Nadrac Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 (edited) All intended for potd party play. Initially i just wanted to make one or two, then i started thinking what could be the ideal build for them, and made some more, was fun.Don't hesitate to use whatever you need, that especially goes for armors, front liners have to rock the plate or very close to it, and guys in the back may need to use it as well, if there is a real of chance of getting overrun, but usually their choice of attire can be more greedy. Wizard"You thought Aloth was weak" Reveal hidden contents Tanky control mage, pick control spells and the essential phantom and use a small shield.Mig 3Con 10Dex 8Per 18Int 18+Res 18 TalentsWeapon and Shield styleCautious AttackSuperior deflectionArcane VeilBonus 1st level spellBonus 2nd level spell Favored Spells1SlickenChill Fog Fleet Feet2Curse of Blackended SightBewildering SpectacleMiasma of Dull-MindednessInfuse With Vital Essence3Expose Vulnerabilities Llengrath's Displaced Image Ryngrim's Repulsive VisageArcane Dampener4Essential PhantomConfusionDimensional Shift5Call to Slumber6Gaze of AdraganAkremyr's Capricious Hex "I go down in every fight that matters" Reveal hidden contents Offensive mage, blast away with a wand and nuke guys Mig 18+Con 10Dex 12Per 3Int 18Res 14 TalentsScion of FlameBlastArcane VeilHardened VeilSecrets of RimeBonus 1st Level Spell / Superior deflection Favored Spells1SlickenChill Fog Fan of FlamesFleet Feet2Curse of Blackended SightBewildering SpectacleMiasma of Dull-MindednessInfuse With Vital Essence3Noxious Burst Fireball Kalakoth's Minor Blights (Good before level 9)Llengrath's Displaced Image4Essential PhantomConfusionWall of Flame5Call to SlumberBlast of Frost Malignant Cloud6Gaze of Adragan Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar Druid "I can do everything" Reveal hidden contents He really can, also has best damage spells. Mig 18+Con 10Dex 8Per 3Int 18Res 18 TalentsWeapon and Shield styleCautious AttackSecrets of RimeSuperior deflectionHeart of the StormBonus 2nd level spell Favored Spells1SunbeamWinter WindTalon's Reach2Blizzard3Returning Storm4MoonwellConjure BlightCalling the World's Maw5Relentless Storm6Conjure Greater Blight Priest"As long as i don't die we are in it" Reveal hidden contents Dying words of a well rounded priest. Just kidding, he prevents death too. Unless party health runs out your guys will keep kicking, and quite hard. Mig 18Con 10Dex 10Per 3Int 18+Res 16 TalentsInterdictionWeapon and Shield styleCautious AttackInspiring RadianceSuperior deflectionBonus 2nd level spell Favored Spells1Armor of FaithBlessingWithdraw2Iconic ProjectionConsecrated GroundRepulsing Seal (after l11)3Pillar of Faith4Devotions for the Faithful5Shields for the FaithfulRevive the Fallen6Spark the Souls of the Righteous Chanter "Just wait until the ogres show up" Reveal hidden contents Tank chanter, focus on summons/buffs and somewhat foe disables. Keep in mind bigger shields also penalize the accuracy of chants and invocations, but that doesn't apply to buffs and summons, they automatically succeed. According to combat log, ancient memory and beloved spirits does not scale with mig, nor does any of the chants duration scale with intelligence or their power with mig, but their aoe does scale with intelligence, starting aoe looks to be about 5m. Invocations do scale fully with both. Aefyllath Ues Mtih Fyr - seemed to be turned off, not working Mig 3Con 18Dex 3Per 15Int 18+Res 18 TalentsWeapon and Shield styleAncient MemorySuperior deflectionCautious AttackBeloved SpiritsOne-Handed Style / Bears Fortitude Favored Chants 1 Come, Come Soft Winds of death Blessed Was Wengridh, Quickest of His Tride 2 Lo, their Endless Host, the Harbingers Doom Sure-Handed Ila Nocked Her Arrows with Speed 3 The Dragon Thrashed, the Dragon Wailed (scion of flame has no effect on it) Favored Invocations 1 But Reny Daret's Ghost, He Would not Rest The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas 2 Gernisc Slew the Beast, but Soon Faces Its Kin At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff 3 Oh, But Knock Not on the Door of Urdel and Gurdel Gernisc's Beast Lit the Night with his Breath Rise Again, Rise Again, Scions of Adon! (if you can't use a resurrect scroll, instead the previous one) Rogue "I can still cut people" Reveal hidden contents Melee dps with good survivability but best paired with controllers, of course using plate armor always. Mig 18+Con 10Dex 18Per 12Int 3Res 14 AbilitiesBlinding StrikeReckless Assault Dirty FightingRiposteAdept EvasionDeathblows TalentsWf: Ruffian Two Weapon StyleDeflecting Assault Superior DeflectionVicious FightingBloody Slaughter "Buckshot" Reveal hidden contents Ranged rogue with strong burst, uses blunderbuss later. Mig 18+Con 15Dex 18Per 3Int 5Res 16AbilitiesBlinding StrikeCrippling StrikeDeep WoundsDirty FightingFinishing BlowDeathblows TalentsMarksmanShadowing BeyondGunnerWf: RuffianPenetrating ShotVicious Fighting Fighter "I thought i was the dps" Reveal hidden contents General use "tank" with very decent auto attack, strong with retaliate, enough for anything. Can go without shield too. I don't see much point in dedicated dps fighters. Mig 18+Con 10Dex 8Per 18Int 3Res 18+Abilities Knock DownDefenderConfident Aim Armored GraceWeapon Specialization: RuffianUnbroken TalentsWeapon and Shield styleWary DefenderSuperior DeflectionOne-Handed StyleWf: RuffianWeapon Mastery: Ruffian Paladin "I joined the Kind Wayfarers to kill people" Reveal hidden contents Paladin make ok pure tanks, ranged is obviously not their specialty, nor they stand out in melee dps role. Their supportive skills aren't that impressive either. "On kill" what makes paladin unique and frankly carry his weight in the extended fights of potd. There is the issue of int, aura starts with 2,5 meter range, that's never going to reach the guys in the back, but can easily reach your teammates on either side of you, with even half the range, auras also tend to get suppressed by superior spells so for example you can skip Armor of Faith if paladin already provides much of that effect for the front line. Even 5m range Inspiring Triumph have trouble considering ranged weapons and spells fly from 8+ meters away and you need to invest heavily to come even close, and int for per encounter abilities is lackluster mainly because those abilities are marginal or situational. This guy makes an excellent retaliation tank, and heals the front liners, he does not have high dps, but he only needs to lasthit. Resurrect is not picked up because it's terrible with high mig low int, and actually not that good to begin with, just have have 6 lore and 2 res scrolls, it's 225 copper for two and it's far superior. Mig 18+Con 18Dex 3Per 15Int 3Res 18 Kind Wayfarers Abilities Flames of Devotion Zealous Endurance Inspiring Triumph Lay on Hands Righteous Soul Sworn Enemy TalentsStrange MercyWeapon and Shield Style Superior Deflection One-Handed Style Cautious Attack Wf: Ruffian (or of any good one hander you have) / The Sword and the Shepherd Cipher "Puppeteer" Reveal hidden contents Stays back and does real dps, while all your opponents are disabled or punching each other. Prefer ranged weapons early, later build into blunderbuss, and focus weak opponents to charge as much focus as possible. Mig 18Con 8Dex 14Per 3Int 18+Res 14 TalentsBiting Whip GunnerWf: Ruffian Draining Whip Penetrating ShotMarksman Favorite spells 1 Mind Wave Whisper Of Treason Eyestrike 2 Mental Binding 4 Pain Block 5 Ringleader Tactical meld (before fight) Borrowed Instinct (start of fight) 6 Amplified Wave Disintegration "I am no baby like the Puppeteer" Reveal hidden contents Controlling offtank. Can take advantage of strong beam spells. Mig 18Con 15Dex 3Per 3Int 18+Res 18 TalentsWeapon and Shield styleBiting WhipSuperior Deflection Cautious AttackOne-Handed Style Draining Whip Favorite spells 1 Antipathetic Field Mind Wave Whisper Of Treason Eyestrike 2 Mental Binding 3 Ectopsycic echo 4 Pain Block Body Attunement 5 Ringleader Tactical meld (before fight) Borrowed Instinct (start of fight) 6 Amplified Wave Disintegration Barbarian "Conan" Reveal hidden contents One stands alone gives flat 20 damage to your attacks, that's crazy, highly encouraged to use fast dual wield, and carnage also gives extra attacks to nearby enemies close to your target, albeit i don't feel that advantage should be strongly built on, barbarian is not a guy who you want to send in to get completely surrounded, just enough, and situationally you may want the weaker mobs to not die before stronger one goes down, especially if they are disabled. 3 int is still enough to affect them next to your target. Default is 2 meters. Res is preferred over per because preventing interrupts is more valuable even with dual wield very fast style, and it balances the saves.Mig 18+Con 18Dex 18Per 3Int 3Res 15 Abilities FrenzySavage DefianceOne Stands Alone Thick-skinnedBloodedBloodlust TalentsTwo Weapon StyleWf: Noble / Wf: Ruffian Superior Deflection Accurate Carnage Bloody SlaughterVulnerable Attack (for high dr targets with fast weapons when no one is around) Ranger "Bounty hunter" Reveal hidden contents You know over time there is only one thing matters, being smart, with Marked Prey you guarantee the death of targets, as you get more experienced at level 11 you can keep any target who you can still hit stunned indefinitely. There is no one to tell tales about close fights with you, if it was him and you, he is rotting, definitely without his head if there was a bounty on it. Mig 18+Con 8Dex 18Per 3Int 18Res 10 Favorite Animal Companion Bear Abilities Marked Prey (+35% instead of +20)Vicious AimStalkers Link Driving FlightArrow SenseStunning Shots TalentsResilient Companion Wf: PeasantMarksman Penetrating Shot Superior Deflection Vicious Companion "Knight of the Black Army" Reveal hidden contents You solve your problems by shooting them in the face with the biggest gun, but that's not all you can do. Swift Aim and Wounding Shot works with melee weapons, Vicious Aim does not. Wf: Soldier also gives access to pikes and great swords, and there is one easy to get superb great sword usually no one wants. Melee damage is usually superior, that is also true for the ranger even with Swift Aim until he gets Driving Flight at level 7. After 7 the ranged option is better if the shot can bounce even close range and perfectly usable due to our high resolve, melee is backup plan. Two-Handed Style can included instead of Marksman or Superior Deflection, maybe even Resilient Companion companion if you are heartless. poor bear. Mig 18+Con 18Dex 18Per 3Int 3Res 15 Favorite Animal Companion Bear Abilities Wounding ShotSwift AimStalkers Link Driving FlightArrow SenseDefensive Bond / Stunning Shots Talents - Ranged PreferenceResilient Companion Swift and Steady Wf: Soldier Gunner Marksman Superior Deflection "Adventurer" Reveal hidden contents You were on the road as long as you can remember, there was no one else to solve your problems for you but your best friend helped who you take good care of. You didn't have fancy guns, but you were always able to outperform any gun user, and if it came to close combat, there were few more deadly than you. Mig 18+Con 18Dex 18Per 3Int 3Res 15 Favorite Animal Companion Bear Abilities Wounding ShotVicious AimStalkers Link Driving FlightArrow SenseMarked Prey / Stunning Shots TalentsResilient Companion Wf: Adventurer Ranged Preference Penetrating Shot Marksman Superior Deflection Two-Handed Style Melee Preference Two-Handed Style Superior Deflection Penetrating Shot Marksman Monk "Fisticuffs" Reveal hidden contents Damage focused but can easily transition into an offtank, and have decent survivability anyway. There is an alternative build the smarter and more defensive force of anguish tank, but even this build can pick up the skill instead of soul mirror or stunning blow, but supports in the back are much better at disabling, monk doesn't mind taking some damage anyway and points into his dps pay off more. Mig 18+Con 18Dex 18Per 3Int 4 (he needs 4 to make sure Rooting Pain can reach targets in melee range, you can get it later)Res 14 Abilities Torment's ReachTurning Wheel Stunning Blow Rooting PainDuality of Mortal Presence Soul Mirror Talents Two Weapon StyleWf: Peasant Lesser WoundSuperior Deflection Scion of Flame (w Fire Godlike) / Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style + One-Handed Style Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style / Bull's Will Edited April 23, 2015 by Nadrac 3
dukefx Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 That "I can still cut people" is very similar to my PotD rogue.
knownastherat Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 I have Nature Druid like that, Treehug. That build works for me.
Nadrac Posted April 22, 2015 Author Posted April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 12:46 AM, voad1 said: Why wf noble for the barb? It gives access to two accurate fast weapons, exactly what we want with damage bonus, also no one else picks Wf: Noble and great weapons are limited. Runner up would be Wf: Ruffian, it's a strong alternative but becomes weaker if other party members hope to use some of those melee weapons.
drumther Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I loved my glass-cannon wizard on PotD, probably the least gear-dependant character with higher damage output. Obviously, not an option for a solo run but it's really fun to wipe packs of moves with just a few spells :D
Kaigen42 Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I'm glad someone else appreciates the damaging repertoire on the Druid, though I prefer mine with much higher Dexterity. On my PotD run, one of my favorite tactics once I hit level 9+ was opening combat by spamming Winter Wind from between and slightly behind my tanks. So much damage for a first level spell (especially with Secrets of the Rime), and that push effect keeps knocking them back so they run forwards into the next one. Hail Storm isn't bad either, for when you need to cause pain over a truly massive area. I was lucky enough to find a Ring of Overseer for my Druid.
voad1 Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 2:24 AM, Nadrac said: On 4/22/2015 at 12:46 AM, voad1 said: Why wf noble for the barb? It gives access to two accurate fast weapons, exactly what we want with damage bonus, also no one else picks Wf: Noble and great weapons are limited. Runner up would be Wf: Ruffian, it's a strong alternative but becomes weaker if other party members hope to use some of those melee weapons. I was going to say but possibly the two best weapons for dw are in ruffian. Stiletto and sabre.
Nadrac Posted April 22, 2015 Author Posted April 22, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 2:48 AM, drumther said: I loved my glass-cannon wizard on PotD, probably the least gear-dependant character with higher damage output. Obviously, not an option for a solo run but it's really fun to wipe packs of moves with just a few spells :D Can't argue with that On 4/22/2015 at 3:10 AM, Kaigen42 said: I'm glad someone else appreciates the damaging repertoire on the Druid, though I prefer mine with much higher Dexterity. On my PotD run, one of my favorite tactics once I hit level 9+ was opening combat by spamming Winter Wind from between and slightly behind my tanks. So much damage for a first level spell (especially with Secrets of the Rime), and that push effect keeps knocking them back so they run forwards into the next one. Hail Storm isn't bad either, for when you need to cause pain over a truly massive area. I was lucky enough to find a Ring of Overseer for my Druid. You can cut even up to 6-8 res and 2 con to get more dex, my builds are intended to be on the safe side and for the whole game, for the majority of the game you can't really spam and you can always use the fast casting foe only Talon's Reach if you want to. Later i like walking in and zapping them with storm, more squishy druid may have seconds thoughts about standing in the middle of the fight with Relentless Storm. Resolve and Dexterity also similar, Dexterity helps you act more frequently, Resolve helps not getting interrupted therefore act more frequently, but chance of interruption gets lower farther away from the front. You may even want to run in and use Nature's Vigor, extremely good heal, Tangelefoot is also nice for -20 reflex roll, rogues might like it too. On 4/22/2015 at 3:50 AM, voad1 said: On 4/22/2015 at 2:24 AM, Nadrac said: On 4/22/2015 at 12:46 AM, voad1 said: Why wf noble for the barb? It gives access to two accurate fast weapons, exactly what we want with damage bonus, also no one else picks Wf: Noble and great weapons are limited. Runner up would be Wf: Ruffian, it's a strong alternative but becomes weaker if other party members hope to use some of those melee weapons. I was going to say but possibly the two best weapons for dw are in ruffian. Stiletto and sabre. In general yes, but not if you have +20 damage from One Stands Alone, in that case, speed and accuracy is clearly better.
MoxyWoo Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 Love this guide. One question, no minor blight spell for the wizard nuker? Got a lot more mileage from the blast this way and staying power was the main issue to me for casters.
Bugged Wolf Companion Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 as your "fisticuff" monk is almost 100% the same as my main monk in my second playthrough on PoTD i think the stats distribution is mathematically close to the optimum aswell as skills chosen.
Nadrac Posted April 23, 2015 Author Posted April 23, 2015 On 4/22/2015 at 7:58 PM, MoxyWoo said: Love this guide. One question, no minor blight spell for the wizard nuker? Got a lot more mileage from the blast this way and staying power was the main issue to me for casters. Good question, i did consider including it and i used it as well, when you hit level 5 it's a strong pickup replacing your crappy fine wand, it turns you into a decent auto attacker, but when you get to level 9 and your level 1 spells become per encounter use, you just want to cast all of them in every single fight, so less auto attacking. At level 11 i was not even tempted to use it, also wizard picks up 4 1-2 spell slots from items, and at this stage of the game you probably have a superior wand, it's still worse than the spell, but makes it less of an upgrade. I prefer casting Essential Phantom over it, that guy hits for avg 25 shock to a small aoe with a fast attack and has nothing else to do, he can get buffed, he can tank a bit, he is the only summon of the wizard, clearly a must have. Between level 5-8 Kalakoth's Minor Blights is good for offensive wizard, after that i didn't find it that useful. Updated my post to include it. 1
Psychevore Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 Reveal hidden contents Ignore the races, as it's a theme party.
CriticalFailure Posted April 24, 2015 Posted April 24, 2015 Nice guide, thanks for posting it. I have a question: What weapon(s) is the monk supposed to use? I assume WF-Peasant is for fists, but then you're taking 2 weapons and/or weapon + shield styles... Care to explain? PS: Call me nitpicky, but I'd put the class names in the original post in a different colour. Dark blue is hard to read on a dark background.
gkathellar Posted April 24, 2015 Posted April 24, 2015 There's no reason to stick to small shields on your wizard build, AFAIK. The accuracy penalty from shields only applies to attacks. If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time. Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.
Nadrac Posted April 24, 2015 Author Posted April 24, 2015 (edited) On 4/24/2015 at 12:48 PM, gkathellar said: There's no reason to stick to small shields on your wizard build, AFAIK. The accuracy penalty from shields only applies to attacks. According to combat log that is not true, but you can get away with it on priest and chanter, they usually don't target their opponents at all or much so don't need an accuracy roll. On 4/24/2015 at 12:44 PM, CriticalFailure said: Nice guide, thanks for posting it. I have a question: What weapon(s) is the monk supposed to use? I assume WF-Peasant is for fists, but then you're taking 2 weapons and/or weapon + shield styles... Care to explain? PS: Call me nitpicky, but I'd put the class names in the original post in a different colour. Dark blue is hard to read on a dark background. I appreciate feedback, i lost the right the edit my original post, not sure whats the deal with that, seemingly can't be edited after certain time. Anyway, i intended talents to be taken from top to bottom, and if i included more in one line i did it for the reason so you can think about picking it as an alternative. Basically if you are a Fire godlike pick Scion of Flame, and i did check out Vulnerable Attack, it's still worth it slightly, so pick it and finish with Bloody Slaughter, if you are pushed into a more tanky role pick Weapon and Shield Style plus One-Handed Style. Getting the right to edit my own topic would be nice, Mods *wink wink* Edited April 24, 2015 by Nadrac
CriticalFailure Posted April 24, 2015 Posted April 24, 2015 (edited) On 4/24/2015 at 2:49 PM, Nadrac said: i intended talents to be taken from top to bottom, and if i included more in one line i did it for the reason so you can think about picking it as an alternative. Yeah, I get that part, but I was referring to the weapon talents specifically: Quote Two Weapon Style Wf: Peasant Scion of Flame (w Fire Godlike) / Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style + One-Handed Style Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style / Bull's Will So, to clarify: - Even though TWS is on a different line, I assume you wouldn't take it if you're planning to take Shield Style, right? - If you choose to go unarmed (which I hear is worse in the long run, but whatever), does any of the weapon style talents have any effect on fists? - About WF-Peasant, I can see taking it if you're going unarmed or with a hatchet + shield, but if you're dual wielding, aren't there better weapon types? Assuming there's no overlap with the rest of the party, would you still take Peasant over, say, Ruffian or Noble? I want to try a monk but I haven't got round to it yet, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something here or it's just one of those things you can't edit. Edited April 24, 2015 by CriticalFailure
Nadrac Posted April 28, 2015 Author Posted April 28, 2015 (edited) On 4/24/2015 at 3:50 PM, CriticalFailure said: Quote Two Weapon Style Wf: Peasant Scion of Flame (w Fire Godlike) / Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style + One-Handed Style Bloody Slaughter / Weapon and Shield Style / Bull's Will So, to clarify: - Even though TWS is on a different line, I assume you wouldn't take it if you're planning to take Shield Style, right? - If you choose to go unarmed (which I hear is worse in the long run, but whatever), does any of the weapon style talents have any effect on fists? - About WF-Peasant, I can see taking it if you're going unarmed or with a hatchet + shield, but if you're dual wielding, aren't there better weapon types? Assuming there's no overlap with the rest of the party, would you still take Peasant over, say, Ruffian or Noble? I want to try a monk but I haven't got round to it yet, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something here or it's just one of those things you can't edit. You can easily take shield after two weapon style for versatility to on occasion transition into an offtank or even a main tank with priest buffs and still do decent damage. Fist is a great weapon with crush damage which is often the best against harder opponents, i didn't do the math but it's good enough, what you will really miss out on is unique effects such as extra critical and lifesteal. Do one run with fist other with sabres and stilettos, or maybe pick up both weapon talents ? They have different damage types. Edited April 28, 2015 by Nadrac 1
themell Posted April 28, 2015 Posted April 28, 2015 Did they ever fist the carnage bug for barbarian? I stopped playing awhile back after I beat the game. strongest build in game is the "jolting touch barbarian". Jolting touch works with carnage, and there are three ways to get jolting touch 1. Azureith's Stilleto that procs jolting touch on crit. Can be bought very early in game from first town 2. Animancer's boots that give 3 casts of jolting touch on rest. Can be found very early in the game 3. craft a jolting touch scroll. You only need lvl 2 lore skill to cast it. with the correct build, jolting touch does 78 to 107 points of damage, and it bouces twice for 64-88 dmg. So casting jolting touch with Barbarian's Carnage (either by critting with the dagger or using the spell) will cause you to use jolting touch versus everyone in range. So if 8 people are in range, it'll hit the 8 people, and then jump twice more for a total of 24 hits. This kills all mobs in one hit, even boss level mobs. Carnage also works with retaliate, and there are several armor pieces that give retaliation. Because of this, you want a tanky & high damage barbarian with high accuracy. Most of your DPS will come from jolting touch, and anyone that hits you will be retaliated. You don't need high dex. Try to find a glove that gives accuracy. At the start of the fight, cast +acc on hero and -deflection on enemy (either by paralyze, prone, etc.). Stats Hearth Orlan for increasing crit chance Mig 18Con 8Dex 4Per 18Int 12Res 18 Abilities Frenzy or Barbaric Yell for first skill (doesn't matter since you'll never use them) Accurate Carnage Savage Defiance One Stands Alone Brute Force Threatening presence Thick Skinned Talents Weapon and shield style Weapon focus Ruffian (for +6 acc with the jolting-touch stiletto) Vulnerable attack Heart of the Storn (for +20% lightning dmg with jolting-touch) Bull's will (for +10 willpower, we need to reduce the chance of being charmed)
drumther Posted April 29, 2015 Posted April 29, 2015 On 4/28/2015 at 1:44 AM, themell said: Because of this, you want a tanky & high damage barbarian with high accuracy. I'm guessing you would want that on any build. :D Back on the build, barbarian with retaliation doesn't need further explanation. You just need one stands alone and retaliation. I've finished a PotD solo with a Barbarian and I felt like when you play with relatiation + one stands alone, you turn the game into 'I can win' mode and doesn't really matter what you do afterwards. Accurate carnage won't make any difference so you might as well get any other. Also, Frenzy it's probably the best tanky skill the barbarian has in my opinion!
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