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Dragon Age III / The Witcher 3 trailers. Impressions?



54 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about these games?

    • They will both be great.
    • TW3 will be good/great, DA3 will not.
    • DA3 will be good/great, TW2 will not.
    • They will both suck.

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Couldn't be bothered with the age verification. Doesn't appear I'm missing that much. Witcher 3 is out for current gen consoles so no wonder it looks like Witcher 2.

No, it's not for current gen systems because the visuals needed to be tuned down just to make Witcher 2 work on the 360, and now we're going to have an improved lighting engine and massive landscapes on top of that? Not happening


It was announced for PS4, Xbone and PC

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The clear winner here is obviously Dragon Age, because Bioware, for starters, understands the English language.


Yes, but the problem is the way they use it.

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Unimpressed by both trailers.


Besides showing only bloody cinematics DA3 Inqusition also seems to have waaay too much DA2 in it for me to like it. I also find that the Bioware designers can't really handle the new engine, the faces of Morrigan and Cassandra look really ugly, squishy, and the facial features are out proportion. (Whats up with Cassandras potato-face?) The lighting also looked horrible and there is still nothing that makes me care about the mage-templar war.


The Witcher looked like Skyrim with better graphics, I got the impression that there will be a lot of open world and actiony gameplay with very little story.


In both trailers I didn't even once have the ''whoah, I can't wait to play this!'' feeling. Yeah, they were just trailers, but you know what they say about first impressions.

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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I'm not actually that impressed with either trailer, regardless. Which isn't to judge the game potential itself...only the trailers. Fancy official trailers these days all blur together anyway...and are usually largely meaningless for wondering if I want to play/buy it.

I forgot to add my "disclaimer" that while I've read a lot of posts about the game series here and there, I've yet to play any of the previous Witcher or DA games, so there's no built-in anticipation (or antipathy...) for me in that regard.


I'd probably respond better if more game trailers had elements of humor or were more subtle...something other than the overly dramatic "ultimate evil/ultimate hero/ultimate action/look at this handsome hero/heroine" fast-cut/bangbang movie trailer type thing that has become so blase over the past decade. :)

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I learned not to trust Bioware's trailers.
Take a look at their:
DA1 Ashes trailer: The gameplay has never been more misrepresented.
DA2 Arishok trailer: was the graphic and animation that badass?
ME3 trailer: I didn't see sunflower field in the game, and Shepard can't jump and charge with his blade either. I want to believe.

To be fair, there's a disclaimer at the start of the DA3 trailer, so at least we will get the graphics we see. However I'm not sure with the ME3 formula, like gathering allies to save the world.

TW3 trailer looks great, they showcased important points like battle mechanics, open world, beautiful graphic, and great cities with good immersion (the crowds, etc)

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Unimpressed by either of them, Dragon Age seems to be sticking with the silly Mage war theme, features one of the odious cast from the second game and seems solidly entrenched in epic generic bombasity. The Witcher didn't really tell me anything I didn't know. The latter wins in my estimation because it showed gameplay however.


Edit: Didn't vote because I don't know what the games will play like, can only judge the trailers.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. I feel that the Witcher 3 has more potential though, because BW doesn't experiment enough, or at all.


Although I generally lost interest in the Witcher series after the first one. I loved it because it was rough around the edges, unabashedly rude and it managed to make me laugh - unlike the McDragon burger "build according to checklist" experience .


The second Witcher already looked like a commercialized, Hollywood type experience, I remember rolling my eyes at the soppy romantic scenes in some pool or other. 

I never played it so the new one will have to go out of its way to convince me that its what I think a Witcher game should be and not trying to be Mass Effect.



Drowsy just for record are there any games that have been released in the last 3 years that you have really enjoyed and would recommend?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

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Funny how the teenage me would have gushed over the possibilities shown by the W3 trailer. But now that its all out of my head and a part of the game, suddenly there's no more room for imagination and I'm not nearly as enthralled as I should be.


The Infinity engine and other isometric games seem to offer a better balance between what you can see and what you should imagine.


Itn the same way, when watching Starcraft (one or two, it doesn't matter) I imagine myself what ground combat would be like in a particular battle. It draws me into the universe. Yet all the shooters trying to replicate similar scenarios leave me cold. I can't even play them.


I watch Geralt ride a horse in that scene and the only thing I can keep thinking is how Shadow of the Colossus did the same thing but felt infinitely more magical with its great vistas and subtle lighting.

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Unimpressed by either of them, Dragon Age seems to be sticking with the silly Mage war theme, features one of the odious cast from the second game and seems solidly entrenched in epic generic bombasity. The Witcher didn't really tell me anything I didn't know. The latter wins in my estimation because it showed gameplay however.


Edit: Didn't vote because I don't know what the games will play like, can only judge the trailers.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. I feel that the Witcher 3 has more potential though, because BW doesn't experiment enough, or at all.


Although I generally lost interest in the Witcher series after the first one. I loved it because it was rough around the edges, unabashedly rude and it managed to make me laugh - unlike the McDragon burger "build according to checklist" experience .


The second Witcher already looked like a commercialized, Hollywood type experience, I remember rolling my eyes at the soppy romantic scenes in some pool or other. 

I never played it so the new one will have to go out of its way to convince me that its what I think a Witcher game should be and not trying to be Mass Effect.



Drowsy just for record are there any games that have been released in the last 3 years that you have really enjoyed and would recommend?



I can't even remember what has been released in the last 3 years so I suppose that's an answer in itself. I did derive some enjoyment from games like Deus Ex HR, the Wings of Liberty campaign, XCOM, Fallout: New Vegas, ME2 but none of that is an unforgettable experience - because they fell flat at some point (most of the time, the ending).


When I think of the games I truly enjoyed, the most recent two that pop into my mind are the original Witcher and Mirror's Edge and a few point and click adventures.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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The staggering level of ambition of The Witcher 3 does scare me a bit, simply because of what I've seen happen to another great series that got really ambitious with its third iteration: Gothic.  Luckily, CD Projekt RED are in a position where they pretty much answer to no one but themselves, and with their subsidiary, GOG, constantly blowing more wind in their sails, they may actually have the time and resources to at least attempt to fully realize their ambitions.


As for Dragon Age 3, I hope it's good, I really do, there's just so little to go on at this point.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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There's certainly more to look forward to now than there has been in years.


I'm still waiting to eat that kickstarter pudding though.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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I vote TW3, since it actually had gameplay.


I truly appreciated the Witcher series.  I liked the mix of hunting monsters, lore/history, and the political game behind the scenes.  Also, CD Project has won my respect with the free updates, the Witcher mod tool-set, and a drive to make a better game.  Although there is certainly a lot that can go wrong with TW3, I trust that I will enjoy it. 


As for Bioware, after Mass Effect 2 and Old Republic, I am not holding my breath.  The Old Republic killed any hope that I had for a good Star Wars RPG. 

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The second Witcher already looked like a commercialized, Hollywood type experience, I remember rolling my eyes at the soppy romantic scenes in some pool or other. 

I never played it so the new one will have to go out of its way to convince me that its what I think a Witcher game should be and not trying to be Mass Effect.

You should play it. Improves on the original in every possible way. If possible, get polish voice overs with subtitles.


Poland blows everyone out of the water when it comes to things Witcher! I'm surprised a movie andor TV series was never made...


(FTR, if Poland were to have made a Witcher movie or TV series I'd bet it would have been better than Diplomatic Immunity or Melody Rules)

Can't say if trolling or just trying to make me very sad.


Great, you made me sad. Hope you're satisfied.


Meanie. :(


The staggering level of ambition of The Witcher 3 does scare me a bit, simply because of what I've seen happen to another great series that got really ambitious with its third iteration: Gothic.  Luckily, CD Projekt RED are in a position where they pretty much answer to no one but themselves, and with their subsidiary, GOG, constantly blowing more wind in their sails, they may actually have the time and resources to at least attempt to fully realize their ambitions.

Why the hate? Gothic 3 was great, its only problem was a rough technical base.

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I hadn't actually tried clicking the trailers until just now, heh. I feel sometimes that I'm the only person who doesn't have a YT account, can't watch either. Yeah, I know it's not hard to find an alternative host, but hey, I'm the laziest person I know.


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Why the hate? Gothic 3 was great, its only problem was a rough technical base.


I love the Gothic series and I love Gothic 3, but it took nearly 2 after launch for that to even become a playable game.  Gothic 3, in its current shape with the latest community patch and the content mods and the AI rewrite and rebalance, is a great game, but it was an UNMITIGATED DISASTER when it launched.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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The second Witcher already looked like a commercialized, Hollywood type experience, I remember rolling my eyes at the soppy romantic scenes in some pool or other. 

I never played it so the new one will have to go out of its way to convince me that its what I think a Witcher game should be and not trying to be Mass Effect.

You should play it. Improves on the original in every possible way. If possible, get polish voice overs with subtitles.






No. I liked the first one, but i didn't bother to finish the second one. It was like a medieval Mass Effect.

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I'm with Tagaziel, I though The Witcher 2 was an improvement on TW1 in practically every way, combat being the most obvious.  While combat in TW2 was far from perfect, it was a million times better than what TW1 had going on.  

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I am with Keyrock and Tagaziel.  I think the TW2 was a huge improvement in almost every way. 


I will say, however, playing it the first time I felt that it was overhyped.  Upon a second a playthrough on dark mode, I really appreciated the game's story, choices, characters (Iorveth the Broveth), the music, and the gameplay. 


Hard to explain the sudden change of heart, but I am amped for TW3. 

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I am with Keyrock and Tagaziel.  I think the TW2 was a huge improvement in almost every way. 


I will say, however, playing it the first time I felt that it was overhyped.  Upon a second a playthrough on dark mode, I really appreciated the game's story, choices, characters (Iorveth the Broveth), the music, and the gameplay. 


Hard to explain the sudden change of heart, but I am amped for TW3. 



I am with Keyrock, Tagaziel and Nixl on this one.


TW2 was vastly superior in almost every respects. I have never had to stop and think so long on my choices in the game and the impact these choices would have.

Edited by BruceVC
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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I think the TW2 was a huge improvement in almost every way. 


I will say, however, playing it the first time I felt that it was overhyped. 


Mmh, ditto. Lots of witcher fanboys seem of the type who think that boobs and grimdark make the games all mature... when it's kind of the opposite. It's still teen, just 17 instead of 13. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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