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Crafting systems in offline RPG's

Hassat Hunter

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But why in offline RPG's they are now seen as pretty much required? That's still my question. Cause offline RPG's can be so much more than the grind for ingredients.

I'd hazard the guess that many are becoming used to the way MMORPG's work and thus come to expect that sort of formula in 'rpg's.'

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But why in offline RPG's they are now seen as pretty much required? That's still my question. Cause offline RPG's can be so much more than the grind for ingredients.

I'd hazard the guess that many are becoming used to the way MMORPG's work and thus come to expect that sort of formula in 'rpg's.'

Why is it considered a 'grind for ingredients', instead of a simple. 'You do this to get that ~or you don't get that. shrug-1.gif'


** Lets say I'm playing a ghoul in Fallout 4 and have a shotgun, and decide to dismantle some strange claymore mines that are filled with spent uranium... and I use them as shot pellets in my shotgun. (scoffing aside, is there any reason why I should not have to make those myself to have them... and why they would not be something average merchants sold ready made? And does it not make perfect sense that I would have to hunt those mines down to acquire them? Perhaps even have to disarm them to pick them up?)

Edited by Gizmo
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BTW... I personally find the recipe [in NV] for Stimpacks to be absurd, and inaccurate. Xander root & Broc flower were used to make cheap tribal healing powder, not military grade nano-tech stimulants for use on the battlefield.

That's a Fallout 2 recipe.

You just needed a NPC to use it.



Oh yeah...I forgot about bullets in New Vegas. Never did that either. Since the regular bullets still killed everything just fine/with relative ease, I had no incentive to craft those in NV either. :)
In my case, I would break down pistol ammo for guns I did not have, and reload cartridges for the gun that I did have.

But there was a big problem with conversion in that bullet hulls were always limited.

I never understood why the ammo crafting for guns was so much more complex than for energy weapons.

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BTW... I personally find the recipe [in NV] for Stimpacks to be absurd, and inaccurate. Xander root & Broc flower were used to make cheap tribal healing powder, not military grade nano-tech stimulants for use on the battlefield.

That's a Fallout 2 recipe.

You just needed a NPC to use it.

It was that way in Fallout 2 yes; You could get it mixed for you by the village shaman... (So it should of course be that way in any later Fallout), but that's not the point... In FO:NV you can make STIMPACKS(!) with that root & flower and a syringe. bonk.gif



(The Super Stimpack recipe is even worse.)

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No, in Fallout 2 you could make Stimpaks and Super Stims with similar recipes and Myron.



1 Broc Flower

1 Xander root

1 Empty hypo


Super Stimpak:

1 Fruit

1 Nuka-Cola

1 Stimpak


The Leather Belt requirement is new for F:NV and we substituted Mutfruit for "Fruit".


While that in itself doesn't bother me (Fallout has never been really consistent with its SCIENCE!, which ended up making the post-apocalyptic setting much.. less post-apocalyptic), it clashes with a huge chunk of Arcade Gannon's initial character and presentation. I mean, if the player can easily make stimpaks and super-stimpaks, why are the followers even searching for new methods?


EDIT: Yup, this is pretty much an off-topic but since Josh is here and he did write Arcade (IIRC)...

Edited by WorstUsernameEver
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No, in Fallout 2 you could make Stimpaks and Super Stims with similar recipes and Myron.



1 Broc Flower

1 Xander root

1 Empty hypo


Super Stimpak:

1 Fruit

1 Nuka-Cola

1 Stimpak


The Leather Belt requirement is new for F:NV and we substituted Mutfruit for "Fruit".

Its true... I really wish it wasn't. :) (its one of those off things in FO2 ~IMO)


What were Stimpacks originally? Were they war surplus? or were they common first-aid supplies?


I always took them for military high-tech (possibly even nano-tech) medicine. The notion that you could mix these from roots & flowers never made sense to me.


Even if you treat Myron as a chemist prodigy that can make something sort of like a stimpack out of desert plants... its still tough to accept as plausible ~where a military fast acting drug (****tail) dispenser seems less unbelievable. shrug-1.gif


It might have been better to have him mix healing powders instead.


** That auto-censor is way too primitive; (but I suppose its understandable).

Edited by Gizmo
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Crafting! I tend to like craft and repair systems, but they need some things to make them worthwhile.


For example, I need the ability to easily carry, store, and sort many items. I need to have access to a set of basic schematics that I can access at any times. Either because I get some with whatever skill I level up or because schematics are easy enough to find or buy. Lastly the items need to be useful, powerful, or interesting.

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BG2's method was great. But of course that updates items using unique items found in the game world. And not 10 generic X, 5 generic Y and 6 generic Z. I personally think that's much more fun, so wonder why not more games do it as such instead of with crafting...

I found BG2's method to be a mixed blessing. Some of the stuff made sense and was fun, some of the stuff was just frustrating. It might have to do with the pacing though. An old gripe of mine, offering you the sword of spider slaying as a reward for killing the last spider in the game :)


Getting nice, fire resistant armour was a nice reward for skinning Firkraag (does that even count as "crafting"), getting the Equaliser for pretty much completing the game was an exercise in futility.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Crafting in BG2 was a pain due to having to deal with that annoying **** Cespenar each time.

Unfortunately there was no option of crafting a pair of mittens from Cespenars hide. He sure is a contented for most obnoxious npc :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I was never one for crafting until FNV and that's when I enjoyed it. I usually get my Survival up high so I can combine new dishes to eat.

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I liked Cespenar... :(




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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For consumables I'd prefer a crafting system that introduces unique recipes with low material requirements, instead of you duplicating the same few consumables you'd loot from dead enemies.


For essential items I'd prefer a crafting system with unique recipes, low material requirement and maybe a sidequest(s) tied to it.

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  • 3 months later...

i m might be slightly off topic since the game i m talking about isn t pc but console (PSP).

Being a great fan of crafting and long (tiresome sometime) quests to get components for a weapon or armor.

I have to have you consider a game based pretty much only on that: Monster Hunter.

One of the best games i know on psp (well sure there s not much competition on this console ><) based entirely on collecting and crafting your caracter does not gain level or anything you are forced to upgrade your equipement to advance in the game making you repeat quests time s and time s over to get the items needed. ( this can get frustration at some point but you feel really rewarded when you finally manage to craft what you wanted).

I love the aspect you use what you kill to get stronger. (and over again)

The crafting gives this game it s longevity (375 hours for me ^^) eventually getting a wee bit tiresome but still it gives you soo many options and combinations of items (more in the latest games than in the first) that you will want to see more.


eg: this sword is great! oh wait ! there s an upgrade... want to try that one!!

(well eventually you'll spend the next 3 hours trying to loot that last freaking item for the upgrade but you ll feel it was worth it some how ^^)


well since MH i ve been desperatly looking for a game working the same way on PC un successfully :s if anyone knows a game like that i d be most gratefull if he could inform me :)



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I'm smithing the hell out of everything. Something satisfying about being kitted out entirely in your own gear.

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tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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