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Bad year to be named Lincoln in a show.


Hive's true face looked so good I wish they had the budget to keep him like that more often.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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RE: MacGuyver remake -


The mention of his dad in the trailer makes me wonder if they're angling to get Richard Dean Anderson to play his dad.

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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CW should be called the DC network.


Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow Mega-Crossover Coming



I think they are all their highest rated shows too.


Apparently Riverdale is a murder mystery and Archie is nailing Ms Grundy.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Yeah, they're its three highest rated shows, and Flash usually beats its Fox/ ABC competitors too which is pretty much unprecedented. Having said that, LoT probably didn't do as well as they hoped since it must be pretty expensive to make, and Arrow's ratings have declined markedly.

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Arrow's ratings have declined markedly.


Correlating with a similar decline in quality. I theorize that in this instance correlation does indeed imply causation.



Needs better villains. Damien Dahrk hasn't been as compelling over the whole season arc as Deathstroke was or even Raz Al Ghul. Maybe they need to go to half season arcs like Once Upon a Time does.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Plus they're about to hit the point where they lose the flashback parts. The whole "five years previous" will be catching up to Oliver leaving the island fairly soon. That'll shift the storytelling process somewhat.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Needs better villains. Damien Dahrk hasn't been as compelling over the whole season arc as Deathstroke was or even Raz Al Ghul. Maybe they need to go to half season arcs like Once Upon a Time does.



I wouldn't blame Dahrk per se- after all, he can only be as compelling as he is written and Neal McDonough has done a pretty good job with what he's been given. To me the main problem is that the writing is just plain poor, not in its entirety but it feels like different sections of even the same episode were written by different people communicating by carrier pigeon. The result of that is that it just ain't good, everything specific is just detail. The storyline makes little consistent sense (why reassemble Dahrk's totem at all once it was smashed let alone keep it in the least secure place in TV history, just about anything Malcolm Merlyn related), uses deus ex machina (chips that make people walk again, ICBM control wotsit that might as well be magic (plus russian icbms using US military run GPS for guidance and Kaliningrad being in far Siberia), anything related to hacking/ magic/ or how well or poorly people fight, for someone who feeds on death Dahrk seems awfully reticent to kill the good guys exc Laurel and that really was them writing themselves into a corner) and has far too much patented CW Emo Drama. Up until 3 (?) episodes ago we didn't really have a clue what Dahrk's plan was then it was all kind of spewed out in one ep.


Having said that, S2 of arrow had quite a OUaT type structure- Slade didn't show up in present time until around the half way point of the season.


Thing is though, Flash actually has a lot of those problems too, as did Arrow S2. Speedforce is basically a giant deus ex machina, Barry often acts like an idiot, the whole telling Patty he's the flash or not Drama. But it manages to get away with it by being compelling and charming enough otherwise that you're willing to forgive the problems as being minor, because they are. Arrow though is a sea of niggles at this point with very little either compelling or charming to balance it.

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Needs better villains. Damien Dahrk hasn't been as compelling over the whole season arc as Deathstroke was or even Raz Al Ghul. Maybe they need to go to half season arcs like Once Upon a Time does.


I wouldn't blame Dahrk per se- after all, he can only be as compelling as he is written and Neal McDonough has done a pretty good job with what he's been given. To me the main problem is that the writing is just plain poor, not in its entirety but it feels like different sections of even the same episode were written by different people communicating by carrier pigeon. The result of that is that it just ain't good, everything specific is just detail. The storyline makes little consistent sense (why reassemble Dahrk's totem at all once it was smashed let alone keep it in the least secure place in TV history, just about anything Malcolm Merlyn related), uses deus ex machina (chips that make people walk again, ICBM control wotsit that might as well be magic (plus russian icbms using US military run GPS for guidance and Kaliningrad being in far Siberia), anything related to hacking/ magic/ or how well or poorly people fight, for someone who feeds on death Dahrk seems awfully reticent to kill the good guys exc Laurel and that really was them writing themselves into a corner) and has far too much patented CW Emo Drama. Up until 3 (?) episodes ago we didn't really have a clue what Dahrk's plan was then it was all kind of spewed out in one ep.


Having said that, S2 of arrow had quite a OUaT type structure- Slade didn't show up in present time until around the half way point of the season.


Thing is though, Flash actually has a lot of those problems too, as did Arrow S2. Speedforce is basically a giant deus ex machina, Barry often acts like an idiot, the whole telling Patty he's the flash or not Drama. But it manages to get away with it by being compelling and charming enough otherwise that you're willing to forgive the problems as being minor, because they are. Arrow though is a sea of niggles at this point with very little either compelling or charming to balance it.

Arrow needs Ollie to have a Speed Force moment and bring in his jokey optimistic personality.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Finished watching this and the main character is just plain terrible and the story is all over the place. The writers have done a good job in making the Alex character so unlikeable that I find myself wishing the terrorist would blow her up instead. Priyanka's partner is now gone. Who was he? Who cares? We weren't introduced very much so there's no opportunity to get this know him so when he's gone, there's nothing. What's his name? With all the backfires Priyanka has given the FBI you'd think they'd fire her by now.


I'm convinced the writing team sit around watching The Bachelor and Big Brother then work out how they can incorporate the bullcrap drama into this show each week. The show requires such unsustainable levels of disbelief to get the 'reward' that I can understand why so many people are ditching it. I'm surprised that this got green lit for a second season.

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Apparently Riverdale is a murder mystery and Archie is nailing Ms Grundy.


Rumor has it Archie's blackmailing her as well. And she's a music teacher.


I can take a lot of changes - and its not like comic Archie has never hit on a new young teacher before, so him having a relationship with...okay, its weird but I can tie it into the classic series. But Archie is ultimately the bumbler with a heart of gold; Reggie would blackmail, Archie wouldn't. And we all know Mrs. Grundy is a history teacher, which makes me wonder if this Music Teacher Grundy is the younger sister/daughter/niece of classic Grundy. 


Anyhow, as much as Afterlife with Archie and Sabrina push the characters into new genre's but keep them akin to the classic characters, I can't help but think this might actually be a step too far.  Riverdale as a Twin Peaks-esque town I can buy, but only if the characters remain - at their core - true.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Saw the first episode of Preacher.


The initial thoughts are favourable, although it looks like they're doing the slow burn build up. Of course, the second episode might shift that.

It's kind of amusing that for a show that starts out set in Texas, a bunch of the main actors are originally from the UK. That, and that the Irish character is played by a Brit, while the Irish actress is playing a Texan.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Good Lord were you chaps right about season 4 of Babylon 5, those two massive arcs squeezed into that one season felt rushed and really quite disjointed. In truth its sapped my desire to watch season 5 somewhat.


Oddly enough i've been playing Sacred Gold on and off for quite a while and stumbled upon an easter egg recently, a hidden Shadow ship that proceeded to zap me with its purple laser. The room before has "If you go to Zhadun you will die" spelled out in large letters on the floor as well.

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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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The final episode is a "twenty years after" one. The final days of the Babylon 5 station, it has some AMAZING music for the score. Plus the rather nice touch of JMS himself playing the janitor who turns out the lights for the last time.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Watched the fourth episode of Houdini and Doyle, taking on Springheel'd Jack.  Also, they introduce a mystery regarding the lady constable.  Having established Houdini as having a back injury earlier, they establish him as an Opium user here for the pain; I think neither is historical but I could be mistaken.  Springheel'd Jack was a real (and still unexplained) phenomenon, and they leave the "monster of the week" out there.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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le sigh.

I already put that up the other month and then reported on the series when it first came out in the UK. 


Oh my fragile ego is utterly shattered that people on the internet don't read old forum posts... :-

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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le sigh.

I already put that up the other month and then reported on the series when it first came out in the UK. 


Oh my fragile ego is utterly shattered that people on the internet don't read old forum posts... :-


I did check back a month and didn't see it - so the credit is still yours.  Amazon just added it their upcoming releases so just consider this a reminder.    :)

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