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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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ik know he is hard to kill, i've bin there, thrust me, but still you kill him twice but i wan't to see more of him, like Revan, you free hem at the republic site and he defeat at the Empire site, then he is gone again. WoW is said to be losing many players with the new expension with the Panda's. i like Swtor as mutch as i did with KOTOR, the soundtrack on TOR is great. but i want to see a better connection between the previous parts and this one, it is 300 years later i know, but it's part of the same series, they need to fill the gap

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Rumors of Wow's death are greatly exaggerated. :biggrin:


It sounds like you like TOR, I'm not sure what your complaints are.


I have concerns with the Bioware/EA relationship. For example, the whole shift of Dragon Age to an ultra-violent action game seems geared towards appealing to the lowest common denominator. But TOR and ME are solid properties and I've enjoyed the heck out of them.

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the soundtrack on TOR is great

From the time I played with the free weekend trial, it's pretty much all stolen from KOTOR1 and KOTOR2... can't remember any new songs that made an impression, besides maybe the theme song...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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in 2 day's it's inpossible to hear the 50+ soundtracks, of course they took many from Kotor II, the same guy composed it (Mark Griskey), my concerns are that Bioware is forced by EA to go all for the profit instead of caulity, the relationship between EA and Bioware was a big mistake, if they gave them like 3 months more to compleet the PVP and PVE and make the story more inline with the others, but EA wanted them to release before X-mas, $$$$ thats the reason. they can still fix the flaws in the updates, but i think it's better that Obsidian joins the team, they made atleast the half of the game possible to let them use there charcters like Meetra Surik (the Jedi Exile the main hero in KOtor 2) and they used many names and events made by Obsidian, it would be fare to them and to Obsidian to have them in there team, to help Bioware were EA fails. like i said before woulden't it be a inprovemt to the game if they had Obsidian correct any mistakes, they can maybe make the Expension Packs, ore somthing like that. both Bioware and Obsidian are small companys comperded to EA but they are for caulity EA joined them for the money, thats the truth isn't it?

Edited by Emperor's Wrath
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One sucky thing about TOR's music was lack of looping. Spent so much time in a zone, no music and no PCs around, heh.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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loops aceure in boss battles and when you enter zones, i had many loops, when i was on Hoth i enterd a cave and certantly i heard Darth Nihilus his theme, i'm not saying you are wrong but there are loops.


But BioWare and Obsidian also go for caulity, they listen to there players, EA only goes for profits. thats a point

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But BioWare and Obsidian also go for caulity, they listen to there players, EA only goes for profits. thats a point

Does BioWare?

I don't get that from what people say about ME3 and DA2 (haven't played ME3 though, but yeah, big drop on DA2).

Also, it was 4 days, and they have massive KOTOR1 track re-usage too (though, strangely more KOTOR2, while they seemingly ignore everything else about the game).


Also, pretty sure BioWare had ALOT of time to make TOR. And money.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I doubt Bioware is purposefully sacrificing quality. They are trying to make sure their product appeals to a large audience, as is EA. That is the difference with a small company and a big one, a small one can survive easier off a niche product.


But Bioware was moving past that before they partnered with EA. In fact EA seems to have given Bioware a lot of free reign, they didn't push ME3 out the door, it was delayed a couple times. TOR was given a huge budget.


I disliked DA2 tremendously, by the way, and I blame Bioware for it fully.

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Did they screw up ME3? They created an ending that a lot of people disliked. Do we judge a 30 hour game solely on the last 5 minutes?


I don't. The rest of the game was great. I also don't think it was a lack of caring that led to the ending being lame.

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Do we judge a 30 hour game solely on the last 5 minutes?


I don't. The rest of the game was great. I also don't think it was a lack of caring that led to the ending being lame.


Mass Effect 3 is such a bad game I still haven't even seen the ending. 10 hours in and i find the game to be complete uninteresting, to the point of being unplayable. do we judge a 30 hour game on the first 10 hours? yeah. ME 3 is a screw up. a worse sequel to ME2 than DA2 was to DA:O (imo of course)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Mass Effect 3 is such a bad game I still haven't even seen the ending. 10 hours in and i find the game to be complete uninteresting, to the point of being unplayable. do we judge a 30 hour game on the first 10 hours? yeah. ME 3 is a screw up. a worse sequel to ME2 than DA2 was to DA:O (imo of course)


That sounds ridiculous. Did you play ME1 and ME2? I fail to see how ME3 is a huge departure from those two, particularly ME2.


I'm also pretty sure your opinion is in the minority. The only major griping I've heard has been over the ending. Heck, the whole Tuchanka section was one of the best parts of the whole series.

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Mass Effect 3 is such a bad game I still haven't even seen the ending. 10 hours in and i find the game to be complete uninteresting, to the point of being unplayable. do we judge a 30 hour game on the first 10 hours? yeah. ME 3 is a screw up. a worse sequel to ME2 than DA2 was to DA:O (imo of course)


That sounds ridiculous. Did you play ME1 and ME2? I fail to see how ME3 is a huge departure from those two, particularly ME2.


I'm also pretty sure your opinion is in the minority. The only major griping I've heard has been over the ending. Heck, the whole Tuchanka section was one of the best parts of the whole series.

Maybe a minority, but far from the only one who thinks the ending wasn't that games biggest problem. But lets not derail (yet another) thread with ME3 stuff. Plenty of words spoken on the subject in the ME3 thread already :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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ME 2 was one of my favorite games of the last 5 years, ME 1 was ok.


ME3 was a HUGE departure from the second game, I spent that whole game (ME2) building a crew of characters from a rag tag bunch of psychos who half hated eachother into a cooperative team that began to trust eachother, in order to save the galaxy, ME 3 opens by saying "just kidding, pretend ME2 doesn't exist!" and taking away my whole team, then offering two of the most boring members back to me at some point (but not even in the beginning)


what the hell was the point of making this a sequel if none of the relationships with the characters carry forward?


also, the game feels way more linear than the second and has an atrocious color scheme and score. i don't care if im in the minority, ME3 is half the game that ME2 was. its the phantom menace to the empire strikes back.


edit: sorry, if hurl cares then i can continue my tirade in the ME3 thread... :)

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I'm very aware of the flaws of TOR, but I played WAR, and that game was a wreck.


I haven't played ToR, but WAR had some real issues. It's too bad, because I was much more into the Warhammer mythos. *sigh* I might, might try a Cthulu based MMORPG. Otherwise, i'm resigned to ignoring former guildied/family members trying to entangle me in WoW again.

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There are changes that will affect the early game, but the significant ones are late game. I think most of the nice early game changes are tied to legacy (ie you need to have leveled one character through act 1 to benefit from them)

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I stopped for a couple months, but the last week I've been playing a lot again. That's pretty typical of MMO's for me.


I still really want server transfers.


Entrerix, I grabbed your last post and quoted it in the ME3 thread so we can continue there if you want.

Edited by Hurlshot
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So among the list of things from the 1.2 update..



  • Players can now unlock a wide variety of rewards by leveling characters and reaching new Legacy levels, including buffs for your characters, unlocking additional Species choices for every class, and upgrades for your personal Starship. Build your own Legacy with the new Family Tree!
  • Lost Island, a new Flashpoint, is available for play! Having uncovered the sources of the Rakghoul plague outbreak in the Tion Hegemony, players must travel to Ord Mantell and confront Dr. Lorrick, the mad scientist who engineered this horrific biological weapon.
  • Explosive Conflict, a new Operation, is available for play! The Trandoshan mercenary warlord Kephess has seized the planet Denova, a world rich in resources valuable to the war effort. Players must assault his war camp, situated atop a mountain in densely-wooded terrain, fighting Imperial defectors and heavy war machines along the way. 8- and 16-player Story and Hard Modes are currently available for this Operation.
  • Novare Coast, a new objective-oriented Warzone on the planet Denova, has been added to the game. This Warzone, like Huttball, supports same-faction matches if there are not enough members of the opposing faction to be found.
  • New repeatable high-level daily missions are available in a new area on Corellia, the Black Hole!
  • Guilds now have access to a shared Guild Bank, accessible on the Fleets, with expandable storage.
  • A new tier of gear has been added for both PvP and PvE.
  • Players can now customize their User Interface by moving and resizing UI elements!
  • A new level 50 World Boss with a challenge for a well-coordinated 16-player Operation Group has been sighted in the Gormak Lands region on Voss.



General Bug Fixes

  • The Imperial Transportation Authority and the Galactic Republic Safety Council have authorized the use of vehicles in Orbital Space Stations and Spaceports.
  • In-game rewards will be available to players who participate on the Public Test Server. Players will receive a title if they attain level 10 on PTS, and another if they complete Chapter 1.
  • A new preference, "Character Texture Atlasing," is now available. Enabling this option increases the texture quality used when rendering character models.
  • A new "Customize" option now appears on the character sheet. One of the features this button enables is the ability to color coordinate any individual piece of armor with the equipped chestpiece.
  • A new preference, "Awareness Radius," allows players to adjust the number of characters displayed on-screen. Reducing this setting can improve performance in crowded areas on low-end machines.
  • On planets with an Orbital Station, players can now travel directly from the planet shuttle on the surface to their ship.
  • The Sprint ability is now available at level 1.
    • Cinematics throughout the game have been polished. A large number of cinematics have been improved to address incorrect camera angles, smooth out animation issues, and to correct Companion Characters that appear in the wrong gear or at the wrong time.
    • Cinematics and mission phases have been updated for consistency. For instance, several occurrences of NPCs appearing alive in a phase after a cinematic in which the player chose to kill them have been corrected.
    • Corrected many instances of misplaced geometry, visible seams, and incorrect collision with world objects throughout the game.
    • Many locations where player characters could become stuck on world geometry or fall through the world have been corrected.
    • Some visual effects and animations have been adjusted and fixed in instances where they played incorrectly.
    • Dark side appearance, if enabled, now appears correctly at character selection.

Classes and Combat


Game Update 1.2. contains a significant number of changes and improvements to the overall class balance and combat gameplay in PvP and PvE based on player and guild feedback, focus testing, and more than two months of combat interaction data from our servers. Our overall goal is, as always, to create a level playing field for our players while ensuring that classes retain their unique playstyles and identities.

These changes are not limited to class abilities and skill trees, but also involve modifications to the underlying combat math (for example diminishing returns, additional augment availability, etc.), which has an impact on combat that is hard to capture in a list of patch notes.

Since our changes involve a number of skill changes for many classes, we are refunding all skill points to the affected Advanced Classes so players can adjust the distribution of their characters' skills as they see fit with the new changes in mind. As a reminder, players can reset any character's skill points in the Combat area on their faction's fleet for free once per week (additional respecs cost credits).

Based on community feedback, we have also added a number of improvements to combat gameplay, such as more reactive animations for certain abilities, better visual and audible cues for important effects, and quality of life changes such as more useful combat revival abilities.


For enthusiasts interested in the detailed mechanics of combat and optimizing their own character, we have added a combat logging feature, which writes a machine-parsable file to disk that can provide detailed insights into what really happens during a combat engagement.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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And for the other part of the Legacy update..



"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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