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11 people killed at a French satirical Newspaper


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Food for thought:



I disagree with the conspiratorial outlook, but it seems clear from the video that the "execution" did not really occur.


You shouldn't read to much into that - mainstream media in our current age of competing sources thrives on reinforcing our existing prejudices. Could they plausibly say that they thought the police officer was executed? Yes. Will they generate a lot of clicks for an article which shows that the murderers were despicable? Yes.


It's all the unhealthy mix of sensationalism and aggressive group-think, just like we have seen before after similar attacks.

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"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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I disagree with the conspiratorial outlook, but it seems clear from the video that the "execution" did not really occur.


You shouldn't read to much into that - mainstream media in our current age of competing sources thrives on reinforcing our existing prejudices. Could they plausibly say that they thought the police officer was executed? Yes. Will they generate a lot of clicks for an article which shows that the murderers were despicable? Yes.


It's all the unhealthy mix of sensationalism and aggressive group-think, just like we have seen before after similar attacks.



I never said I agreed with everything the guy said in the video, but the video itself is worth a watch.


At the very least it dispels a very popular image put forth by the media the world over the last couple of days: that the masked man stood over the policeman pleading for his life and then blew him away disregarding his pleas. Mainstream media edited the video to support that narrative and give people that impression, and mainstream media lied.


Video aside, one should ask why it matters more that two policemen died than a handful of people who happened to be in the building that didn't work at Charlie Hebdo. It doesn't, but the media certainly acts as if it does.

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You do realize that people are falsely accused by police/state/authorities of all sorts of things from the trivial to ubermajor all the time right? You do realize that people are acquitted all the time when actually prosecuted for whatever the police/state/authorities say they did right? It's not even uncommon that the police/state/authortiies' case is so flimsy that the case is outright dismissed before trial even happens.

You seriously think he was innocent to terrorism and hostage taking???






I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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You do realize that people are falsely accused by police/state/authorities of all sorts of things from the trivial to ubermajor all the time right? You do realize that people are acquitted all the time when actually prosecuted for whatever the police/state/authorities say they did right? It's not even uncommon that the police/state/authortiies' case is so flimsy that the case is outright dismissed before trial even happens.

You seriously think he was innocent to terrorism and hostage taking???





Frankly, I don't know.


But. why should I think he/she was guilty? Really, lay out the evidence. Evidence mind you, not just what talking heads on TV or someone with a badge says.


Also, 'terrorism' is as ridiculous a crime as 'hate speech' as it is an abstract subjective term. A real crime, whatever it is, is concrete and not subjective. Murder is a real crime. Hostage taking is a crime. But are you that quick to sentence someone to death if guilty of hostage taking. Does a trial by jury mean nothing to you?


Why were the police so gung ho to kill the guy? So gung ho that they set off explosions and fired shots that endangered the hostages themselves?


But more importantly, evidence. Convince me they were guilty with evidence.

Edited by Valsuelm
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Dude, it ended in hostage taking and a shootout. How are they supposed to fabricate that? There's your evidence.


That's not evidence.


And it's pretty amazingly easy to fabricate what it is, as all you have to do is grossly misinterpret a situation (a common thing for authorities to do), or lie (a common thing for authorities to do).

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I was struck by that footage as well, as you'd think his head would explode at that range. But the fact is they have his body and an official medical examination pretty much puts an end to conspiracies. 


If anyone is shot in the head by a .762 round, yea.. their head is likely to pretty much explode, but explode or not there'd certainly be blood and bits all over. Anyone whose ever spent some time firing a .762 rifle and seen what it does to various targets can tell you that. Flesh and bone are annihilated.


As for bodies and medical reports. The latter can be forged, misrepresented, gummed up by an incompetent, or even not done at all, and it's not unheard of for any of those things to happen. Here's a mainstream documentary about some of that in the USA. Here's another one. And in the unlikely event you get particularly interested in morbid incompetencies, fabrications, and cover ups after watching those (if you actually do; I do highly recommend them) look up the cases of Ken Tretadue or Kevin Ives and Don Henry for some enlightenment on how it happens as well as a great many other things.

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But. why should I think he/she was guilty? Really, lay out the evidence. Evidence mind you, not just what talking heads on TV or someone with a badge says.



Hostages, carrying assault rifle... WHY DO YOU THINK HE WAS GUILTY???

I mean, I do that everytime I enter a supermarket... right?




(In before all hostages where Zionist actors hired by Illumiate Majesty-12 Templar Werewolves)



Also for apparently a Gun-techie you seem to know awefully little what "Hostage Rescue Teams" do..

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Islamist aligned group Boko Haram strapped a bomb to a ten year old kid, and used her to blow up a market place today, killing 19 people.




And you're wasting breath inventing half-assed conspiracy theories.


You're bloody heroes.

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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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So the police/state/authorities say a person(s) does X, and then executes them in cold blood in a video and you cheer?

I'm fairly certain he was given a chance to drop his gun and come out with his hands up at least several times before the cops stormed the building.


the thing with special tactical teams is, once they're in they take no prisoners. they're trained to kill/disable anyone with a gun in his hands. in a hostage situation there's no time to try and pacify perps, you shoot to kill.


the guy in the video had a gun in his hand. do you expect people to try and disarm someone who didn't want to give up peacefully and now charges them with a weapon in his hands? that's just stupid

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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The only really contentious part conspiracy wise is how one of the Kouachis managed to leave his id papers in an abandoned car. Given that they were not suicidal in the way many islamic extremists are and went to pains to avoid being killed/ captured initially, actually picked up a shoe when leaving plus that the rest of their operation was very professional having it all fell apart due to a spectacularly amateur mistake seems rather unusual. Not leaving identity papers around/ torching the car seems like criminal 101- or perhaps criminal kindergarten- to me.


Even so, it's by far the most likely that that was just a fortunate mistake, rather than anything else.

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why would he have an ID on him in the first place? that's not just negligence, that's stupid. either the shooters weren't those brothers, and left the ID there to throw the cops off, or it was done for some other reason, still deliberately.

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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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why would he have an ID on him in the first place? that's not just negligence, that's stupid. either the shooters weren't those brothers, and left the ID there to throw the cops off, or it was done for some other reason, still deliberately.

Sometimes people are stupid.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.



Edited by licketysplit
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This isn't the first 'terrorist' event where the named official suspects reportedly came to be known to the authorities though a found ID under extremely unlikely circumstances. Very convenient for those authorities, and/or just super lucky. Twice now!

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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.

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why would he have an ID on him in the first place?


I could understand that, depending on circumstances. If you get stopped by the police and produce your ID you'd probably be fine, at least on the way in and they'd have no reason to do anything further (search etc) assuming you were not stupid and didn't have your RPG7 on the back seat. It would be pretty stupid planning your attack and then getting busted because you were nabbed speeding or at a licence/ DUI check.


It also really depends on whether they were obviously going to attack someone. If they were armoured up and wearing balaclava while driving around Paris they were liable to be stopped anyway and there would be no point having an ID, if they put their armour etc on close to or at the attack site they would have the extra option of bluff at least on the way to the attack.


Still, I don't think I've forgotten my driver's licence in the past ten years and it seems just plain obvious to burn the car in some prepared place with few people around and with a handy second car available; you burn it precisely because you may have forgotten stuff.

Edited by Zoraptor
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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.



Then how are they happening? We know these guys were trained overseas. And why do you think he has a monkey?

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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.



Then how are they happening? We know these guys were trained overseas. And why do you think he has a monkey?



Magic. Seriously.


Wizards! :sorcerer:


We do? Well then who trained them overseas? Couldn't be the U.S. or one of the NATO allies training them could it? I mean, I know someone over there right now expressly for the purpose of training military folks of all types, and the U.S. is sending more later this month. Wonder where the guns came from.... hmmmm....


Why I think he has a monkey is because he reminds me of someone I met once. A freaky art dealer (or that's what he said he was anyways) that tried to slip me something (probably roofies) at an after hours party in Manhattan, who had a monkey. Looks and sounds a lot like him. Maybe it is him. Politicians are often seriously messed up folks.




For real. I've seen some crazy things in my life some people wouldn't believe, but magic and wizards aren't among them. ;)


How do I think these things are happening? Well, it depends on what we're talking about. Each situation is different even if they seem the same or have commonalities. In this particular instance, I'm not sure yet, and I may never be.


It's natural to want to simply things and have an enemy in your head to hate so throwing them all together under the flag of Islam is a way many do it and how those who run the media show want it to be done. But it isn't that simple.


Without a doubt though "Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere" is not a reason as to why things such as the Charlie Hebdo attack happened. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that all the bigoted idiots out there are right and every single thing that's ever happened that's been called a 'terrorist attack' happened exactly the way the media and western governments said it did and that muslim extremists are behind everything they've been blamed for, they still equate to an extremely small portion of the Muslim population. If Islam was truly the problem and there were as many radical jihadists as some would like us to believe we'd be seeing a LOT more attacks than we do. There are ~5 million Muslims in France alone. So over the course of years a few dozen of them (if we believe everything the media tells us) do some evil deeds, and you think stopping their travel is going to stop anything, let alone is a reasonable solution?


Let's round that number up to 1,000. We'll exaggerate the number of crazy Islamic Jihadists that have perpetrated 'terrorist attacks' in Europe over the years. That's .0002% of the Muslim population, of just France. You want to hold the other 99.9998% of the Muslim population accountable for that exaggerated 1,000? And during all these years no non Muslims have perpetrated evil deeds?


That said. Let's pretend that we closed the borders to Muslims. Do you really truly believe that that would prevent an evil person with a will to do evil from crossing that border? I certainly hope you're not that naive.


The reality is that smuggling things and people over pretty much any border (except where it's super hazardous terrain wise, like in the Himalayas) isn't hard and happens all the time. Hell, why I wrote this a few hundred mexicans probably came north and a bunch of drugs came down from Canada (yea, that happens, though it almost never makes the news), right under or around those border patrol agents. Not to mention the oodles of contraband, and items that are not declared even by average people to avoid paying taxes and duties.


Come back to planet earth. Don't join the idiots high in the sky of simplified Islam is the problem and Al-Qaida is responsible for everything land. I know it's easy to think that, because you don't have to do much thinking. The reality is far far more complex, takes some homework to even begin to understand, and you've got to deal with the fact that sometimes you won't find out the answer (a lot of people can't handle that part). But even if you don't find out the answer for sure, you can rule out other possibilities for sure, and that itself can be very enlightening.


Will it be red pill or blue pill for you? You decide. Monkey man holds the blue. You can find the red out there in a number of places. I occasionally drop breadcrumbs to where to begin on this forum, but it ultimately starts with an individual opening their eyes and stepping outside their box. The red pill takes a very long time to digest though, but the blue takes effect almost instantly.




Edited by Valsuelm
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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.



Then how are they happening? We know these guys were trained overseas. And why do you think he has a monkey?



Magic. Seriously.


Wizards! :sorcerer:


We do? Well then who trained them overseas? Couldn't be the U.S. or one of the NATO allies training them could it? I mean, I know someone over there right now expressly for the purpose of training military folks of all types, and the U.S. is sending more later this month. Wonder where the guns came from.... hmmmm....


Why I think he has a monkey is because he reminds me of someone I met once. A freaky art dealer (or that's what he said he was anyways) that tried to slip me something (probably roofies) at an after hours party in Manhattan, who had a monkey. Looks and sounds a lot like him. Maybe it is him. Politicians are often seriously messed up folks.




For real. I've seen some crazy things in my life some people wouldn't believe, but magic and wizards aren't among them. ;)


How do I think these things are happening? Well, it depends on what we're talking about. Each situation is different even if they seem the same or have commonalities. In this particular instance, I'm not sure yet, and I may never be.


It's natural to want to simply things and have an enemy in your head to hate so throwing them all together under the flag of Islam is a way many do it and how those who run the media show want it to be done. But it isn't that simple.


Without a doubt though "Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere" is not a reason as to why things such as the Charlie Hebdo attack happened. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that all the bigoted idiots out there are right and every single thing that's ever happened that's been called a 'terrorist attack' happened exactly the way the media and western governments said it did and that muslim extremists are behind everything they've been blamed for, they still equate to an extremely small portion of the Muslim population. If Islam was truly the problem and there were as many radical jihadists as some would like us to believe we'd be seeing a LOT more attacks than we do. There are ~5 million Muslims in France alone. So over the course of years a few dozen of them (if we believe everything the media tells us) do some evil deeds, and you think stopping their travel is going to stop anything, let alone is a reasonable solution?


Let's round that number up to 1,000. We'll exaggerate the number of crazy Islamic Jihadists that have perpetrated 'terrorist attacks' in Europe over the years. That's .0002% of the Muslim population, of just France. You want to hold the other 99.9998% of the Muslim population accountable for that exaggerated 1,000? And during all these years no non Muslims have perpetrated evil deeds?


That said. Let's pretend that we closed the borders to Muslims. Do you really truly believe that that would prevent an evil person with a will to do evil from crossing that border? I certainly hope you're not that naive.


The reality is that smuggling things and people over pretty much any border (except where it's super hazardous terrain wise, like in the Himalayas) isn't hard and happens all the time. Hell, why I wrote this a few hundred mexicans probably came north and a bunch of drugs came down from Canada (yea, that happens, though it almost never makes the news), right under or around those border patrol agents. Not to mention the oodles of contraband, and items that are not declared even by average people to avoid paying taxes and duties.


Come back to planet earth. Don't join the idiots high in the sky of simplified Islam is the problem and Al-Qaida is responsible for everything land. I know it's easy to think that, because you don't have to do much thinking. The reality is far far more complex, takes some homework to even begin to understand, and you've got to deal with the fact that sometimes you won't find out the answer (a lot of people can't handle that part). But even if you don't find out the answer for sure, you can rule out other possibilities for sure, and that itself can be very enlightening.


Will it be red pill or blue pill for you? You decide. Monkey man holds the blue. You can find the red out there in a number of places. I occasionally drop breadcrumbs to where to begin on this forum, but it ultimately starts with an individual opening their eyes and stepping outside their box. The red pill takes a very long time to digest though, but the blue takes effect almost instantly.






Why do you feel the need to try  confuse every single issue when it comes to these types of developments ?


Can you not just accept something for what it is? Two disenfranchised French Algerians ( plus the other guy )who have explained why they did what they did. Its not hard to understand, its not  hard to see what happened. Its not hard just to say " yes I can see this was an attack from a small group of Islamic extremists"


And despite the fact the  entire worlds security services have the same view of this attack, including Muslims groups, you somehow have a different story and expect people to actually take this seriously?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.



Then how are they happening? We know these guys were trained overseas. And why do you think he has a monkey?



Magic. Seriously.


Wizards! :sorcerer:


We do? Well then who trained them overseas? Couldn't be the U.S. or one of the NATO allies training them could it? I mean, I know someone over there right now expressly for the purpose of training military folks of all types, and the U.S. is sending more later this month. Wonder where the guns came from.... hmmmm....


Why I think he has a monkey is because he reminds me of someone I met once. A freaky art dealer (or that's what he said he was anyways) that tried to slip me something (probably roofies) at an after hours party in Manhattan, who had a monkey. Looks and sounds a lot like him. Maybe it is him. Politicians are often seriously messed up folks.




For real. I've seen some crazy things in my life some people wouldn't believe, but magic and wizards aren't among them. ;)


How do I think these things are happening? Well, it depends on what we're talking about. Each situation is different even if they seem the same or have commonalities. In this particular instance, I'm not sure yet, and I may never be.


It's natural to want to simply things and have an enemy in your head to hate so throwing them all together under the flag of Islam is a way many do it and how those who run the media show want it to be done. But it isn't that simple.


Without a doubt though "Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere" is not a reason as to why things such as the Charlie Hebdo attack happened. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that all the bigoted idiots out there are right and every single thing that's ever happened that's been called a 'terrorist attack' happened exactly the way the media and western governments said it did and that muslim extremists are behind everything they've been blamed for, they still equate to an extremely small portion of the Muslim population. If Islam was truly the problem and there were as many radical jihadists as some would like us to believe we'd be seeing a LOT more attacks than we do. There are ~5 million Muslims in France alone. So over the course of years a few dozen of them (if we believe everything the media tells us) do some evil deeds, and you think stopping their travel is going to stop anything, let alone is a reasonable solution?


Let's round that number up to 1,000. We'll exaggerate the number of crazy Islamic Jihadists that have perpetrated 'terrorist attacks' in Europe over the years. That's .0002% of the Muslim population, of just France. You want to hold the other 99.9998% of the Muslim population accountable for that exaggerated 1,000? And during all these years no non Muslims have perpetrated evil deeds?


That said. Let's pretend that we closed the borders to Muslims. Do you really truly believe that that would prevent an evil person with a will to do evil from crossing that border? I certainly hope you're not that naive.


The reality is that smuggling things and people over pretty much any border (except where it's super hazardous terrain wise, like in the Himalayas) isn't hard and happens all the time. Hell, why I wrote this a few hundred mexicans probably came north and a bunch of drugs came down from Canada (yea, that happens, though it almost never makes the news), right under or around those border patrol agents. Not to mention the oodles of contraband, and items that are not declared even by average people to avoid paying taxes and duties.


Come back to planet earth. Don't join the idiots high in the sky of simplified Islam is the problem and Al-Qaida is responsible for everything land. I know it's easy to think that, because you don't have to do much thinking. The reality is far far more complex, takes some homework to even begin to understand, and you've got to deal with the fact that sometimes you won't find out the answer (a lot of people can't handle that part). But even if you don't find out the answer for sure, you can rule out other possibilities for sure, and that itself can be very enlightening.


Will it be red pill or blue pill for you? You decide. Monkey man holds the blue. You can find the red out there in a number of places. I occasionally drop breadcrumbs to where to begin on this forum, but it ultimately starts with an individual opening their eyes and stepping outside their box. The red pill takes a very long time to digest though, but the blue takes effect almost instantly.






Why do you feel the need to try  confuse every single issue when it comes to these types of developments ?


Can you not just accept something for what it is? Two disenfranchised French Algerians ( plus the other guy )who have explained why they did what they did. Its not hard to understand, its not  hard to see what happened. Its not hard just to say " yes I can see this was an attack from a small group of Islamic extremists"


And despite the fact the  entire worlds security services have the same view of this attack, including Muslims groups, you somehow have a different story and expect people to actually take this seriously?



Is that what it is? Evidence Sir Bruce! Present it! Oh, and again, evidence, not the words of someone on TV. Pretend we're in a courtroom, and you've got to convince a jury. Lay out your evidence that has so convinced you and should convince everyone.


As for the entire world's security services..... did they all do an investigation? That's amazingly quick and comprehensive police work if they did. Also amazing team work. I'd have thought they'd get in each others way. Where's their report? Did you know one of the lead investigators on the French team is reported to have committed suicide before filing his report?


I will accept something for what it is when it is clear what it is. You on the other hand just accept on faith what the media, government agency X, or politician Y throws at you as if they never lie. Tip: They're notorious for lying. ;)


See, there's a saying that I've found to be true: 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.'  You seem to enjoy being fooled all the time.


Now, as I've said, I'm not sure yet. It might turn out that what's being reported in the media is largely true. But they've been shown to have lied and pushed propaganda on this story, so it would be wise to question things. And even if the reported suspects are 100% guilty of what they are said to have done, there are still things worth questioning.


I realize that's hard for you to understand, as you want the things the media and your favorite government agency tells you to be nice, neat, and true. But the world is much different and more complex than advertised. You'd realize that if you ever stepped outside your box.


How many times do you need to be lied to before you actually stop trusting someone or something? How many times do you need to be lied to before you question what those who have lied in the past say?

Edited by Valsuelm
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Geert is skewered by European media and labeled a racist, but tell me he's not making sense here. Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere is how these attacks are happening. Many are born in the states or Europe, train in the middle east and then we let them right back in.




He's not making sense there. That's not how the attacks are happening.


However, it looks like he's a PvPer. Maybe I'll run into him in DoTA like I did Kim, and perhaps he'll make more sense there.


Edit: He looks and sounds like a weird art dealer that might try and slip me some roofies at an afterhours party in Manhattan. I bet he's got a pet monkey.



Then how are they happening? We know these guys were trained overseas. And why do you think he has a monkey?



Magic. Seriously.


Wizards! :sorcerer:


We do? Well then who trained them overseas? Couldn't be the U.S. or one of the NATO allies training them could it? I mean, I know someone over there right now expressly for the purpose of training military folks of all types, and the U.S. is sending more later this month. Wonder where the guns came from.... hmmmm....


Why I think he has a monkey is because he reminds me of someone I met once. A freaky art dealer (or that's what he said he was anyways) that tried to slip me something (probably roofies) at an after hours party in Manhattan, who had a monkey. Looks and sounds a lot like him. Maybe it is him. Politicians are often seriously messed up folks.




For real. I've seen some crazy things in my life some people wouldn't believe, but magic and wizards aren't among them. ;)


How do I think these things are happening? Well, it depends on what we're talking about. Each situation is different even if they seem the same or have commonalities. In this particular instance, I'm not sure yet, and I may never be.


It's natural to want to simply things and have an enemy in your head to hate so throwing them all together under the flag of Islam is a way many do it and how those who run the media show want it to be done. But it isn't that simple.


Without a doubt though "Allowing these muslims free passage to anywhere" is not a reason as to why things such as the Charlie Hebdo attack happened. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that all the bigoted idiots out there are right and every single thing that's ever happened that's been called a 'terrorist attack' happened exactly the way the media and western governments said it did and that muslim extremists are behind everything they've been blamed for, they still equate to an extremely small portion of the Muslim population. If Islam was truly the problem and there were as many radical jihadists as some would like us to believe we'd be seeing a LOT more attacks than we do. There are ~5 million Muslims in France alone. So over the course of years a few dozen of them (if we believe everything the media tells us) do some evil deeds, and you think stopping their travel is going to stop anything, let alone is a reasonable solution?


Let's round that number up to 1,000. We'll exaggerate the number of crazy Islamic Jihadists that have perpetrated 'terrorist attacks' in Europe over the years. That's .0002% of the Muslim population, of just France. You want to hold the other 99.9998% of the Muslim population accountable for that exaggerated 1,000? And during all these years no non Muslims have perpetrated evil deeds?


That said. Let's pretend that we closed the borders to Muslims. Do you really truly believe that that would prevent an evil person with a will to do evil from crossing that border? I certainly hope you're not that naive.


The reality is that smuggling things and people over pretty much any border (except where it's super hazardous terrain wise, like in the Himalayas) isn't hard and happens all the time. Hell, why I wrote this a few hundred mexicans probably came north and a bunch of drugs came down from Canada (yea, that happens, though it almost never makes the news), right under or around those border patrol agents. Not to mention the oodles of contraband, and items that are not declared even by average people to avoid paying taxes and duties.


Come back to planet earth. Don't join the idiots high in the sky of simplified Islam is the problem and Al-Qaida is responsible for everything land. I know it's easy to think that, because you don't have to do much thinking. The reality is far far more complex, takes some homework to even begin to understand, and you've got to deal with the fact that sometimes you won't find out the answer (a lot of people can't handle that part). But even if you don't find out the answer for sure, you can rule out other possibilities for sure, and that itself can be very enlightening.


Will it be red pill or blue pill for you? You decide. Monkey man holds the blue. You can find the red out there in a number of places. I occasionally drop breadcrumbs to where to begin on this forum, but it ultimately starts with an individual opening their eyes and stepping outside their box. The red pill takes a very long time to digest though, but the blue takes effect almost instantly.






Why do you feel the need to try  confuse every single issue when it comes to these types of developments ?


Can you not just accept something for what it is? Two disenfranchised French Algerians ( plus the other guy )who have explained why they did what they did. Its not hard to understand, its not  hard to see what happened. Its not hard just to say " yes I can see this was an attack from a small group of Islamic extremists"


And despite the fact the  entire worlds security services have the same view of this attack, including Muslims groups, you somehow have a different story and expect people to actually take this seriously?



Is that what it is? Evidence Sir Bruce! Present it! Oh, and again, evidence, not the words of someone on TV. Pretend we're in a courtroom, and you've got to convince a jury. Lay out your evidence that has so convinced you and should convince everyone.


As for the entire world's security services..... did they all do an investigation? That's amazingly quick and comprehensive police work if they did. Also amazing team work. I'd have thought they'd get in each others way. Where's their report? Did you know one of the lead investigators on the French team committed suicide before filing his report?


I will accept something for what it is when it is clear what it is. You on the other hand just accept on faith what the media, government agency X, or politician Y throws at you as if they never lie. Tip: They're notorious for lying. ;)


See, there's a saying that I've found to be true: 'Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.'  You seem to enjoy being fooled all the time.


Now, as I've said, I'm not sure yet. It might turn out that what's being reported in the media is largely true. But they've been shown to have lied and pushed propaganda on this story, so it would be wise to question things. And even if the reported suspects are 100% guilty of what they are said to have done, there are still things worth questioning.


I realize that's hard for you to understand, as you want the things the media and your favorite government agency tells you to be nice, neat, and true. But the world is much different and more complex than advertised. You'd realize that if you ever stepped outside your box.


How many times do you need to be lied to before you actually stop trusting someone or something? How many times do you need to be lied to before you question what those who have lied in the past say?



I can agree that at times we are mislead by certain government organisations. The invasion of Iraq and the justifications for it we now know weren't true. The imminent and possible attack of the UK by Iraq missiles and the link to Al-Qaeda with Saddam Hussein were obviously embellished and untrue  to get public support for an invasion


But as you well know the world has moved on since the days of the Bush rhetoric, " you are either with us or against us "...those types of comments and actions just don't exist anymore. Western countries now respect the decisions of the UN security council. This has of course created its own set of problems, like the lack of decisive intervention in Syria which lead to the indirect creation of ISIS as the civil war dragged on. So yes I agree with you that ISIS is an indirect creation of the Syrian civil war but it was not something that the USA and other Western countries wanted or could have predicted would happen


But my issue really is this constant refusal from  you to see certain things for exactly what they are. This attack in Paris is exactly what it appears to be. And it won't be the  last as there is a real and viable threat from this type of Islamic extremism that most Western countries face 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Here is an interesting link where one of the attackers tries to justify his actions, you tell me if this makes any sense. Its the same illogical diatribe against the West that we often see and hear from radical Islam 



"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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