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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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In some aspects, I wouldn't say other than end-game. Nearing the end of my IA storyline, got the robot with the sultry voice and geared her up for possibly too much money, heh. Ch 3 for the IA is off to a rather bleh start, not as good as the Eagle hunting.


Organized PvP is a bit of a mess in this game, it does seem. Since the patch is anyone getting loading screens when you're moving around the fleet HQ ? Bit strange.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I really wish there was more diversity in quests, I know it's an MMO, but surely there could of been puzzle quests or if they are feeling generous quests like the trial on Manaan in Kotor during the storyline missions.


Since the patch is anyone getting loading screens when you're moving around the fleet HQ ? Bit strange.


I had that happen on Dromund Kaas several times.

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I really wish there was more diversity in quests, I know it's an MMO, but surely there could of been puzzle quests or if they are feeling generous quests like the trial on Manaan in Kotor during the storyline missions.

You can say that again.


I'm starting to be pretty fed up with the go there and get it/kill it quests with BONUS: Kill 30 tentacleheads BONUS: Destroy 6 stuff boxes BONUS: Kill the badass tentaclehead and steal his lollipop. Seems to me they ran out of imagination badly at some point.

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I really wish there was more diversity in quests, I know it's an MMO, but surely there could of been puzzle quests or if they are feeling generous quests like the trial on Manaan in Kotor during the storyline missions.

You can say that again.


I'm starting to be pretty fed up with the go there and get it/kill it quests with BONUS: Kill 30 tentacleheads BONUS: Destroy 6 stuff boxes BONUS: Kill the badass tentaclehead and steal his lollipop. Seems to me they ran out of imagination badly at some point.


You forgot the plant 3/5 devices of something on something quests. Balmorra had like 6 of those in one map alone.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Or activating 6 nodes, those are common on Belsavis. Heh, one yesterday had me disarming mines...that only became usable after 3 seconds of proximity. They do award rather nice XP and commendations, is rather nice when you're there for a quest for those mobs to begin with.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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5:1? I really didn't think it'd be that bad. I knew it would be bad some way or another, but not that.


Why do they not force balanced sides in PvP areas like Illum?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Well, while I still plan on pootling around with my SI now that he's at end game content, I'm actually thinking of trying out some more with the Smuggler to explore how that is set up. Do some republic side and see what that viewpoint is.


I'm not so stressed on end-level content and PvP stuff and those are the two areas that seem to generate the majority of complaints.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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At least there are a few non-combat quests in the game, I can't think of any other MMO's that have even attempted them.


I'm sad to hear people are dropping out. I understand that there are going to be a lot of WoW comparisons, but WoW has the benefit of 6 years of development and growth. As I said, WoW didn't even have PvP when it was released, and I don't remember it having much of an end game either.


Hopefully some of the PvPers will be patient enough to wait for fixes to roll in. I know that was really what killed Warhammer Online, but that was a game with more of a PvP focus.


I've started a new Agent. So far it's been a blast, great job with the shifting accents.

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Wonder why people keep bringing up WoW not having things at its launch 7 years ago, really. Not as if the features they have now were secret all that time. Game's not in a bad state overall though - just have LOS issues and some times my character just stops being able to use abilities- is quite fun to level on the first pass.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I'm sad to hear people are dropping out. I understand that there are going to be a lot of WoW comparisons, but WoW has the benefit of 6 years of development and growth. As I said, WoW didn't even have PvP when it was released, and I don't remember it having much of an end game either.

The flaw in that defense is that SWTOR isn't competing against WoW of 6 years ago. SWTOR is competing against WoW of today.


Yes, it's unreasonable to expect SWTOR to have everything WoW does with less time. But it still needs to aim to be a more enjoyable experience in appreciable ways.


I do not wish to claim it fails at that. I only mean to say that for any player to choose TOR over WoW, TOR must appeal to that player in a way that WoW does not at this very moment. WoW can never lose that particular advantage.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Wonder why people keep bringing up WoW not having things at its launch 7 years ago, really. Not as if the features they have now were secret all that time. Game's not in a bad state overall though - just have LOS issues and some times my character just stops being able to use abilities- is quite fun to level on the first pass.


It's more an issue of WoW having 7 years to polish up stuff, whereas ToR has had a month.


Really I see this as a problem with every new MMO release. At some point they have to launch the game, they can't keep beta testing forever. At that point there are pretty much always going to be issues. It seems like MMO players in general were more patient about that with the previous generation of games.

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It's more an issue of WoW having 7 years to polish up stuff, whereas ToR has had a month.


Really I see this as a problem with every new MMO release. At some point they have to launch the game, they can't keep beta testing forever. At that point there are pretty much always going to be issues. It seems like MMO players in general were more patient about that with the previous generation of games.


Yes, but also Bioware could learn from what they've done to not make the same mistake they made years ago. So PVP being screwed up can't be defended by WoW's being just ganking 5-6 years ago. Still wonder how that LOS bug with Jadus got past QA.


Still holding out hope the GTN and UI gets some fixing (and less elevators :blink: )

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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5:1? I really didn't think it'd be that bad. I knew it would be bad some way or another, but not that.


Why do they not force balanced sides in PvP areas like Illum?



Just... look at the screen shot/video.


I wonder what the expectations were anyways? It seems like it is pretty huge right now, even if there is a large dropoff after the first month.


It's a PC-only title, were they expecting it to compete with CoD?

I'm guessing they were expecting it to jump to 1-2 million people or somethin. Kinda confusing to me.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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This first Game Update will show everyone how serious we are about expanding Star Wars: The Old Republic, and there

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Did they fix that problem with the emergency patch that went up overnight?


Sorta, they made the turrets unkillable at least. But they didn't take away valor from those who took advantage of the situation. So the damage is already done.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Did they fix that problem with the emergency patch that went up overnight?


Sorta, they made the turrets unkillable at least. But they didn't take away valor from those who took advantage of the situation. So the damage is already done.


Oh please. Waa waa, some folks got some more valor than I did for a day. That sounds ridiculous.


This whole competitive stuff just seems crazy to me. It's just a game, enjoy it. There is always going to be some exploit or balance issue to take advantage of, patches just shift them around a bit.


I guess that's why I stay away from PvP in general, I don't get the mentality at all.

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Some people gained 65 valor ranks in a day's worth of work, no ? Seems a bit much. But, heh, carebears.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Some people gained 65 valor ranks in a day's worth of work, no ? Seems a bit much. But, heh, carebears.


I don't even know what 65 valor ranks mean. Is there an e-peen conversion table I can look at to help me understand the magnitude? o:)

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Oh please. Waa waa, some folks got some more valor than I did for a day. That sounds ridiculous.


This whole competitive stuff just seems crazy to me. It's just a game, enjoy it. There is always going to be some exploit or balance issue to take advantage of, patches just shift them around a bit.


I guess that's why I stay away from PvP in general, I don't get the mentality at all.


Waa waa yourself. It completely ***** up the balance when they are getting the best gear available with pretty much no effort at all. BioWare was warned about this by a lot of players but they did not listen, the player base could actually see this happening from a mile away. And how something like that goes through a beta testing is pretty ridicilous. Balance issues are understandable, exploits caused by bugs I can understand, but when the sheer stupidity of the designers results in issues like this it's not okay. It literally drives away people from the game.


Others have worked for weeks on that same gear, then BioWare comes up with a brilliant plan and the other side gets their gear in mere hours. And it doesn't just help them with PvP, that same gear is good for PvE as well.


From what I heard BioWare didn't even punish properly the people who were exploiting the commendation bug. I guess they are scared of losing any more customers with "harsh" penalties.


On some servers the republic side is already pretty much of a ghost town as it is, issues like this won't help one bit. The fact they are even catering more towards the dominate side with their inner faction PvP makes it even worse. People were actually joining Republic side for shorter PvP queues making the balance on servers a bit better, don't think they will after this.


It's so much fun to spam on general/pvp to find a healer to be able to do a single heroic/flashpoint. And believe, it takes long time even on my server which isn't even one of the worst. Can't even imagine how bad it is on some of the other servers.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Some people gained 65 valor ranks in a day's worth of work, no ? Seems a bit much. But, heh, carebears.


I don't even know what 65 valor ranks mean. Is there an e-peen conversion table I can look at to help me understand the magnitude? o:)


effectively, 65 valor means they gots better gear than you could hope to get in a few hundred hours o' pve gameplay, or probable +50 hours o' future pvp. gameplay. pvp still is giving massively unbalanced payoff in experience and 1007 compared to pve. the gear makes the character in high levels, and the champion bags and other stuff for pvp is disproportionate powerful. pre-patch players is gonna have a big edge for quite some time to come.


is yet another reason we stayed away from pvp entirely.


HA! Good Fun!

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