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If i have an idea, what should i do?


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I have an idea of making a game and i want to share, but i don't know how to compile it all in a format, what should i do? And if i do make it all into a format, where will it lead to?


I am not a writer and my English is not good, my country have no gaming industry as far as i know, i don't know where i want to share my ideas, don't know who to talk and what to do


On scratch, the idea is combination of KotOR, Dragon Age, Total War and Unreal 2


Do i need to make a thread and share it all here?

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That sounds like a fun idea.

If you just want to share it, you could write about it here on this thread. it doesn't matter if the idea is poorly worded, you could just keep rewriting it in new posts, until you feel it's better.

I know some games start of with small, one sentence descriptions, or a vision document. I think NWN started off with something like: "the entirety of D&D, in one game". Wasteland 2 had a neat vision document.

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Okay, thanks, i actually do have written it on microsfost words, some of the things, scattered.


My idea is, the main character is a medieval Marshal, as in wild wild west but in medieval theme. Serving under an empire which look like a combination of ancient Greek-Roman but with medieval Europe mix in appearnce (no, not like Tamriel). The Marshal is like a police force of the empire, have many branches. The player character is not the only Marshal, infact he/she is a Marshal of a province, a lower rank but will rise in rank and involve in other provinces also in other region/country/continent


The Marshal sometimes do command troops in battle when needed, becoming the third rank in military command, the first is the Emperor, second the army general, the Marshal is the third. So occasionally the Marshal will take command of an army in battle.


There are wars between continents and countries, there's also truce and diplomacy. the Marshals who are the ones who keep peace in the region. Sometimes they act as a diplomat. So they involve in missions involving investigating crimes, spying, beating bad guys, and on and on...There are three main branch


The Sentinel - involve in matters regarding magic

The Shadow - involve matters regarding suberfuge, underground things

The Imperial Guard - mostly involve in non magical matters


But sometimes one branch may overlap the others and so there are some fussing over things. The player may choose which branch want to belong in the begining, but in the end becoming the Marshal Commander who direct all branches


There will be 4 classes and 8 specializations


1. Warrior

i. Royal Guard

ii. Sentinel


2. Archer

i. Royal Archer

ii. Ranger


3. Spy

i. Sabotuer

ii. Assasin


4. Mage

i. Battle Mage

ii. Healer


Player character may be a good cop or bad cop, and even become a traitor.


The Marshals have offices, keeps and ship. The Marshal will travel alone, with caravan or by ship.


The plot is....investigating a small case which lead to larger things, a conspiracy to overthow the government and foreign invasions. But i am not a writer so i can't put it all into words.


The game mechanic is like KotOR and DA:O.


But sieging castles and battle will like Total War. Some campaigns are like Total War, where the Marshal must oversee castles in regions defenses, it's economy, it's toop then leading them in battle, it's all on the world map, but battle can be execute in auto mode or on battle field. The Marshal also must make strategy on where to send troops, what type of troops, how many and so on, all like Total War


So...how i want to put all these in a format?

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Hello ^^


Very ambitious of you Qistina! If you are willing to put it to work yourself, perhaps it is better to start smaller. I am not a particularly good modder, but I enjoy spending time in editors and opening up files to see what is what. It might be a good idea to determine the code you'd like to use/learn. 

Also, to find people whom are just as interested and passionate about making a game, an artist and a programmer. Internet is a very good place to find these people. 


Perhaps invest some time into modding the very games you've mentioned, you might gain a global grasp of their structure and flexibility. 


I do not think companies buy or take ideas from outside sources, perhaps if they're really good and even then they'll probably expand by adding their own. If you're lucky, you may even get hired? I don't know, honestly. If you have a friend who feels more comfortable with english, I am sure s/he will be happy to help you with presenting your idea. 


I think if you have an idea for a game, you'll have to create it on your own accord. Keep it safe while it is still fragile and expand upon it, write everything down and nurture it into a future. Once it's finished, see if anyone wants to take it out of your hands or rally your friends and contacts, to make this happen.

See possibilities instead of the obstacles, you don't have to have written (commendable) literature to be a writer, trust your own skills and willingness to learn.


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Thanks for your reply


Sadly, my country have no game company, gaming industry in my country is so slow, there is one as i know but they just make games for kids and they make cartoons, the company name is Les Copaque if you ever heard of them. So no, i don't have any contacts, i don't have friends, i am actually an anti-social almost schizophrenic, i live with my mom and have no job. The only thing i do in the past 10 years is internet and playing games, i take care of my mom


I do joined DotA forum and become suggester there in their suggestion forum, but i got perma banned now, that forum is so...ah...nevermind. But i learned a lot there, learning how to make concept.


I am bad with computer, an end user, i try to learn how to modify Warcraft 3 models, but i just can't go with it, things like that and programming is just not my thing. But making a concept, i can do it. I suggest many DotA heroes and skills using their format, although none are accepted (but i suspect Icefrog do using my ideas here and there...)


Gaming industry is one of the industry not explored yet in my country, and there is a stigma here that is "games are for kids", it is not like in other countries. we do have IT universities and such, even a cyber city but yet no one interested in gaming industry, i wonder that my self. So there is actually no place for me to go...


What i can do is, mix match games i already played and try to put it on paper, but how it really look like and how it turn out i can't show it other than words, i have ideas, but sure no one can see what is in my head isn't it? Like my idea above, not sure how anyone perceive it


But what i can say is just imagine KotOR character layout, DA:O mechanic, Total War map and campaign, Unreal 2 character story and theme

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Perhaps there is a way to appeal to this game studio, if you have something really substantial on your hands. You may have to think past the boundaries of your country and take it to an international level. 

Contacts are made very easily, we are, in fact, already in contact ;) Let your idea and enthusiasm speak for you and maybe you'll find support in unexpected places. 


I like Wasteland 2's vision document and gives a lot of pointers what to think about when defining a concept for a game. I can also recommend a program called Scrivener for writing purposes, keeps everything very orderly.


I hope everything is well and don't forget to enjoy life every now and then.


Best of luck!

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In my head...


The World


The world name is "insert any Greek-Roman weird name here", there are 7 continents, 7 human races. The empire The Marshal serve takes quite a large part of the world, and is become multicultural and multi religious. The empire religion is monotheist with no visible God and no idol. But some provinces under the empire do have many religions and cultures, they are all free to practice their belief. The Marshal can be of any races and religion under the empire.




I try to get away from Tolkien and generic fantasy races. So all are human of different races. What being stereotype as Elves and Dwarves are represented as human. They are all human in this world of different skin tones, languages, appearance, religion and cultures.


i. The Empire - the imperial race is a mix of Greek-Roman with European medieval appearance. They are a powerful race excell in military, trading, science and magic

ii. The Sea people - they are mix of SEA people in appearance, Asian. They are mostly involved in sea trading and ports. An advance race but somehow cannot manage to reach golden age. They are neutral and only interested in trade

iii. The "Elves" 1 - they was barbarians but have become civilized and adopt many imperial values. They are European.

iv. The "Elves" 2 - same as above except they prefer to live in the forests and in traditional way. Not friendly with the Imperial

v. The "Dwarves" - they are an advance people, and they love their mines, they are rich. They are not the typical dwarves who live underground, no. They do have cities and their mines are just an industry. They are dark skinned people with some ancient Egyptian Pharaoh look. They are not greedy because they have much of what they want. The Imperial passive rival

vi. The Nomad 1 - they are mix of Arabic, gypsies and Spain. They make camps and move from one place to another. neutral and live on their own

vii. The "Nomad" 2 - they live in settlements, done with travelling, slowly building town and cities. Friendly with the "Dwarves"


The term "friendly, "rival" above dosn't mean they are allies or enemies. And above are races background, not their countries background. some of them are a part of the empire or protectorates




I try not to focus much on religion, just they are such as like our real world. The player character may argue about the existence of God, or believing in miracles and so on. There is no direct indication on divine influence, the player character may make it whatever he/she wish.




There are guilds in everywhere in the empire and out side. They will give quests The Marshal may want to do. But some guilds are depend on The Marshal character and class. They are much like in DA:O manner such as Blackstone Irregular. Some guilds offer specializations





i. The Imperial

ii. The Sea People Empire - free country

iii. The "Elves" 1 Continent - The Imperial protectorate

iv. The "Elves" 2 Continent - free country

v. The "Dwarves" Empire - free country

vi. The Nomads Continent - the Dwarves protectorate

vii. The Evil/Undead/Warlock Empire*


*They are similar with the Imperial, they are of all races, only that they use dark magic, their leader is Satan himself. The enemy of the Empire


The Plot


A secret society, agents of Satan himself conducting some crimes, schemes, and working behind the scene conspiring into making nations against nations, to destabilize the Empire and later want to conquer it. The Marshal must investigate and try to fail them, or become corrupted and work with Satan.

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Well unless you can find a programmer and an artist, you are going to struggle to turn this concept into anything concrete.  My recommendation would be to start out with developing your writing.  Take your ideas and turn them into a series of stories or a novel.  Write in your native tongue.  Is there a decent fiction market in Malaysia?  You could also try and develop it as a pen and paper game concept.  If it gains traction, then you can shop it as a possible game idea.  

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Go to the 8chan board /pol/ and spam threads with your ideas or call Prosper.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Well unless you can find a programmer and an artist, you are going to struggle to turn this concept into anything concrete.  My recommendation would be to start out with developing your writing.  Take your ideas and turn them into a series of stories or a novel.  Write in your native tongue.  Is there a decent fiction market in Malaysia?  You could also try and develop it as a pen and paper game concept.  If it gains traction, then you can shop it as a possible game idea.  


No, there is no decent fiction market in Malaysia, we mostly don't like to read, novelists, writers and book shops are struggle in this country lol it is not "culture" here to read and enjoy novels...maybe some youths like to read teen novels but that just it. My people don't like to sit down quietly and read books but love to hang out somewhere in coffee shops or restaurants and idle talk then busy self with some out door activities with friends, busy self with life, busy with religion and politic...suffice to say, my people don't make buying books as priority...i used to sell books, and i am crying at that time, so i know what i am talking about


I think i just forget about it all...my dream smashed already...


Maybe i will try to make a rough frame about my ideas using microsoft office, and that's just it...maybe in the future it will mean something, or it is not. That's all i can do i think...

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I have a better idea of a modern RPG using KotOR D20 mechanic and DA:O approach.


It's like my idea above except that it's not ancient or medieval, but it's renaissance era based world. So there will be no magic, replaced by alchemists.


Characters will use saber, rapier, pike, pistol and musket. There will be no medieval weapons and armor.


I think this will be easier for me to create and more suitable with the theme i share above.


Hmm...i will update if god will

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novelists, writers and book shops are struggle in this country

They struggle in every country unless they get really lucky. Even the USA which supposedly has a big market has the overwhelming majority of its writers only doing it as a second job. Something they're passionate about sharing.


I'd advise you to still try, though, if you're really interested in your concepts. There's always self-pub.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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novelists, writers and book shops are struggle in this country

They struggle in every country unless they get really lucky. Even the USA which supposedly has a big market has the overwhelming majority of its writers only doing it as a second job. Something they're passionate about sharing.


I'd advise you to still try, though, if you're really interested in your concepts. There's always self-pub.



I am not a writer, i just can make a frame work/story/concept...i can't make it into narrative.


So what i want to do now is creating a set up, then share it here...if you guys interested then i am happy... If not, just archived it


Well, i better start now...what i want is a game that everyone who love KotOR, KotOR2 and DA:O will love it.


So yeah, suddenly i feel spirited...i will begin, slowly

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I am not a writer, i just can make a frame work/story/concept...i can't make it into narrative.

Nobody starts as a writer. They become one by trying.


If you don't want to, that's up to you.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I am not a writer, i just can make a frame work/story/concept...i can't make it into narrative.

Nobody starts as a writer. They become one by trying.


If you don't want to, that's up to you.



Truthfully, i was a writer...but my work was rejected by DBP (The Institute of Language and Literature of Malaysia), they say it is too cliche, unoriginal, uninteresting...


Well the story is about a warior who seek a cure for a princess who is sick, while he's adventuring, an evil guy take advantage of the situation in the court and topple the king, the hero eventually meet a dragon and fight it but later the dragon transform into an old man and offer his service, he say he's not the only dragon in the land, the old man give him a gift. he also manage to find a cure from an old woman. When the hero return, he found out that the king have been imprisoned, The evil guy took the princess as hostage. The evil guy put a bounty on him. The hero conduct a rebelion, but his army number is too low, so he use the gift and call the dragon. Dragons coming and save the day. The evil guy killed in epic fight with him. The hero free the king and cure the princess. He later become the king of the land.


It's rejected ;(


I don't sleep well writing that story....


Since then i quit writing up to today...i also try to draw comic, but failed. I try to become a musician, also failed....

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I have begin the frame of the world i want to create, the lore and the characters


Maybe i will make the concept art.


Like my ideas above, i amend it, the story will be in renaissance-like era where magic is taboo and rare, but the magic will return, and it's not a good sign...the hero who is a Marshal may get access to magic if he/she choose to, but the world is just not ready yet to see magic in action again. There was a time where magic is widely used until it destroyed and forgotten, but something awaken it, there are who conspire to make the magic return and to abuse it


So, the player will not play magic until reaching the plot, if he/she choose magic of course, otherwise face everything with might or cunning

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How about this main plot? It is okay or a boring for a game?

Main Plot

1. Province A

i. Investigate strange activity spotted by locals
ii. Capture the leader of the cult who conduct a ritual
iii. Investigate the nature of the ritual
v. Recruit party member

2. Province B - Imperial capital

i. Consult the Royal Magi
ii. Find the locations of powers scattered in the world
iii. Stop cultists conducting the ritual of collecting powers
iv. Recruit party member

3. Province C

i. Warn the local leader about the threat
ii. Help the local leader about the local problem
iii. Consult a local Sage about an artifact
iv. Recruit party member

4. Province D

i. Warn local leader about the threat
ii. Find the artefact that contain the location of a portal
iii. Help local leader about local problem with cultists
iv. Recruit party member
v. (a) Meet the cult leader and kill him
v. (b) meet the cult leader and make deal with him

5. Province B - Imperial capital

i. Consult the Royal Magi to decode the artefact
ii. Defend the Academy from infiltrators if choose 4 v. (a)
iii. Meet cultists in secret and prepare them to sabotage the Academy later if choose 4 v. (b)

6. Province E

i. Warn the local leader about the threat
ii. (a )Defend the castle from undead attack
ii. (b) Sabotage the castle to let the undead attack
iii. Find the keys to decode the artefact

v. Collect power sources by conducting the ritual if choosing 4. v. (b)

7. Province B - Imperial capital

i. Consult the Royal Magi to unlock the artifact
ii. Venture into other dimension to seek the location of a portal
iii. Destroy the Academy if choose 4. V. (b) and 5. iii

8. (a) Province F Enemy territory

i. Prepare to assault the location
ii. Recruit troops to assault castles
iii. Assault castles

v. Destroy portal

8. (b) Province F- Ally territory if choose evil path

i. Prepare to defend location
ii. Recruit troops to defend castles
iii. Defend castles

iv. Opening portal to release a demon

9. (a) Province E- Enemy capital

i. Final battle

9. (b) Province B - Imperial capital

i. Final battle

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Try RPGMaker?


Those thing look like Warcraft 3 map editor, i can make that, but it's limited to  whatever it's offer


What i mean is not about creating a game, i already know that, but how i want to create a game company, there's no such thing in my country, so may be i want to establish one, but how?


Do i need to refer to a company such as Obsidian, or Bioware, or EA or something to create my own game and sell? If i have to create a company then it just a dream never come true


What do i need to create a game, that is what i mean

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novelists, writers and book shops are struggle in this country

They struggle in every country unless they get really lucky. Even the USA which supposedly has a big market has the overwhelming majority of its writers only doing it as a second job. Something they're passionate about sharing.


I'd advise you to still try, though, if you're really interested in your concepts. There's always self-pub.



I am not a writer, i just can make a frame work/story/concept...i can't make it into narrative.


So what i want to do now is creating a set up, then share it here...if you guys interested then i am happy... If not, just archived it


Well, i better start now...what i want is a game that everyone who love KotOR, KotOR2 and DA:O will love it.


So yeah, suddenly i feel spirited...i will begin, slowly



This is my problem too. I have ideas, and for the most part when I share them people think they are good ideas, but fleshing them out is hard for me.


I had one idea for a game that I started out trying to do in RPG maker, about the main character not being the prophecized hero, but the prophecized hero's best friend and right hand man, the guy who he relied on and couldn't succeed without. You would do all the support work behind the quest, taking out threats to the hero, laying the groundwork for plans to succeed, being the distraction, etc. Basically I wanted to show that you don't need to save the world to be important. Sadly I went through the same thing you are going through. I didn't have the skills to actually produce, so I gave up. Now I have work and kids and an extrovert wife that demands a lot of my free time, and I doubt I'll ever be able to really flesh out any of my ideas.


So I say do everything you can while you have time to do it if you're passionate about it, before you end up with more than a lack of ability keeping you back.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I think there should be a new course in the university or college, it's called "Gaming", to teach students on how to create a game, how to establish a game company, how to run the company. It is an industry isn't it? Well we have Applied Science course, why not Gaming course?


Anyway, I don't think what i am doing now will be gong to anywhere, i just make it as a hobby now

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