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Mass Effect 2


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I LOVE how your choices carry over into ME2. I've run into so many characters and news announcements about specifics that I chose in the original game. At first I suspected the game detected my Paragon status, and simply repeated Paragon outcomes to quests, but I have yet to hear any sort of give away about a situation I handled differently. It all matches up so far.


There was even a news story concerning the events of the Bring Down The Sky DLC.

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There was even a news story concerning the events of the Bring Down The Sky DLC.

I'm wondering if it will turn into more than a news announcement. I let the terrorist Batarian go to save the hostages in ME1 and it mentioned him in the news report. Maybe I'll get a chance to take him down at some point...

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Quick impressions:


Combat is much improved over ME1. I can't put my fingers on what exactly, but it's just more fun. A bit more difficult as well, using cover is integral now (playing on Veteran).


The control for weapon selection is pretty crappy. Scroll wheel only. As an infiltrator I carry four weapons, but mainly use two. As long as stay to those, it's just scroll up and down, which works decently. But if I want to get the heavy weapon for a bit, I have to first pick out the pistol (with that whole animation) and then the rocket launcher. Why not have a keyboard shortcut for each weapon?


Using the spacebar as the action key for everything works surprisingly well. So while sprint, use object, go into cover and jump over cover could have used different keys, it's not really needed and it's kind of nice to only have to remember the one.


Whoever thought the planet scanning minigame was a good idea needs to be fired. Especially since it's a fairly integral part of the game (at least if you want to do any research). It's a complete waste of time and not fun in the least. I find it to be even worse than planet exploration in ME1.


Haven't encountered many special encounters yet, but the one I did find was pretty funny, with a crashed ship stuck in a cliff. Sort of a platform puzzle, a nice change of pace.


Why did I have to download the DLC manually from the website instead of in-game like in DA:O? Especially since it seems like XBox users can download from in-game?


Dialogue is much improved. Sheperd actually says what I expect her to say this time around. Well, except some of the paragon choices. They ar a bit strange. Like pulling out a gun and threaten someone. Feels more like a renegade action, but I suppose it's the motivation that counts?


Experience works as follows: Each level is 1000 xp. Each major mission (so far anyway) gives you 1000 xp (surprise). Each minor assignment gives you very little xp (40-150 I think). So the 2 levels gained from maxing out the character in ME1 were pretty nice. The mineral bonus was on the low side though, but then I didn't actually finish those quests. All 5000 meant was that I could start researching a little sooner, but it quickly became irrelevant. The cash bonus was nice though.


I never thought I'd say this, but I don't miss the conversation skills. Since most players would just max those anyway, it makes sense to base it on paragon/renegade instead.


Minigames are too easy. Hacking was hard the first time due to the lack of instructions (as has been mentioned). But they're both fairly simple. I like hacking better than bypassing, but they are both quick affairs, so they work.


All in all, the game is a big improvement. It's more streamlined, better paced and more fun. Not that ME1 wasn't fun, but this is simply better. Not in all ways, but in most. The gripes I have are fairly minor (except for the planet scanning, that needs to change for ME3). It's probably the most polished game Bio has released so far. I don't love it the same way I did Dragon Age, but that's since I prefer the gameplay in DAO, not because it's a better designed game. That being said, I think ME2 is great fun and a stellar action game.

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There was even a news story concerning the events of the Bring Down The Sky DLC.

I'm wondering if it will turn into more than a news announcement. I let the terrorist Batarian go to save the hostages in ME1 and it mentioned him in the news report. Maybe I'll get a chance to take him down at some point...

IMO that would be a bad move on Bio's part. If you meet him again and take him down without him causing several deaths first, then the BDTS choice of letting the hostages die would turn out to be the "bad" choice, making that decision (and the possible player guilt-trip) meaningless. If he kills some people before you get him, then the player who let him go just traded some bystander lives for others.

Then again, the whole thing wasn't thought out well from the get-go. :getlost:

Better to just keep his future ambiguous (if you let him go) IMO.



So, ME2...can you skip the walls of text this time around?

Edited by Oner
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IMO that would be a bad move on Bio's part. If you meet him again and take him down without him causing several deaths first, then the BDTS choice of letting the hostages die would turn out to be the "bad" choice, making that decision (and the possible player guilt-trip) meaningless. If he kills some people before you get him, then the player who let him go just traded some bystander lives for others.

Then again, the whole thing wasn't thought out well from the get-go. :getlost:

But... letting the hostages die WAS the 'bad/renegade' choice. Also, by sacrificing the hostages, didn't you end up killing him? I don't remember well as my first ME playthrough was over a year ago and that was with renegade shep and I don't remember the exact outcome (Just checked Gamebanshee walkthrough. If you make the Renegade choice he ends up either dead or imprisoned.). Do imported renegade Sheps get any news about Bring Down the Sky?


Also, IF ME2 does have an encounter with him again, whos to say hostages will be involved a second time?

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If you let Four-Eyes go, there better be a newsflash how he & his crew succesfully nuked another human colony.


My Renegade Shepard will probably be missing out on a lot of returning characters in ME2, since she pretty much caused the death of any named NPC in ME1.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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But... letting the hostages die WAS the 'bad/renegade' choice. Also, by sacrificing the hostages, didn't you end up killing him?

It was a pragmatic choice, not a bad one. Yes, you did get him and put a stop to his current and future genocide plans. At the price of a few hostages and your conscience.

If you let him go, you save the hostages, but let him go free. He might commit other crimes someday. He might get killed in a bar fight 2 days later. You saved the hostages (and proved weak willed) but he remains at large. Bio could set up a scenario where he causes some other deaths, but wouldn't that just judge your earlier decision of letting him live as the wrong one? (Well it is anyway, but keeping things uncertain is better IMO.) I thought the point is to give you a decision, not a 3 year long puzzle?

It's better to just report a random batarian attack on a human installation/city and let the player worry if it was four-eyes or not.



Also, IF ME2 does have an encounter with him again, who's to say hostages will be involved a second time?
I said bystander casualties, not hostages and accounted for both possibilities.
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I'm now near the end

At the Collectors base

, and I didn't get the chance to shag someone. And I was always so nice to Kelly and Miranda. What did I wrong?

You didn't talk to them enough? That seemed to be all that was required in ME1.

I talked plenty to them. Hmm, there was this awkward situation with Miranda where she approached me, smiled at me, touched my zipper (I thought that's it, now let's have some action), but then she stepped back. :aiee:


Either way, I finished ME2 yesterday tonight. Pretty ****ing good game. Can't wait for ME3.

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THE GAME SI MEIN!!!!! *smells box* ooh, fresh printers ink!

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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For you crazy Europeans who haven't played the game: DON'T CHOOSE SOLDIER CLASS.


The unkillable class from ME1 is now the impotent class of ME2. With the limited ammo system (and believe me its limited alright) assault rifle is no longer the fountain stream of death it used to be. On top of that every class can use the sub-machine gun, which is pretty much as good IMO is you learn to control the bursts. On top of that, the reticle accuracy is entirely twitch dependent so any class can be a monster with guns if need be (especially since heavy weps can be used by everyone). Also, what actually made the solder awesome in ME1 is shared by all classes in ME2. Every class can wear every armor AFAIK, every class has health regen & unlimited sprint stamina. And to add insult to injury, soldiers don't even have the uber immunity power anymore.


With tech, biotics, & guns, this gameplay is pretty much rock, paper, scissors. Don't cripple yourself by only having rock.

Edited by jaguars4ever
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But unless you play soldier, you cant use all the guns? I want sniper+shotgun+assault rifle, and Ill gladly trade away some frilly jedi mind tricks for that

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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every class has health regen & unlimited sprint stamina.

You actually don't have unlimited sprint stamina. If you keep sprinting Shep will start huffing and puffing and eventually be unable to run for a period of time. They've simply removed the stamina meter and replaced it with heavy breathing, the kind girls get from stalkers over the telephone. :aiee:

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every class has health regen & unlimited sprint stamina.

You actually don't have unlimited sprint stamina. If you keep sprinting Shep will start huffing and puffing and eventually be unable to run for a period of time. They've simply removed the stamina meter and replaced it with heavy breathing, the kind girls get from stalkers over the telephone. :-

I knew it!


You told me it was the wrong number! :aiee:

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While I applaud your courage from shying away from girly, biotic/tech powers, keep in mind that your party AI = Deekin from NWN. So you'll have to end up micromanaging their powers anyway...
HEY! Tech powers are MANLY! Power Armor is manly. Big guns are manly. Tanks are manly. Therefore, engineers are manly. Tech powers are used by engineers. Therefore, tech powers= MANLY.
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While I applaud your courage from shying away from girly, biotic/tech powers, keep in mind that your party AI = Deekin from NWN. So you'll have to end up micromanaging their powers anyway...


Hah. Well I'm a firm believer in practicality. If it kills them, I don't care if it's a bullet, a biotic neck snap, or just some tech explosion. If it works, use it. It's all about being able to put the boot in. Now that's manly. :aiee:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Apparently, I didnt get any pre-order code thingie so no armour and stuff for me :aiee:

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Apparently, I didnt get any pre-order code thingie so no armour and stuff for me :aiee:

Shall I taunt you with screenshots on what you're missing to cheer you up, Sir Kaft?



Please do, Sir Jags. I did get a Cerberus card so Im not missing anything vital, but its still annoying when the store (www.spelbutiken.se) fudges it up and robs you off stuff.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Need help guys.


I'm trying to romance Dr. Chakwas. I've bought her favorite brandy, we cracked it open, but...how do I escalate from here?!? :aiee:

So you managed to get the broad drunk... and you're asking for advice on what to do next?!


You're losing your touch, jags. Didn't think I'd see the day.


The one thing I want to know about this game is, does it use the same limited-activation scheme of ME1? I may get it otherwise. I have a lv50 fascist pig philanthropist that's itching to rid the galaxy of some filthy alien scum threats to humanity.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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