farming is too easy. 



This is a whole different conversation... but literally everything you do in the game gives you gold, and daily challenges are not the fastest method to earn gold in this game, so it's not even something that is a factor.  It was their decision to make the game F2P, so it's up to them to monitor how much gold is being earned daily.  And they are, as they've previously shown.  


If you want to worry about gold farming and them not making money, blame the speed of content.  it's not that gold farming is too easy, is that ways to spend gold are too slow. (Obsidian has acknowledged this as a goal).


If they released content on a more frequent, bug-free, and on-time basis, even F2P players wouldn't be able to keep up and be forced into choices as to how to best spend their gold, and these choices would eventually force some to pay to keep up, or resist and miss out on new content.  Obviously, they've missed their mark on this, but they have said they are trying to improve it, so keeping fingers crossed on that.  



And in the frequency of playing, this just encourages less logins as there is no incentive in login in everyday, and actually penalized everyday login goldwise.



Less logins are fine.  I'm sure Obsidian has realistic goals on this. Any app that has frequent usage is considered successful. their major KPIs (key performance indicator) I am sure is not daily usage, but overall engagement on a whole...  and I am sure the stats that they will check on the most will be how the sales of each adventure path taper off, how often players drop out of adventure paths, how far people get in quests, etc.  


As long as they see users staying around and doing things, that's a win for them... which is why accessibility is really important!  Daily is pretty extreme, especially for an app that's still missing 50% of it's base content, lacking multiplayer, lacking features, has bugs, and is not competitive,  etc.   Obviously the amount of money they make is their biggest KPI, and i can only say that I believe making the daily challenges better is something that will help with that.  


However, it's not even a top priority.  I'd love to see them address 40 other things before they fix daily challenges... if that gives you any perspective on things. 

Edited by wakasm

Absolutely agree with Waksam. So far with the daily challenges I've seen, I think 1 of 5 actually improved/added something to the game. The other 4 were completely pointless.


The fun one was the "Complete mission blah only using Seoni". That was cool, gave me a reason to change up my usual grind. Still took me three goes (well more like 2 and one abort). Only issue would be if you don't actually own Seoni which is a genuine concern.


The others feel like weekly quests to me and poor ones at that. I see what's required and just don't bother. My time is better spent actually completing missions than trying to achieve something like 20 evasions - something I doubt I'd complete in a month of normal play.

To me the challenges seem to have the wrong idea. It's not fun to grind out an artificial series of actions in a really short time limit for a reward that doesn't keep pace with what you'd get just playing the game normally.


Instead of demanding the player to evade, a better challenge might be "Complete mission X. Rolls to defeat banes are increased by 10." which would actually encourage you to try to beat a mission with characters good at evading.

Same with "Hire 20 allies". A better challenge might be "Win a mission without discarding, burying, banishing or failing to acquire any allies."

Posted (edited)

I don't get it..you said Obsidian wants a mechanism that makes people play more frequently and when I said people will login less with your proposal without any penalty, you're saying its ok and its your whole point? Do you want people to play more or to play less?


And how is 1k gold reward for a single completion not broken and exploitable? If people can get the same gold logging once than logging thrice, which do you think will they prefer.


People that login daily now will login less, People that login less will stay the same. And if you think its an ok scenario for a game then I think you are wrong. If anything game should strive for those player that login less to login more frequently and make them set aside more of their free time to play it.


I have not yet played a game that encourages its player to login less.


HS quests, implementation or the quests itself, translate bad for this game you said yourself there is no competition built in game to hinder someone to fast easy gold. If you need to beat something 3x using Ezren here, you only need to play against the AI and the scenario itself which is pretty much set aside from the rng of location cards as compare to HS that beating someone 3x means 3 different players with 9 possible classes with infinite amount of decktype with a whole lotta chance of scrubing out.


I agree that making the challenge better (anything could be made better), i just don't think making the game HS-lite is e better option.


Convenience in a game like this should equate purchase. If players think they're losing on gold because they don't have the time to login daily and complete quest, there's always an option to buy gold. You have a character challenge you havent unlock yet, you should be tempted by the game to make that purchase and skip all that farming because you don't have the time. As much as the Challenges are for the players (extra gold) , i think it also have to do with revenue on the developer's side.

Edited by Bajie
Posted (edited)

Well, it seems we are at an impasse.  You misread almost every point, and came to your own conclusions that are in no way what I am saying.   


So I'll save my time and just argue in bullet points:  

  • Exploit - it's not
  • Encourages it's player to log in less - it's doesn't
  • Translates bad - it doesn't
  • Daily Quests aren't even the best way to get gold, so not relevant even as an argument
  • Temptation comes from rewarding content and things to unlock (see: every popular game ever + psychology)
  • Buying gold is always an option in all aspects of the app, not relevant to daily quests
  • Revenue is hurt more by 20 more important things still MIA than the daily quests (bugs, missing content, missing deadlines, etc)
  • burnout and inaccessibility kills games faster than less frequent logins (see: every popular game ever)
  • Daily quests legitimately have a MAX payout for people who can claim them 100% of the time... the devs know what this is... it's not some magical exploitative number that makes them lose money
Edited by wakasm
  • Like 1

We'll if you don't see how exploitable free easy gold is then you haven't come across farmers. The whole content as a whole cost 25$, i bet when this game is completed, you will see accounts for sale for less than that all content unlock all character unlock via gold. And where does that leave the developer?


Now it doesn't encourages player to login less when there is no incentive to login daily? When login in once in 3 days and playing less you get the same rewards as login in everyday?


How does it not translate bad when what your proposing is more free easy gold?


How is gold not relevant to Daily quest when we ask if your willing to take penalty for taking too long to complete it?


Your under the assumption everyone has unlock everything here when everyday I see post from new players asking for advice or something trivial?


If you havent unlock a character and the quest specify that character, how is not buying that character irrelevant to the ability to complete quest?


It always comes back to these things with you, yes revenue is hurt by those thing but do you really want to hurt it even more?


They are losing money everytime players choose to go F2P than buy stuff ingame and with your proposal the game will cater more to F2P more than ever, making paying clients think twice before purchasing anything.


How confusing it is when you say something ( make player play frequently ) then contradict it yourself ( its ok for people to login less ). Login in less is a sign of burnout, both things are bad for a game. And again with inaccesibility? What aspect of the game do you have no access to?

Posted (edited)

Ok, we can say simply that challenges have 2 different resolutions:


- a fast resolution, if you have all abilities you need AND characters you need AND unlocked scenarios you need AND high experience to link all that together AND you are open to stratagem for extra 150-200 gold. In other words if you are an expert player that burn gold because you have already 80%+ of discovered treasury card. No offense, just verification.

(I completely forgot about evade on top and General Store .. and I haven't used it later anyway)


- a slow resolution, if you miss ANY point of above. For new players or normal players (both p2p or f2p).

(If you don't have evade on top for example you have to play almost two hours to complete the challenge normally with medium quality decks)


We can also say that playing a normal game is what let us get fun in the game. So if you pass minutes on a stratagem to do 30 evade on top in a row is quite different and perhaps boring, and you do that just to have 150-200 gold fast.


So different play style for different players that get fun in similar way but not identical, with no difference between p2p or f2p categories.

Edited by RedPred
Posted (edited)

The misreading continues.  I might need a potion of healing soon if this keeps up.  

  • I'm familiar with gold farmers.  Daily gold is capped.  You can't farm more in a daily system.
  • The challenges are the same.  if I am able to do do a challenge on Monday, I'm most likely also able to do it on Tuesday.  The gold I get between days isn't what is going to make this "exploitable" (even though it's not even exploitable)
  • You keep stressing these extreme examples as if I have a choice what challenges I get, how hard they are, and how much they pay out, and how much they synergize with each other.  
  • Farmers will/already are exploiting the other sources of gold... its irrelevant 
  • Farmers will farm anyway, and there is no economy for them to break other than not paying for a FREE TO PLAY GAME
  • It's not more gold.  It's the exact same amount of gold 
  • I don't even talk about everyone having unlocked everything? 
  • i didn't talk about buying a character, or it's relevance?
  • No, i don't want revenue hurt even more... (now that is an assumption)  which is why this is a better alternative 
  • IF they are losing money, it's not from being F2P, because they decided to MAKE it F2P.  They are losing money from bad experiences, like bugs, missing content, slow content, people quitting because there is nothing new, etc, burn-out.  (which is all completely irrelevant to this post...)
  • IF they are losing money from gold grinding, it has nothing to do with daily quests, because as mentioned, it's not even the optimal way to get gold!

Now the big misguided response

  • Frequently (every 2-3 days) is just as healthy as Daily for an app.  Keeping someone in an ecosystem is healthy. 
  • There is nothing stopping or encouraging from being in the app daily in both scenarios
  • Daily, especially in a game that is missing content, is less healthy for everyone due to burn-out, except for those who want to be here daily, which is the minority of people, which has been pointed out multiple times

And the biggest one:

  • Inaccessibility is the whole point of this post... make the daily challenges more accessible, with a better system, like a queueable 3 quest system.  It's called a Quality of Life change.   Improving the accessibility of these challenges improves the QOL.  
  • The daily challenge system is like, the least priority in this game.  It doesn't even require this much discussion. 

At this point, I'm convinced you aren't even reading anything anymore and just coming up with random stuff lol.  


I mean, we can keep going forever!  Devs are watching this thread, so maybe it amuses them.  Just need popcorn!

Edited by wakasm
  • Like 1

Developers need to avoid "feels bad" moments whenever it's reasonable to do so. The daily challenge timer is a HUGE source of "feels bad" for players and there's no earthly reason for it to be. I hope it is changed in the future.


I feel a little bad about this, because the post this is quoted from is largely excellent. But this bit absolutely is not at all excellent.


I bought this game on Android, where it has sales figures in the tens of thousands. I don't have figures for other OS.


This thread has, charitably, including yourself, 7 or 8 people who express some kind of dissatisfaction with the daily challenges, and is dominated by 2 voluble posters who have a range of issues with them. There is no earthly justification for saying that there is a huge issue here. Any developers who immediately acted because 2 people on a forum were cross about a new mechanic, that appears to be working as designed, in a product owned, at least, by tens of thousands, would be absolutely barking mad.


The way gaming forums work is very simple. No matter what any change is made of any kind, someone, probably more than one someone, will immediately go onto the forum and complain, vocally about it. Every single time. If Obsidian sent every user a kitten, the very first thing that would happen would be someone logging on to the forum to start a thread vowing never to buy Obsidian products ever again because of their cat allergy. Nobody would initially log in going 'wow, thanks for the kitten guys, this kitten is awesome', even if the kittens made you breakfast and shot lasers out of their eyes at your least favourite political figures. They would probably only starting doing so once the anti-kitten guys started demanding free llamas or utahraptors instead.


That does not mean those issues are without foundation, and absolutely does not mean that the devs should not be listening. The fact that some people have enough of an issue to be motivated to post - and have made sensible suggestions - is worth hearing out, reflecting on.


But there is no justification with the numbers we have here to say that the devs have obviously made a mistake, that the devs are obviously lazy, incompetent or haven't thought this through, or that there is an issue here that obviously and immediately needs to be changed. Because the other thing about this thread is that quite a few people have also been motivated enough to post saying they don't see a problem. So the devs have to balance those people who say they aren't happy with those who say they are and consider that if they make changes, they have to make changes that make those people currently saying they're unhappy happier without annoying people who are currently happy. This is not always an easy balance.


Never, ever assume the views you express online are representative of anyone or anything other than your own, or that because some people say a thing online that thing is important or even true.

  • Like 5

Ok, we can say simply that challenges have 2 different resolutions:


- a fast resolution, if you have all abilities you need AND characters you need AND unlocked scenarios you need AND high experience to link all that together AND you are open to stratagem for extra 150-200 gold. In other words if you are an expert player that burn gold because you have already 80%+ of discovered treasury card. No offense, just verification.

(I completely forgot about evade on top and General Store .. and I haven't used it later anyway)


- a slow resolution, if you miss ANY point of above. For new players or normal players (both p2p or f2p).

(If you don't have evade on top for example you have to play almost two hours to complete the challenge normally with medium quality decks)


We can also say that playing a normal game is what let us get fun in the game. So if you pass minutes on a stratagem to do 30 evade on top in a row is quite different and perhaps boring, and you do that just to have 150-200 gold fast.


So different play style for different players that get fun in similar way but not identical, with no difference between p2p or f2p categories.

In both case, the challenges makes you invested a little more in the game either timewise or moneywise, which is good for the dev and in a long run good for the game.


The challenge doesn't let you not play the way you like, it opens a possibility that the game can be played outside your comfort zone and at leasts entices and offer you to play a different way. If this is not possible for you, then yeah, the challenge maybe not suited for your gameplay but of course you can still play the game you want the way you want it.


If you look at the current list of known challenges, most of them can be played in a single scenario (40 minutes even 30 minutes per is a bit slow stretch here), even with most basic cards or at the lowest of level (e.g. touched by the gods, 30 damages, 30 banes). Most of the complains here is that the mechanic is bad because I don't want/cant to login everyday when one of the reason it is put in the first place is to make you login daily.

  • Like 1

Not possible your interpretation. We are complaining because players that can do a scenarios a day because don't have half a day as others or don't remember all locations powers or don't have unlocked every ability/power or have simpler decks than yours need more than a single scenario per day to complete almost all the challenge.


Easy solution: maintaining active the challenge for more than a single day.


But there are players that absolutely disagree if a student who have to study all the night for an examination or a guy with a family that have to take care of his children or the worker with a longer day in office can complete a funny challenge... they have to lose that possibility! how pathetic they sound!


All for the exclusive right to be the only true expert of the game that earn 150 game currency bonus a day.... no words to say how unhappy they appear!


Philosophic reasoning about cash income reduction of a great software company who decided to release a f2p game of a wonderful board game! ... no words to say how incompetent these statements are in a business contest......


I have better chance to explain Np-hard problem to a child... 


How is it not possible to complete something as assisting someone 15x in a day? As of now,some players are gathering data for existing challenges and how to complete them so those having a hardtime with it can have an idea how to approach it efficiently?


And the solution I'm against is Stackable multiple unlimited time quest..persistent single quest that doesnt change if you done complete or abandon it would be ok for compromise.



And again, if youre not complaining about missing out on gold, there is a list currently being made on existing challenge which you can look and choose and compete on your own when you are able to play to begin with.


Its not about exclusivity, its about offering someone who plays it frequently some reward apart from someone who occassionally play. Because a game should behave like that..the more you play, the more it should reward you because if not whats the point of playing more?


Because the business model of a F2P game without exclusive content for paying customer and without some competitive environment should have something leaning towards the paying client more favorably. With the introduction of an additional gold generation swings the game more favorable to me as a F2P player?


And what is the daily cap for gold gain here, I haven't encountered it before..i'm playing today and passed 2k gold on legendary today in a short amount of time (not because im "pro", its because its doable) and if an AP cost 4k gold, thats almost half the cost which begs to question why would someone pay for it in real money when its so easy to just buy it in gold ingame?


And this is why western civilization is going to crash and burn... in face of adversity (no matter how small or inconsequential) we no longer try to surpass and overcome it. We no longer try to adapt. We whine and complain (or at least some of us).


Today it's Daily challenges, few weeks ago it was Nighbelly Boa in Quest mode and next week will be something else.

  • Like 2

This is the problem with opinions:



I'm a customer.  I'm allowed to apply feedback and want things. This is how capitalism and being a consumer works. 


The game would be better if they implemented this. 




I'm a customer.  I'm allowed to apply feedback and want things.  This is how capitalism and being a consumer works. (These last two aren't actually accurate, but we'll ignore them for now)


The game would be terrible if they implemented wakasm's ideas.


See the problem?  You argue that Obsidian should implement something because you like it in another game.  Great.  You've voiced your opinion.  Good job.  But this isn't another game.  And the Obsidian devs, while grateful I'm sure for feedback, don't need you to tell them how to do their job.


I think the current system is great.  And there's a reason I play this game instead of others like Hearthstone.  I don't like the way other games are designed and I do this game.


But my opinion doesn't trump yours, it's just different.  And no, you'll never convince me that your opinion is better.  

  • Like 1

Also, just because someone can't complete a daily challenge doesn't mean there's a problem with the challenge system.  The challenges are there for those who wan't to do them.  If you don't want to, don't.  If you can't, then the challenge isn't for you.  


I don't want the daily challenges turned into non-challenges by allowing them to sit around.  


Maybe the devs will introduce 3-day duration challenges.  Some will be just as easy as the current ones for those who don't/can't log in every day.  Others will be harder, multi-part challenges for folks like me.  


Not all content has to be accessible to all play styles.

  • Like 1

I can't believe this topic has gotten so controversial.  In the overall scheme of things, this feature (in my opinion) is such a minor aspect of the game.  It's a cute little bonus that I'll do them if I feel like it and won't if I don't.  Then again, I actually paid for the game, so the gold isn't that big of a deal for me and I get plenty of it playing Quest Mode.  To each their own, I guess.

  • Like 1

Wow, I am kinda shocked to see so much emotion attached to a new feature that is only a week old. First, i would like to applaud the developers for adding something new. I personally look forward to 5 pm each day to see what the new challenge is. I had earlier started a thread regarding keeping interest in the game while we (continue to) wait for AD4. I find the daily challenge a nice solution at least for me. It gives me a reason to log on and play a little everyday. I understand people are busy I am a full time Pediatrician and mom to 2 kids - often working long hours and weekends, but I still can manage a little bit of time each day. And if I don't manage to log in or finish the challenge -- I didn't actually LOSE anything. I just didn't gain something extra. 

I acknowledge that no new feature will be loved by everyone, but this thread does seem to have lost its original topic -- of allowing MULTIPLE users to express their ideas regarding this very new feature.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

I can't believe this topic has gotten so controversial.  In the overall scheme of things, this feature (in my opinion) is such a minor aspect of the game.  It's a cute little bonus that I'll do them if I feel like it and won't if I don't.  Then again, I actually paid for the game, so the gold isn't that big of a deal for me and I get plenty of it playing Quest Mode.  To each their own, I guess.


I agree that this daily quest feature is small and most likely not a huge priority (which I have stated multiple times).  However, in the grand scheme of things, this is, in my opinion, another small thing that can be improved upon, and thus, should not be swept under the rug as it all adds up. 


This thread got so long, because as usual, certain members of this forum think it's ok to trivialize other's opinions if their opinions are negative, vs just letting people post their opinions and be done with it. 


Either way, the devs have said they are looking into it, and there have been mostly good points brought up on both sides, and multiple people have said they agree or disagree.  So it's not like a 1-off issue and a good debate is good for everyone. 


At end of the day - this is a FORUM.  A place for people to discuss anything related to the Pathfinder Adventures App.  People who think otherwise, or who think all comments should either be short, positive, or whatever mold they see fit really should realize how the internet and being a consumer works. 



Wow, Chris_R, you should post more.

Just not in this thread. It's stinky and should be left alone now.


Yes, we understand, you already pointed out that we as consumers are not entitled to things we want.  <link>


Yes, we understand we should go play something else if we are unhappy. <link>


Yes, our opinions are stinky, and our discussions should be left alone... thanks for that too. <link>


This should all be stickied somewhere so people don't come into these forums and try to leave feedback.  Can a mod sticky these for newcomers? Please?

Edited by wakasm

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