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Blame Social Justice Warriors for Donald Trump


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Before i enter the discussion, have we even established on what we should measure as greatness in a civilization? 

Their thoughts and views on breakfast


Is it always the first meal of the day? Does it have to be in the morning? Before a certain hour? Contain certain items? First meal after waking?

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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Well I would never be so insensitive to make a statement like that to someone living in poverty....that would be unhelpful to there reality?


No, you would just say it behind the comfort of the internet.




It makes no sense what you saying.....seriously, think about your criticism


Are you suggesting we shouldn't make any true statements about the reality of the world on a medium like a forum?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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It makes no sense what you saying.....seriously, think about your criticism


Are you suggesting we shouldn't make any true statements about the reality of the world on a medium like a forum?


It makes perfect sense.


Let me ask you this. If you are making true statements, then what is the line between poverty and extreme poverty.

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It makes no sense what you saying.....seriously, think about your criticism


Are you suggesting we shouldn't make any true statements about the reality of the world on a medium like a forum?


It makes perfect sense.


Let me ask you this. If you are making true statements, then what is the line between poverty and extreme poverty.




Does it make a difference when we debate semantics around terms of poverty?



Why dont you just acknowledge its a global problem but more people than ever before are getting out of extreme poverty 



"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Does it make a difference when we debate semantics around terms of poverty?


Why dont you just acknowledge its a global problem but more people than ever before are getting out of extreme poverty 





It's not semantics at all. You set a criteria that included extreme poverty. By your own link, 1.2 Billion live in extreme poverty as of 2010. You have also said:


"more people live outside of extreme poverty than ever before"


And yet, while one could argue that people do live inside of extreme poverty, pushing the dollar/wage up could in fact be hiding the real figure of poverty and extreme poverty. Interesting to note a dollar/wage value has been set as the line between poverty and extreme poverty. And there are criticisms of this by your own link.


Also, by your own link and the trajectory of zero extreme poverty, wouldn't we be heading to a golden age around 2030-2035 by your own metrics?

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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Does it make a difference when we debate semantics around terms of poverty?


Why dont you just acknowledge its a global problem but more people than ever before are getting out of extreme poverty 





It's not semantics at all. You set a criteria that included extreme poverty. By your own link, 1.2 Billion live in extreme poverty as of 2010. You have also said:


"more people live outside of extreme poverty than ever before"


And yet, while one could argue that people do live inside of extreme poverty, pushing the dollar/wage up could in fact be hiding the real figure of poverty and extreme poverty. Interesting to note a dollar/wage value has been set as the line between poverty and extreme poverty. And there are criticisms of this by your own link.


Also, by your own link and the trajectory of zero extreme poverty, wouldn't we be heading to a golden age around 2030-2035 by your own metrics?


Why is your definition of the golden age a world where no poverty exists?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Why is your definition of the golden age a world where no poverty exists?


That's not my definition. That's your definition. One of your criteria is:


"more people live outside of extreme poverty than ever before"


According to your link, in 2030-2035, more people should be living outside of extreme poverty than ever before (2016).


Therefore, would not the golden age be around 2030-2035?

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Plus, the word poverity is menaingless unless you talk about what and where. Someone considered poor in Kanada is  finanically better off than poor in say the ME.



Also, Bruce goes on and on how men have it 'easy' yet seems to ignore the fact they commit suicides at a much higher rate, are inprisoned more harshly and for longer terms than woman,  when all things are considered even will lose custody of their child, have no real legal reproductions rights (though thankfuully that is finally getting some push back), are more likely to be victims of rape, assault, and murder.   And, of coruse when it is brought up even by women men are still mocked for it and are told to 'man up' While a woman is automatically comforted.


And, the fatc that   the West might be better off than some ancient time does not impress me at all. I'm more concerned about the PRESENT and the FUTURE not the PAST.


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I am checking my books, but I can't seem to find anything about feminism, language, and welfare causing the collapse of the Roman Empire.


We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?

The fall of the Roman Empire began when they gave citizenship to everyone instead of making people earn it through service to the empire. And last I heard, the only other time in history that had a major feminist movement was during the fall of the Roman empire. Correlation doesn't equal causation and all, but something to think about.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Which Roman Empire, which fall, and how are we defining "major feminist movement"?

Edited by Bartimaeus
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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Can you point to a time in western civilization where things were better?


Of course. There are many, though on different specific levels.


However, this is quite an open ended and consequently a somewhat subjective question. If you can't point to a time in western civilization's history where some aspects of it were not better than 2016, I seriously question your credentials as a history teacher, and even just as a presumably conscious person who has spent at least a few decades on the planet.


Speaking about western civilization overall though is quite a broad topic. You were the one that said we were in a golden age. A notion I wholeheartedly reject. Doing so doesn't make me some kind of 'Negative Nancy' who doesn't enjoy life as you imply, doing so is just acknowledging reality. You yourself might be in a personal golden age, and if that's true, very good for you, but western society at large is definitely not.


While there are indeed bright shiny islands of great goodness out there in the western world in 2016, the overall health of western civilization has possibly never been worse, and it's outlook arguably never bleaker. The failure of some such as yourself to recognize the ailments, and focus only on the good is nothing short of akin to a heroine addict only focusing on the good aspects of their drug and pretending their addiction isn't having a negative affect on their life and may ultimately end it.


My guess is you're guilty of what many are, and that's projecting one's life situation, be it good or bad, outward upon the world. That's somewhat natural to a degree, but it is anything but objective.


The overall picture aside though, here's a semi humorous yet poignant reflection of some aspects of life in western civilization in a song (written during what I would say were overall better times for western civ ;)):

and here's just a poignant reflection...





Yes, Jimmy Buffet has some answers if not even some medicine to some of what plagues modern western civilization.



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Did you feel that answered my question?



I mean, it was an interesting post from a slightly morose and somewhat haughty perspective, and it wrapped up nicely with some good music.  But I don't believe it did anything to answer the question.   :shrugz:

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Did you feel that answered my question?



I mean, it was an interesting post from a slightly morose and somewhat haughty perspective, and it wrapped up nicely with some good music.  But I don't believe it did anything to answer the question.   :shrugz:


Oh there's a few answers there, abstract and direct. You apparently just missed them. I suggest you read again, a bit more closely. The direct one at least should jump out at you eventually if the abstract ones do not. ;)


The illness is yours if you interpret what i wrote as 'morose and somewhat haughty'.

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 I suggest you read again, a bit more closely. 



I tend to feel the impetus is on the poster to make sure they are understood.  







While there are indeed bright shiny islands of great goodness out there in the western world in 2016, the overall health of western civilization has possibly never been worse, and it's outlook arguably never bleaker. The failure of some such as yourself to recognize the ailments, and focus only on the good is nothing short of akin to a heroine addict only focusing on the good aspects of their drug and pretending their addiction isn't having a negative affect on their life and may ultimately end it.


This is morose.  Whether it is true or not, that's pretty much a textbook definition for what you've written.  

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We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?


Some would settle for being allowed to take a bathroom break.


Golden age, no doubt. But for whom?



Yes the austerity is still necessary....its not a big deal,  I know you will come through it stronger  :thumbsup:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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We live in a Golden Age, don't you ever take any time to enjoy it?


Some would settle for being allowed to take a bathroom break.


Golden age, no doubt. But for whom?


It's been documented that some of the large chicken companies import illegals to work at essentially slave wages in their processing plants. One of the big advantages of having illegals do the work is that the employer can largely ignore various labor laws.


'We Feed the World'

'Food Inc' *

'Future of Food' **


I forget which documentary it was (as I watched them all many years ago now), but one of the above addresses the issue fairly well. All of the above are well worth watching.


Also, I don't recommend eating chicken from any of the major companies for a variety of reasons. Find a local farmer who is raises their chickens free range style and doesn't pump them full of all sorts of drugs. Not easy in many places (I have to drive over an hour from where I live myself to get such chicken), but the difference in quality is huge, as might be the difference for your health in the long run.




* - I think it was this documentary

** - There's more than one documentary with this name, you want the one with Jeffrey Smith in it.



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