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New BB Release This Week?


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You sirs are too impatient.  :)


I'm sure the devs are working very hard on this and will release it when it's ready (ie. when it's at a stage that THEY think that it would be useful to get your feedback on). There's plenty of things they can work on without your scrutiny.


Giving us day to day feedback is just going to be distracting them away from what they actually should be focussing on (fixing bugs !). Plus by giving precise status updates/ETAs they take the 'risk' of exasperating everyone even more if they don't manage to meet the deadlines.

Edited by Quantics
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calm down everyone. i wasn't trying to be snarky, i was genuinely concerned. just wanted to see if progress was being made or if there was something the backers could help with. i read adam's previous post as a possibilty not a certainty. i knew there was the chance that it wouldn't be out.

Edited by Hormalakh

My blog is where I'm keeping a record of all of my suggestions and bug mentions.

http://hormalakh.blogspot.com/  UPDATED 9/26/2014

My DXdiag:


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I love how everyone has become an Armchair Dev in regards to what bugs are huge and what are not.

Seems like fan opinion is actually a pretty important aspect of determining which bugs are a big deal.


Not really, no.


Disagree. If the devs spend a lot of time fixing things that the fans don't care about, I'd call that a misalignment of priorities.


Assuming the devs don't know what are game breaking bugs is really being the most annoying type of fanboy.


Assuming that the devs always know what's most important to their fans is fairly deluded. My only point is fan opinion is an important factor. I'm not saying it's the only factor. You seem to think it isn't even a factor, and that's what I disagree with.


I think we can really just draw this back to your whole notion that betas should be gooder.


First, this has nothing to do with "betas" in particular. Second, I'm fine with the relative "goodness" of the beta. But thanks for playing.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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I thought this 'developer feedback' concept involved them, like, telling us stuff.


Oh well.


Oh come on! 


They've been posting numerous messages on these (and other) boards.


And tbh, I'd rather they spent their working hours actually *fixing* the game rather than wasting time replying to cranky comments like yours.


EDIT: overly aggressive post this, sorry... but you get the point :)

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I'm glad you're so easily pleased.


Edit - the 'I'd rather they spent time on the game' line is especially specious. A ten second forum post saying, 'sorry guys, a few issues, patch looking like early next week now," takes about five seconds and is common courtesy.


A big part of the KS pitch was a different level of developer / backer interaction. I've not really seen it, then again I'm not a poster at SA ($)

Edited by Monte Carlo
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A ten second forum post saying, 'sorry guys, a few issues, patch looking like early next week now," takes about five seconds and is common courtesy.



But you know very well that some people here would find it equally 'offending' if they did send such short updates. I'm sure we'd be getting angry posts all the same. 


"The ONLY reason you exist is because we funded your project. TWO DAYS of silence and THIS is what we get? A tiny, one-liner message? I paid to get actual feedback, not updates so succinct they could fit in a tweet *outraged* "




Bottom line is, they can never do enough for some people.

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A ten second forum post saying, 'sorry guys, a few issues, patch looking like early next week now," takes about five seconds and is common courtesy.



But you know very well that some people here would find it equally 'offending' if they did send such short updates. I'm sure we'd be getting angry posts all the same. 


"The ONLY reason you exist is because we funded your project. TWO DAYS of silence and THIS is what we get? A tiny, one-liner message? I paid to get actual feedback, not updates so succinct they could fit in a tweet *outraged* "




Bottom line is, they can never do enough for some people.


A blurb every few days is perfectly reasonable. People demanding more than what's reasonable will always exist; they doesn't negate the argument.


OE have not been horrible in this regard, but it seems like 1% more effort on their part (read: status update every few days) would go a long way. It's really not asking much. You're right, some people will still not be satisfied. But the hell with them :)

Ask a fish head

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They won't answer

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I'm one of those people who want them to take their time. I could happily wait another six or eight months for this game.


I'm not entitled (over-used internet word, right up there with immersion) or unreasonable. I've simply pointed out the sub-par level of developer engagement in the latter half of this project. It hasn't lived up to expectations.


Right now I find the Beta especially un-fun, veering on un-playable. So a bit of a steer as to when I might be able to boot it up again would be nice. I won't hold them to it.

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Yes I hope we don't have to suffer a rushed release date (no doubt the game will be content complete, but not sure about feature/polish). I think the next couple of patches will be pretty big though - there's a lot of stuff coming in this one.


Brian has seen the thread, so maybe we'll get a response today.

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Path of Exile devs are a shining example how to keep your customers in the loop. Everyone should learn from them, especially KS projects that pride themselves with cooperating with the community. I am sorry, but compared to GGG when the game was in closed beta, this here is nothing. And in open beta where there was too much forum traffic to talk to people in the forums they still had at least weekly reports on what is done and what is going to be released next. 


And the game is a big success due to loyal fans that loved that developer interaction, and although it didn't use KS, it was crown funded in a similar way Minecraft or Mount&Blade was (or Early Access games on Steam are). 

Edited by archangel979
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This always happens with any "release update at unestimated times" ever.

Players get impatient and ask developers/themselves when they wil get an update.

Developers cant actually answer with certainty and give an estimate if they respond at all. Sometimes this estimates is purely speculation on the players part.

When that estimate gets reached players beging getting more and more anxious/grumpy and start complaining more even if the estimate was purely assumed on the player´s part. Time may pass. Questioning of profesional practices and comparisons to other developers are made. Sometimes insults get thrown. In the worst cases players may even raid developer or related twitter, facebook, an official pages like retarded drooling animals frenzied through mob mentality and "needing my nex fix" like braindead junkies.

Whatever happens the developer eventually posts the update and the players are placated and many times act like nothing happenes (even if they were acting like animals just seconds ago).

Rinse and repeat.

The effect gets worse depending on the size of the playerbase and just how silent the developer is on the matter.


I know you gentlemen arent drooling animals, you have all for the most part proved yourselves quite intelligent, in fact. Obsidian has responded to topics in the forum wether or not its as much as you would want.


What Im trying to say is that posting more "Are we there yet"-coments isnt gonna make them update faster, even if you or I feel they should update NOW because reasons.


TL;DR: Patience.

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Yes, there are some significant changes in this patch.  We're just making sure this new stuff is stable right now - I wouldn't expect it to take longer than a day.  Adam definitely wants to update very soon.

Thank you! (See, was that so hard? :-)


Looking forward to the new patch!

Edited by PrimeHydra

Ask a fish head

Anything you want to

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Thank you! (See, was that so hard?  :-)

Yes, now I have committed myself to fixing all my bugs today, which I will regret  :p 


Now I feel bad--I always do more damage to my codebase after about 6pm.


Take your time, guys, we just wanted to know the status. Sleep is undervalued in software development!

Edited by PrimeHydra
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Ask a fish head

Anything you want to

They won't answer

(They can't talk)

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Thank you! (See, was that so hard? :-)

Yes, now I have committed myself to fixing all my bugs today, which I will regret :p

Now I feel bad--I always do more damage to my codebase after about 6pm.


Take your time, guys, we just wanted to know the status. Sleep is undervalued in software!

Well it's like 12 noon where they are right now haha. :p


Thanks for the update, Mac!

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Thank you! (See, was that so hard?  :-)

Yes, now I have committed myself to fixing all my bugs today, which I will regret  :p 

Thanks for the update BMac. You know, you could have just said it may take a few days... and if ready sooner surprise us with an "early" release. And if not, have some breathing room to wrap things up.


At any rate, I echo the sentiments to take your time and release when you feel it's ready.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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