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Obsidian making Fallout: New Vegas


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But what can I say, I loved the alien gun in FO1... :wub: Well except that after awhile the disintegration animation in long fights got annoying. :)


I suppose it could be argued less powerful uber weapons would be needed though if the regular weapons actually did anything (sometimes I thought I'd kept the BB Gun for all the good my weapons were doing).

It was a really good animation ~ but I have to say that the first Fallouts did it better rofl.gif

(*Not more realistic, just better.)

**Yes the sound effects pretty much clinched it.



Edited by Gizmo
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Please stop arguing about realism in video games. It IS childish. It's a video game.


verisimilitude & series-congruity, man. don't make me bust out my saved screen-cap every time that straw comes up. i hate that screen-cap almost as much as i hate that straw.


Well that's a fair point; if there was one fatman in the game and when it was busted it was done (like the two alien blasters in FO3) I suppose it could be seen as more of an "easter egg" weapon.


i suppose if the S.E.'s were more defined as S.E.'s then yeah, i could accept that.

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I probably took Fallout 2 too seriously. I think F1 & F3 hit the right balance between the silliness and seriousness.

Fallout was serious in town, and weird in the wastes; F2 was weird in town and crazy in the wastes; F3 was crazy in town...

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It was a really good animation ~ but I have to say that the first Fallouts did it better rofl.gif

(*Not more realistic, just better.)

**Yes the sound effects pretty much clinched it.






It was fun to use, for sure.


Oh yeah, and picking up loot was more difficult after disintegration.

Edited by Amentep

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I played Fallout 2 first, therefore it's not 'fallout-y' to me unless there's a porn-studio, holy hand grenade, and a navarro drill sergeant in it.*



*Just kidding but in all seriousness, Fallout 1 takes itself too seriously imo.

Edited by Syraxis
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The one thing I do miss in Fallout 3 is the groin shot. I just would love to make a groin shot with the Fatman against onme of those Behemeths.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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The one thing I do miss in Fallout 3 is the groin shot. I just would love to make a groin shot with the Fatman against onme of those Behemeths.


Is that a nuclear explosion in your pants, or are you just glad to see me? :*

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Please stop arguing about realism in video games. It IS childish. It's a video game.


It's not arguing about realism, just how it fits in the setting. Or that versimilitude word I've seen used more time w.r.t. Fallout than any other topic (I guess I need to read more :*)

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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OOkay.... So this is how it is going to be like then. 2 pages of game suggestions and 4-6 pages of points and counter points...

Is there any way or any permission to keep a list of suggestions in a separate thread? I am really bored of seeing any suggestion buried under all this...

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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OOkay.... So this is how it is going to be like then. 2 pages of game suggestions and 4-6 pages of points and counter points...

Is there any way or any permission to keep a list of suggestions in a separate thread? I am really bored of seeing any suggestion buried under all this...


seriously, man. the one thread thing is getting ****ing tiring. i posted something in regards to Sawyer's take on religion on the first page and by the second page the ****ing topic changed. and then it always deteriorates into 13 different arguments (of which i'm guilty in perpetuating) which could be avoided if we had separate topics.

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I don't think the fat man is a setting breaker. I just think it's a bad design decision as a weapon. It's not a setting breaker, but it is an immersion breaker for me personally. Which is to say, like some others have said, the power of the weapon, the availability of the ammo, and the proximity of the blast all made me question the decision. Not for long, mind you, as I generally ignored the weapon after I found it the first time. ...But I can see why some folks don't like it. It's one of the common griefs with which I tend to agree.


I don't have strong feelings about it, though. I mostly didn't care since my characters are small gun/fast talker guys. Well, in FO3, they're maxed in a lot of things by the end of the game, but you really only need a couple of weapon skills to take down any and all bad guys. A ton of weapons, since you lose so many to attrition.


Hey, want to know something far more irritating than the fat man? How about carrying around an extra set of armor or two and a bunch of extra weapons? That is a pain in the ass!

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Hey, want to know something far more irritating than the fat man? How about carrying around an extra set of armor or two and a bunch of extra weapons? That is a pain in the ass!



I guess this shows exactly what is wrong with this MEGA thread. (No dissing you Aristes.) There was a very detailed discussion, dissection a few pages ago and probably on every old thread about this. Things get buried and forgotten. You can see that even a guy as active as A. can miss whole discussions.


/Poke Moderator(s)

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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I just realized I have actually never fired the Fat Man in the game! I keep collecting those cute little nukes, but the actual Fat Man is too heavy for my 3-4 STR character builds.

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Killian: I am not sure why they took that and eye shots out in the first place tbh... Considering the amount of gore and all, I don't think an option to kick balls would be.....

*Coin drops finally* Can you imagine using a stimpak to heal damaged areas in that concept? Oh man please someone tell me they did not ttake those out for the stimpak healing mechanic... :(:yucky::x:*:unsure:

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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I suggest we have the groin shot put back in.

That and the eye shots they need to put back in. I don't know why they took them out.

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That and the eye shots they need to put back in. I don't know why they took them out.


blinding opponents was one of my favorite past-times all the way through tactics.

If they brought it back an eye shot should outright kill them or make them blind so when they try and shot at you they'll fail. But to keep it balance an eye shot should have a very low percentage of success.

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Err.. You do remember that NPCs who have stimpaks use them now and then (Or if you use some of the overhauls)? It might be comic to see you and some npcs regenerating their eyes and balls on the fly...


Wonder if stimpaks have any Viagra or Spanish Fly in them :*

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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I actually asked to have this thread broken down into a couple of different threads a few threads ago. We saw where that went.


Basically, I would like to have one dealing with writing, one dealing with gameplay, and one generalized discussion of the Fallout setting. We could probably make do with two, but I think three would be useful.


Frankly, I think we're lucky to have this thread, though. That's my take on Feargus' attitude towards the boards. I don't begrudge that attitude, just sayin'.


Anyhow, Fionavar, from what I can see having lurked here for some time and posting a lot more over the past few months, doesn't like to take draconian measures. Since he's not going to wholesale ban folks, it's probably in Obsidian's best interest to keep the Beth hating to one thread. After all, whether you bash Obsidian or praise Obsidian while bashing Bethesda, it's not good for Obsidian and it's easier for them to police a single thread than three.


I hate that. I'm mostly interested in the story and NPCs. Pop said something that I thought was interesting some pages ago about a tight, story driven game where all of the loose ends fit into the main story path not being a Fallout game. I thought about it and I figured I'd respond. Hell, I wasn't even going to argue. I was just going to ask some questions. However, I had just finished responding to one of Gizmo's posts from the page before and I figured I'd just let the gun discussion continue. Some of this is going to happen anyhow, but if the discussion were generally about story, then the various topics in the thread would relate to one another at least. Oh well, the ship has sailed, I suppose.

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