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"Ok, so Kickstarters are only contractually obligated to fulfill pledge rewards, if the reward states "a copy of the game when it is released" but its never released, would that wording be enough to get them out of having to provide refunds?"


Such legal trickery 'loopholes' would likely be laughed out of court by any decent judge.   Many companies put a lot of nonsense in their contracts that people take for granted and assume because it is written that the law/court will okay it 100%. Courts  overrule/change contracts all the time, and some if done in poor taste to one side's disadvantage can and will be tossed aside. the problem, of course, most of these lopsided contracts are never actually cvhallenged in court because the weaker side doesn't have the money  to push against it (if they did they'd likely never had been hoodwinked in the first place).


This isn't the 1500s where the big boys always win but the little boyus have to choose to fight to have a shot at winning.


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God, what a waste of time. 5 minutes I waited for something to happen and nothing did. If you're reading this, just scroll to 10 seconds before the video ends to see what it's about.


You just don't get it.

I don't get it either.

Same here. Is there anything more about this? Right now I can't even see if this is a game or not.


Something something future, something something malevolent AI is what I got out of that video, hence my thinking that this will be System Shock-esque.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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God, what a waste of time. 5 minutes I waited for something to happen and nothing did. If you're reading this, just scroll to 10 seconds before the video ends to see what it's about.


You just don't get it.


I don't get it either.



A refreshing minimalistic and measured pacing in an industry where 30 seconds cannot pass without an explosive set piece or dramatic moment? A genuine sense of mystery? A subtle undercurrent of creepiness built from small environmental details and seemingly innocuous events?


Nah, of course you wouldn't get that.

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Is file compression already lost knowledge?


Well, ps3 users have been complaining for the whole generation about how they had to suffer FMVs packed for DVD size, instead of using the full available storage space on blu-rays. Imagine if digital downloads were more heavily compressed than disc releases, or even worse, they'd start compressing the whole release more heavily to make the digital download smaller? If you don't have the bandwidth, buy the disc. Simple.


Such rationale requires a level of technological proficiency which console users seem adamant about not learning. If you have a console its very likely that you're trying to avoid technical issues and learning.


I find your methodology suspect, especially since I don't feel like I fit your profile myself. :p


Then you may be the exception, I've met some.

Still most console owners I know aren't tech savvy and when the inevitable PC vs Consoles debate starts one of the main arguments seems be the convenience of a machine exclusively for playing games. Which seems to be a common response around the web, alongside the fact that consoles (allegedly) don't have to deal with as many technical issues as the PCs. Of course I chalk that up to general ignorance surrounding PC gaming, hell I used to believe that myself before I got into it.



Eh, I have a somewhat non-standard setup (video and audio out via hdmi into amp and from there to tv/monitor) and frankly, it gives me no end of trouble on the pc side while it does, indeed, just work for both the consoles. CoH for example gives me a hard crash when I try to start it when I've forgotten to switch down to two channels. And stuff like that. Sure, it's probably limited to older games, but that's what I play on the PC, anyway. I don't think I've ever played a single pc game which hasn't required some sort of ini tweak, fix, processor core limiter or God knows what else to use. I'm technically proficient enough to do it, but liberal arts enough to not like it. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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