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Armed Force lose tuition assistance


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Illegals do not get tuition assistance. In California they can get in-state rates. That is it as far as I know.


And this IS all on Obama. He (or his admin more accurately) decides what programs get cut/defunded. Obama proposed and insisted on (then blamed on Republicans) these cuts. But think of this they are spending over $3.9 Trillion this year and the cuts are $85 Billion. Last year they spent $3.7 Trillion. So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.


He is screwing the military simply to score poitical points against the other side. That is all this is. Of course he can still go play golf with Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will still have her lavish multi-million dollar birthday party featuring Beyonce and Adele and a dress that will cost more tha I earn in two years all provided at tax payer expense And we, especially the military, can eat cake if we don't like it.


This is very disgusting to me because I have my degree because of my military benefits. Between the classes I took while in and the GI Bill. But nothing this small, petty, despicable little man does suprises me any more.


Did I just hear a drone propellor pass over?

Edited by Guard Dog
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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Illegals do not get tuition assistance. In California they can get in-state rates. That is it as far as I know.


And this IS all on Obama. He (or his admin more accurately) decides what programs get cut/defunded. Obama proposed and insisted on (then blamed on Republicans) these cuts. But think of this they are spending over $3.9 Trillion this year and the cuts are $85 Billion. Last year they spent $3.7 Trillion. So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.


He is screwing the military simply to score poitical points against the other side. That is all this is. Of course he can still go play golf with Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will still have her lavish multi-million dollar birthday party featuring Beyonce and Adele and a dress that will cost more tha I earn in two years all provided at tax payer expense And we, especially the military, can eat cake if we don't like it.


This is very disgusting to me because I have my degree because of my military benefits. Between the classes I took while in and the GI Bill. But nothing this small, petty, despicable little man does suprises me any more.


Did I just hear a drone propellor pass over?




But GD didn't you predict the crash of the USA economy during Obama's second term? I am sure it was you who suggested people should get out of equities and move there money into more consistent investments like Gold? ( You see I listen to what you say :))


You probably are aware that the USA stock markets have seen unprecedented highs the last few weeks and this is despite the fact the employment rate hasn't really improved. But companies are recording profits so there is money been made, real money. Obama hasn't been the Grim Reaper of economic doom some predicted, it looks like things are really getting better in the USA

Edited by BruceVC
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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I thought that the different branches are defunding these programs themselves. I could be wrong but I figured they were reallocating the money to make up for the cuts because the Navy is still "considering it's options" from the few articles that I've read. 


Either way it sucks 

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Well this sucks. As an inhabitant of a state saturated with right-wingers, I apologize for any half-baked conspiracies that might come from Alex Jones on this matter.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Illegals do not get tuition assistance. In California they can get in-state rates. That is it as far as I know.


And this IS all on Obama. He (or his admin more accurately) decides what programs get cut/defunded. Obama proposed and insisted on (then blamed on Republicans) these cuts. But think of this they are spending over $3.9 Trillion this year and the cuts are $85 Billion. Last year they spent $3.7 Trillion. So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.


He is screwing the military simply to score poitical points against the other side. That is all this is. Of course he can still go play golf with Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will still have her lavish multi-million dollar birthday party featuring Beyonce and Adele and a dress that will cost more tha I earn in two years all provided at tax payer expense And we, especially the military, can eat cake if we don't like it.


This is very disgusting to me because I have my degree because of my military benefits. Between the classes I took while in and the GI Bill. But nothing this small, petty, despicable little man does suprises me any more.


Did I just hear a drone propellor pass over?




But GD didn't you predict the crash of the USA economy during Obama's second term? I am sure it was you who suggested people should get out of equities and move there money into more consistent investments like Gold? ( You see I listen to what you say :))


You probably are aware that the USA stock markets have seen unprecedented highs the last few weeks and this is despite the fact the employment rate hasn't really improved. But companies are recording profits so there is money been made, real money. Obama hasn't been the Grim Reaper of economic doom some predicted, it looks like things are really getting better in the USA

Oh stocks are going to go up and down always. If you are playing for short term you can do well if you get lucky. Last week was a perfect mix of of increase dividend payments by sixty or so F500 companies coupled with a rash of stock buybacks from a suprisingly large number of companies driving up stock prices over all. Don't even try to read into what they are doing that, there is too many possibilities. You notice though there was a cool down this week as investors start selling off to capitaize their gains. But if you are looking long term the biggest question mark is the strength of the dollar. Buying real assets or real commodities (like gold) are less about making big returns, although that can happen I'm VERY happy to say, than it is protecting what you have from currency devaluation. My biggest concern with the current admin is not just spending and borrowing (although that is a problem that will come to a head in the future) but their "quantative easing", which is basicly using imaginary money to buy up treasuries and bonds, and pump more cash into the market ultimately. The problem is you then have twice the dollars chasing the same number of assets which causes the value of the dollar to drop. Do it too much too often and.... you get the idea.


If the dollar devaluates it does not matter how well a stock is doing if the buying power of the company benefiting from the capital is crippled. And of course if that happens the buying power of investors is hurt as well since it costs more to just get buy in life so they start selling off for the cash and the dominos start falling from there. Or they don't.


If they do the folks invested in real assets are happy because investors start buying in and driving up the price. If they don't then your real assets don't go up and you probably don't make any money. But you won't lose it all because they have value in and of themselves. You've heard the old saying, gold has never been worth nothing. 


But I posted elesewhere I would not buy into gold right now. It's seriously over priced. It's really worth about $800 per and this around $1500. If the ecomony tanks it will go up, if it doesn't it is going to correct sooner or later. I've already sold off more than half of what I had. I would not look at stock activity as any kind of barometer for overall economic health. There are too many reasons why things happen they way they do. I'd look at the buying power of the currency because when you get right down to it, this is a market economy. When people consume and spend money it does well, when they don't it dosen't. Right now I'm not encouraged, that's why I invest the way I do.


But I might be wrong, I consider myself well educated and well read but I'm not an economist by any means.


Wow, we really got OT, my fault. This is just one of my favorite subjects. :yes:

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Illegals do not get tuition assistance. In California they can get in-state rates. That is it as far as I know.


And this IS all on Obama. He (or his admin more accurately) decides what programs get cut/defunded. Obama proposed and insisted on (then blamed on Republicans) these cuts. But think of this they are spending over $3.9 Trillion this year and the cuts are $85 Billion. Last year they spent $3.7 Trillion. So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.


He is screwing the military simply to score poitical points against the other side. That is all this is. Of course he can still go play golf with Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will still have her lavish multi-million dollar birthday party featuring Beyonce and Adele and a dress that will cost more tha I earn in two years all provided at tax payer expense And we, especially the military, can eat cake if we don't like it.


This is very disgusting to me because I have my degree because of my military benefits. Between the classes I took while in and the GI Bill. But nothing this small, petty, despicable little man does suprises me any more.


Did I just hear a drone propellor pass over?




But GD didn't you predict the crash of the USA economy during Obama's second term? I am sure it was you who suggested people should get out of equities and move there money into more consistent investments like Gold? ( You see I listen to what you say :))


You probably are aware that the USA stock markets have seen unprecedented highs the last few weeks and this is despite the fact the employment rate hasn't really improved. But companies are recording profits so there is money been made, real money. Obama hasn't been the Grim Reaper of economic doom some predicted, it looks like things are really getting better in the USA

Oh stocks are going to go up and down always. If you are playing for short term you can do well if you get lucky. Last week was a perfect mix of of increase dividend payments by sixty or so F500 companies coupled with a rash of stock buybacks from a suprisingly large number of companies driving up stock prices over all. Don't even try to read into what they are doing that, there is too many possibilities. You notice though there was a cool down this week as investors start selling off to capitaize their gains. But if you are looking long term the biggest question mark is the strength of the dollar. Buying real assets or real commodities (like gold) are less about making big returns, although that can happen I'm VERY happy to say, than it is protecting what you have from currency devaluation. My biggest concern with the current admin is not just spending and borrowing (although that is a problem that will come to a head in the future) but their "quantative easing", which is basicly using imaginary money to buy up treasuries and bonds, and pump more cash into the market ultimately. The problem is you then have twice the dollars chasing the same number of assets which causes the value of the dollar to drop. Do it too much too often and.... you get the idea.


If the dollar devaluates it does not matter how well a stock is doing if the buying power of the company benefiting from the capital is crippled. And of course if that happens the buying power of investors is hurt as well since it costs more to just get buy in life so they start selling off for the cash and the dominos start falling from there. Or they don't.


If they do the folks invested in real assets are happy because investors start buying in and driving up the price. If they don't then your real assets don't go up and you probably don't make any money. But you won't lose it all because they have value in and of themselves. You've heard the old saying, gold has never been worth nothing. 


But I posted elesewhere I would not buy into gold right now. It's seriously over priced. It's really worth about $800 per and this around $1500. If the ecomony tanks it will go up, if it doesn't it is going to correct sooner or later. I've already sold off more than half of what I had. I would not look at stock activity as any kind of barometer for overall economic health. There are too many reasons why things happen they way they do. I'd look at the buying power of the currency because when you get right down to it, this is a market economy. When people consume and spend money it does well, when they don't it dosen't. Right now I'm not encouraged, that's why I invest the way I do.


But I might be wrong, I consider myself well educated and well read but I'm not an economist by any means.


Wow, we really got OT, my fault. This is just one of my favorite subjects. :yes:


Thats an impressive insight into economics in my opinion. I am also not an economist but I have money invested in various funds both locally and internationally and try to understand as much as I can. Obviously everyone should understand investments like your retirement annuities and how well they are doing. Good post GD :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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One of the most amazing women I've had the pleasure of knowing was an economist. I still can't figure out which was better, looking at her or have her explain all this stuff to me. :p

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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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One of the most amazing women I've had the pleasure of knowing was an economist. I still can't figure out which was better, looking at her or have her explain all this stuff to me. :p



:grin:  "still can't figure out which was better, looking at her or have her explain all this stuff to me"


That cracked me up, you funny Nep :grin:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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And of course some right wingers blame illegal immigrants who get tuition assistance and Obama who wants to destroy this country blah blah...can illegals even get tuition assistance?

Sadly, in some places they can when what they truly deserve is deportation.



Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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Obama hasn't been the Grim Reaper of economic doom some predicted, it looks like things are really getting better in the USA

What improvements have taken place are despite the efforts of our glorious, all-wise Barry, not because of him. So many people have completely dropped out of the job market that if they were back and actively looking for work, our current unemployment rate would be over 14% as a national average. Just wait until the implementation of ObongoCare truly kicks in and you'll see that scythe of his start to have a significant negative effect upon the economy.



Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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And of course some right wingers blame illegal immigrants who get tuition assistance and Obama who wants to destroy this country blah blah...can illegals even get tuition assistance?

Sadly, in some places they can when what they truly deserve is deportation.

But not at that federal level like some people are seeing, guardsmen still get tuition assistance from states as well. But really, this doesn't excuse the rampant xenophobia. 


Edit: Texas gives tuition assistance to illegals! Well color sally! 

Edited by NKKKK



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Isn't the education assistance the main selling point for recruitment?

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I think it's a little misleading equating what servicemembers (used to) get and what is available to illegal aliens... according to that site anyway. Getting in state tuition rates and having your classes completely paid for aren't nearly the same thing besides the fact that one is state level and the other is federal


Also, the DoD did recommend that each service cut its TA program to save money

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Isn't the education assistance the main selling point for recruitment?


Yes, it was for me at least.


I used the active duty tuition assistance program a couple of times and it was great and now I'm about to go do my gi bill thing, unless that gets cut in the near future too

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Isn't the education assistance the main selling point for recruitment?


Yes, it was for me at least.


I used the active duty tuition assistance program a couple of times and it was great and now I'm about to go do my gi bill thing, unless that gets cut in the near future too

No education, but hey! More drones!

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Illegals do not get tuition assistance. In California they can get in-state rates. That is it as far as I know.


And this IS all on Obama. He (or his admin more accurately) decides what programs get cut/defunded. Obama proposed and insisted on (then blamed on Republicans) these cuts. But think of this they are spending over $3.9 Trillion this year and the cuts are $85 Billion. Last year they spent $3.7 Trillion. So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.


He is screwing the military simply to score poitical points against the other side. That is all this is. Of course he can still go play golf with Tiger Woods and Michelle Obama will still have her lavish multi-million dollar birthday party featuring Beyonce and Adele and a dress that will cost more tha I earn in two years all provided at tax payer expense And we, especially the military, can eat cake if we don't like it.


This is very disgusting to me because I have my degree because of my military benefits. Between the classes I took while in and the GI Bill. But nothing this small, petty, despicable little man does suprises me any more.


Did I just hear a drone propellor pass over?

Source? Can you provide the actual legislation which enacts this?


And I'm quite certain anyone can come up with a list of extravagant, expensive indulgences taken by any president.


Since ad hominems and strawmen are the rule here, if (I won't accept the word of an angry... I'm guessing conservative, sans evidence,) Obama did cut financial aid for veterans, he'd still be a world better than what GOP God-King Ronald Reagan did to veterans. And the mentally ill.


Besides, it's thanks to Bush's P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act that the president has the ostensible power to drone as he pleases.

Edited by AGX-17
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So you see, the total amout of the cuts is LESS THAN THE INCREASE from this year to last. And since Obama is in charge of actually spending the money he can pick what gets cut. The US Government will spend more money on 2013 even with the cuts than in 2012 and they could afford tuition assistance in 2012.

It's all about the targeted infliction of

to make sure that we and the Congress back down and approve more federal spending in perpetuity. Ol' Barry proposed it thinking that the House would back down and now that they're not backing down, he's turned it into a PR club with which to beat them over the head. I'm so proud of our President. :down: Edited by Tsuga C



Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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Obama hasn't been the Grim Reaper of economic doom some predicted, it looks like things are really getting better in the USA

What improvements have taken place are despite the efforts of our glorious, all-wise Barry, not because of him. So many people have completely dropped out of the job market that if they were back and actively looking for work, our current unemployment rate would be over 14% as a national average. Just wait until the implementation of ObongoCare truly kicks in and you'll see that scythe of his start to have a significant negative effect upon the economy.

Except that the unemplyoment rate would be in double digits realistically for about 5-6 years no (since the 08 crash). In fact the reason unemplyoment jumped a few months ago was because the economy recovered enough that people were re-entering the workforce. One thing that seems to be ignored is that the work force won't increase if you don't make it attractive to work. At McD's we've been having a lot of overnight turn over because people don't like to work that shift and it's been getting a lot rougher due to increased traffic.


While economic indicators for wallstreet may be low, for my McD's and franchise, it seems pretty good. 6% increase in sales for the year to date, and our store does 3 million in business so *shrugs*.


As to the AF stuff? I don't think this would effect the GI bill, as that's separately allocated money from a different bill, so it'd only be touched if it was specifically mentioned in the legislation. The non-GI bill stuff would be hurt, that's certain. Although they could probably just cancel a few "projects" and come out fine without that, or sell surplus.


And Tsu, stop using stupid names. Even those who are on your side for the most part, at least respect Obama (and from the flip side, Bush previously) enough to use his proper name without resorting to being a 10 year old twit.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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And Tsu, stop using stupid names.

Most unlikely. Guess I'm just a "bitter clinger" at heart. Hmm, now that "stupid name" was coined by whom? :shifty:



Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forests and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoors experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.----Fred Bear



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I'm far too drink to make an intelligent response to anything that's been said so far. But in case no-one's said it: the weird thing about 'Labour' in the UK is that they consistently outspend the 'Tories' [that's left wing vs right wing] on defence.


Don't do any bloody good with the money they spend, of course, but still...




That should have read "drunk".

Edited by Walsingham
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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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