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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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Yay, I got my email for early access today. I also managed to cancel my Collector's Edition from Walmart, they seemed to be having some issues making sure it arrived on time. I did so because a bunch showed up on Amazon last night, and I was able to order through them with an estimated arrival date of Friday. The nice thing is that actually saved me $20 in shipping and tax.


So hopefully Friday I'll have a nice shiny statue.

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Yay, I got my email for early access today. I also managed to cancel my Collector's Edition from Walmart, they seemed to be having some issues making sure it arrived on time. I did so because a bunch showed up on Amazon last night, and I was able to order through them with an estimated arrival date of Friday. The nice thing is that actually saved me $20 in shipping and tax.


So hopefully Friday I'll have a nice shiny statue.


It is a surpisingly big, but shiny box.


Hit level 15 with my Sith Inquisitor, roaming around Dromund Kaas and exploring as much as I can... It is a wee bit jarring when you run into people who are playing "Roger the Merciless, Mercenary". but the majority seem to be with more sensible names for the setting.


Dromun Kaas certainly has some atmosphere, the whole jungle planet in the dark side carries itself off quite well.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Huh, just got an email granting access. Huzzah! And with the next three days off I should be able to make some good progress.


Have you guys settled on a server yet? Anyone want to start a fresh character with me. I'm going Sith Inquisitor.


I am on Correlian Run for Republic, but I am might go for a different server for Empire. I think Raithe is on my same server, I won't be able to play until I get home later.

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Are the Sith Republic or Empire?


Im Central Time (I know you're Pacific) and Raithe is what, its like next Tuesday in England right? Joking, I know its GMT +6 from Chicago to England so I dont know how viable it will be to play with him unless hes willing to pull all-nighters.

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Are the Sith Republic or Empire?


Im Central Time (I know you're Pacific) and Raithe is what, its like next Tuesday in England right? Joking, I know its GMT +6 from Chicago to England so I dont know how viable it will be to play with him unless hes willing to pull all-nighters.


My schedule actually works pretty well with weird time zones, I'm up early and all that. The nice thing is there hasn't been any noticeable difference in lag between servers in different locations.


Sith are Empire. Hence the Sith Emperor.

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Expansion/patch news already? DAmn



They've talked previously about 'continuously improving and expanding the game' so I'm not surprised.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Huh, just got an email granting access. Huzzah! And with the next three days off I should be able to make some good progress.


Have you guys settled on a server yet? Anyone want to start a fresh character with me. I'm going Sith Inquisitor.


I'm buzzing away on Correllian Run with a Sith Inquisitor...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Huh, just got an email granting access. Huzzah! And with the next three days off I should be able to make some good progress.


Have you guys settled on a server yet? Anyone want to start a fresh character with me. I'm going Sith Inquisitor.


I'm buzzing away on Correllian Run with a Sith Inquisitor...


Ok, toon name is Gfted. Soon as I get leveled a bit we can kick some butt for evil!

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Imperial Agent Calax at your service. Managed to make it to the station in orbit right in front of the Imperial Fleet before logging.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Had a pretty lengthy queu to get on Corellian Run today, but I think that will work itself out within a week. Usually people spread themselves over the newer servers. I made a trooper and got to level 7. I'll be making a Sith Warrior soon too. I'm off work after tomorrow!

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I personally can only do tonight and tomorrow... I'm back in cali for 10 days starting sunday (with Saturday being driving day)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Gained access to the game in the 4th wave, have been playing since.


Received my CE from the local shop on 14th and registered my game. Now enjoying all the CE goodies in game.


I'm at level 23 atm but the people who started in the 1st wave from my guild are around 27-28. It's been a blast thus far, but damn work & sleep keeps interrupting my play sessions.

Edited by trulez
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Had a pretty lengthy queu to get on Corellian Run today, but I think that will work itself out within a week. Usually people spread themselves over the newer servers. I made a trooper and got to level 7. I'll be making a Sith Warrior soon too. I'm off work after tomorrow!


Indeed. Corellian Run has been running pretty smoothly, then suddenly yesterday or today (depending on how you want to call it) just before and after midnight, latency kicked in.

Bad enough it actually dropped my connection (and I was in the middle of an Operation on the big World Boss on Dromund Kaas). I hit the button to go back to the server..spent about 10 minutes in the queue.. and then it gave me the message that it had also disconnected my account and I'd have to log back in from the beginning.. :lol:


However, after about 20 minutes it had settled out and wasn't having any troubles.


"He's a twisted madman I tell you. He's obsessed with weapons technology, war droids, cybernetic experiments and ergonomic chairs!" - To describe the renegade and outcast Sith Lord Grathan.


I have to admit, that was one quest with a light side/dark side I don't really agree with.


Grathan's a renegade Sith Lord, he's that twisted and outcast and he collects slave-scientists to develop further twisted monstrosities. You get asked to steal some data on a "regenerating cybernetics" (okay, you're doing it to sell it on and make a pile of credits). When you get to the point you steal the data and corrupt the original - the slave scientist behind it appears and does the whole "it's my life work! if you do this I'll never be able to use it to heal the sick!".


So if you take it, its dark side, if you leave it its light.


However, slave-scientist held by a twisted outcast Sith Lord who only uses science for mad, evil, weaponised things? How is leaving him access to regenerative cybernetics for his troops a light sight thing? How likely is it that the slave-scientist will get to use the data to "heal the innocent"? Or is that just me?

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I can understand your confusion, but maybe it's because it's the other asking you to. If he subsequently fails to do any good then that's his bad karma. Becomes his problem?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I can understand your confusion, but maybe it's because it's the other asking you to. If he subsequently fails to do any good then that's his bad karma. Becomes his problem?


There are a general mix of dark and light as I play through as a Sith Inquisitor.


Although its kind of interesting that if you do tend to keep an eye on the whole..loyalty to the empire, taking care of the troops and civilians (even if its in the same way you'd keep your gun clean) it tends to rack up light side points.


Currently got my ship and finally into the first chapter. And running with around 1,000 light side points and about 700 odd dark side. So I think you can say I'm keeping it fairly neutral/grey...


Realised there were two heroic quests I hadn't finished on Dromund Kaas, but still, just had to check out the starship and peek at Balmorra.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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