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Dev sends death threat to Valve CEO, has game removed from STEAM

Kaftan Barlast

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Wait, so when did the onus fall on Person B when Person A makes a **** call about them in a situation that could harm more than just them legally/financially?


We're not talking about a Jean Valjean situation here. We're talking about a dude that decided to publicly burn bridges with one of the largest and most respected game companies in the world because an image didn't get updated in a timely fashion.

Edited by Bryy
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Volo's made of the surest steel, Internet flames only harden him.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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 "As your friend,"


Stop lying.  I choose who my friends are not you. I'm not your slave so stop bullying me into an unwanted relationship.



Geez, we've been talking on these forums for close to a decade, those are some harsh words.  I'm sorry you don't consider us friends.  Honestly I've grown pretty fond of you over the years and appreciate what you bring to the community, so I'll just keep treating you as a friend.   :shrugz:



Those were very nice words to say to Volo Hurlshot, and I believe you were being absolutely sincere


Don't take his response too seriously. Its just a defensive mechanism that he has created exactly because he has been the target of abuse on the Internet


Its easier to say " I don't care about anyone else " than to accept the fact that some people might actually really consider him a friend. Because now he takes the chance of someone maybe hurting him or then saying " got you !!!...I was never your friend to  begin with "once he starts believing a person is really his friend


And as I said earlier he only has this view because he has been the victim in the past of some sort of sustained Internet abuse...that's the irony with what you asked him and how he responded

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Yeah, I keep hearing "words hit like a fist". Think it's BS personally, but I suppose some people take it differently. It's par for the course in games, anything is free to put you off - once you know what the tactic is (pushing buttons in hope of a feedback), it's easy to ignore.


Words don't matter hey Malc?


Interesting, maybe you can explain that to the GG army,....there is no reason to get upset about the characterisation around the meaning of  "gamers". After all being called a " white, misogynist " is just words ...no harm done right?


Personally I think words do matter and they can be very hurtful and demean  a person. In my country we prosecute people for certain words, or rather any celebrity who uses certain words in public can lose there job.


And in the UK people are doing real  jail time for what they said on Twitter around racist and offensive comments, so words obviously do matter for many people and legal systems around the world

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Geez, we've been talking on these forums for close to a decade, those are some harsh words.  I'm sorry you don't consider us friends.  Honestly I've grown pretty fond of you over the years and appreciate what you bring to the community, so I'll just keep treating you as a friend."


I'm not friends anyone on the forums. I don't know anyone here. Don't take it so personally geez.  You took it worse than my best friend when he found me with his girlfriend (that did not happen btw lol).



"Don't take his response too seriously. Its just a defensive mechanism that he has created exactly because he has been the target of abuse on the Internet"


Are you kidding me, seriously? More telling someone else hwo they should feel. LMAO It is not a defensive mechanism. It's a 'I don't give a crap' mechanism. Espicially sonsideirng I habve no problem getting dirty and 'mean' on the net so why would I take it eprsonally if someone  says 'mean' things. They don't hate me. They don't know me. They hate my 'opinions'. Get over it.



"Its easier to say " I don't care about anyone else " than to accept the fact that some people might actually really consider him a friend. Because now he takes the chance of someone maybe hurting him or then saying " got you !!!...I was never your friend to  begin with "once he starts believing a person is really his friend"


That's nonsense. I have friends.



"And as I said earlier he only has this view because he has been the victim in the past of some sort of sustained Internet abuse...that's the irony with what you asked him and how he responded"


L0L You gusy have got to be ond rugs to believe such pyschobable crap. The fact you think you know me enough to tell me  about how I should feel is laughably ignorant. Typical SJW and e feminist - telling others how to think and feel. It's all about power, slavery, and control. :p



"Volo's made of the surest steel, Internet flames only harden him."


Seriously. I say internet flames and insults mean nothing and these wackadoos  talk about some insane nonsense that make no logical sense.


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"Geez, we've been talking on these forums for close to a decade, those are some harsh words.  I'm sorry you don't consider us friends.  Honestly I've grown pretty fond of you over the years and appreciate what you bring to the community, so I'll just keep treating you as a friend."


I'm not friends anyone on the forums. I don't know anyone here. Don't take it so personally geez.  You took it worse than my best friend when he found me with his girlfriend (that did not happen btw lol).



"Don't take his response too seriously. Its just a defensive mechanism that he has created exactly because he has been the target of abuse on the Internet"


Are you kidding me, seriously? More telling someone else hwo they should feel. LMAO It is not a defensive mechanism. It's a 'I don't give a crap' mechanism. Espicially sonsideirng I habve no problem getting dirty and 'mean' on the net so why would I take it eprsonally if someone  says 'mean' things. They don't hate me. They don't know me. They hate my 'opinions'. Get over it.



"Its easier to say " I don't care about anyone else " than to accept the fact that some people might actually really consider him a friend. Because now he takes the chance of someone maybe hurting him or then saying " got you !!!...I was never your friend to  begin with "once he starts believing a person is really his friend"


That's nonsense. I have friends.



"And as I said earlier he only has this view because he has been the victim in the past of some sort of sustained Internet abuse...that's the irony with what you asked him and how he responded"


L0L You gusy have got to be ond rugs to believe such pyschobable crap. The fact you think you know me enough to tell me  about how I should feel is laughably ignorant. Typical SJW and e feminist - telling others how to think and feel. It's all about power, slavery, and control. :p



"Volo's made of the surest steel, Internet flames only harden him."


Seriously. I say internet flames and insults mean nothing and these wackadoos  talk about some insane nonsense that make no logical sense.



Okay, maybe that's why you respond the way you do


I don't believe it  but others might :)


Every human being  wants to be liked and to have people accept them, despite what they say. We are gregarious by nature . Of course this will vary on circumstances. For example someone who works in a jail won't expect the prisoners to like them. But I don't buy this whole " I don't care what anyone thinks about me on these forums BS  "



It goes against basic human nature


And of course the type of acceptance we all seek will vary from person to person

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Every human being  wants to be liked and to have people accept them, despite what they say. We are gregarious by nature . Of course this will vary on circumstances. For example someone who works in a jail won't expect the prisoners to like them. But I don't buy this whole " I don't care what anyone thinks about me on these forums BS  "


It goes against basic human nature


It is BS that you're lumping everyone as the same with talking about forums. You can't say everyone is like you, wanting to be liked by others on forums, creating threads about your life or anything else. That shows more about you than anyone else.


I'm the same in that I don't care if I'm liked or not on these forums. I don't have a want to be liked. I'll post whatever I feel like posting. I go to many forums and the Obsidian forums is just another one where I post. Much like the other forums I post at or used to post at. Doesn't concern in me in the slightest to wanting to be liked on all those forums.

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"Every human being  wants to be liked and to have people accept them, despite what they say"




Wanted to be liked is not the same as wanting to be liked on the net or in RL. I'm not here to be popular. I'm here originally to talk about video games and since this is OT about OT stuff.


Sorry, 'bud', but you won't be inviting me to your wedding.


That's what friends do.


Nice try though.


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Every human being  wants to be liked and to have people accept them, despite what they say. We are gregarious by nature . Of course this will vary on circumstances. For example someone who works in a jail won't expect the prisoners to like them. But I don't buy this whole " I don't care what anyone thinks about me on these forums BS  "


It goes against basic human nature


It is BS that you're lumping everyone as the same with talking about forums. You can't say everyone is like you, wanting to be liked by others on forums, creating threads about your life or anything else. That shows more about you than anyone else.


I'm the same in that I don't care if I'm liked or not on these forums. I don't have a want to be liked. I'll post whatever I feel like posting. I go to many forums and the Obsidian forums is just another one where I post. Much like the other forums I post at or used to post at. Doesn't concern in me in the slightest to wanting to be liked on all those forums.



Oh so its BS that human beings are social creatures that want to be liked?


Really .....that's not what any psychologist will tell you. All human beings who have  a normal view on life and society want  to be accepted, in other words I am not talking about people that  have sort of dysfunctional mental problem, like a sociopath. There will be exceptions and you may be one of them when you say " I don't care if I'm liked ". But for most of us we want to be liked. And a forum that you spend time on everyday is no different, how can you suggest that if  you are active on a forum, you make comments and engage with people yet you expect us to believe " you don't care what people think about me"


Its so obviously untrue because why would you spend time on any forum partaking in debate if you didn't feel some sort of affinity with the people on that forum?


So please lets just drop this " I'm so hardcore and emotionally detached and I don't care what anyone thinks about me BS" :)




"Every human being  wants to be liked and to have people accept them, despite what they say"




Wanted to be liked is not the same as wanting to be liked on the net or in RL. I'm not here to be popular. I'm here originally to talk about video games and since this is OT about OT stuff.


Sorry, 'bud', but you won't be inviting me to your wedding.


That's what friends do.


Nice try though.


No one is saying you want to be popular, I also am  not trying to be popular. In fact I know my stance on certain issues which is based on principles make me unpopular to some people. But that's the choice I make and I am fine with that


But  that's the same thing as suggesting it is strange that after 10 years and engaging in debate with someone that you cant call them an Internet friend? And you notice I said

"Internet friend " and not " friend " as I believe in most cases you need to know someone in RL before you can say they are a real friend

Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Oh so its BS that human beings are social creatures that want to be liked?


Really .....that's not what any psychologist will tell you. All human beings who have  a normal view on life and society want  to be accepted, in other words I am not talking about people that  have sort of dysfunctional mental problem, like a sociopath. There will be exceptions and you may be one of them when you say " I don't care if I'm liked ". But for most of us we want to be liked. And a forum that you spend time on everyday is no different, how can you suggest that if  you are active on a forum, you make comments and engage with people yet you expect us to believe " you don't care what people think about me"


Its so obviously untrue because why would you spend time on any forum partaking in debate if you didn't feel some sort of affinity with the people on that forum?


So please lets just drop this " I'm so hardcore and emotionally detached and I don't care what anyone thinks about me BS" :)


That's not what I said and you know it Bruce. But I've noticed you are against honesty and integrity in the gaming media with one of the goals of GG and it appears you're not being honest here as well. It's what I expect from you.


And an internet forum amongst the millions of internet forums on the internet is not the same as real life. Maybe that's one of your problems with not being able to tell the difference from one to the other. And do I really care about not being liked on some internet forum? No, I don't. Do I care about real life like at work and social functions? Yes of course. Because a forum is something I can leave and never return and it doesn't affect my real life one single bit. I think it's quite sad that you can't leave some gaming forum on the internet and you're always wanting attention and to be liked. In real life, that comes across as weird. Seriously, can you imagine someone saying in real life, 'Oh hey, there's Bruce and he wants to be liked on this gaming forum that you probably have never heard of and he tries his best to be liked by random people'. :blink:


Yeah, real life is important to me. Random internet forums and wanting to be liked by random strangers aren't. So please, you can drop the dishonesty, the slimy debating tactics. It's all BS and you know it too.  :)


So lets get back on topic.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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"We are all doomed!"


Was that a death threat?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh so its BS that human beings are social creatures that want to be liked?


Really .....that's not what any psychologist will tell you. All human beings who have  a normal view on life and society want  to be accepted, in other words I am not talking about people that  have sort of dysfunctional mental problem, like a sociopath. There will be exceptions and you may be one of them when you say " I don't care if I'm liked ". But for most of us we want to be liked. And a forum that you spend time on everyday is no different, how can you suggest that if  you are active on a forum, you make comments and engage with people yet you expect us to believe " you don't care what people think about me"


Its so obviously untrue because why would you spend time on any forum partaking in debate if you didn't feel some sort of affinity with the people on that forum?


So please lets just drop this " I'm so hardcore and emotionally detached and I don't care what anyone thinks about me BS" :)


That's not what I said and you know it Bruce. But I've noticed you are against honesty and integrity in the gaming media with one of the goals of GG and it appears you're not being honest here as well. It's what I expect from you.


And an internet forum amongst the millions of internet forums on the internet is not the same as real life. Maybe that's one of your problems with not being able to tell the difference from one to the other. And do I really care about not being liked on some internet forum? No, I don't. Do I care about real life like at work and social functions? Yes of course. Because a forum is something I can leave and never return and it doesn't affect my real life one single bit. I think it's quite sad that you can't leave some gaming forum on the internet and you're always wanting attention and to be liked. In real life, that comes across as weird. Seriously, can you imagine someone saying in real life, 'Oh hey, there's Bruce and he wants to be liked on this gaming forum that you probably have never heard of and he tries his best to be liked by random people'. :blink:


Yeah, real life is important to me. Random internet forums and wanting to be liked by random strangers aren't. So please, you can drop the dishonesty, the slimy debating tactics. It's all BS and you know it too.  :)


So lets get back on topic.





You funny Hiro, I use to think that you intentionally misunderstood peoples posts so that you  could argue with them. But now I realize you seem to have this strange filter that completely jumbles up and convolutes what people are saying. So for example I say " I really don't think its  unreasonable for people to want to  be liked on the Internet", you understand this as me saying " BruceVC really needs people to like him on the Internet. This is demonstrated in his posting  style". You have this strange ability to formulate connections that aren't there as they exist in your head only


Take this post of yours, when did I ever mention I was against honesty and integrity ? How do you know I can't tell the difference between a forum and RL? When did I say

"I always want to be liked ", I have already acknowledged certain of  my views are not liked. Its obvious as I engage in debate fairly regularly and I often have people disagreeing with me and saying " they don't like\agree with  what I said"


But you are hardcore my friend, you don't care if people on  a forum like you. Well done :thumbsup:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Random internet death threats. Both in games and in discussions on sensitive subjects.


I recieved "death threats" in real life too, if you consider any variation of "I'll kill you" a death threat. But those are jabs between friends.



That why I said - assume the best about other people (including their motivations and circumstances), prepare for the worst.

Assuming the worst only leads to hate and friction.


Unless I am damn sure someone is being serious, I'm going to assume that whatever he said or posted that is aggressive or insulting is not truly meant.


Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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Wait, so when did the onus fall on Person B when Person A makes a **** call about them in a situation that could harm more than just them legally/financially?


We're not talking about a Jean Valjean situation here. We're talking about a dude that decided to publicly burn bridges with one of the largest and most respected game companies in the world because an image didn't get updated in a timely fashion.


It takes 2 to tango, and everyone is responsible for his actions.


Just as person A is responsible for saying s***, so is person B responsible for how it chooses to respond.


You can say that B responded in the ONLY available and proper fashion, but that is factually untrue.


Also, shifting all responsiblity for everything to an actor before you in a chain of events is dishonest.


Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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You funny Hiro, I use to think that you intentionally misunderstood peoples posts so that you  could argue with them. But now I realize you seem to have this strange filter that completely jumbles up and convolutes what people are saying. So for example I say " I really don't think its  unreasonable for people to want to  be liked on the Internet", you understand this as me saying " BruceVC really needs people to like him on the Internet. This is demonstrated in his posting  style". You have this strange ability to formulate connections that aren't there as they exist in your head only


Take this post of yours, when did I ever mention I was against honesty and integrity ? How do you know I can't tell the difference between a forum and RL? When did I say

"I always want to be liked ", I have already acknowledged certain of  my views are not liked. Its obvious as I engage in debate fairly regularly and I often have people disagreeing with me and saying " they don't like\agree with  what I said"


But you are hardcore my friend, you don't care if people on  a forum like you. Well done :thumbsup:


Sounds like you're describing yourself Bruce with having this strange filter of yours that you come up with and things you describe with people. It's okay, I know you can only resort to this type of debating.


And in the other thread you said you were against the goals of GG with honesty and integrity. As I said in the other thread, you will always lose debating against someone who want's honesty and integrity in organisations. Also, I'm no friend of yours Bruce. Never have and never will. I would never be a friend to someone who's openly dishonest as you are.


So lets just leave it at that and get back on the topic of the thread.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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Random internet death threats. Both in games and in discussions on sensitive subjects.


I recieved "death threats" in real life too, if you consider any variation of "I'll kill you" a death threat. But those are jabs between friends.


That why I said - assume the best about other people (including their motivations and circumstances), prepare for the worst.

Assuming the worst only leads to hate and friction.


Unless I am damn sure someone is being serious, I'm going to assume that whatever he said or posted that is aggressive or insulting is not truly meant.


So if someone on the internet follows through with their death threat, it was okay to dismiss it originally because you assumed the best of them. That's not the world we live in.

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Words don't matter hey Malc?


Interesting, maybe you can explain that to the GG army,....there is no reason to get upset about the characterisation around the meaning of  "gamers". After all being called a " white, misogynist " is just words ...no harm done right?


Personally I think words do matter and they can be very hurtful and demean  a person. In my country we prosecute people for certain words, or rather any celebrity who uses certain words in public can lose there job.


And in the UK people are doing real  jail time for what they said on Twitter around racist and offensive comments, so words obviously do matter for many people and legal systems around the world

The rantings of some woman dealing with her bullied past don't really matter. But you can strike back if someone tries to punch you and misses. Degrees matter here, naturally. Someone trying to hurt my feelings online is stuff you deal with in high school and isn't a matter for jail time. Even some cheap racist remark isn't either, I'd hope.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Words don't matter hey Malc?


Interesting, maybe you can explain that to the GG army,....there is no reason to get upset about the characterisation around the meaning of  "gamers". After all being called a " white, misogynist " is just words ...no harm done right?


Personally I think words do matter and they can be very hurtful and demean  a person. In my country we prosecute people for certain words, or rather any celebrity who uses certain words in public can lose there job.


And in the UK people are doing real  jail time for what they said on Twitter around racist and offensive comments, so words obviously do matter for many people and legal systems around the world

The rantings of some woman dealing with her bullied past don't really matter. But you can strike back if someone tries to punch you and misses. Degrees matter here, naturally. Someone trying to hurt my feelings online is stuff you deal with in high school and isn't a matter for jail time. Even some cheap racist remark isn't either, I'd hope.



But I'm not clear on your perspective, are you saying it depends on where the insult is coming from before we decide if its offensive or not?


So for example you weren't offended by what Leigh Alexander said about "gamers"?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Not really, I've been called worse by more locally placed people but it is true that if you want to get into something, being offended doesn't matter at all.


It being offensive to you as a person is just your problem, if we want to talk about the State's role in things. You are not special or valuable. So some random nastiness is something you have to take, is part of life and all. If someone is doing it to the level of harassment (so repeatedly, organized in some fashion), then I suppose it is a matter for the police.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Random internet death threats. Both in games and in discussions on sensitive subjects.


I recieved "death threats" in real life too, if you consider any variation of "I'll kill you" a death threat. But those are jabs between friends.


That why I said - assume the best about other people (including their motivations and circumstances), prepare for the worst.

Assuming the worst only leads to hate and friction.


Unless I am damn sure someone is being serious, I'm going to assume that whatever he said or posted that is aggressive or insulting is not truly meant.


So if someone on the internet follows through with their death threat, it was okay to dismiss it originally because you assumed the best of them. That's not the world we live in.



Better safe than sorry?

In that case, because 1% of X causes trouble, let's ban 99% of X?

Ban all guns?

That's a flawed response.


Besides, it's not too difficult to tell if someone is serous or not. You just talk to them.

Not to mention that 90% of the people on the internet aren't in position to harm you anyway.


I'm sure Chang-Li from China is going to take a few days off his job and pay a fortune to travel to the US, all to kill you and get thrown in jail.



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Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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