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Goin' metric: I'm 178cm tall, and weigh somewhere in the area of 90Kg.


The weight figure has being slowly creeping up over the past few years. My cooking is relatively healthy, but I tend to go out for less-healthy/too-large lunches at work too often. (The giant burritos at Chipotle are a particular weakness.) Also, moving in with my now-wife didn't help my diet-- it's easy to deny myself something (e.g., "I don't feel like cooking, so I'll just eat some crackers and carrots for dinner"), but I don't want to push that kind of austerity on her, so we end up eating more take-out.


I am going to get together with the usual crowd of middle-aged bureaucrats for some basketball after work today, though. I really suck at it (particularly ball-handling), but I compensate by being 10+ years younger than most of the other guys, which corresponds to advantages in energy level, endurance, and knee health. Other than my walk to and from the subway every day (3/4ths of a mile each way), this is most of the exercise I get. I don't have the patience for exercise-for-exercise's-sake; unless there's something productive (like yard work, or walking to work) or fun (like basketball) involved, I have trouble getting over the feeling that it's a colossal waste of time and energy that could've otherwise been put to some useful purpose.

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Regarding my (recent) ex she was well overweight ( by about 20 lbs), and had been chided as such by previous boyfriends who'd tried to harass her into vicious diets.


I simply told her I loved her however she was, and she shrank by about 15 lbs without any effort at all. Bloody weird.




I guess she'll get all fat again now. Hah hah.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I wish it was a typo. ;(


What is even sadder is that I am a better sprinter than my roommate who is a lot closer to his optimal weight for his height.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Don't sweat it Killian, I believe in you pal. If you need any help or suggestions you can pm me and I'll give you a full on plan to follow.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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i revise my last statement...


oof, hades.


my "optimal weight" would probably be somewhere around 210-215 lbs., though the brilliant FDA charts all say something like 185. when i was down to 205 this summer (the taks patented stress diet), i looked almost anorexic to everyone that knows me. i have a large frame with very wide shoulders (something like a 46" chest even when i weighed only 190).



comrade taks... just because.

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I really need to gain some weight, but I never seem to be able to.

Hey now, my mother is huge and don't you forget it. The drunk can't even get off the couch to make herself a vodka drenched sandwich. Octopus suck.

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I really need to gain some weight, but I never seem to be able to.


Simple. Begin your day with doughnuts. At lunchtime have a cheese and meat based sandwich. With a pint of guinness. For dinner eat plenty of pasta, with red wine, then go to the pub for a pint or two of ale. Finish the night with some cookies, and a whisky.


Granted, you may not find teh above adds weight. It will, however, infallibly make you happy.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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6'1" 200ish lbs (haven't been near a scale for about 9 months but I've dropped a ****ton of weight because I only eat like one sandwhich for an entire day and thats' it.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I really need to gain some weight, but I never seem to be able to.


Simple. Begin your day with doughnuts. At lunchtime have a cheese and meat based sandwich. With a pint of guinness. For dinner eat plenty of pasta, with red wine, then go to the pub for a pint or two of ale. Finish the night with some cookies, and a whisky.


Granted, you may not find teh above adds weight. It will, however, infallibly make you happy.

Careful there, Wals. You're contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Checking awsomeness's profile, he's more than 5 years shy of the legal drinking age in most U.S. states.


(Note: Age is probably also a reason for his rather odd height-weight ratio. Growth during one's teen years tends not to be particularly consistent; it's not unusual for people to shoot up in height quickly, then fill out that frame over the ensuing couple of years.)

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I'm 6 foot 3 inches, and somewhere around 165 pounds, so I'm pretty light for my height

No. You're like.. 12 years old so you're normal. When you get above 20+ you'll be around 180-200 lbs for sure.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I... just had to laugh at this:




This morning, I have received love the Internet Dispatch, from the

unknown person to me of the addressee. In the given letter, it was

spoken about Love relations between people. In the list e-mail

addressees, I have seen Your address. I long thought before writing to

you. I consider, that The given chance for me unique, therefore I have

decided to write to you. I I wish to find the true love! I would like

to begin acquaintances with The small story about me. My name is

Hasmik. To me of 27 years. I The quiet, young, purposeful girl. I

conduct the healthy Way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take

alcohol. I have work, Which very strongly I love. But I do not have

not enough love. On the Internet I more recently. I have no wide

experience in The Internet acquaintances. I wish to get acquainted

with you more close, by means of the electronic Mails.


Please reply only to my personal e-mail: hasyglam@yahoo.co.uk


I with pleasure will answer you your letter as I will send you my

photo. I with the big impatience will wait from you the letter with

the full story about myself. Yours Hasmik.


How do you freaking screw up the english language that badly than say you're from the uk (points to he email address given), there was a photo attached (which is why i opened this, to see what sort of bull they were trying to get me to get on my system). Also why did this come from (I"m not kidding here) "discredited@starhub.net.sg"?


Man some people are total idiots.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm 6 foot 3 inches, and somewhere around 165 pounds, so I'm pretty light for my height

No. You're like.. 12 years old so you're normal. When you get above 20+ you'll be around 180-200 lbs for sure.

yup. i graduated high school with the same height and weight. within 2 years i was around 200 lbs. (though still thin because i was an avid weight-lifter at the time). in fact, during my heavy lifting days i peaked at 215, and an extremely low fat percentage. then i stopped lifting... but kept eating, and drinking, and being lazy otherwise. :lol:



comrade taks... just because.

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Right now I'm drinking a big glass of a little lemonade and a lot of Makers Mark, pecking at my laptop, and watching Maury Povich. I'd put a DVD in but I dont want to rile the dogs and it just hurts too much to get up.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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