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South Park RPG announced


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Its 2D as mentioned mutliple times now.

It's using the Onyx engine, which is a 3D engine. So I suppose they use 3D but apply 2D toon shaders or what not to them to have a 2D look.


What? Since when do you know the specifics of the engine so well that you can contradict an article with first-hand information and plenty of job posts? What the hell? Seriously?

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Its 2D as mentioned mutliple times now.

It's using the Onyx engine, which is a 3D engine. So I suppose they use 3D but apply 2D toon shaders or what not to them to have a 2D look.


What? Since when do you know the specifics of the engine so well that you can contradict an article with first-hand information and plenty of job posts? What the hell? Seriously?

What are you at again?


SP uses the Onyx engine, that's confirmed.

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Its 2D as mentioned mutliple times now.

It's using the Onyx engine, which is a 3D engine. So I suppose they use 3D but apply 2D toon shaders or what not to them to have a 2D look.


What? Since when do you know the specifics of the engine so well that you can contradict an article with first-hand information and plenty of job posts? What the hell? Seriously?

What are you at again?


SP uses the Onyx engine, that's confirmed.


And when did I even contradict that? Are you even reading what I typed or have you just decided that you want to show the entire world how uninformed you are?

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This was later added to the link I posted:

Here are some things I missed. The editor says the game look like an episode of southpark and there is one screenshot that I am not sure if it is a cut-scene or in-game but it definitely looks like it could be a screenshot of an episode of southpark.


Also you can explore the town between quests its a little vague it sound like walking around the town is 2D the writer mentions "exploration takes the characters from the left to the the right(and vice versa), but branching paths occasionally take them in the background or foreground to prevent the game for m becoming overly linear".


There are a few screenshot of combat, the editor mentions that encounters are like classic Final Fantasy that are presented from a side view. With every combat screenshot there is only the player and one other party member(Cartman, Kyle, or Butters), fight 2-5 enemies(Girls, Gingers, Hippies, Fantasy style, and Goth) at a time.


The screenshots in the article show the player in a tree house and fighting on a top of a, different?, tree house or fort, fighting in a backyard, a cave, a forest, and a cemetery. Also in the article they mention the insides of Stan's house and just now looking at the screenshot of the tree house there is a map that I could replicate that might be layout for the town.

Replication of Map(Spoilers?)


Can't wait to see screens.

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This designer will work closely with art to produce 2D levels with exciting, engaging game play. Responsibilities will include planning and populating quests, encounters, puzzles, rewards, and working with the narrative team to integrate conversations and cut scenes into your levels. The ideal candidate for this position needs to have an established track record designing fun and enthralling 2D levels. Candidates should be prepared to show and discuss past examples of their 2D game design.


I could go on. I seriously don't know where the idea that Obsidian can only do 3d with Onyx comes anyway. We never heard anything of the sort from Obsidian.

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From Anthony Davis on the codex



Anthony can you at least tell us if the South Park game is:


A: Completly controlled by Trey & Mark. Obsidian is just the Company that implents everything.


B: It's a "work together" project where both parties work hand in hand together on everything.


C: Obsidian had free reign aside from what Matt & Parker did.


Please just tell me where ca. this project is.


Solidly B. Zane and others proved VERY early that we could visually hit the target they wanted, which was to make the video game LOOK like a TV episode. From camera, to content.


It's actually pretty amazing to work Matt and Trey, as well as the people who work on the actual TV show at SP Studios. You have know idea how cool it is to write some dialogue for the kids, and then get audio from SP Studios for those lines. Their team at SP Studios actually provide US with concept art too. They are just a great gang to work with, very funny too obviously.


SP can be very topical, which indicates how fast they work and often they can change gears for TV. They really are professionals, and they understand that TV and video games are two different mediums with two different development processes. They understand that they can change the topic of this week's TV show on a dime for some breaking news event, but that same mode of operation doesn't work in video games. Video games that focus on topical humor don't tend be topical when they are released due to how long it takes for video games to be developed.



The secret project that Josh is the project director for was as a direct result of both Vegas and DS3.


I know some of you guys keep thinking that DS3 was a failure, either because you didn't like it, or because you think over 820k units is a failure.

When we show publishers DS3, including the review scores which were mid to low 7, we ALSO show them the price tag for DS3, which is VERY LOW. We also show them how SOLID and bug free Onyx is, how flexible it is, AND we show them our amazing toolset. At this point publisher's jaws hit the floor (or the table if seated). When we tell them DS3 went through console certification with ALMOST perfect scores, believe me, they are impressed.


And another example of Avellones superiority



Also, I think a Barbie RPG could have potential. It would at least be something new. Seriously, don't just look at the word BARBIE and rage. Use your mind and your imagination. If I put a gun to your head and said come up with a design for a Barbie RPG that would be fun to play, I bet you could do it.

I *KNOW* Chris Avellone could do it, he and I have talked about it many times. Chris doesn't let himself be closed off to new frontiers and new challenges. He works, writes, and researches everyday about ANYTHING that could make himself a better game designer.

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When they say Barbie do they mean the war criminal or the doll?


Though certainly a rather bemusing notion upon first reception, the idea has actually grown on me since. The sacred cows of rpgs could ocassionally benefit from a good ridiculing, South Park would be an ideal candidate for the deliverance thereof.


Or mayhap i'd just enjoy a day inside the twisted mind of young master Cartman.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Onyx engine is 3D.

Any 3d engine can do 2d- almost all UI elements are 2d for example, but in any case all you need to do to get 2d from 3d is set dimension 3 to zero. That's kind of fundamental to geometry. You can even build environments in 3d then turn them into 2d if you want, as was done for the Infinity Engine games.


Else none of the minigames in System Shock 2 could exist- they're 2d games in a 3d engine, after all.

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"I know some of you guys keep thinking that DS3 was a failure, either because you didn't like it, or because you think over 820k units is a failure.

When we show publishers DS3, including the review scores which were mid to low 7, we ALSO show them the price tag for DS3, which is VERY LOW. We also show them how SOLID and bug free Onyx is, how flexible it is, AND we show them our amazing toolset. At this point publisher's jaws hit the floor (or the table if seated). When we tell them DS3 went through console certification with ALMOST perfect scores, believe me, they are impressed."


WOW! The hyperbole and self congratutory nature of this quote is mind boggling. Yeha, yeah, I'm sure DS3 made some money and I'm sure theyw ere imrpessed with the 7s for review scores but I seriously doubt theyw ere whooping it up like they just found the holy grail of gaming. It was a small game that was lambasted but still made a little bit of dough but it's no Fo:lV is it? IS IT?


And, them being impressed with the Onyx Engine and its engine is NOT the same as being hip hip hooray over DS3 is it?


Also, how 'low' is 'low'? Is it low comapred to titles like Skyrim? Is it low compared to NHL 12? Is it low comapred to some facebook game? Context matters.



Back on topic, SP RPG definitely has potential. Anyone who thinks others are ignorant, unimaginative fools.


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Onyx engine is 3D.

Any 3d engine can do 2d- almost all UI elements are 2d for example, but in any case all you need to do to get 2d from 3d is set dimension 3 to zero. That's kind of fundamental to geometry. You can even build environments in 3d then turn them into 2d if you want, as was done for the Infinity Engine games.


Else none of the minigames in System Shock 2 could exist- they're 2d games in a 3d engine, after all.

Goddammit I don't wanna play a gigantic 2D minigame and pay full price for it. I expect more than that in these days and age.

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Also, how 'low' is 'low'? Is it low comapred to titles like Skyrim? Is it low compared to NHL 12? Is it low comapred to some facebook game? Context matters.

It's low for selling 820K copies at whatever price they got

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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That's right. Whoever the idiot was that said DS3 was as successful as FONV is SO WRONG. That person should be, like, totally ashamed.


It seems pretty certain that this is the 2D project, and the whole game is going to try its best to look as similar to the cartoon as possible.


I'm not excited about the SP setting and have no idea if it will work, but if they're going to do it, I 100% agree it should be 2D. Every single time I've seen any game or anything turn 2D cartoons into 3D it's looked horrible.


Besides which, 2D turn-based combat RPG from Obsidian? That's one thing to cheer about.

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Goddammit I don't wanna play a gigantic 2D minigame and pay full price for it. I expect more than that in these days and age.

Could we have Computer & Console's subheading changed to this? Not because it's right or anything, but because it sums up the forum so well

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why do we need 2 threads for one game? :shifty:

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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why do we need 2 threads for one game? :lol:

Not really, actually there are no less than 3 threads (2 in this section), so lets cut down just a bit on the numbers ;)


Ongoing discussion about South Park RPG here



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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