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The quality of video games has declined over the past 10 years.


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Kiddin' right? there's *maybe* 3 or 4 games on that list I'd considered even good let alone 'classics'. L0LZ

How many of them did you actually play back then? ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I don't know where else to put this but since this is an old games thread, and everyone here seems to have played PS:T.


I'm getting a bug that turns the iron pry bar found on the 3rd floor of the Mortuary into a mace when I equip it - so I can't use the iron bar to crack open anything. Is this a known issue and is it much of a problem, i.e. going to make me miss XP points or an item or keep me from leaving, etc?

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I don't know where else to put this but since this is an old games thread, and everyone here seems to have played PS:T.


I'm getting a bug that turns the iron pry bar found on the 3rd floor of the Mortuary into a mace when I equip it - so I can't use the iron bar to crack open anything. Is this a known issue and is it much of a problem, i.e. going to make me miss XP points or an item or keep me from leaving, etc?

No, it won't be a problem if I recall correctly. Strange bug, are you using Qwinn's Planescape: Torment Fixpack? If not, I highly recommend it. Also take a look at the other mods too.

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Thanks for the reply. I'll try that mod. I'm using several mods off this fully modded blog site someone posted. The widescreen mod is great. Using Ghostdog's UI, Ultimate Fix pack(possibly the same one you posted, not sure yet) and Unfinished Business as well.

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Playing games (especially CRPGs) since the beginning of the 90's (yes, I'm that old :D) I think that quality is generally improved over the years. At least if for quality we mean polish, accessibility, game testing, graphics and technical advancements: the only objective standars I know that can define the quality of a game.


In terms of game design, it's harder to say since I'm not game designer myself but maybe quality is not the right angle to look at it. Creativity? Yes, there is a decline, at least talking about CRPGs. There has been more experimentation and novelty during the development of the Ultima series than in the last 10 years of the genre considered as a whole (maybe I'm exagerating things a bit, but that's my feeling).


I don't know, in part that's the nature of video gaming. The design standard of each genre have been allready developed in the '80s or in the beginning of the '90s. Now it's more a question of refinement and tech progress.

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Indigo Prophecy.


Indigo Prophecy is a point and click adventure game?

Nah, I'd call it a "Cinematic interactive Drama".


Don't know why people always call it an adventure game.


I wasn't really asking, I was expressing surprise at IP being classed as an adventure game.


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I think it's an evolution of the adventure game genre. It sure felt like it had more in common with games like "Beneath a Steel Sky" than anything else. So I think it fits as an example of a landmark adventure game.


What did it have in common with Beneath a Steel Sky?


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I'll nominate Dreamfall & Book of Unwritten Tales.


The former supposedly has a good story. Unfortunately I couldn't find that out through my 2 partial playthroughs because the actual gameplay is absolute rubbish.

If you divorce adventure games of challenge and puzzles (Dreamfall, Indigo Propecy, Broken Sword 3), what you're left with is what adventure games are in the absence of obstacles - an interactive movie.

That in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but that's really half a game or not really a game at all.


I admit to not knowing the latter. It could be the next best thing since pre sliced bread.


@Volourn: the stupidity of criticizing games you never played hasn't dawned on you?

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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@Volourn: the stupidity of criticizing games you never played hasn't dawned on you?


It's Volo, seriously WTF did you expect?

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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"@Volourn: the stupidity of criticizing games you never played hasn't dawned on you?"


Woah... woah.. owah.. isn't that what everyone is doing in the DA2 thread? LMFAO


It's called doing research, nad the like. It's how we humans determines which movies to watchm, witch books to read, and which games to play. By doing research.


It's why I know I have no interest in watching the newest Barbie movie or playing the new WOW expansion (or, hell, ever playing WOW period).


use common sense, and pay attention to previews, reviews, articles, and player opinions. Mind you, it was ahrder to do all that way back when in the dark ages but soemtimes you have to 'judge a book by i's cover' since one only has so much game time one doesn't have time tot ry every bit of trash that is released.


Just sayin'.


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I think it's an evolution of the adventure game genre. It sure felt like it had more in common with games like "Beneath a Steel Sky" than anything else. So I think it fits as an example of a landmark adventure game.


What did it have in common with Beneath a Steel Sky?


Something as abstract as the feeling of it. Can't put my finger on it. I was mostly thinking of a non-silly adventure game and it was the only one I could think of.

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"@Volourn: the stupidity of criticizing games you never played hasn't dawned on you?"


Woah... woah.. owah.. isn't that what everyone is doing in the DA2 thread? LMFAO


It's called doing research, nad the like. It's how we humans determines which movies to watchm, witch books to read, and which games to play. By doing research.


It's why I know I have no interest in watching the newest Barbie movie or playing the new WOW expansion (or, hell, ever playing WOW period).


use common sense, and pay attention to previews, reviews, articles, and player opinions. Mind you, it was ahrder to do all that way back when in the dark ages but soemtimes you have to 'judge a book by i's cover' since one only has so much game time one doesn't have time tot ry every bit of trash that is released.


Just sayin'.


In other words, you used "research" to confirm your pre-existing negative opinions.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Here's a question... how do you dtermine what games are worth buying and which games are not worth buying?


We ALL pre judge games (or any purchase). That's a huge part of consumerism.


Like I said before, we ALL are pre judging DA2 (both positively and negatively), so how is this any different? read the DA2 thread. It's fuill of people claiing they won't buy it ebcaue they think it sucks and others claiming they'kll buy it because they think they'll enjoy it.


It's silly to make it sound like I'm the only one who does it because youa re butthurt I dissed some of your favorite games when EVERYONE does it.




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making up numbers is awesome.


did you know that 120% more kids do drugs today than they did in 1928?


its because of soda. in 1928 the average kid drank only .4 litres of soda a fortnight, in 2021 the average child will drink .4 gallons of soda a day.


the rise of soda drinking clearly is the cause of the rise of drug use!


Actually, I believe it's higher than that for the drug use.


People keep putting their heads in the sand about the state of PC games...it's amazing how much in denial many are. Steam can make money due to the cutting out of middle men, but the numbers are pretty bad in relation to what they were many years ago for the PC gamer.


It's still pretty healthy for consoles though.



What are these numbers pray tell?

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"@Volourn: the stupidity of criticizing games you never played hasn't dawned on you?"


Woah... woah.. owah.. isn't that what everyone is doing in the DA2 thread? LMFAO


It's called doing research, nad the like. It's how we humans determines which movies to watchm, witch books to read, and which games to play. By doing research.


It's why I know I have no interest in watching the newest Barbie movie or playing the new WOW expansion (or, hell, ever playing WOW period).


use common sense, and pay attention to previews, reviews, articles, and player opinions. Mind you, it was ahrder to do all that way back when in the dark ages but soemtimes you have to 'judge a book by i's cover' since one only has so much game time one doesn't have time tot ry every bit of trash that is released.


Just sayin'.


In other words, you used "research" to confirm your pre-existing negative opinions.


It's like arguing with yourself! :down:

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Here's a question... how do you dtermine what games are worth buying and which games are not worth buying?


We ALL pre judge games (or any purchase). That's a huge part of consumerism.


Like I said before, we ALL are pre judging DA2 (both positively and negatively), so how is this any different? read the DA2 thread. It's fuill of people claiing they won't buy it ebcaue they think it sucks and others claiming they'kll buy it because they think they'll enjoy it.


It's silly to make it sound like I'm the only one who does it because youa re butthurt I dissed some of your favorite games when EVERYONE does it.



Vol's like a broken clock stuck at an inconvenient moment. Only right twice a day, but somewhat embarrassing when he is. :down:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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People keep putting their heads in the sand about the state of PC games...it's amazing how much in denial many are. Steam can make money due to the cutting out of middle men,


Steam only cuts the middleman for Valve games. For everyone else it's just a different middleman to retail. Digital distribution makes (more) money because it's fundamentally better business wise than standard retail as its fixed costs are lower.


but the numbers are pretty bad in relation to what they were many years ago for the PC gamer.


It's still pretty healthy for consoles though.

What are these numbers pray tell?

Supposedly at least the numbers for everything except retail are going up and the PC industry is growing. EX PCGA


According to the 2009 PCGA Horizons report, PC gaming software revenue was a $13.1 billion industry in 2009, up 3% from 2008. Revenues from consumer PCs capable of gaming totaled approximately $54.6 billion in 2009 and are forecasted to grow to $61.3 billion by 2014. 61.5 million PCs (Desktop and Laptops) shipped in 2009 that can largely be associated with PC gaming as a key usage scenario.


(potentially biased source, of course)


In contrast, ex NPD.


According to recent findings from Top Global Markets, an integrated monthly report from leading providers of consumer and retail information in the video games industry, The NPD Group, GfK Chart-Track Limited and Enterbrain, Inc., combined video game software unit sales across the world
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