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- Change prices and money lootdrops please! Having everything in coppers only makes my head in! Introduce Silver- and Goldcoins too please!

There's a lore reason for this. There are many different types of silver, gold, and other types of coins each worth a different amount. Everything is converted in copper so you don't need to remember that a x silver coin is worth 10 copper and y silver coin is worth 15.


- Please allow stacking more than 6 camping utilities. Theres no reason really for limitting it to 6 since you can place more camping utillities in your chest. Or is there?

The reason is to prevent you from resting after every encounter. By keeping camping supplies a limited resources, you have to pay better attention to when you should rest.


- More alternative ways for generating attributes! Die rolls please??


If you want dies rolls, just roll 3d6 yourself and assign the points according to those rolls.

"Wizards do not need to be The Dudes Who Can AoE Nuke You and Gish and Take as Many Hits as a Fighter and Make all Skills Irrelevant Because Magic."

-Josh Sawyer

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- Change prices and money lootdrops please! Having everything in coppers only makes my head in! Introduce Silver- and Goldcoins too please!

There's a lore reason for this. There are many different types of silver, gold, and other types of coins each worth a different amount. Everything is converted in copper so you don't need to remember that a x silver coin is worth 10 copper and y silver coin is worth 15.


- Please allow stacking more than 6 camping utilities. Theres no reason really for limitting it to 6 since you can place more camping utillities in your chest. Or is there?

The reason is to prevent you from resting after every encounter. By keeping camping supplies a limited resources, you have to pay better attention to when you should rest.


- More alternative ways for generating attributes! Die rolls please??

If you want dies rolls, just roll 3d6 yourself and assign the points according to those rolls.



Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


Coming to rolling dices. At normal fantasy games theres a chance to obtain 108 points to distribute on your attributes. With the current system you will only have 76 points or so which is a posibillity of 32 points less to distribute.. So rolling dices at home wont affect this pointpool.


Camping tools. I understand their thoughts. But if I have my hands on 7 camping kits I should be able to at least stack em i think. Its not that I cant use em - because I can! I just wish I could keep em all together.

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Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


Coming to rolling dices. At normal fantasy games theres a chance to obtain 108 points to distribute on your attributes. With the current system you will only have 76 points or so which is a posibillity of 32 points less to distribute.. So rolling dices at home wont affect this pointpool.


Camping tools. I understand their thoughts. But if I have my hands on 7 camping kits I should be able to at least stack em i think. Its not that I cant use em - because I can! I just wish I could keep em all together.

But it's not a 1:10:100 exchange rate. It's like a 1:3.33:5:6.66:10:20:30:60 exchange rate.


And your comment on point difference shows exactly why they aren't doing that. If the game allowed dice rolls everyone would Errol until you got 108 points worth, which defeats the purpose of rolling. Point buy is better.

"Wizards do not need to be The Dudes Who Can AoE Nuke You and Gish and Take as Many Hits as a Fighter and Make all Skills Irrelevant Because Magic."

-Josh Sawyer

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Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


Coming to rolling dices. At normal fantasy games theres a chance to obtain 108 points to distribute on your attributes. With the current system you will only have 76 points or so which is a posibillity of 32 points less to distribute.. So rolling dices at home wont affect this pointpool.


Camping tools. I understand their thoughts. But if I have my hands on 7 camping kits I should be able to at least stack em i think. Its not that I cant use em - because I can! I just wish I could keep em all together.

But it's not a 1:10:100 exchange rate. It's like a 1:3.33:5:6.66:10:20:30:60 exchange rate.


And your comment on point difference shows exactly why they aren't doing that. If the game allowed dice rolls everyone would Errol until you got 108 points worth, which defeats the purpose of rolling. Point buy is better.



Table: Coins  

Exchange Value                CP    SP       GP            PP

Copper piece (cp) =           1    1/10    1/100     1/1,000

Silver piece (sp) =            10         1      1/10        1/100

Gold piece (gp) =           100       10           1          1/10

Platinum piece (pp) =  1,000     100         10               1


This is the exchange table for coinage I have for Dungeons & Dragons. You can skip the Platinum.


Coming to rolling dices, as it is now the game is deliberately keeping your stats lower than usual Dungeons & Dragons stats. Which is fine I guess if thats intended. But, I have never ever sitten that long rolling dices in BG1/2 or IWD1/2 till I got 18 x 6 - although I usually ends up with scores im reasonably happy with. But why should not the very patient die roller not have that chance? Or, as intended in the traditional gamerules; by having some luck?

Edited by Niccolado
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Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


But it's not a 1:10:100 exchange rate. It's like a 1:3.33:5:6.66:10:20:30:60 exchange rate.



Table: Coins  

Exchange Value                CP    SP       GP            PP

Copper piece (cp) =           1    1/10    1/100     1/1,000

Silver piece (sp) =            10         1      1/10        1/100

Gold piece (gp) =           100       10           1          1/10

Platinum piece (pp) =  1,000     100         10               1


This is the exchange table for coinage I have for Dungeons & Dragons. You can skip the Platinum.



He's talking about PoE, not D&D.  Go down to the Currency section here to see the different coinage value into copper. You can loot all of them right now in the beta.

Edited by morhilane

Azarhal, Chanter and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order of Eternity.

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google images of the three musketeers or 17th  century highway men- I'd love to see some cloth armor (robes) like this. There is a concept art drawing of the valiant republics clothing (on the wikia) that do something similar. I'd like to see more of this aesthetic. it would fit my rapier/pistol wielding rogue, as well as anyone that wanted to play an aristocratic or wealthy character.

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Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


But it's not a 1:10:100 exchange rate. It's like a 1:3.33:5:6.66:10:20:30:60 exchange rate.



Table: Coins  

Exchange Value                CP    SP       GP            PP

Copper piece (cp) =           1    1/10    1/100     1/1,000

Silver piece (sp) =            10         1      1/10        1/100

Gold piece (gp) =           100       10           1          1/10

Platinum piece (pp) =  1,000     100         10               1


This is the exchange table for coinage I have for Dungeons & Dragons. You can skip the Platinum.



He's talking about PoE, not D&D.  Go down to the Currency section here to see the different coinage value into copper. You can loot all of them right now in the beta.



I guess, but you cant buy anything for these coins as you have to sell them first as standard loot - as you have to do with all ordinary loot. Also, they are from different cultures arnt they. So it will be much like different currencies in our world - like between the Pound sterling, Euro and the dollar. I WILL however acknowledge I didn't know about this currency set, but I still think Obsidian could easily fix this if they wanted to...

Edited by Niccolado
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Coming to coinage its not that difficult knowing that there is a 1:10:100 rate differency between them. Societies at most times have always had different coinages, and in particularily fantasy games. I see no reason why not the same in PoE.


But it's not a 1:10:100 exchange rate. It's like a 1:3.33:5:6.66:10:20:30:60 exchange rate.



Table: Coins  

Exchange Value                CP    SP       GP            PP

Copper piece (cp) =           1    1/10    1/100     1/1,000

Silver piece (sp) =            10         1      1/10        1/100

Gold piece (gp) =           100       10           1          1/10

Platinum piece (pp) =  1,000     100         10               1


This is the exchange table for coinage I have for Dungeons & Dragons. You can skip the Platinum.



He's talking about PoE, not D&D.  Go down to the Currency section here to see the different coinage value into copper. You can loot all of them right now in the beta.



I guess, but you cant buy anything for these coins as you have to sell them first as standard loot - as you have to do with all ordinary loot. Also, they are from different cultures arnt they. So it will be much like different currencies in our world - like between the Pound sterling, Euro and the dollar. I WILL however acknowledge I didn't know about this currency set, but I still think Obsidian could easily fix this if they wanted to...



The game auto-change them into copper when you pick them up right now.

Azarhal, Chanter and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order of Eternity.

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are there plans to replace the currect loading screen? I hope so, the loading times aren't that short and the black screen doesn't do this game justice. So i hope for something like a BG2 screen with the image showing the loading progress, in PoE i persoinally would like the currect pillars of eternity image with the pillars 'filling up' as loading progresses.

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Really could use a system that takes the chargen heads and makes a portrait. Absolute first thing that stuck out to me was making my first char and realizing there was no portrait that even remotely resembled him. Reminded me of the 90's spending days to create and load custom portraits for BG. IMHO portraits are big immersion killers if they don't match and not everyone has the time or ability to make custom ones.


Really could use a way to know characters have committed to an action and time to completion. I loaded this beta and ran the slider all the way right, checked the two difficulty boxes below it and that's that, will never play any other way, but an issue I have is battles, I only fight them in slow motion. I am constantly reissuing commands because there is no way to know if the original command initiated. My thoughts on this are simple. On mouse-over there is already a little text box pop-up with health and stamina in it. It would be real sweet it there was also a commitment ie moving attacking casting etc. and a X.XX second timer running a countdown to completion/execution like...


75/100 health

50/75 Stamina

Casting Fireball

1.26 (this number is counting down to 0.00)  // This timer would be pure gold for combat IMHO


Really could use to NOT have the system automatically select the main character if the character I selected gets stunned or otherwise incapacitated between the time I clicked it and the time I clicked the order. Preferably if the character I selected gets stunned or otherwise I should just drop to no one selected. Sooooo many times my main charges head first into combat because I was issuing an order  and the character I was issuing to was hit or spelled between the time I selected them and the time I clicked their action which currently automatically defaults the new command to the main character.


Really wish there was a way to zoom in closer. Currently I have turned my resolution way down into the 1300's to get close enough to feel into it, but like that the faces are kind of pastel. With big heads and 1900's resolution the faces are awesome but everything else is so small in proportion that I finally settled on my current settings.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Portraits could really use some diversity of skin tone. If you only allowed us to pick lighter skin, it would make sense. One or two token black portaits is not going to cut it. Just saying :) 


This isn't out of a desire to be PC--I genuinely like having a variety of races--and colors--of characters in my party.

Edited by PrimeHydra

Ask a fish head

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They won't answer

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The save date/time on savegames is really hard to read at 1920x1080 resolution. Maybe rather than have two lines like this:


Saturday, September 13th

9:00 pm


Use a larger font and put it on a single line, with an abbreviate format like:


09/13/14 9:00pm

Edited by PrimeHydra

Ask a fish head

Anything you want to

They won't answer

(They can't talk)

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It would be really useful to have free level 5 hirelings, and a kill option in the tavern. Maybe you could order a round of poison?


Put simply, the beta has hugely more potential if people can play around with a lot of builds. To make this convenient, allowing them to purchase new pcs easily is a must, but so is killing off the companions you presently have, preferably on the same map.


The alternative is grinding for cash and running off to find a beetle to merc your BB pals. Just think of how many class combos people can play around with, if they can get a new party set up in town quickly with every new game?

Edited by happyelf
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fight is confusing and fast = mess. Looks like I have no control over my characters during combat and it seems that the strategy is not important at all.

- Reduce frames per second. Maybe limit the fps to 30 fps. You'll get a more cinematic look.

- Mow the lawn.  I can't see anybody on the grass :)

Edited by adam77
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It would be really useful to have free level 5 hirelings, and a kill option in the tavern. Maybe you could order a round of poison?


Put simply, the beta has hugely more potential if people can play around with a lot of builds. To make this convenient, allowing them to purchase new pcs easily is a must, but so is killing off the companions you presently have, preferably on the same map.


The alternative is grinding for cash and running off to find a beetle to merc your BB pals. Just think of how many class combos people can play around with, if they can get a new party set up in town quickly with every new game?

search for the save-game editor thread - you can add cp to your party with that and hire who you like ;)

(doesn't help with killing off the BB-chars and removing them from your team ... at least, I don't think it does - maybe give it a try?)

Edited by Silent Winter
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*Casts Nature's Terror* :aiee: , *Casts Firebug* :fdevil: , *Casts Rot-Skulls* :skull: , *Casts Garden of Life* :luck: *Spirit-shifts to cat form* :cat:

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fight is confusing and fast = mess. Looks like I have no control over my characters during combat and it seems that the strategy is not important at all.

- Reduce frames per second. Maybe limit the fps to 30 fps. You'll get a more cinematic look.

- Mow the lawn.  I can't see anybody on the grass :)

- status bar above characters is useless in such mess



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Please color the icons for offensive and defensive spells consistently. Currently most defensive spell icons are blue, but a few are red, and most offensive spells are red, but a few are blue. That coloring is huge in terms of what it communicates to the player. I hope you decide to bring them into line with the IE games in terms of consistency. I realize the icons of the backer beta aren't final, but I wasn't sure whether some spell icons were.

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Ask a fish head

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They won't answer

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Please reduce the tooltip delay for spells significantly or make it customizable in the options menu. It's really annoying hovering over every one of ~10 spells for about a second just to find the one I want. Personal preference would be for near-instant, but it should really just be a slider in the options menu. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may have been mentioned, but class abilities could use some kind of description in their tooltip when creating a class. Creating a monk right now, and under the Class banner, under Monk, there are icons for Transcendant Suffering and Swift Strikes.


Transcendant Suffering's tooltip simply says "Passive".

Swift Strikes' tooltip says "Requires 1 wound".


I can find the descriptions for these abilities in the general Monk description, but shouldn't the ability icons themselves also describe them? Just found it a wee confusing.


PS - this is in build 301.


Edit - Also getting this in the character level up screen. I unlocked "Long Stride", and mousing over it I just see "Combat Only". No description. Bug, or incomplete tooltips? I wasn't sure.

Edited by PrimeHydra
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Ask a fish head

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They won't answer

(They can't talk)

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This may have been mentioned, but class abilities could use some kind of description in their tooltip when creating a class. Creating a monk right now, and under the Class banner, under Monk, there are icons for Transcendant Suffering and Swift Strikes.


Transcendant Suffering's tooltip simply says "Passive".

Swift Strikes' tooltip says "Requires 1 wound".


I can find the descriptions for these abilities in the general Monk description, but shouldn't the ability icons themselves also describe them? Just found it a wee confusing.

There used to be descriptions. I'm chalking it up to bugs.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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