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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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I seem to be bouncing between having a nice solid chunk of gaming one day, then a couple of days without, then back again.


I haven't done any end-game content as such, my SI has plugged away at some left over missions on Corellia and as I said, tried out the pvp Warzones on monday.

Need to get around to poking at some of the Operations and hardmode flashpoints... and take a gander at Illum at some point..


My smuggler has hit 42 and is on his way to Hoth.. and my Jedi Knight and Bounty Hunter are still on their prologues..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The flashpoints are a lot of fun. Operations even more so, but probably harder to get into. I have a guild of friends, so we have organized raids once or twice each week and we do hardmode flashpoints basically every night (due to the daily quest).


I recommend you do the Ilum main quest before you do the Battle for Ilum and False Emperor flashpoints. They will make more sense that way (I didn't and was a bit confused at what was happening).

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I've still got at least a month or two, I hit 37 today but my pace has slowed considerably. Of course I really don't want to hit it too soon either.


Damn, you're a slowpoke :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Got my new graphics card, but can't play because the game apparently thinks it is on a new computer and now it must ask security questions I'm sure I have never set. Meh.

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For every quest I do in game, I have real world ones that need finishing too, like changing diapers, rescuing kids trapped under furniture, and preparing meals. So while I may be logged in for an hour or two a day, I really only am able to give it a fraction of my attention.


So yeah, if I finish a quest a day, I'm feeling pretty good :biggrin:


To be honest this is the fastest I've ever leveled in an MMO. But I think that has more to do with TOR having a very fast curve compared to most MMO's on initial release.

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Got my new graphics card, but can't play because the game apparently thinks it is on a new computer and now it must ask security questions I'm sure I have never set. Meh.


How did you not set your questions? It asks me my security questions all the time, but I log in from a few different computers. If it is just one question you can't remember, resetting the password will bring up a new one. Otherwise you need to contact customer support.

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Real World sure is a terrible grind

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I've still got at least a month or two, I hit 37 today but my pace has slowed considerably. Of course I really don't want to hit it too soon either.

I think you're still ahead of me, though. :D

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Sometimes, but you can't beat the story. It's not all that great when I gain levels anymore, but the kids get all sorts of cool new abilities as they level.


Man, imagine how cool it'd be to be able to CC your kids.... errr.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Got my new graphics card, but can't play because the game apparently thinks it is on a new computer and now it must ask security questions I'm sure I have never set. Meh.


How did you not set your questions? It asks me my security questions all the time, but I log in from a few different computers. If it is just one question you can't remember, resetting the password will bring up a new one. Otherwise you need to contact customer support.


I set up three questions and the one it is asking isn't one of them.


Now I have to call international number to resolve this issue, because apparently this is more secure than doing it via e-mail... But my e-mail is password protected and it is the same e-mail I used to create swotor account. I just don't get it.


Edit: Nevermind, I thought if I have to call them I might just get some real problem going on and decided to try different answers until I get locked out. Sixth attempt got me through. Apparently I had set up that question.

Edited by kirottu

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I think from about 35 on they have a rediculous increase in the amount of XP required for you to jump to the next level and it ends up suffering that "doldrums" issue that is so common in games that have a distinctive point they were supposed to end (City of Heroes was ending at 40 for about 3 months, so the 30s were HORRIBLE to level through... same with 55-60 in WoW etc).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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So upgrading graphics card had no impact on warzone performance. When effects start flying around it's still 10-25 fps, mostly 15. It's a damn shame. I always wanted to be a jedi.

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Hm, I have to admit, I haven't had any serious issues with my first entry into warzones this week.


I had one warzone that got a bit glitchy, but all the others have been pretty smooth.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?

Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.


Freaking finally.

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That is a picture of swtor with very low shaders. This feature is coming in the next patch.


This is what my game looks like.



I have textures and shaders on high, shadows and bloom off, vsync on and through ini settings AA 2 and AF 4. With those settings I get steady 60 fps while questing and under 20 fps while in warzones. Lowering these settings does nothing to improve warzone performance. It's not my graphics card that is the problem here.

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How much you have memory? Seems to me TOR likes that more than anything.


And do you also get that low FPS in fleet when lots of people are around? If not, then the games engine just plain suck I guess.

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See, I haven't had any issues like that. The only real thing that crops up for me is exiting TOR. It takes a few minutes, and even then my pc is acting like a dead cow with sprained ankles for about another 5 minutes before things are running smoothly or quickly. The longer I've been playing TOR at any stretch, the longer it takes to settle out when I quit the game...


I do get the feel of a memory leak or some such in there... :getlost:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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See, I haven't had any issues like that. The only real thing that crops up for me is exiting TOR. It takes a few minutes, and even then my pc is acting like a dead cow with sprained ankles for about another 5 minutes before things are running smoothly or quickly. The longer I've been playing TOR at any stretch, the longer it takes to settle out when I quit the game...


I do get the feel of a memory leak or some such in there... :getlost:


I'm pretty sure there is one overall.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Heh, my sister is finally getting around to installing the copy of TOR I got her for christmas. I mean, she loved Kotor I & II, so I thought give her a free month to play around and see how she likes it.


Of course, now she's doing the whole "if I don't like this I've wasted an hour of my life installing this and jumping through all the hoops." - that and using the phone to call me from upstairs and quiz me on various matters about it as she's getting it ready to play...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Just went about and canceled my account, still have 49 days on my subscription... but I have no idea how much I'd actually play it given that there isn't really a community I'd been a part of.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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