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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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Which is to say, it's designed like WoW quests circa 2005? :p



I might log in for the hell of it once the character name reset kicks in in a few days. Not to play, but to see if I can get any of my original character names back (which they all lost on the automatic transfer to US servers).


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To be fair Gorth, the game is a MMO, not a single player. I could write a looooong list on what I think they did wrong with the game, but you can't really blame them encouraging people to group up.


Though knowing your situation and the little fact that you actually need people for a group I might feel the same in your shoes  :shifty:


That's not "encouraging" that is "forcing".

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I did them both (well, all three actually)... although yeah, finding a crew took many an evening shouting LFG on the fleet... and sometimes we got 2 or 3 and still had to abort.


The biggest issue with these 2 (3) H4's isn't that they come after a singleplayer line, but that they are non-repeatable (like all other H4's in the game). So doing them again, no bonus. And without carrot dangling infront of them, few MMO-players would be willing to help out.

If they just make it so you could repeat it daily and get the bonus, any and all issues with finding a group should go away I think, since all three quests are really fun to play and short too for the reward.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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It is an mmo, but from the start they insisted that you could pretty much do all story arcs within the game as solo or as group.  They've got plenty of group specific stuff anyway, but to create story lines that are full of solo stuff (I mean seriously, where would there be fun in grouping up to do the macrobinocular search or digging up the dread seeds?), then that require you to have a group to finish is a bit of a jarring thing.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It is an mmo, but from the start they insisted that you could pretty much do all story arcs within the game as solo or as group.  They've got plenty of group specific stuff anyway, but to create story lines that are full of solo stuff (I mean seriously, where would there be fun in grouping up to do the macrobinocular search or digging up the dread seeds?), then that require you to have a group to finish is a bit of a jarring thing.

The fun part in grouping up is that it he seeker droid parts go so much faster...


I would love it if the H4:s were repeatable, I really like All the pieces at least. Not enough to do the whole line again though.

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Yeah, I only noticed near the end of the seeker droid (I think, the one on Ilum) mission that throughout the mission where a few item which gave text hovering over them. Of course, with the group I had, no pauses to read... was hoping to read them after the boss was done, but the teamleader left, and I got kicked out of the instance :/

*sigh* And the only way to get it again is a new character now...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Hm, okay, after having returned to Makeb with my SI, I have to say..  Stage 2: Dissonance Wave is a major freaking drag.  It's not a challenging one, it's just bloody annoying. Run over here, have multiple objects which involve you moving back and forth a lot. Then backtrack across half the map to go to this point, where you repeat everything from point A, just with added things to make you backtrack again.  Travel back across the map you've already crossed twice to reach location C. Repeat the same process, with a few more difficulties, and having to run around once more, going in circles over where you've already travelled.  >_<

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I can't be bothered doing the weekly Makeb at all, even if I still need 2 reputation ranks... too annoying...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I haven't played in a long while


Ever since I "upgraded" to Windows 8.1 SWTOR has just been a big buggy pile of crashes and balls


Hm, okay, after having returned to Makeb with my SI, I have to say..  Stage 2: Dissonance Wave is a major freaking drag.  It's not a challenging one, it's just bloody annoying. Run over here, have multiple objects which involve you moving back and forth a lot. Then backtrack across half the map to go to this point, where you repeat everything from point A, just with added things to make you backtrack again.  Travel back across the map you've already crossed twice to reach location C. Repeat the same process, with a few more difficulties, and having to run around once more, going in circles over where you've already travelled.  >_<


I always avoided that one. Once was too much

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I did them both (well, all three actually)... although yeah, finding a crew took many an evening shouting LFG on the fleet... and sometimes we got 2 or 3 and still had to abort.


The biggest issue with these 2 (3) H4's isn't that they come after a singleplayer line, but that they are non-repeatable (like all other H4's in the game). So doing them again, no bonus. And without carrot dangling infront of them, few MMO-players would be willing to help out.

If they just make it so you could repeat it daily and get the bonus, any and all issues with finding a group should go away I think, since all three quests are really fun to play and short too for the reward.

Yeah, I think in order to complete them, I need to get up at 5am on a Saturday morning and start shouting out for a handful of hours (in Apac prime time, there will be a total of 40-50 people on the fleet, so it's unlikely that a large proportion of them are inclined to do so). Not going to happen anytime soon. But as mentioned, I managed to control myself enough to not abandon either quest outright. Not sure I'm going to bother with the toons following in his footsteps though, just sticking to GSI and treasure hunting missions. Heck, even the GSI missions you can get lucky and find people for (being of the repeatable nature).


At least with the daily stuff, like say The Black Hole, you are told up front by the mission terminal that in order to complete the weekly, you'll have to do the Heroics4 thing. Not so bad when 1) the game is up front about it and don't pull a "Gotcha, developers screwed you over Malak fight style" by changing the rules of engagement and 2) you can be reasonably certain that the one or two people being there (The Black Hole) at the same time as you are on the same missions and open to suggestions when calling out for somebody to join you. Of course, sometimes it will be only me and myself being online at the time.


Edit: Tried the ingame cartel coin purchase... keep getting an error code 9. I tried to contact customer support and got a reply back that it was a periodic thing error and should try again later. Tried again 24 hours later and still same error. Not a good first impression.


Edit2: Any idea what the purpose of "shock frozen water" is? I seem to have picked it up on Hoth, although now idea how (going treasure digging) :huh:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, the GSI Heroics can be solo'd on Alderaan en Tatooine, so you don't even need someone else (I wouldn't advise it on Hoth or Makeb though).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Hm, didn't it used to be one of the mystery special ingredients you needed for the magenta crystal recipes?


Although I vaguely remember hearing something about it being used for healing or some such, but there was a glitch or exploit of people using it in PvP, so it got changed.


Puttered around some tonight on TOR, bouncing between toons and working on crafting skills and wotnot, did some of Taris with my Commando, some space missions with my Agent, and even hit Ilum with my Juggernaut for a short run along.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hm, didn't it used to be one of the mystery special ingredients you needed for the magenta crystal recipes?


Although I vaguely remember hearing something about it being used for healing or some such, but there was a glitch or exploit of people using it in PvP, so it got changed.


Puttered around some tonight on TOR, bouncing between toons and working on crafting skills and wotnot, did some of Taris with my Commando, some space missions with my Agent, and even hit Ilum with my Juggernaut for a short run along.

Not sure why, but I think Republic Taris is a contender for my favourite place in the game (fighting it out with Hutta for top spot). Something about the mood and atmosphere just manages to captivate my imagination.


I think Google is going to have to help me out with the water. I don't do PVP anymore, but I do have the purple crystal schematics (taught to my artifice guy), but never found Adegan (pristine or otherwise) crystals anywhere. I remember the word 'Adegan' being mentioned on Ilum when the officers discussed crystals, so I would have guessed it being the place to find them.


Well, the GSI Heroics can be solo'd on Alderaan en Tatooine, so you don't even need someone else (I wouldn't advise it on Hoth or Makeb though).

Really? I might just give the Tatooine one a go to test it. I seem to remember that bot putting up quite a spirited fight though (we were 3 man and a companion at the time, so it wasn't a challenge).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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That Edit wasn't there yet.


IIRC; Get boost on Tatooine (same for hatching eggs), take it to Hoth, get that item. Then use it on some crystal on Ilum, kill ghost, get unique crystal for crafting. That's what I recall anyway.


Yeah, Alderaan is the easiest, Tatooine second. I've only done Hoth once but it was a bit of puzzling and had insta-death (with revive penalty) so it's my least favorite, never done it since.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Support actually helped me today. Yes, I am shocked too.


Had an issue with upgrading my PvP implant (did I mention that here?). Only got it cause the regular comms implants suck.

And from what I could see I could only upgrade my good MK-2 for the crappy MK-1 counterpart that sucked beyond all comprehension. Which triggered my bugreport, since the "has old MK-1" was green, and MK-2 red.


But support notified me that if I unequiped it, I could exchange it. And indeed, equipped, only MK-1 exchange available. Unequipped, I could trade MK-2 for MK-2.

I'm not even going to TRY understand why the heck it's that way, but I got my implant. Should suit me till I get a Dread Forged alternative in... well, probably never.

Always win crap in random rolls, but bet if I really want it (still got crappy 66 saber, roll for 72) and there are only 2 people going for it... I still lose.


Anyway, sharing a story that either support got better than it used to be... or they got so annoyed by me that they decide to actually answer in a hope to shut up all my mails about bugs and stuff XD




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Out of curiousity I took my SI to Oricron. Looks somewhat interesting. However, one thing I did note : Being a character who has mods that are a mix of level 58 , 61 & one piece of gear at 69..


Every single character I looked at was wearing complete sets of cartel gear modded up to 72 and above.  That was very.. "Am I not meant to be here yet??"  kind of feeling..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Well, it was released when most already got full 69 or 72. And any remaining 72 got easy to get with them being elite now. So it has more to do with 'when released' than intended.


Since the drops you get when doing the story first time definitely make it seem out you aren't supposed to be full 69 there yet.

My 72/part 78 breezes through it, even the Heroic by himself. It's not exactly made for that gear (well, besides the HM Ops).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Got a bit annoyed with the Corrupted Bothrium Beast after giving it a go, logged off for a break.

It's got a super powerful life-draining "Extract" power that you have to disrupt, but somehow it can kick it back in quicker then your disrupt power becomes available. Combine that with the summoning tentacles which it can then zap to self-heal makes it rather annoying.


I'd hit it once, it would start the Extract.. I'd disrupt it, hit it a 2nd time, have to run over to kill a tentacle it summoned before it could use it to self-heal, start to run back, and it would startup Extracting again, which kills me before my Jolt to disrupt it became active again. >_<



And then of course, after I've bitched about it, I go back and it dies within moments. Oy vey.

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Out of curiousity I took my SI to Oricron. Looks somewhat interesting. However, one thing I did note : Being a character who has mods that are a mix of level 58 , 61 & one piece of gear at 69..


Every single character I looked at was wearing complete sets of cartel gear modded up to 72 and above.  That was very.. "Am I not meant to be here yet??"  kind of feeling..

we got so many toons that very few is better than 69s. oricon is relative ez with 69s... even w/o augments. am suspecting that 61s and 58s will result in 3 battles being a smidge tough.


HA! Good Fun!




"Got a bit annoyed with the Corrupted Bothrium Beast..." 


that one annoyed our heals toons. is not as if Gromnir's comps is great at timely interrupts. makes more o' a pain as we rare use tanks companions. gotta heal, interrupt the beastie and attack the tentacle when it appears. 

Edited by Gromnir

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