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The Obsidian Order of Eternity wants YOU! part 3

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You cannot be the Marshmallow God and the giant paladin-eating marshmallow cube in one marshmallow, or can you??? I just had a scare..... :aiee:


The Marshmallow God works in mysterious ways.... That's all I gotto say^^

Gozer: "Are you a god?..."


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Just upped my pledge, my kickstarter profile is http://www.kickstart...file/571596699. Been replaying planescape since this started so I would like to be The Berk Cutter of the Obsidian Order




The shadow in the corner of your eye. The cold steel pressed to your throat.

The beautiful vision that may be your last.

Do not breath, for the Petite Death has your Soul in her hand.

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OK - LordCrash and Dlux here's my best attempt at a Wimp-Paladin shield containing underpants, marshmallows and a Feargusasaurus rampant! Based on LC's brilliant underpants shield. :biggrin:



Edited by Sistergoldring
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The Divine Marshmallow shall succour the souls of the Righteous with his sweetness while the Faithless writhe in the molten syrup of his wrath.

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Welcome all new members! :)


And I shamelessly plug here for my recent thread about a new pledge tier for our great order.


Also, there will be pets for some of us, at least for those of us with heavy purses.


Here's my take on that (coz I love dogs):


Or it should have been... LOL! I haven't a clue on how to upload an image on this forum. How do I do it? Help!

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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These are the newest members of the Obsidian Order!


Gorth, Grinning Skull of the Obsidian Order

Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler of the Obsidian Order

EidolonsFury, Vengeance of the Obsidian Order

Remmirath, Obsidian Order's Knight of Chaos

diablo169, Vorpal Bunny of the Obsidian Order



Welcome! I am now sending the latest update to Fionavar. :)

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These are the newest members of the Obsidian Order!


Gorth, Grinning Skull of the Obsidian Order

Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler of the Obsidian Order

EidolonsFury, Vengeance of the Obsidian Order

Remmirath, Obsidian Order's Knight of Chaos

diablo169, Vorpal Bunny of the Obsidian Order



Welcome! I am now sending the latest update to Fionavar. :)

No love for the wimps again? ;(


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These are the newest members of the Obsidian Order!


Gorth, Grinning Skull of the Obsidian Order

Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler of the Obsidian Order

EidolonsFury, Vengeance of the Obsidian Order

Remmirath, Obsidian Order's Knight of Chaos

diablo169, Vorpal Bunny of the Obsidian Order



Welcome! I am now sending the latest update to Fionavar. :)

No love for the wimps again? ;(

Doch, those are only the new members. Yout title will be changed when Fionavar comes online. :)

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Full update! Go, go OOoE!





actionjezus6, Ghost Lord of Obsidian Order

adamdaniell, Soulscriber of the Obsidian Order

Adauli, Red Wizard of the Obisidian Order

Agelico, Veiled Cipher of the Obsidian Order

Alcarin Kitsune, Captive God of the Obsidian Order

Alper, Sage of the Obsidian Order

Anaeme, Eminence of the Obsidian Order

Ancoron, Spellslinger of the Obsidian Order

Andron, Robot of the Obsidian Order

Anorak, Kensai Magus of the Obsidian Order

Apatia, Lurker of the Obsidian Order

aran665, Chevalier of the Obsidan Order

Archmage Silver, Grey Eminence of the Obsidian Order

Archon Stormraven, The Obsidian Order's Fallen Archon

Archon360, Illusive Man of the Obsidian Order

Arcoss, Legionnaire of the Obsidian Order

Ardent, Spice Merchant of the Obsidian Order

arrowhead, Archer of the Obsidian Order

Aser, Obsidian Order Cultist

Ashram, Black Knight of the Obsidian Order

Audron, Research Specialist of the Obsidian Order

AuroraDragonKaya, Exalted of the Obsidian Order

Ausir, Encyclopedist of the Obsidian Order

Avantre, Irritable Art Critic of the Obsidian Order

awsomeness, ironic clown of the Obsidian Order

AzureWatcher, Watcher of the Obsidian Order

Bashtor, Swordsman of the Obsidian Order

BatNat, Jester of the Obsidian Order

baylox, Nitpicker of the Obsidian Order

Berenzen, Grand Marshal of the Obsidian Order

Bethan, Joat of the Obsidian Order

Betongborr, Barbarian of the Obsidian Order

Bland_Boy, Poet of the Obsidian Order

Bloody Hypocrite, Blasphemer of the Obsidian Order

Bluemage, Agent of the Obsidian Order

Bootsy81, High-Priest of Funk of the Obsidian Order

Brendaron, Obsidian Order's Dark Sword

Brishingr, The Harbinger of the Obsidian Order

BruceP, Sheriff of the Obsidian Order

Buzzn Frogg, Psychopomp of the Obsidian Order

Caerdon, Black Sheep of the Obsidian Order

Cantousent, Oenophile of the Obsidian Order

Caranir, Heartseeker of the Obsidian Order

Cardo, Obsidian Order Risk Assessor

Chessbrain, Black & White King of the Obsidian Order

chrisrobin, Imaginative Lad of the Obsidian Order

Clammo, Despicable Heinous Scumbag of the Obsidian Order

clunkycheme, Archaeologist of the Obsidian Order

Coffeeminx, Tea Lady to the Obsidian Order

CorruptBiggins, Courier of the Obsidian Order

Crabby_Bastard, Harlot of the Obsidian Order

cranch, Amphibian of the Obsidian Order

Crassus, Consul of the Obsidian Order

Critical, Obsidian Order's Master of Ordnance

Crooked Bee, Bee of the Obsidian Order

Cthulchulain, Lesser Evil of the Obsidian Order

Cthulhu0316, Captain Barbosa of The Obsidian Order

cuteLittleRabbit, Cute Rabbit of the Obsidian Order

cyberarmy, Mass Destruction Weapon of The Obsidian Order

Dablue, Guarddog of the Obsidian Order

daela, Obsidian Order Ale Master

Damkyan, Grey Monk of the Obsidian Order

dancash1808, Slightly Amusing Moniker of the Obsidian Order

Darkwatersong, Eleven Bard of the Order

Darth Trethon, Dark Lord of the Obsidian Order

Dawn_, Wild Card of the Obsidian Order

Daz23, Daydreamer of the Obsidian Order

ddillon, Hellion of the Obsidian Order

Death Machine Miyagi, Obsidian Order's Devourer of Souls

Death, Destroyer of Worlds of the Obsidian Order

deathhawk, Shadow Knight of the Obsidian Order

Demi_Person, Dragoon of the Obsidian Order

diablo169, Vorpal Bunny of the Obsidian Order

Direlda, Kitsune of the Obsidian Order

DjAvren, Cheese Grater of the Obsidian Order

dlux, Dark Knight of the Obsidian Order

DocDoomII, Archvillain of the Obsidian Order

Don-Esteban, High Priest of the Obsidian Order

dracuella, Warden of the Obsidian Order

Dragoonlordz, Exorcist of the Obsidian Order

DreamingVoid, Dwarven Defender of the Obsidian Order

Dueps, Back Alley Physician of the Obsidian Order

dukeofyork, Obsidian Order's Master Librarian

edrst10, Death Dealer of The Obsidian Order

EidolonsFury, Vengeance of the Obsidian Order

eimatshya, The Obsidian Order's Assigner of Ergativity

El Duderino, Abider of the Obsidian Order

el pinko grande, Void-Touched Master of the Obsidian Order

eldilibra, First Omnimagic Magistrate of the Obsidian Order

Elerond, One of the Obsidian Order

Elfwyn, First Ranger of the Obsidian Order

Elidar, The Guardian of the Obsidian Order

Eljei, Blademaster of the Obsidian Order

Elthosian, Recruit of the Obsidian Order

Eyferann, Fatespinner of the Obsidian Order

Faelen, Assassin of the Obsidian Order

faeriehunter, Purple Demon of the Obsidian Order

Fandil, Dawnbringer of the Obsidian Order

Fantaisie, Composer of the Obsidian Order

Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order

Fionavar, The Ol' Green Dragon of the Obsidian Order

FlintlockJazz, White Rabbit of the Obsidian Order

Floyd, Knightshark of the Obsidian Order

Fluffle, Fluffy Marshmallow of the Obsidian Order

Fredrik, Drunk of the Obsidian Order

fuzie, Shadow Secretary of the Obsidian Order

Fyremaster, Lord High Mucky Muck of the Obsidian Order

gandalf.nho, Huntress of the Obsidian Order

Garak, Gastronotary of the Obsidian Order

Gecimen, Bartender of the Obsidian Order

generic.hybridity, Time Lord of the Obsidian Order

Gensou, Grand Illusionist of the Obsidian Order

GeorgetheGreat42, Obsidian Order's Politico Priest

Gino, Obsidian Order Planeswalker

Golgepapaz, The Shadow Priest of the Obsidian Order

Gorth, Grinning Skull of the Obsidian Order

Gurkog, Tactical Response Unit of the Obsidian Order

Gyges, Pit Dweller of the Obsidian Order

Hammer_0f_God, KnightMare of the Obsidian Order

HansKrSG, True Dreamer of the Obsidian Order

headrush, Speed Demon of the Obsidian Order

Hiro Protagonist II, Nub of the Obsidian Order

Holy Cheese, The Holy Hand Grenade of the Obsidian Order

Hurlshot, Obsidian Order Hockey Puck

IchigoRXC, Zerth of the Obsidian Order

Ieo, White Gazebo of the Obsidian Order

Indiphilo, 1st Cleaning Lady of the Obsidian Order

IndiraLightfoot, Apex of the Obsidian Order

Industrial Scribe, Cheesecake of the Obsidian Order

Infinitum Omega, Paradox of the Obsidian Order

Ink Blot, Incorrigible Mountebank of the Obsidian Order

Intendant S, Operative of the Obsidian Order

Inyourprime, Coach of the Obsidian Order

Ivelin, Proud Knight of the Obsidian Order

J3lackJ3ird, Spy of the Obsidian Order

Jaesun, Rainbow of the Obsidian Order

Jaffe, Omnipresent Authority Figure of the Obsidian Order

Jalister, Eternal Champion of the Obsidian Order

jellydonut, Pencil Sharpener of the Obsidian Order

Jhander, Obsidian Order's Giant Miniature Space Hamster

Joe Maron, Mystic Mirror of the Obsidian Order

Jon of the Wired, Grognard of the Obsidian Order

joshck94, Youngster of the Obsidian Order

Julien, Knight-errant of the Obsidian Order

Jumble Murdersense, Apprentice Candle Dribbler of the Obsidian Order

JWestfall, Beer Taster of the Obsidian Order

Kabraxis, Companion Cube of the Obsidian Order

Kage Tempest, Stormblade of the Obsidian Order

Kallisar, Necromancer of the Obsidian Order

Karonimus, Achiever of the Obsidian Order

Karranthain, Hussar of the Obsidian Order

Kennethmk, Ranger of the Obsidian Order

Kennyrules, Obsidian Order Understudy

Kenup, Combat Illusionist of The Obsidian Order

Keyrock, Obsidian Order Rodent Tamer

KhaineGB, Demon Lord of the Obsidian Order

Khanach, Obsidian Order Swashbuckler

Kibosh, Vagabond of the Obsidian Order

Killroy, Spy of the Obsidian Order

kinemitor, Howitzer of Obsidian Order

Kitan, Black Wizard of the Obsidian Order

kjrubberducky, Bath Toy of the Obsidian Order

Knott, Viking of the Obsidian Order

Krios, Steward of the Obsidian Order

Laakeririkko, Engineer of the Obsidian Order

ladykella, Storyteller of the Obsidian Order

LadyMuck, Sentinel of the Obsidian Order

Lars-Erik, Mutant Ambassador to the Obsidian Order

Leewelo, Lorekeeper of the Obsidian Order

Leshy, Red Mage of the Obsidian Order

Lexx, Adventurer of the Obsidian Order

L'invité, Trainer of the Obsidian Order

LLNephilim, Chief Crash Test Dummy of the Obsidian Order

LokiHades, Knight Drei of the Obsidian Order

LordCrash, Wimp Knight of the Obsidian Order

Lorfean, Shadow Thief of the Obsidian Order

Lostbrain, Dark Goddess of the Obsidian Order

Luuke, Interrogator of the Obsidian Order

lychee26, Shadow of the Obsidian Order

MacArthur, Blackstaff The Unknown Obsidian Order

Macbeth, Chronicler of the Obsidian Order

Madbunny, Fluffy Fiend of the Obsidian Order

Madzookeeper, Master Wetboy of the Obsidian Order

Maf, Fragment of the Obsidian Order

Majek, Obsidian Order's Whatchamacallit

Makura, Mascot of the Obsidian Order

Malcador, Sigilite of the Obsidian Order

Malkaven, Lunatic of the Obsidian Order

manaf, Chicken Wrangler of the Obsidian Order

Mattku, Grumpy Gardener of the Obsidian Order

mayfaire, Purseliberator of the Obsidian Order

Melhelix, Obstinate Scribe of the Obsidian Order

melkathi, Teddy Bear Adventurer of the Obsidian Order

Merin, Grey Storyteller of the Obsidian Order

Miasma, Darkness of the Obsidian Order

mibbles, Ne'er-do-well of the Obsidian Order

Mieu, Lich Battlemage of the Obsidian Order

Minttunator, Inquisitor of the Obsidian Order

Mloren, Guttersnipe of the Obsidian Order

Moah, Platypus Herder of the Obsidian Order

Moirnelithe, Mascot of the Obsidian Order

Monkcrab, Sword Sharpener of the Obsidian Order

Monte Carlo, Vorpal Panzerfaust of the Obsidian Order

Moonknight, Moonknight of the Obsidian Order

Moonlight Butterfly, Crazy Cat Lady of the Obsidian Order

morhilane, Bard and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order

MrsNHP, Humble Cupbearer of the Obsidian Order

Muzrub333, Brewmaster of the Obsidian Order

Nakia, Rogue of the Obsidian Order

nakupenda, Foreigner of the Obsidian Order

NateOwns, Pyromancer of the Obsidian Order

Nedzzo, Paladin of the Obsidian Order

nikolokolus, Bridge Troll of the Obsidian Order

Nimo, Librarian of the Obsidian Order

O.DOGG, Obsidian Order Outcast

Ohad, Village Shaman of the Obisidian Order

OmniscientOne, Obsidian Order's Know-It-All

Oner, Loner of the Obsidian Order

Oridan, Guardian of the Obsidian Order

Palmtuna, Quartermaster of the Obsidian Order

Pandamaniac, Panda Fanatic of the Obsidian Order

Pangur, White Cat of the Obsidian Order

Parhelion13, Ascendant of the Obsidian Order

Paul D, Obsidian Order Poultry Inspector

Paulicus, Chief Beer Drinker of the Obsidian Order

PeterD, Obsidian Order's Keeper of the Toilet Brush

Plasma Jesus, Emperor's Champion of the Obsidian Order

Pofski, Phoenix of the Obsidian Order

PolloDiablo, Obisidian Order's Devil Hen

PsychoBlonde, Grand Rhetorist of the Obsidian Order

Ptolemy, Aeromancer of the Obsidian Order

quicktooth, Angel of the Obsidian Order

Rabain, Knight Hospitaller of the Obsidian Order

Racod, Marksman of the Obsidian Order

Radwulf, Obsidian Order's Solipsist Ken

Raedwulf, Grave Robber of the Obsidian Order

Raelon, Explorer of the Obsidian Order

Ran2Chaos, Wandering Ronin of the Obsidian Order

Ranath, Master of Bats of the Obsidian Order

Redwulf, The Obsidian Orders Royal Pain

Remmirath, Obsidian Order's Knight of Chaos

Renraven, Shaman of the Obsidian Order

rf5111918, Time Lord of the Obsidian Order

Riggo, Pickled Liver of the Obsidian Order

Robsidious, Haphazard Philosopher of the Obsidian Order

Romiras, Super Mutant of the Obsidian Order

Ronnie, Vanguard of the Obsidian Order

Rosveen, Heretic of the Obsidian Order

Roxane, Cutitutude of the Obsidian Order

rrc2soft, Scholar of the Obsidian Order

RTWAP, 5th Junior Assistant Stable Mucker of the Obsidian Order

Sang de Poulpe, Mindflayer of the Obsidian Order

SarahEarth, Angelic Catgirl of the Obsidian Order

Sarevok, Bhaalspawn of the Obsidian Order

Sarog, Cataphract of the Obsidian Order

Sashaa, Zen Master of the Obsidian Order

Scarletguard, Main Archon of the Obsidian Order

Schroedinger, Feline Encaser of the Obsidian Order

Seez, Snarkmaster of the Obsidian Order

Sempavor, Bandit of the Obsidian Order

Severai, Infiltratrix of the Obsidian Order

Shadow501, Skald of the Obsidian Order

ShadowHawk, Templar of the Obsidian Order

ShadySands, The Guy on the Couch of the Obsidian Order

Shardbearer, Herald of the Obsidian Order

Shaz, Comtessa of the Obsidian Order

Sistergoldring, Wimp Priestess of the Obsidian Order

smithereen, Chief Consulting Oracle of the Obsidian Order

SnideCipher, Dwarven Brewmaster of the Obsidian Order

Solivagant, Dragonblade of the Obsidian Order

Sosseres, Grunt of the Obsidian Order

Soulsource, Crystalmancer of the Obsidian Order

Space_hamster, The Obsidian Order Space Hamster

Starglider, Master of Golems of the Obsidian Order

Staticblast, Elder Sage of the Obsidian Order

Steel Forged Games, Forgemaster of the Obsidian Order

Sugarjaye, Petite Death of the Obsidian Order

SuperD, Seattle Sonic of the Obsidian Order

svartelric, Soul-Shaper of the Obsidian Order

Syraxis, Arrow Fodder of the Obsidian Order

Tanglebones, Less Than Grand Wizard of the Obsidian Order

Tanred, Stick of the Obsidian Order

Technatorium, First Cipher of the Obsidian Order

TedFaster, Ninja of the Obsidian Order

Telefax, Bardbarian of the Obsidian Order

Terror K, Plain, Simple Tailor of the Obsidian Order

The Flying Gribble, Terrier of the Obsidian Order

theFool, Dragon of the Obsidian Order

Theobeau, Castellan of the Obsidian Order

TheSlow, The Slow One of the Obsidian Order

Thulean, Warmaster of the Obsidian Order

Tilly, Scout of the Obsidian Order

Tirion13, Hedge Mage & Haberdasher of the Obsidian Order

Tobi, Apprentice of the Obsidian Order

Tocath, Sous Chef of the Obsidian Order

Torgo, Innkeeper of the Obsidian Order

Torolf, Curious Canine Alchemist of the Obsidian Order

Totally Awesome, Adjective Noun of the Obsidian Order

Totottoro, Vanguard of the Obsidian Order

tox1c5lug, Evil Banker of the Obsidian Order

TristanD, Enforcer of the Obsidian Order

TT1, Transcendent Spirit of the Obsidian Order

Tychoxi, Sciscitator of the Obsidian Order

UberHen, Propagandist of the Obsidian Order

Valinthor, Spymaster of the Obsidian Order

Vargr, Cursed and Slightly Mad Berserker of The Obsidian Order

Vervain, Warlord Prince of the Order

VIGIL_AU, Huscarl of the Obsidian Order

Virsalus, Sorcerer of the Obsidian Order

Virtual Maestro, Maestro of the Obsidian Order

volcatius, Teutonic Knight of The Obsidian Order

Voror, Judge of the Obsidian Order

walkir, Obsidian Order of the Goat Knight

Warmonger, Warlord of the Obsidian Order

WDeranged, Ordinator of The Obsidian Order

Webslinger, Slinger of the Obsidian Order

Whinis, Water Whisperer of The Obsidian Order

Whiskeyjack73, Wolf King of the Obsidian Order

williamwall, Red Shirt of the Obsidian Order

Wintersong, Tempest of the Obsidian Order

Wintervale, Dishonourable Temptress of the Obsidian Order

Wolar, Rittmeister of the Obsidian Order

Wombat, Obsidian Order's Mysterious Stranger

Xen, Terror Knight of the Obsidian Order

XenoReaperm, Vault Dweller of the Obsidian Order

Yaskaleh, Eternal Watcher of the Obsidian Order

Yrcrazypa, The Obsidian Order Village Idiot

yuq, Insanity Swarm of the Obsidian Order

zdsdead, Gimp of the Obsidian Order




New members must post in this thread. I will add you to the list and you will receive your personal forum title. Don't forget to pledge your $8 membership fee! :)

If you find a typo in your title or if I forgot to add you, then send me a private message. It will be fixed by Fionavar (Master Moderator) on the next update!


-dlux, Dark Knight of the Obsidian Order

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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