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Bought a few handfuls of DVD movies since start of the last thread. Haven't really had time to watch any of them :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I saw Quarantine. The US remake of the Spanish orginal REC.


Quarantine was decent enough. Started off pretty well, but the second half was filmed in very dark spaces and combined with the handheld camera made it hard to tell what was happening sometimes. The single camera POV causes its usual lapses in credibility (if everyone was dying and blod was flying would you keep filming etc). But overall a solid little horror movie, though certainly not overly remarkable.





Major spoiler:




Everybody dies.



Which is always refreshing in an AMerican movie due to the usual expectation for some sort of "happy" ending no matter how horrible the circumnstances. Which isn't always going to be the case, of course.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Horrible movie. Cage has and always will be a real ahole in my book. He does too many crappy movies and far too few decent ones to have the fame he enjoys, very much like Samuel L Jackson. The ending and general plot were completely ridiculous and went past insane. The acting was bad, the music reminded me of some sort of 80's horror porno and really the only thing worse I could think of would be to add time travel.



There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Nicholas Cage gets quite the hate these days doesn't he? Well, I guess he did do that Wicker Man remake. But I still think he's a pretty likable actor. For me he's like Will Smith, he did quite a few wrong things but I just can't hate the guy for it because he just seems like an okay guy.


I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark again. Still the best adventure movie I have ever seen.

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Serenity. Pure liquid win, action, comedy, some obscure language and an actual plot with themes. And hot chicks. See it. See it now. See it again.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Serenity. Pure liquid win, action, comedy, some obscure language and an actual plot with themes. And hot chicks. See it. See it now. See it again.


Have you seen the series it is a continuation of, Firefly? If not I highly recommend you do so. It only lasted one season before being cancelled and the movie ties up most of the loose ends. I wish more cancelled shows got movies to tie up sudden cancellations. Sarah Connor Chronicles is left dangling in the wind after an awesome season finale.


You can catch most, if not all of the episodes of Firefly on Hulu.com.

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Panic Room. I'd forgotten how good David Fincher is. o:)


And thats far from his best flick too. The Game, Se7en, Fight Club... tons of win.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Serenity. Pure liquid win, action, comedy, some obscure language and an actual plot with themes. And hot chicks. See it. See it now. See it again.


Have you seen the series it is a continuation of, Firefly? If not I highly recommend you do so. It only lasted one season before being cancelled and the movie ties up most of the loose ends. I wish more cancelled shows got movies to tie up sudden cancellations. Sarah Connor Chronicles is left dangling in the wind after an awesome season finale.


You can catch most, if not all of the episodes of Firefly on Hulu.com.


....Or you could support a great series by buying it on DVD.


Seriously, you think I want to hear someone saying pirate one of my favourite shows ever? :thumbsup:

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Serenity. Pure liquid win, action, comedy, some obscure language and an actual plot with themes. And hot chicks. See it. See it now. See it again.


Have you seen the series it is a continuation of, Firefly? If not I highly recommend you do so. It only lasted one season before being cancelled and the movie ties up most of the loose ends. I wish more cancelled shows got movies to tie up sudden cancellations. Sarah Connor Chronicles is left dangling in the wind after an awesome season finale.


You can catch most, if not all of the episodes of Firefly on Hulu.com.


....Or you could support a great series by buying it on DVD.


Seriously, you think I want to hear someone saying pirate one of my favourite shows ever? :thumbsup:


To be fair, Hulu isn't really pirating as its supported by the major networks.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Seriously, you think I want to hear someone saying pirate one of my favourite shows ever? :thumbsup:


Uhhh... Hulu is not a pirate website Wals... People get money from the site if their stuff is on it. :thumbsup:

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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If Hulu is a pirate site then instead of pillaging and raping they sail through a town dropping off goods and passing out chastidy belts to the wenches.


Alec Baldwin is a alien pirate supporter! YAR!



So is Seth MacFarlane! YAR!



AND Denis Leary! Bottle O' Rum!


Eliza... Dushku is a... pirate? Um... yar... suck my brains please! :thumbsup:


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Warren Ellis is working on a remake of the 80's flick Excalibur. **** yes. Excalibur is still my favorite Arthurian legend flick, but it definitely could benefit from an update. Maybe so the entire army isn't done up in full plate? I am eagerly awaiting this along with the clash of the titans one.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Excalibur is still my favorite Arthurian legend flick, but it definitely could benefit from an update.

i loved it, too, but would have preferred something a bit closer to the primary (modern) legend, particularly malory's morte d'arthur. a remake will be welcome, however, since there haven't been many good fantasy movies lately (other than the potter movies).


one interesting adaptation, btw, one of the few books i've read more than once and enjoyed, is t.h. white's the once and future king. that would make a cool movie in spite of not totally sticking to the primary legend either.



comrade taks... just because.

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Have you seen the series it is a continuation of, Firefly? If not I highly recommend you do so. It only lasted one season before being cancelled and the movie ties up most of the loose ends. I wish more cancelled shows got movies to tie up sudden cancellations. Sarah Connor Chronicles is left dangling in the wind after an awesome season finale.


It's a shame Sarah Connor Chronicles was cancelled. Season 1 was great but Season 2 was a little weird in the middle episodes especially with Sarah going to a psychiartrist (and probably why the show suffered in the ratings) and then the Season finished on a high. They really got you in and ripped out your heart by cancelling the show leaving it up in the air like that. o:):)

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I just finished watching Season 1 of the TV series Sanctuary. It's only 13 episodes (bit slow in the middle episodes) but wow, what a season finale. Can't wait for Season 2.


I'm now going to go watch the 8 original webisodes that Season 1 is based on. :)


I caught the first few episodes, but couldn't really get into it.


Oddly enough, I'm watching a show that's even less impressive: Torchwood. Think the X-Files meets Angel, with a bit of homosexuality thrown in. I'm a quarter of the way through season two, and while it's watchable, it's not anything that you haven't seen already.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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^^ I was the same. I watched the first three episodes of Sanctuary and thought bleah. I finally persisted (after a couple of months) and finally sat down and watched it and the season finale was excellent.


I've only seen Season 1 of Torchwood and haven't been backed to see the rest of the series. Watching too many TV series at the moment. :sweat:

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We watched Seven Pounds today with Will Smith. His career is uneven, but he is an excellent actor. The Seven Pounds reviews I'd read were overall quite tepid on the title, but I thought it was a great film. I will buy it. Certainly much better than Last Chance Harvy, which didn't deserve the chance I gave it.


I thought Knowing had some eye-rolling moments, but I was actually impressed with both Cage's performance and the idea that

the earth didn't end because of some divine or demonic cause but just because the sun threw out a super flare.

The alienesque angels were a bit off-putting to me, as was the very last scene. I think the movie really should have gone more into the central idea of knowing, but it didn't. For a lot of reasons, I think the movie missed the boat for both the agnostic and the relgious crowds. Too bad.

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I just finished watching Season 1 of the TV series Sanctuary. It's only 13 episodes (bit slow in the middle episodes) but wow, what a season finale. Can't wait for Season 2.


I'm now going to go watch the 8 original webisodes that Season 1 is based on. :)


I caught the first few episodes, but couldn't really get into it.


Oddly enough, I'm watching a show that's even less impressive: Torchwood. Think the X-Files meets Angel, with a bit of homosexuality thrown in. I'm a quarter of the way through season two, and while it's watchable, it's not anything that you haven't seen already.


I loved Torchwood, the series 2 finale is pretty shocking, and the recent Children of Earth miniseries is pretty ballsy.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I just finished watching Season 1 of the TV series Sanctuary. It's only 13 episodes (bit slow in the middle episodes) but wow, what a season finale. Can't wait for Season 2.


I'm now going to go watch the 8 original webisodes that Season 1 is based on. :)


I caught the first few episodes, but couldn't really get into it.


Oddly enough, I'm watching a show that's even less impressive: Torchwood. Think the X-Files meets Angel, with a bit of homosexuality thrown in. I'm a quarter of the way through season two, and while it's watchable, it's not anything that you haven't seen already.


I loved Torchwood, the series 2 finale is pretty shocking, and the recent Children of Earth miniseries is pretty ballsy.



I have to admit that the second half of season two is picking up quite nicely.


death and rebirth made for some pretty interesting teevee. There's a fair bit of camp, and the women are a bit dodgy (is it just me or is Gwen totally unattractive?), but it hasn't been horrible. It's just that it seems like the whole premise of the show is based on bits from other shows.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The International. 2.5 out of 5


A strange movie where visually it's awesome and it keeps you watching, but the characters/story leave you cold and unemotionally connected. You don't care what happens to anyone. Yet as I said, you keep on watching. I don't think it was the actors fault...more the director and script.


There was one great action sequence more than half way through, tho...and the actor playing the hitman in that scene was awesome. A small role but he was the only chr. who evoked a smidgen of emotional response. If the movie had been all about him, it would've been a much better film. :sorcerer:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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