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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


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This is something I'm really looking forward to - even more so than ME2 or AP. For me, Witcher was one of those rare landmark titles that set a benchmark for intelligent gaming, much like PS:T. The dark fantasy juxtaposition with contemporary issues breathed fresh air into what was becoming a rather tepid genre. There was no black and white choice of morality in Witcher, just shades of grey, which perhaps is the most realistic approach to causality. Even having played the first game several times, it's had to decide which faction/path held the higher moral ground. Was terrorist freedom fighting justified against tyrannical racial oppression? And the choice/consequence system was second to none, and the closest we've seen since then is DA. I seriously doubt DA would be what is is without the Witcher's influences: the choice/consequence system; the gift giving system; the similarities in the creation of Witchers and Grey Wardens; and the racial segregation/oppression of Elves theme. On the latter, I don't believe Bioware exploited this opportunity for exploration as much as they could have. The Dalish origin story (IMO the best origin) gives you but a taste, which ultimately leaves you unsatisfied and wanting to play more Witcher!


Judging by the above vid, it seems that Aard and Igni are back with a vengeance. So here's to hoping that Witcher 2 continues to kick ass and juggle b00bies!

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Is this coming out in 2010? If so, ME2 can go to hell with the Drakensang prequel also coming out.


If those 'assassins of kings' are the Nilfgaardian agents they appear to be, sent to assassinate all the Kings of the Northlands in preparation

of a new invasion (Witcher takes place a couple of years after the Battle fo Brenna), the story could be quite interesting.


In addition, hopefully the whole "Personal History" questline of the first game will be continued... and Geralt's miraculous return to the land of the living will be explained.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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It was an entertaining and well made game that certainly did deliver atmosphere and story better than most contemporary RPGs, and I'll be happy if Witcher 2 keeps that up. The stupid quick-time events and the bigger focus on cutscenes bother me, though.

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I recently tried to play the Witcher but my laptop isn't cool enough for it, and my desktop is 10 years old.

Hey now, my mother is huge and don't you forget it. The drunk can't even get off the couch to make herself a vodka drenched sandwich. Octopus suck.

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I don't remember the witchers boss-fights being so bad. Maybe one of the first ones with a mage that kept zapping in and out of existence. Too much focus on what you couldn't do. You basically had to let him run through his cycle before you could put him down. Combat looks good maybe, but it's too brain dead for my tastes : point, click and for the really advanced : click a few times in succession.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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It would be nice if there were some non-combat related skills added. That was really my only complaint about The WItcher; there was only combat and dialogue. And the dialogue rarely avoided combat. SOme enhanced diplomacy skills and some stealth type skills at least would be nice.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Collecting b00bie cards is intelligent gaming now days?


Kid's these days...




Oh please...


I like b00bs, I like pictures of b00bs, it's all win.


Quit your whining.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Collecting b00bie cards is intelligent gaming now days?


Kid's these days...




Oh please...


I like b00bs, I like pictures of b00bs, it's all win.


Quit your whining.




If the boob-cards where the only things that you remember, or being the only ones worth mentioning about the Witcher, then you had your focus on the wrong place :p


//EDIT: nvm, i didn't notice the smiley until now.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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There was no black and white choice of morality in Witcher, just shades of grey, which perhaps is the most realistic approach to causality.


I agree with that statement, except perhaps for the end choice of the first chapter. Even if one of the sides is really depicted in shades of grey, the other one is so evil that there really isn't a choice at all.

Especially when you discover that it was really the best choice in chapter four, with the person you sided with having started a new life and on the road of redemption.



It was an entertaining and well made game that certainly did deliver atmosphere and story better than most contemporary RPGs, and I'll be happy if Witcher 2 keeps that up. The stupid quick-time events and the bigger focus on cutscenes bother me, though.


Why are you bothered by the QTE and focus on cutscenes? I see it as a natural evolution for the game, whose combat was never really that hard or tactical. More focus on the "show" aspect for it seems to be the way to go for me, especially if they keep the formula of the lone witcher Geralt against everyone else.


This drives to one of my "fears" for that game : a lack of innovation and new gameplay features. The impression that we're going to play a Witcher 1.5 isn't leaving me alone right now.


But hey, I really look forward to it. It's a close second to Alpha Protocol for me. Even if they probably won't come out at the same time at all.

Edited by Sannom
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The Dalish origin story (IMO the best origin) gives you but a taste, which ultimately leaves you unsatisfied and wanting to play more Witcher!

Ugh - I meant City Elf origin story (the Dalish Elf origin was probably the worst, LOL).





Is this coming out in 2010? If so, ME2 can go to hell with the Drakensang prequel also coming out.


If those 'assassins of kings' are the Nilfgaardian agents they appear to be, sent to assassinate all the Kings of the Northlands in preparation

of a new invasion (Witcher takes place a couple of years after the Battle fo Brenna), the story could be quite interesting.


In addition, hopefully the whole "Personal History" questline of the first game will be continued... and Geralt's miraculous return to the land of the living will be explained.

I think you're probably right, viru. But, if I'm correct in assuming that the

assassin in W1's outro

was one of these Nilfgaardian agents, how do you think they acquired the mutagens from Salamandra?




I recently tried to play the Witcher but my laptop isn't cool enough for it, and my desktop is 10 years old.

To be fair, the non-enhanced edition runs poorly on just about every rig.




Collecting b00bie cards is intelligent gaming now days?


Kid's these days...



You'd have to be foolish (or queer) to turn down an offer of free, high quality b00bies. :p





It would be nice if there were some non-combat related skills added. That was really my only complaint about The WItcher; there was only combat and dialogue. And the dialogue rarely avoided combat. SOme enhanced diplomacy skills and some stealth type skills at least would be nice.

Yeah, some stealth skills would definitely be nice. Even though being stealthy isn't something you would associate with a witcher, Geralt's going to need to handle assassins. So to know your enemy, you must become your enemy...


Heck, at the very least, a more nuanced herbalism, poison coating, potion making, and bomb making skill system would be appreciated. That, and a diplomacy/intimidation system you suggested.




There was no black and white choice of morality in Witcher, just shades of grey, which perhaps is the most realistic approach to causality.


I agree with that statement, except perhaps for the end choice of the first chapter. Even if one of the sides is really depicted in shades of grey, the other one is so evil that there really isn't a choice at all.

Especially when you discover that it was really the best choice in chapter four, with the person you sided with having started a new life and on the road of redemption.


You're probably right, but


was hardly a saint mind you. I think it was alluded that

she could have voodoo-doll induced the fat merchant to kill his brother, while also selling the raped woman the poison that killed her

, but yeah, it's so speculative that it hardly justifies

being burnt at the stake


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To be fair, the non-enhanced edition runs poorly on just about every rig.


I believe that performance-wise, the biggest improvement came with patch 1.2, who drastically reduced the loading times.


You're probably right, but


was hardly a saint mind you. I think it was alluded that

she could have voodoo-doll induced the fat merchant to kill his brother, while also selling the raped woman the poison that killed her

, but yeah, it's so speculative that it hardly justifies

being burnt at the stake




The poison part

is absolutely true, that's why I say


is depicted in shades of gray,


has a weapons dealer vision that is definitely not "right".

And the voodoo doll

is also open to speculation, but

Odo did ask the Salamandra's thugs how to kill a warrior

, so I don't think he is innocent either.

But the fact is that she also helps the village with her knowledge and potions, and she really seemed to care for Alvin when he was with her, not to mention upset when the Reverend took him away.




On the other side, what do we have? A lazy, cowardly pig of a man who probably killed his brother in his sleep. A rapist who is also a coward. A greedy and racist merchant who deals in illegal weapons and narcotics. And finally, the Reverend. A misogynistic, hypocrite, fanatic son of a bitch who put his daughter in the street when she became pregnant after being raped and who sold children (including Alvin) to the Salamandra to preserve his own life.


Even if the witchers' motto is not to interfere in humans' affairs, I can't just sit back and let the villagers do their thing. It is just not possible, especially in that RPG where there isn't really an "evil bastard" kind of roleplay.


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Even if the witchers' motto is not to interfere in humans' affairs,

I can't just sit back and let the villagers do their thing. It is just not possible, especially in that RPG where there isn't really an "evil bastard" kind of roleplay.

Amen to that.


That's one of the reasons why I always side with the Scoia'tael. Well, except for the first playthrough where I sided with the Order only because Siegfried came off as a great (if somewhat naive) dude. To me the Order is nothing but a racially supremacist, psychopathic, tyrannical group hellbent on ethnic genocide. You can make the argument that the Scoia'tael are also racist, and terrorists to boot who will even resort to killing civilians, but to me they were bereft of choice. Unlike contemporary terrorists, the Elves exhausted every alternate option of recourse. Their peaceful protests fell on deaf ears, and every petition for equal rights was not only rebuffed, but countered with greater confiscations of their liberties. And not only were their backs up against the wall in their fight for equal rights, but the were also fighting against the survival of their race of whom the humans were driving to extinction. You can't have any more compelling reasons than that IMO.


Anyway, what's your Order vs Scoia'tael position (at least how they were portrayed in the game)?

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Siegfried is a pretty well done rpg character. I always found myself liking him despite the fact he worked for a bunch of racist jerks and on at least one ( and probably more) of my playthroughs I sided with the Order just because of the fact he comes off as so likable, if a bit misguided.


Another thing I really thought was cool about the Witcher was the way the narrative had multiple plot lines, all of which were somewhat related, all playing out at once. It was much more entertaining and complex than the usual computer game story. Not so much in what the story was, per se, but in how the various narratives were presented.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Anyway, what's your Order vs Scoia'tael position (at least how they were portrayed in the game)?

I dislike both. Remaining neutral was ultimately most satisfying for me, and the only way to remain true to the witcher code (not to mention, fighting a zeugl together with Triss was awesome). It's also very telling that no matter which faction you choose in the game, in the end everything turns out to the same old anyway.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Yeah, the ending was a bit disappointing, I do hope that the sequel can use data from the precedent game to use, but I have doubts...


@ jaguars4ever :


I really played only one time, and I chose the neutral path. But I remember that on one of my first playthrough (that I didn't finish), I wanted to side with the Order because the leader of the Scoia'tael stroke me as particularly arrogant and unlikable, while I really liked Siegfried and what he stood for. Not to mention that most of the non-human side characters that I liked were really critics of the Scoia'tael, namely Zoltan and Vivaldi.

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Why are you bothered by the QTE and focus on cutscenes? I see it as a natural evolution for the game, whose combat was never really that hard or tactical. More focus on the "show" aspect for it seems to be the way to go for me, especially if they keep the formula of the lone witcher Geralt against everyone else.


This drives to one of my "fears" for that game : a lack of innovation and new gameplay features. The impression that we're going to play a Witcher 1.5 isn't leaving me alone right now.


But hey, I really look forward to it. It's a close second to Alpha Protocol for me. Even if they probably won't come out at the same time at all.


You're on a similar line of thought with me, actually. I'd like it if TW2 incorporated 'showy' but actually fun things that add to the combat gameplay, like jumping, climbing, throwing, different weapons, aimed hits. Heck, even button-combos would be better than this QTE business.


As for the Scoia'tael, unfortunately I never sided them because of one key factor: I didn't see how their victory would do any good. They had no single figure or guiding principle that had enough authority to actually establish some sort of proper order and see it through. Instead they had various medium-level squad leaders, some of which were downright violent in their hatred of humans. I had no hope that they'd actually have the capacity to work out something sensible. The likes of Zoltan and Vivaldi are certainly more likeable than most human characters, though.

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I would love a sequel to The Witcher, but the linked to youtube movie makes me pause, not to say having a lot of misgivings about the direction it is taking. The cinematics, the flourishes etc. were really all the *unimportant* parts of the first one and it seems like it is the new focus of their efforts. Any more cinematics in crpgs and my breakfast is coming up again :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Anyway, what's your Order vs Scoia'tael position (at least how they were portrayed in the game)?

I dislike both. Remaining neutral was ultimately most satisfying for me, and the only way to remain true to the witcher code (not to mention, fighting a zeugl together with Triss was awesome). It's also very telling that no matter which faction you choose in the game, in the end everything turns out to the same old anyway.


Me too. First time I joined the Order and

liked the fact that in the end Sigfried was put in charge, so I figured the Order's cruel, bloody ways would be tempered. That never did get the sour taste out of my mouth for being one of them, though.



Then I sided with the Scoia'tael, and

was horrified to see that they really weren't much better, and were led by an arrogant piss ant of a leader as well!



From then on I stayed strictly neutral in every game I've played since. I like The Witcher a lot, so I replay it a couple times a year. :) Looking forward to the sequel. The boobie cards, not so much.


PS... just watched the clip. Geralt's voice sucks. I mean, really sucks. I hope that isn't the guy who's going to voice the game itself.

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It will be interesting to see if the developer has the courage to drop the silly cards and let the game stand on its own merits (which are considerable).

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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It will be interesting to see if the developer has the courage to drop the silly cards and let the game stand on its own merits (which are considerable).

I certainly hope so.


Although those magnificently drawn portraits of luscious b00bies in all their titillating splendor was invigorating at the time, it's very much a thing of the past I'm afraid. With the technological improvements of the Havok engine, we demand 3D rendered b00bies juggling in accordance to Newtonian physics.


Any less than that, and it'll be Witcher IN NAME ONLY!

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