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Maria Caliban

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Gah, now you guys make me wanna watch Temple of Doom.


Since I got the entire series (yup, the entire trilogy :p) on DVD I probably going to do so now too.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Apparently to make a successful topic you only need to have Bioware in the title.

And talk about anything but Bioware.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom has the Chinese nightclub scene and the Anglo-Indian Army saving the day. It has the scene with the strange dinner party. It has the mine chase scene. It has Kate Capshaw in silk pyjamas. It owns the newest movie so completely it's not even funny.


This is more fun than talking about McBio's new Happy Meal.

It also contains THE defining Indy moment.




The movie's superior to Last Crusade in every way. No supernatural bullcrap, just good old-fashioned arse-kicking.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom has the Chinese nightclub scene and the Anglo-Indian Army saving the day. It has the scene with the strange dinner party. It has the mine chase scene. It has Kate Capshaw in silk pyjamas. It owns the newest movie so completely it's not even funny.


This is more fun than talking about McBio's new Happy Meal.

It also contains THE defining Indy moment.




The movie's superior to Last Crusade in every way. No supernatural bullcrap, just good old-fashioned arse-kicking.




did you watch the first Indian Jones movie all the way to the end? am thinking you missed a few scenes.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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That's Raiders of the Lost Ark. :lol:


And all 3 movies got superstitious elements in it.

1. It has equivlants of equally bad and stupid scenes and bad special effects. Everything that happens in the temple itself for example

I've seen about 3 really bad scene's. That's 15 sec of movie. How long did the Red Ant scene take? Over 10 minutes? Not sure how that's comparible. And the Red Ant scene is just the tip, not the only bad stuff.

The 3 indy movies past the test of time pretty well by using extensive use of physical special effects. Melting skin of Nazi's (Raiders) for examples still looks neat and scary. If it was done CGI than it would probably look outdated now, yes. It doesn't...

2. Yes, short round was worse. Waaaaaaaay worse. Also I don't get what people have against Shia.

I suppose this is up to taste who to dislike most as side-kick.

3. Yes, yes, yes. Though 4 was worse. Also the example isn't a continuty error. In fact it has nothing to do with continunity but is a logical problem.

Still something the first 3 were able to avoid.

7. Horrible accents check. Also an indy expertise and the expertise of the whole damn american movie industry. Don't even get me started on german voices in movies. :)

There are no german voices in the Temple of Doom. Are you making stuff up here?

8. Horrible fake special effects? check. The only difference is that most of them were really decent when 2 came out. But in retrospect. Urgs. Though I also have to mention I DON'T MIND bad CGI or special effects at all.

I just watched it... I have a hard time finding more than 3. 2 maybe questionable too, but I'll let them pass. Physical special effects really topple computer generated ones, unless it really is state of the art and million dollars like Avatar. Indy IV didn't have an Avatar GFX buget though. Result; the old 3's effects look better and more real, since they aren't crappy CGI but mostly actually effort put in special effects using physical means to recreate.

I can live with bad special effects, unless they really really really ruin the mood. Like making a 30 min series episode about twisters when they look so fake, or do a 15+ min scene with abhorrent looking CGI Red Ants. A failed shot here and there; sure? But if your big action sequences falter due to the GFX, you're doing something wrong.

9. Yep. Began with the dumbass "Now I will take your heart hurrrdar" to the realization that neither the Bitch nor annoying kid died.

I was kind of more talking about the wedding stuff of IV, not the conclusion of the plot, although that, too, was bad (OMG! Aliens!).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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That's Raiders of the Lost Ark. :)


And all 3 movies got superstitious elements in it.

1. It has equivlants of equally bad and stupid scenes and bad special effects. Everything that happens in the temple itself for example

I've seen about 3 really bad scene's. That's 15 sec of movie. How long did the Red Ant scene take? Over 10 minutes? Not sure how that's comparible. And the Red Ant scene is just the tip, not the only bad stuff.

The 3 indy movies past the test of time pretty well by using extensive use of physical special effects. Melting skin of Nazi's (Raiders) for examples still looks neat and scary. If it was done CGI than it would probably look outdated now, yes. It doesn't...

2. Yes, short round was worse. Waaaaaaaay worse. Also I don't get what people have against Shia.

I suppose this is up to taste who to dislike most as side-kick.

3. Yes, yes, yes. Though 4 was worse. Also the example isn't a continuty error. In fact it has nothing to do with continunity but is a logical problem.

Still something the first 3 were able to avoid.

7. Horrible accents check. Also an indy expertise and the expertise of the whole damn american movie industry. Don't even get me started on german voices in movies. :)

There are no german voices in the Temple of Doom. Are you making stuff up here?

8. Horrible fake special effects? check. The only difference is that most of them were really decent when 2 came out. But in retrospect. Urgs. Though I also have to mention I DON'T MIND bad CGI or special effects at all.

I just watched it... I have a hard time finding more than 3. 2 maybe questionable too, but I'll let them pass. Physical special effects really topple computer generated ones, unless it really is state of the art and million dollars like Avatar. Indy IV didn't have an Avatar GFX buget though. Result; the old 3's effects look better and more real, since they aren't crappy CGI but mostly actually effort put in special effects using physical means to recreate.

I can live with bad special effects, unless they really really really ruin the mood. Like making a 30 min series episode about twisters when they look so fake, or do a 15+ min scene with abhorrent looking CGI Red Ants. A failed shot here and there; sure? But if your big action sequences falter due to the GFX, you're doing something wrong.

9. Yep. Began with the dumbass "Now I will take your heart hurrrdar" to the realization that neither the Bitch nor annoying kid died.

I was kind of more talking about the wedding stuff of IV, not the conclusion of the plot, although that, too, was bad (OMG! Aliens!).


1. I have seen more. Way more bad special effects and scenes. The whole minecart scene is ****ing stupid in every I mean EVERY way.


2. Yes, its up to taste. Such as every other argument we have. I'm just saying you are giving 4 waaaaay too much crap.


3. Avoid? Really?





Yeah, they totally avoided EVERYTHING.

4. I was speaking about movies in general and there were in other Indy movies.


5. I don't have a hard time finding around 20. I maybe searching on other places though


6. Wedding stuff? Seriously? That whole thing is purly. I mean purly personal preference. Sure the hat thing was cheesy as hell but Marion was intended FROM THE VERY BEGINNING of the franchise to be Indiana Jones Love Interest. I don't have the source ready but it was then changed into having a different women in every movie.




Which panned out horrible. We got Annoying Women and Nazi Bitch. Both the worst thing about their respective movies.

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Which panned out horrible. We got Annoying Women and Nazi Bitch. Both the worst thing about their respective movies.

Oh I know that you didn't just called Cate Blanchett a "Nazi Bitch", specially when her character was Russian you dumb f*** o:)

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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1. I have seen more. Way more bad special effects and scenes. The whole minecart scene is ****ing stupid in every I mean EVERY way.

If by ****ing stupid you mean ****ing awesome then yes? How anyone can hate that and like the Ant scene of IV boggles my mind.

Actually, they even try to copy this scene in Indy IV with the jeeps. It's more horrible than the cart-scene from II by all accounts. Did you hated that scene too, because that was cringeworthy.

2. Yes, its up to taste. Such as every other argument we have. I'm just saying you are giving 4 waaaaay too much crap.

If anything I am too lenient on it here.

3. Avoid? Really?

Goofs aren't the same as completely and intentionally messing up the storyline and believability of the plot. One is by accident, IV was by choice. Lazy choice. That doesn't make good movies...

4. I was speaking about movies in general and there were in other Indy movies.

SOoooo... let me see. IV was better than II because of authentic german accents in I and III, which were never heard in II. Yeah, you totally have a point here. All hail IV!

5. I don't have a hard time finding around 20. I maybe searching on other places though

Perhaps. But if you can't enjoy the minecart scene, I see no hope for you... How could you survive IV?

6. Wedding stuff? Seriously? That whole thing is purly. I mean purly personal preference. Sure the hat thing was cheesy as hell but Marion was intended FROM THE VERY BEGINNING of the franchise to be Indiana Jones Love Interest. I don't have the source ready but it was then changed into having a different women in every movie.

I say; gladly so. If she would have acted there like she did in IV that would have ruined those movies too.

Also, I don't really care about "canon" for what interests me in movies or not, I care for what the movies themselves have to offer. I feel sorry for people who cannot enjoy, say, Indy II or III because 'Marion was supposed to be the interest and they changed it, oh noes, now they will totally suck!'...

Which panned out horrible. We got Annoying Women and Nazi Bitch. Both the worst thing about their respective movies.

And yet Marion in IV is worse. So I shudder to think what could have been...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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The Nazi bitch refers to the Austrian chick from Last Crusade that also slept with Junior's dad.

She was hot

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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The key to the suckiness of IJ4 is and will always be the damn aliens. Indy is about historical legends and mysticism, not this flippin crap. Temple of doom had the almost unbearable combo of hysterical woman/annoying kid, but that still pales in comparison to raping the whole core concept of the series by tossing in sci-fi with aliens and other dimensions.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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1. I have seen more. Way more bad special effects and scenes. The whole minecart scene is ****ing stupid in every I mean EVERY way.

If by ****ing stupid you mean ****ing awesome then yes? How anyone can hate that and like the Ant scene of IV boggles my mind.

Actually, they even try to copy this scene in Indy IV with the jeeps. It's more horrible than the cart-scene from II by all accounts. Did you hated that scene too, because that was cringeworthy.

2. Yes, its up to taste. Such as every other argument we have. I'm just saying you are giving 4 waaaaay too much crap.

If anything I am too lenient on it here.

3. Avoid? Really?

Goofs aren't the same as completely and intentionally messing up the storyline and believability of the plot. One is by accident, IV was by choice. Lazy choice. That doesn't make good movies...

4. I was speaking about movies in general and there were in other Indy movies.

SOoooo... let me see. IV was better than II because of authentic german accents in I and III, which were never heard in II. Yeah, you totally have a point here. All hail IV!

5. I don't have a hard time finding around 20. I maybe searching on other places though

Perhaps. But if you can't enjoy the minecart scene, I see no hope for you... How could you survive IV?

6. Wedding stuff? Seriously? That whole thing is purly. I mean purly personal preference. Sure the hat thing was cheesy as hell but Marion was intended FROM THE VERY BEGINNING of the franchise to be Indiana Jones Love Interest. I don't have the source ready but it was then changed into having a different women in every movie.

I say; gladly so. If she would have acted there like she did in IV that would have ruined those movies too.

Also, I don't really care about "canon" for what interests me in movies or not, I care for what the movies themselves have to offer. I feel sorry for people who cannot enjoy, say, Indy II or III because 'Marion was supposed to be the interest and they changed it, oh noes, now they will totally suck!'...

Which panned out horrible. We got Annoying Women and Nazi Bitch. Both the worst thing about their respective movies.

And yet Marion in IV is worse. So I shudder to think what could have been...


1. Subjective. Like you explained yourself. I myself know enough people that wanted to punch people after that scene. Similiar to the indestructable fridge. It IS ****ing stupid, makes no sense and laughs at science.


2. There aren't just goofs. But I don't suppose you spend a second reading the list. Furthermore it doesn't duck the entire storylinhe over just because of this. Waaaaaaaay to dramatize dude.


3. Like I said before. I didn't mean 2. I never meant two. It was directly meant for your disgust about some russian accent in 4 EXCEPT those horrible accents are standard in movies and Indy movies. And I'm pretty sure II ****ed over their accents too.


4. It was stupid. JUST AS STUPID as some of the scenes in 4. It doesn't make any sense from any standpoint there is. And hey. Maybe someone enjoyed the scenes in 4 too. AGAIN entirly subjective..


5. Subjective. She acted great. But OH NOES. SHE WAS IN INDY 4. Actually, you know what. I'm not doing this. Karen Allen is a great actress and I really do not have to justify her.


6. Yeah, I'm not doing it.


I'm done. Ride your hate train. I don't really care.

Edited by C2B
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What happened to the mods in this topic?


Your mum, that's what.



What fascists would call derailment or off-topic, is known here as "thread evolution". Because we do not hate freedom.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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