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I thought Anomen was fun. I definitely want a character who is a pompous ass.


In my first dozen playthroughs of BG2 I hated Anomen and never in the rest of those playthroughs recruited him again after an unfortunate situation where he did something very stupid (don't want to spoil the Anomen story). But I tried again later, and made him not do stupid stuff, and after that, he has been my Cleric of choice if my PC is not a Cleric. Anomen turns out to be bereable after a while after all.


Oghren is awesome.  Stereotypical dwarf or not, every game needs a character to point out how ridiculous things are and take the piss out of the seriousness of the game now and again.


Oghren is awesome.  Stereotypical dwarf or not, every game needs a character to point out how ridiculous things are and take the piss out of the seriousness of the game now and again.

Personally I prefer the dwarf from Dragon Age 2 for that role.

Posted (edited)

I don't mind having characters I dislike, as long as I dislike them because they're an unpleasant but believable character, as opposed to them being a badly written boring character. For me, the classic example of this done well would be Anomen - yes, he was a stuck up arrogant <expletive deleted> who I would want nothing to do with, but you can understand why his is this way - raised amongst the nobility, trained by paladins, combined with an abrasive personality to begin with. His attitude is unpleasant but completely believable given his backstory and his romance is actually very interesting, probably the best all the BG2 ones - he really develops extremely well as a character. Don't like him in the slightest, but he's well written and I fully welcome characters like that in the game. I sure as hell don't like everyone I've met IRL, and as such I shouldn't like everyone I meet in a game...


If there's one character archetype I really dislike, it's the "different for the sake of being different" ones. You know, when the writers think they're being sooo clever making a dwarf wizard, or an elf who hates nature. I'm not necessarily against such characters, but 90% of the time, they are entirely defined by being different from the norm. They have no actual character themselves. I'm much rather a well written stereotypical drunken dwarf warrior than a "unique" dwarf mage who's only personality trait is that he's a mage.


Ultimately, I guess both these points come down to the same thing - I don't really mind what the characters are, as long as they're believable and well written.

Edited by PhroX
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Neeshka (you can bundle Mission Vao in here too), I absolutely hate this kind of character. It's not enough that she's supremely annoying, but despite her background she has absolutely no depth beyond the trope they assign her. When we got to Neverwinter and it turned out she was actually the best thief in town and was run out as a result I actually laughed out loud. That is completely unbelievable and so very stock. It would be more consistent with her demeanor for her to have been a common dreg, hated because of her extra planar blood who didn't want to be an enforcer in some corrupt guild and left. It would give her room to grow, she could become the best thief in Neverwinter by traveling with you, not just be a fully developed and fully annoying character from the beginning. The only in character and believable thing she did all game was get kidnapped by the bad guys in the final dungeon. 


Something I would like to see though are characters you love to hate. Fragile alliances are typically done very poorly in games, where a person just sort of tags along without you actually needing them. Bishop and Ammon Jerro worked pretty well in this regard. They were necessary for the plot, so even though they were horrible people who had done terrible things, you had no choice but to take them with. With Ammon Jerro though, they really developed him and used him in a way where you can form some mutual respect for one another. The battle at Shandra's farmstead is pretty much the sole reason I don't totally hate NWN2. Having an arc with a character you previously hated is one of the strongest things you can do in fiction, and most games usually avoid this or do it really poorly. This is something I would like to see again.


Look, I know you're the leader and all, no problem with that, but I just can't trust you. No, look, I can't trust you, I can't trust Bastila, I can't trust anyone!


Alright. Fine! Let's just... let's just get this over with.



Well, most of my big ones are already in place, but how about I break the mold a bit and say Matt Miller from Saints Row the Third. I got so mad when my coop buddy and I best his annoying gang, only to find out that we HAD to let him live, and worse, join your gang! Seriously, I don't care if it means one of my many buildings got leveled, I was supposedly this bloodthirsty gang leader and there wasn't even a chance for some payback for all the aggravation he'd caused?


It wasn't so much his character in that case as it was the circumstances around getting him to join you, but it really irked me.


Not so much hate characters per se. More that you don't seem to meet some characters until halfway through the game like in BG1 and BG2. Especially in BG1 when some of the NPCs in the City of Baldurs Gate felt gimped by the time you met up with them or had no emotional attachment since you've been playing half or most of the game with an already full party.

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Please never give me another cut-and-paste dwarf companion who swills ale, has a beard, loves fighting, uses an axe or warhammer, hates elves, speaks in a Scottish accent and so forth. Not even if he wants to be a monk and beat people up with his fists.

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