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Best Police in the World


Best Police in the World  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. What country have best Police in the World

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I have lost all respect of law enforcement officers in the past few years. I've found them to be badge heavy, abusive of their authority, ignorant of the laws they are actually enforcing, and far more interested in expedience than actually doing justice. The Shelby County Sheriffs office seems ok but the Memphis PD is little more than an armed gang with badges and uniforms.


That's happened here in some local jurisdictions.  Funnily, in almost every case that comes to mind it was later revealed that the higher-ups were engaged in criminal activities.  Again this is why, IMO, we have to be open about cops doing things wrong but also not blaming "cops" in general for every wrong thing ever done by a cop.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Fail compilation


North-Caucasian region. Police attempt arrest two insurgents alive, but fail. Armed Insurgents resist to arrest and has been killed by return fire. Policemen become really sad after this (after any using of gun russian police must prove own innocence on trial) and evacuate (insurgents typically use suicide-bombers, car can be exploded in any moment).



Other video from this region. America is safe place in comparision to this. Even in such hellhole Russian police avoid kill people without reason.



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"Understandably took exception and struggled a bit is the part that gets me, I don't understand that.  If the police are coming at me, I'm going to do my best to not escalate the situation.  If it is a case of mistaken identity, it can be cleared up much quicker if I am not struggling."

L0L Yeah. Don't struggle whiel they break your neck.. then youc an sue them for unlawful arrest afetrwards.. oh yeah, you can't.


Why do you support such evil behavior as arresting and jumping the wrong guy? If the police were faselya rresting me, I wouldn't wait until they broke my neck to say, " please sure don't hurt me bro." L0LZ



"I had a cop do the pat down while I'm standing with hands on the hood of his car, thing, once ... in my driveway. But that was because I was stupid. Probably mentioned it before, but ... I saw him on the way home behind me. He didn't have his lights on but he was following, following. I hadn't re-registered my car on-time so I figured he was looking at my tags. I kept driving home (less than half a mile, btw) - he still didn't have his lights on. I was literally like 10 feet from my driveway, already practically in the act of turning the wheel to pull in, when he did put his lights on, and like an idiot I finished pulling into my driveway then got out of my car and faced his car, smiling, waiting, ready for a tag-fixit-ticket. It's habit, y'know? Pull in driveway, get out of car.


The (young) cop freaked on me, pulled his gun, screaming why did I pull into this driveway, why'd I get out of the car, dragged me to his car, etc."

Whya re you defending his poor behaviour?  He obviously wasn't ready to be on the street. That's a cop waiting to shoot someone 'by accident'.  He's the idiot here not you.



 "Getting all indignant towards the guys and gals who are the first people to respond when you call out for help seems wrong."


I never called the cops in my life, but if I did, I'd expect them to the job they are paid to do. I wouldn't be needlessly rude to them either since I'm never needlessly rude to anyone. And, oh, cops are rarely the first people to repsond. They usually respond after the fact when it is too late to stop anything. L0L


(rudeness is needed on the internet b/c that's the only way internet freaks understand stuff as polite posts are conviently ignored lol).

Edited by Volourn


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I love how Volo's trying his damndest to paint a picture of cops like these drug crazed fiends loosing shots off willy nilly, stealing our donkeys and sleeping with the milkjugs.


If anyone actually is getting a kick out of that notion, read The Choirboys, by Joseph Wambaugh. Should keep you frotting merrily for a few hours.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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"since I'm never needlessly rude to anyone."


Well that's an interesting perspective.  Not so much in a disagreement in that "No way man, you are totally needlessly rude to people" but rather that you actually appear to feel justified and that those you are rude to in fact, are deserving of it.







(rudeness is needed on the internet b/c that's the only way internet freaks understand stuff as polite posts are conviently ignored lol).


In general your posting style shifts me away from your perspective, an observation that is actually being supported through actual research.  For instance, initial research supports the idea that being rude on the internet decreases the actual knowledge people receive about discussions, while leading those people to feel they are more knowledgeable and increasingly polarizing them.


Your posts do a better job of convincing me that your perspective is irrelevant, compared to someone like Malcador or Calax.


Plus, you run the increasing chance that I actually literally put you on ignore, providing additional barriers to me actually seeing your posts.



Personally, I have always been of the mind that you're rude on the internet because you can be, and you find it fun.  *shrug*

Edited by alanschu
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"Understandably took exception and struggled a bit is the part that gets me, I don't understand that.  If the police are coming at me, I'm going to do my best to not escalate the situation.  If it is a case of mistaken identity, it can be cleared up much quicker if I am not struggling."


L0L Yeah. Don't struggle whiel they break your neck.. then youc an sue them for unlawful arrest afetrwards.. oh yeah, you can't.


Why do you support such evil behavior as arresting and jumping the wrong guy? If the police were faselya rresting me, I wouldn't wait until they broke my neck to say, " please sure don't hurt me bro." L0LZ



What in the world are you talking about?


Your odds of getting your neck broken are way greater if you are resisting arrest.  That seems like common sense.  


Also how often do people successfully fight off the cops and then prove their innocence?  I enjoy the movie The Fugitive, but it's hardly reality.  Do you recommend getting into car chases to dispute traffic tickets as well?

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"Do you recommend getting into car chases to dispute traffic tickets as well?"


I like how you avoid the issue of   abhorrent police behaviour for something that has nothing to do with it?



"Your odds of getting your neck broken are way greater if you are resisting arrest.  That seems like common sense. "


Your odds of staying alive when the mob or gang threatens you is to do as they tell you as well. Your point?



To make it clear. I'm pro cop.  Correction. I'm pro good cop. I'm anti bad cop. You seem to be of the ilk who believes that cops should be allowed to act like Judge Dredd where their word is law, and they can act in any manner they wish, and then the mess can be sorted out later.


Oh, sorry, mam, I'm sorry your husband was killed without cause but hey that sneer on his face when I demanded to take over your home  convinced me he was a mass murdering pyscho path whose neck I had to break. because he 'resisted' an unlawful arrest by refusing me entry. My bad...


Judge: Give the woman 2million dollars. That'll replace her husband and suspend that rude officer for a month as that will show that justice has been served.


that's the kind of world you want to live in.


I prefer to live in the world where the situation doesn't occur in the first place.


I want my cops to the 'serve and protect' types not the 'harass and bully' types.


I don't want the police to be just another gang. I want them to be above that kind of ****. The fact there is even a need for 'internal affairs' is disgusting and the fact that the police seem to loathe them is even more disgusting.


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Volo, your responses to my posts don't seem to have anything to do with what I've written.  


We have been talking about real situations where people are aggressively resisting arrest, and you are making up scenarios.  At this point, I'm going to stop responding to you. 

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Look in a mirror bud. You've been making up silly scenarios as well ala your speeding ticket one. Yet, you whine when I do it. There are tons of examples of police going too far yet you defend them as 'obey the cops and if you don't you deserve to die lolololol'.


I say 'obey the mob 'cause if you don't you deserve to die lololol'.


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Volo, it's just my opinion, but this isn't even trolling any more. This is

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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Side note: In the USA many police units are no longer ALLOWED to get into high speed persuits simply because of the damages. Cop looses a tiny bit of control and hits somebody and that person can sue the cops for the medical bills (or his family for funeral expenses and mental damage).


For the most part, my opinion is that cops are good to have around when there's clear cut good and bad guys, and order needs to be actually kept (like riots or a thief). Any other time you see a cop there's going to be problems, because the sheer amount of latitude a cop has to mess with his "perp".



Hilariously one of the Cops at the airport HATES dealing with the average person (every time he's asked where something is, he turns to me after the guy left and goes "that's not my friggin job!"), and has specifically said he'd much prefer to deal with tweakers than travelers. The other one here that I've seen has been pretty "eh, might as well have fun with it" and jokes aroudn with those of us in the banks of desks by baggage claim.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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For the most part, my opinion is that cops are good to have around when there's clear cut good and bad guys, and order needs to be actually kept (like riots or a thief). Any other time you see a cop there's going to be problems, because the sheer amount of latitude a cop has to mess with his "perp".


I don't know.  Most of the time when I see a police officer, they are driving around in their patrol car or getting a coffee at a convenience store or cafe/restaurant.  My friend had his car stolen one time, and he reported it and a day or two later, they called back saying they found the car.  A few years later, we once received a phone call from a constable as he was in our neighbourhood investigating a disturbance and noticed that my friend's side mirror had been busted up.

We had an RCMP liaison officer at my high school, and he was bar none one of the nicest people I have ever met.  Being a bunch of teenage boys, we were immediately fascinated with his sidearm and he talked a bit about the level of choice in firearms, training, and so forth.  Although he refused to unholster it in part due to general safety, but I think mostly because he was proud of never having to unholster it while in uniform, and didn't want to change that for no good reason.  (Every police officer I ever spoke with actually has said they have never had to pull their firearm in the line of duty, and would prefer to keep it that way).



We also have the rule about high speed pursuits.  In the past decade, Edmonton actually got a helicopter so high speed pursuits get called in, with the helicopter tracking visual while police coordinate at safe speeds and distances.



I have seen police do some shady things.  I saw one turn his lights on to go through an intersection and then turn them off (I don't know if there is any sort of operating procedure for them to do something like that with good reason, however).  I remember one late night seeing two cruisers aggressively swerving in and out of two lanes, despite me not seeing any sort of obvious reason for them to be doing so.  There's also the occasional charge of corruption and even more minor things like overtime abuse and whatnot, that are certainly things that need to be called out.

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What in the world are you talking about?


Your odds of getting your neck broken are way greater if you are resisting arrest.  That seems like common sense.  


Also how often do people successfully fight off the cops and then prove their innocence?  I enjoy the movie The Fugitive, but it's hardly reality.  Do you recommend getting into car chases to dispute traffic tickets as well?

It's a bit bull**** that you even have to do this though - in the example just submit when they assault you for no reason - as how the hell do you know they're not a cop or are just gone insane and trying to defend yourself is fairly natural. Again, a problem with approach, where too many watched NYPD Blue or something.


Funnier still is the cops just say 'Sorry' and shrug it off when really they should be publicly dismissed and shamed for deciding a violent takedown when they have bad ID was a good idea.


But you are right though, when some meshback cop decides to take you down, you'd might as well submit.


See the G20 in Toronto for cops doing shady things. Ignore 'rioters' wrecking Yonge street, rough up people sitting down when clearing Queen's Park, run their detention center like something out of WW2 Japan or even silly **** like rustling people walking a block from the secure zone. That and the convenient loss of records, saying that the victim of an assault is unreliable as he couldn't tell who was beating him, etc. etc.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It's only just occurred to me that some of you may not have come across the classic prison experiment from the 1960s. Or Milgram's obedience experiments. I really think you should check them out.


I'm not going to link because that would make it too easy. If you look them up yourselves based on my partial description, you will be subject to a consistency bias and be more inclined to actually read and understand them.

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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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There is a certain amount of irony of something like this happening on 4th of July.




Could be a cultural thing?  Here was a fun story about an RCMP officer:




Although RCMP officers are hardly immune from being jerks too.

Edited by alanschu
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Are you referring to the one at a particular west coast school? (That one was pretty interesting)


Milgram's experiments were neat too.


I think it was Stanford. not sure where Stanford is :).

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Stanford Prison Experiment, shut down after 4 days because the guy running it finally realized it was getting out of hand, and his GF threatened to break up with him if he didn't stop it. Was supposed to run for 2 weeks.


It just goes to show that there should be more checks on Police power, particularly in situations where they are turned to as authority figures.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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It's only just occurred to me that some of you may not have come across the classic prison experiment from the 1960s. Or Milgram's obedience experiments. I really think you should check them out.


I'm not going to link because that would make it too easy. If you look them up yourselves based on my partial description, you will be subject to a consistency bias and be more inclined to actually read and understand them.

Those are some of my favorite psych experiments, alongside with Pavlov's dog and that guy who used to lock his baby in a cage.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Which was the one where they classically conditioned a kid to be terrified of hair?


Ah, those were the days. :)




Calax, you always have to balance the controls against the point of the system. That's true of everything. Flip it around and think abot the worst jobs you've had. They're the ones where no-one trusts you NOT to be an ****, and they're constantly looking over your shoulder. And which jobs did you get disillusioned with and start acting up on, even though you're probably a good employee?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Case of appalling police misconduct. Bugging anti-racism campaigners who were trying to get justice for a murdered teenager.


I would encourage all UK members to bring this up with their MP. Guilty senior officers need to be identified and nailed. I will be bringing it up with my MP in the next couple of weeks.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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So cops beating the crap of guy on the middle of the street is okay but bugging meetings is appalling? I don't get you Wals, but maybe i'm missing something.
What was the case about specifically?

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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