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Dragon Age Tactics

Monte Carlo

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I'm not a MMO player, so I'm not really best qualified to comment on the comparison. However, in a single player game, with only three classes, where you can only have four party members at a given time... I expect all three classes to be as viable as the other (note - I said viable, not the same).


I have been playing, obviously, all of the classes because I control the party. It is fairly easy to solo dungeon areas on normal with the mage. It's also perfectly manageable with the warrior (mine was a walking tank division towards the end). It's really tricky and fiddly with the rogue - lot's of little, itty-bitty skills that you have to join together to get right.


Before Volourn says it, Rogue shouldn't necessarily be the support character - none of us play as the protagonist in a CRPG to be the caddy for the more powerful NPCs. Of course, maybe i'm just not playing my rogue right but I've been playing these sorts of games for a while and should be able to pick it up faster than I have. Rogues have traditionally been my favourite class in CRPGs... so a rather damning indictment of DA is that for the final battle I've left a rogue out of the final four lineup for three warriors and a mage. Why? Because even I, lover of tactics and micromanagement, am getting eyebleed / migraine from getting my rogue to work optimally.


Not overly complaining, just a bit miffed that the DA rogue didn't work out for me.


Am still going to play one next time to try to properly get the hang of it.





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Leliana owns once she has Tier 4 archery talents. Scattershot, Arrow of Slaying = bye bye, Orcs.


I don't think warriors can easily solo dungeons. Emissaries can easily own warriors... or get picked up by an Ogre Alpha and it's reloading time.


Arcane Warriors, though, can solo the entire game.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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^ I said dungeon areas. I sort of do recce in depth with the warrior then retreat when it all gets a bit hairy, that's when the mage steps in and finishes it off. I made Morrigan an arcane warrior with sword and shield and elemental / death magic. Her + undead archer = teh win.


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How the hell can you have 100+ spellpower? Im lvl 14 with a redistritubed stats Mage and Ive only got 51 with all my sweet loot on.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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The person that pointed out the balance issue powered his mage up to 150 spellpower.


How the hell can you have 100+ spellpower? Im lvl 14 with a redistritubed stats Mage and Ive only got 51 with all my sweet loot on.
Toolkit or console I'd say. Edited by Oner
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^Now that I think of it, a warrior with Holy Strike (Templar) can own non-boss mages like there's no tomorrow.


Apparently I unlocked a 'Tactician' achievement for having my PC kill 250 enemies without taking any damage.




That's a whole load of shattered remains, indeed.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"Thanks for entering into the spirit of friendly assistance for your fellow gamers this thread was meant to encourage. "


Hey, you are the one who decided to attack me promptly on the rogue issue. Bototm line is rogues aren't weak. Lots of people are bragging about the rogue being awesome with some super skills like constantly hiding mid battle (muicy like hid ein plain in sight ala D&D). Rogues are useful in this game, and if one knows what they are doing they can pretty darn good.


Mages are very good but they are not the be all end all. My versions of Morrigan and Wynne don't seem to be as powerful as others who claim that their spells are never resisted. They even die rather quickly if targeted and some times it's near impossible to keep enemies away espicially when they use aoe spells and the enmy (like bosses) cna kill them in 3-4 hits which happens quick.


Warriors are awesome espicially weapon and shield types as their surviveability is sweet and is a party saver.

Edited by Volourn


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Holy cow, thats handy. Why am I just now learning this?

Because Gifted increases your stats and lowers your skills.




Well, I know it works in MS Acess, I use it all the time to find stuff in our database at work, but I didnt know it worked on websites. Anywhere else it works?

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Well, I know it works in MS Acess, I use it all the time to find stuff in our database at work, but I didnt know it worked on websites. Anywhere else it works?
Never tried it outside Firefox.



CTRL + F has just changed my life and you, sir, are a genius. I forgive every moment of bone-headedness you have hitherto displayed :ermm:
Me? Boneheaded? When? Where? Why? Was there spaghetti involved?



Also, CTRL+Q all the way. You had to quit Prince of Persia somehow.

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I just skipped out on a combat. I don't know if I lost out on anything essential, but how the heck does a protagonist fighter survive alone in a small enclosed space with 3 stone golems?!?


I tried a number of different approaches, including special abilities only available in that area, but ended up a bloody paste on the walls every time :ermm:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I just skipped out on a combat. I don't know if I lost out on anything essential, but how the heck does a protagonist fighter survive alone in a small enclosed space with 3 stone golems?!?


I tried a number of different approaches, including special abilities only available in that area, but ended up a bloody paste on the walls every time :blush:

Shapeshifting in a golem? :ermm:

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Anyone here have a good tactic/gambit setup for Shale?


What do you want him to do? He's the character I control the most, as my tank, so I don't have many tactics set up for him. Just to attack the lowest health enemy (should probably change this to closest), with all the other party members targeting his target. Simple!

Matthew Rorie

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Can the guys who've played rogues give us a lowdown of their builds please? Am slightly baffled over the DEX versus STR versus CUNNING issue.


I'm going to buy every freaking upgrade book I can find, I want a two-weapon (each will be studded with paralysis / stun runes) stealth-meister who can open locks. Or is there a compelling reason to take archery?


Also, traps or poisons initially? Can't do both.





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