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In wow I've just seen the BEST guild recruitment advert EVAR!


'get on my level' is currently recruiting anyone that likes to talk mad smack about the people in their guild, just remember that YOU are better then everyone else at this game because YOU are gods gift to WoW


Yo, Calax , Ima let you finish reading this recruitment advert, but Beyonce has one of the best guilds of all time!!

―Kanye West


You should have totally said Felicia Day.


Opportunity missed.

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Just started Jade Empire a few days ago, Thought about getting it for quite a while, I'm glad I finally did..


I'm also currently in the middle of Neverwinter Nights, FO1, Prototype, Shadow Complex, and Penny Arcade episode 1


There is a couple others that I havent played for a few weeks, but am still planning to finish, Indigo Prophecy, Dreamfall, the longest Journey,


Because of my job I don't get nearly as much time to play games so I end up bouncing around alot, because there is all these games that I want to play and not enough time to play them.. I also just in the past year was able to get back into gaming after eight or nine years of being married, running a business, and raising kids.. So I've ben trying to play catch up, but my stack of unfinished games is getting bigger all the time... There is a bunch more I want to get but I need to exercise a little restraint until I finish some of the ones I've started...

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I'm messing around with Empire.



I still feel the first Medieval was the apex of the franchise (never played Shogun).

I think CA needs to go back and do either Shogun, or like, Jade Dragon total war.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm messing around with Empire.



I still feel the first Medieval was the apex of the franchise (never played Shogun).


Rome was way awesomer, with all the weird units and stuff.



Rome introduced the retarded diplomacy. I was actually able to have significantly long durations of peace in the first Medieval, and wars that went on for a significant amount of time with no fighting reverted back to peace.


Rome did introduce the significantly better map, which is good and what I love about it's strategic component.



But frankly, the messed up diplomacy, as well as the (at least in Medieval) hardcoded cap for how many turns the player could be at peace before the AI would declare war on you, just aggravates me to no end.


I'm sure it exists again in Empire, as I have had stupid wars declared on me by Bavaria, despite the fact that I have 13x more provinces than it, and a huge standing army.



I know the game is "Total War" but I'd prefer if they actually enabled the ability to have some actual empire building in the game again. Especially with Empire abstracting out a lot of the buildings and scattering them around the province (which I like).

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I'm messing around with Empire.



I still feel the first Medieval was the apex of the franchise (never played Shogun).


Rome was way awesomer, with all the weird units and stuff.



Rome introduced the retarded diplomacy. I was actually able to have significantly long durations of peace in the first Medieval, and wars that went on for a significant amount of time with no fighting reverted back to peace.


Rome did introduce the significantly better map, which is good and what I love about it's strategic component.



But frankly, the messed up diplomacy, as well as the (at least in Medieval) hardcoded cap for how many turns the player could be at peace before the AI would declare war on you, just aggravates me to no end.


I'm sure it exists again in Empire, as I have had stupid wars declared on me by Bavaria, despite the fact that I have 13x more provinces than it, and a huge standing army.



I know the game is "Total War" but I'd prefer if they actually enabled the ability to have some actual empire building in the game again. Especially with Empire abstracting out a lot of the buildings and scattering them around the province (which I like).

IIRC they tried to have the AI in Empire make decisions based of your relative strength and location to them. AND how things had been going between you. So if you were the strongest military power and you'd been beating them into a bloody pulp they'd sue for peace or accept any peace offer you gave them.


Problem with this was that if you went to war with a single province country that you didn't want to take over becuase it'd tie up to many forces that were being used on other fronts, they wouldn't do anything because you hadn't defeated them or caused them to loose a province.


I think when I played my swedish game, I beat the tar out of the norwegians, but they wouldn't let me go to peace because they still owned iceland or greenland and I hadn't sued after I'd beaten the ever loving snot out of them (was to busy beating up the ruskies and the swiss I think.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I owned all TWs except for Shogun. I've since given away MTW2 to a ten-year-old, since he can enjoy the battles on easy mode without having to notice how broken that game is on so many levels. Rome was great, but suffered from horrible diplomacy, battle AI and growing pains of using the new 3D map / engine for the first time.


Empire I still feel could become the best in the series if they really got down to task and fixed the key issues (naval invasions, diplomacy, battle AI) in a focused and effective way, but that hardly looks like happening with Napoleon in the works. Sigh.

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I owned all TWs except for Shogun. I've since given away MTW2 to a ten-year-old, since he can enjoy the battles on easy mode without having to notice how broken that game is on so many levels. Rome was great, but suffered from horrible diplomacy, battle AI and growing pains of using the new 3D map / engine for the first time.


Empire I still feel could become the best in the series if they really got down to task and fixed the key issues (naval invasions, diplomacy, battle AI) in a focused and effective way, but that hardly looks like happening with Napoleon in the works. Sigh.

I think they also need to work on the battle maps for Empire, there is like 1 map for plains, one map for hills, one for rivers and two for cities.


You need more variety than that (and it'd be nice if they at least KINDA followed the terrain they were around rather than trying to cross the rhine, but the Rhine looks like a creek)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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IIRC they tried to have the AI in Empire make decisions based of your relative strength and location to them.


Definitely not, as Bavaria and it's one province kingdom, of which I had positive relations with as well as a mutually beneficial trade agreement, decided to out and out declare war on me.



AND how things had been going between you. So if you were the strongest military power and you'd been beating them into a bloody pulp they'd sue for peace or accept any peace offer you gave them.


Also nope. I have just wiped out most of Austria's main forces, and they are left with no military might whatsoever, and two provinces, one of which I am about to siege. I offered peace to them, to which they got upset and said my offer was foolish. So I offered peace with them, in addition to 4 technologies, as well as 1000 gold, no dice. Earlier in the game I had just taken Vienna. I offered Austria peace, and was willing to give them Vienna back (too much revolt risk), and they said no. So I abandoned Vienna, destroying all of its improvements. Austria took Vienna the next turn. I sued for peace straight up, and they accepted. The AI does an exceptionally poor job of determining it's relative compared to yours when it comes to peace and war declarations.


Problem with this was that if you went to war with a single province country that you didn't want to take over becuase it'd tie up to many forces that were being used on other fronts, they wouldn't do anything because you hadn't defeated them or caused them to loose a province.


I didn't go to war with Bavaria. They declared war on me. So I sieged their capital and offered peace, and they said no. So I destroyed them.


My favourite AI boondoggle was when I decided to make an Alliance with the Ottoman's. The next turn was the second time Austria declared war on me (since they didn't like the Ottoman's and were at War with them). The Ottoman's then canceled their alliance because they didn't want to honor the alliance and...go..to war...with...Austria....buh? They're already at war with Austria!! The next turn though, I asked for an alliance with them, and they agreed. Le sigh.

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decided to start a new game of bg2 when i get home from work


wanna go for a class i've never played as before


i usually always seem to end up with an arcane caster of some description, so i was thinking something along the lines of a ranger, cleric, druid, or monk

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I did two raids tonight, one on my warrior, and half of one on my DK.


For my Dk's raid we were doing Twin Valks (in ToC25). We basically ran into a brick wall because the dps just was not there. Now I don't know how many of you are WoWers but damage meters showed a WARLOCK was below a WARRIOR TANK (warriors are notorious for being the lowest dps overall in an instance when tanking)

For the overall raid I came in sixth on the meters at 5751 damage per second (top was 7.8k). The dps was kinda tied with 7 people around 5.5k, but then it drops like a rock until there is a dps in 17th and 19th (with a tank in 18th) both sub 3.7k.


And the interesting bit is that the person in 17th has a similar level of gear to my dk. the person in 19th I don't know what gear he had but he was pulling just BARELY more than a tank.


Anyway, the numbers are attached, I just had to vent.


The one on the left is damage per second from each member, the one on the right is overall damage. it's color coded for classes (blue is mage green is hunter, red is dk and so on and so on).


My DK is Cardathian.


Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Arkham Asylum. I like how the further you progress through story mode, the more haggard Batman looks. Nice touch.


It reminds me of prince of persia in that regard.


However, I've reached the end and am going map to map picking up the riddler's trophies and I noticed that my grizzled, torn up Batman looks fresh and new in the cinematic leading to the Batcave.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I'm replaying the original Age of Wonders which I used to play to death 9 years ago or so. Best fantasy turn-based strategy of all time! Pity they started to go "Terry Goodkind" with the game's story in the 2nd game... 3rd game is even worse.


Funnily enough, I didn't even know until now that Triumph Studios is based in the Netherlands.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I'm replaying the original Age of Wonders which I used to play to death 9 years ago or so. Best fantasy turn-based strategy of all time! Pity they started to go "Terry Goodkind" with the game's story in the 2nd game... 3rd game is even worse.


Funnily enough, I didn't even know until now that Triumph Studios is based in the Netherlands.

Why don't you play Risen and give us some impressions?

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Why don't you play Risen and give us some impressions?

I want to play it but I can't. My new PC is still in repair and I won't get it back until the end of the week (if I'm lucky)... hence I am reduced to playing some good oldies.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Despite it's obvious shortcomings, I am still enjoying Empire. More than Medieval II for sure. A lot of the extra things they added really improve the game IMO. The first Medieval is still the best IMO, with the only drawback for that game being that it's quite slow (takes forever to complete a campaign).

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still playing titan quest.



im not really sure why.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Already in Chapter 4 of the Witcher, taking the Order's side on most things this time. Maybe I'm getting older, but the carefree revolutionaries of the Scoi'tael seem even more pointless in this playthrough. I'm hooked and playing quite a lot each day (to get it out of my system), but the game's also goign a lot smoother now I know what I'm doing and the frame rate is good.


Might try Risen after this, but like the Gothics it'll probably end up being a bit too punishing and caught between the frustration and the guilt (shoudl really be working on the thesis), I doubt I'll get far. I might actually pick up Bully, half price at the local ebgames. Anyone tried it? I'm really fond of the concept, but I'm not a big fan of Rockstar.

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