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Probably, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.


I haven't played a decent turn based tactical game since... umm... I don't even remember.

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И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Where's the problem with the camera angle? :shifty:

Cam's too close to the action. Should be zoomed more out (which I assume will be implemented anyway).


PS: Are those dudes with the sunglasses actually...disguised aliens? They look funny. What are they doing there? Taking a ****?

You have a clear sight of the enemy and their cover, why would you need to zoom out more? Trees would block your sight then and you'd only see outlines. The other 2 enemies are further away and currently unimportant.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I'm no X-Com player, but how big were the battles in the original games?


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Majors windle? He got screwed? He should ahve pushed for me as he was in good standinjg to actually win the court case, and a FO MMO is sure to make way more than 2mil. Way more. The swindlers here are the peices ofc rap known as Betehsda who used intimiation, expensive lawyers, and deeper projects to push the little guy around when theyw er ein the wrong. DISGUSTING!!!



p.s. That article reeks of Betehsda bias. Scumbags of the highest order!

Edited by Volourn


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Majors windle? He got screwed? He should ahve pushed for me as he was in good standinjg to actually win the court case, and a FO MMO is sure to make way more than 2mil. Way more.

That assumes some fundamental level of competency on the part of interplay.

The whole MMO part of the deal was made like some sort of a bet and I'm not surprised that Bethesda came calling when it won.

I certainly wouldn't want Interplay touching the IP that I paid good money for.

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"Actually Interplay had very little standing in the case since the very beginning, and managed to survive in the case so far only due to Bethesda's lawyers utter incompetence."


Only if you believe Betehsda's nonsense which, obviiously, the courts were not buying into.




"That assumes some fundamental level of competency on the part of interplay."


Interplay's comptency is irrelevant. This is simply a case of the side with more $ getting what they wanty no matter what the actual facts are. Interplay likely didn't have the funds to go any longer. Simple as that.




"I certainly wouldn't want Interplay touching the IP that I paid good money for."


1. It was Interplay's Ip to begin, and when they sold the rights they had the right to keep certain things as part of negotiations. Afterall, Interplay created FO.


2. I certainly wouldn't want Betehada to touch my IP. It says a lot that Obsidian - those people whoc reated crasp like DS3 and AP - made a much better FO3 than Betehasda did.


3. Interplay 'touching' the Ip was irreleavnt since both new Fos made millions and Interplay has been 'touching' the IP for a decade + sicne, again, interplay created it.


Beteahds is justs cumbags who used money to bully, intimidate, and threaten tog et what they want and were more active (because they had money) tof roce fed their propaganda abotut ehris die down people's throats. The judge wasn't buying it, though.




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Trust me, if I was Herve, I would have made no deal, and I would have battled to the (bitter) end.


Then again, BG3 and FO3 would have been made at Interplay now would I have ogone all stupid with BIO over NWN losing that prime seller.





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Fallout Online had a very small survival chance in the first place. Getting decent funding for a MMO that's suppposed to compete against WoW or TOR is only possible through support of a major publisher. Not to mention that the game would have sucked hard anyways, so nothing of value was really lost. The developer though now might be screwed, but who cares. Who's Masthead anyway?

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