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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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talkin bout puter parts.


revlant to the rim cuz how purdy we gon make it.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I don't really know what you're talking about, nor care. But I like the fact that they've gone back to Morrowind's style for the Imperial Legion.

This man speaks the truth.




Compare to the fugly steel armours the Imperial guards wore in Oblivion.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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the design for most of the armors i've seen so far look better than oblivions stuff. these definitely fit that trend of vast improvements.


im still guessing that morrowind will retain the superior art design, but im not going to complain because morrowind was really exceptional, and its too high a standard to hold most games art direction against.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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that would be awesssooome


i used to love setting up the ordinator armor with a black skirt over the greaves too, looked very intimidating. i miss being able to put clothes over the same slots as armor

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


This was asked and I think it was Todd who confirmed no in depth companion story arcs :p

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So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


I wish. I guess this just isn't Bethesda's thing. FO3 didn't have any either. You would think after watching Obsidian pull it off they would be interested in trying to give some personality to people that follow you around.

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Here's a new feature on the art direction.




Impressive but you've got to wonder how he'll eat the world, I imagine the final battle starting with a huge pair of wings unfolding on the horizon but that'd only lead to some kind of scripted Liberty Prime/Akatosh ending, really curious to see how they deal with it.





Edited by WDeranged
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So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


I wish. I guess this just isn't Bethesda's thing. FO3 didn't have any either. You would think after watching Obsidian pull it off they would be interested in trying to give some personality to people that follow you around.


Actually Fallout 3 had it, while much less than Fallout: New Vegas. The reviews were less than stellar, since Bethesda never had good character writing in any of their games (in Morrowind everyone was basically walking Wikipedia, and Morrowind has the best writing of the series). Better for them to stick to their guns and do environmental storytelling, tons of lore, in-depth dungeons and exploration, etc., they simply do a different type of RPGs.

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So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


I wish. I guess this just isn't Bethesda's thing. FO3 didn't have any either. You would think after watching Obsidian pull it off they would be interested in trying to give some personality to people that follow you around.



Acutally, I give them credit for recognizing their limitations. Better to spend their time and resources on stuff they're good at rather than spending it on stuff they're bad at.


No game can have everything so developers have to pick and choose what to include and what to develop.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Bethesda doesn't make story-driven games. Instead they adopt a sandbox approach, focusing on the world and its lore ... with a few short stories (at best) thrown in for good measure. This approach lends itself much better to role-playing than one where you must follow the storyline in order to advance your character. (In Oblivion, one doesn't have to play any of the vanilla quests at all, and the world still revolves and makes sense). But to do that sort of thing properly the PC's (and NPCs') particulars must be as generic as possible, to allow the player's imagination to take over. Writing in a follower that has a complicated past/personality limits what the player can imagine about him/her/(it?)... and there is no such thing as 'one size fits all'. Put forth your best effort, and there's still a chorus of 'this sucks', 'why didn't you make...' etc and much criticism ensues.

So I would expect that any romanceable npc's that are included in the game will be quite bland, and players will quickly tire of them and their stock dialogue. Best to leave that to the modders--who can create a single character with specific goals or attributes per mod add-on ... keeps Beth's companion hate mail inbox from overflowing, and allows them to concentrate on the formula that's been kind to them--creating a believable fantasy world where just about anything can happen.

Edited by kalimeeri
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Impressive but you've got to wonder how he'll eat the world, I imagine the final battle starting with a huge pair of wings unfolding on the horizon but that'd only lead to some kind of scripted Liberty Prime/Akatosh ending, really curious to see how they deal with it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the main character will shapeshift into a dragon and beat Alduin in a cutscene. "Dragonborn" suggests the main character is the descendant of a dragon (IIRC offspring of Alessia and Akatosh) and what would be the use of being able to absorb dragon souls otherwise?


Considering the Dwemer are involved in the game as well, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Numidium from Daggerfall shows up (it is never mentioned what happened to it after the Warp in the West) and one will have to use it in the final fight to clobber Alduin -- in this case, dragon souls could be used to power the Numidium.





The art direction is really great. I like how the Dwemer golem looks like a mini-Numidium. There's even the power source (soul gem) where the heart is supposed to be.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I wanted to hold out and wait for the GOTY edition but all that new footage is seriously tempting me.


This was asked and I think it was Todd who confirmed no in depth companion story arcs :(


I wish. I guess this just isn't Bethesda's thing. FO3 didn't have any either. You would think after watching Obsidian pull it off they would be interested in trying to give some personality to people that follow you around.


Actually Fallout 3 had it, while much less than Fallout: New Vegas. The reviews were less than stellar, since Bethesda never had good character writing in any of their games (in Morrowind everyone was basically walking Wikipedia, and Morrowind has the best writing of the series). Better for them to stick to their guns and do environmental storytelling, tons of lore, in-depth dungeons and exploration, etc., they simply do a different type of RPGs.


Aww, that's too bad. Well, you can't have everything, I guess. Having in-depth companions would flesh out the world but I can certainly understand Beth's position of not going that route.

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One thing I've noticed about all the info Bethesda are putting out, it's 90% about the feel of the world and the lore, not "OMFG look at the HDR/bloom/shaders/radiant blah!", it does seem like the maturity of the consoles has done a lot to let them focus on the important things rather than the glitz.

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So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


This was asked and I think it was Todd who confirmed no in depth companion story arcs :(

But apparently we get 100's of choices on who we can marry, to be our house or travel maids/butlers! .... :(

I was hoping I could have a male stud in every town, waiting for my beck and call, but somehow I doubt it'll work like that.


There are hundreds of people that you CAN marry, if they want to marry you. They can become your companion. Having a companion offers awesome perks. Your wife can fight by your side, helping you attack or defend. She can carry stuff for you increasing your inventory capacity. She can cook for you once a day increasing your health. There are many
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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