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I'm still not sure which STALKER game I like more. I liked the faction warfare stuff in Clear Sky but I also think it negatively impacted that mystical quality known as 'atmosphere'. People (or GSC at least) always say that Clear Sky is closer to the original vision of STALKER, but that's definetely not true for what I personally felt the game would be during all those previews before STALKER was released.


But yeah, much of the actual gameplay in Clear Sky is definetely improved which is quite awesome. But I also wish it didn't feel so... crowded. Ah well, the STALKER franchise has definetely produced two games that are quite unlike anything else.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Basically, the plot is about stopping the second large emission, first one made hell for your nervous system and naturally you don't want it to happen again. Most of the time in the main plot you'll be running after various people who might have a clue what set off the emission or how it could be prevented from happening again. Also,


from the first game is very much tied into all this. A prequel is a prequel.


A word of warning however, the more you free-roam without actual purpose in mind(not solving missions, or advancing the plot) the more frequently the game sets off emissions. Can be quite annoying, especially if the marked safe spot on your map is in a hostile territory. Should you feel like treasure-hunting in the earlier areas after advancing the plot for some time, it's a good idea to save every time before leaving an area, in case you'll be caught in an emission and the game picks an unreachable safe spot(very rare, but supposedly can happen).


Another thing, artifacts only respawn in certain areas and after several, too many for me, days. However, when you get your hands on a new artifact detector, say, Bear, it's worthwhile to look into old zones, since the game is scripted in a way that you'll only be able to see some artifacts with the better detectors. Naturally the best detector(so far it's the Veles for me) shows all artifacts. For instance, there's a very nifty Soul in the acid swamp in Garbage, which you won't be able to find with Echo.


Finally, just a cool thing: There's no longer any offset for wearing a radiation-absorbing artifact like Wretched. No bleeding status or anything. You just need an artifact pocket for it. Naturally there's not much sense to wear any artifacts without a Wretched or a Jellyfish.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Played X3 all day, but I didn't mean to.


Found Arcanum for $10 over Amazon recently. Installed it now, and now am installing an unofficial patch.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Did some Expert Death Toll and Dead Air with Der and Shape and Phoenixz. Actually survived both times, had the least amount of friendly fire (2 accidentals on each map) and the highest accuracy (52 and 48%) probably because I was using the hunting rifle.


Just got done with a little bit of FEAR (the origional) and the thing I notice the most about it, is that the engine SUCKS when rendering an outdoor environment. The buildings look like cardboard cutouts. and everything seems boxy.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Did some Expert Death Toll and Dead Air with Der and Shape and Phoenixz. Actually survived both times, had the least amount of friendly fire (2 accidentals on each map) and the highest accuracy (52 and 48%) probably because I was using the hunting rifle.


I think I had 38% accuracy on one of them. Don't remember which one though. Had a mid 20% headshot percentage though. Only 5 friendly fire in Death Toll, but 17 Dead Air. Totally wasn't my fault though when Phoenixz kept running in front of me. I swear I incapped him more than the zombies did. :shifty:

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Did some Expert Death Toll and Dead Air with Der and Shape and Phoenixz. Actually survived both times, had the least amount of friendly fire (2 accidentals on each map) and the highest accuracy (52 and 48%) probably because I was using the hunting rifle.


I think I had 38% accuracy on one of them. Don't remember which one though. Had a mid 20% headshot percentage though. Only 5 friendly fire in Death Toll, but 17 Dead Air. Totally wasn't my fault though when Phoenixz kept running in front of me. I swear I incapped him more than the zombies did. :shifty:

I was getting pissed at him always saying "Come back! we need to stick together!" when I was like 4 feet ahead of the group and in 0 danger of zombies. Then he'd do the exact same thing I would and not follow through on his own advice.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Did low level Nexus twice over the weekend. Once on Saturday, no deaths, full clear. It was fun. A nice, easy dungeon for folks just getting into the WotLK. Todays wasn't so good, but no fpws. My brother has a fury warrior and he just doesn't do the damage and can't take the heat. Good Lord, my rogue outlasts his warrior. What the hell is that?


I'm rightly sick of the Nexus, though. I've taken four characters through and I've had to go every single time as either dps or tank. One of the few people who's joined the guild from outside the family couldn't finish the quest in Wintergard to save the townspeople. She had to have her son do it so she could get the WANTED quests and whatnot. A lot of guildies have complained about that quest and I don't know why. Anyhow, I'm rightly sick of the WANTED quests also. Two DPS warriors and a rogue and they can't take the damned last magnataur in that Wyrmrest line? Hell, I think my warrior could solo the guy. I know my hunter did.


I've played some L4D with PuGs on normal and advance. Haven't done expert yet. The biggest beef I have is that some folks want to do a speed run and others want to look for pipe bombs and whatnot. The results can be pretty ugly. On the other hand, a couple of times I've had folks on voice who coordinate, and those have gone well. We managed to do Death Toll with no deaths and everyone made it out alive. That was cool. Even the barest amount of planning really helps.


I'm probably not good enough to get into expert at this point. :shifty: Sadly, I don't know that I ever will be. ...But I do enjoy joining a game or two and I might try one on expert one of these days. Some of the PuGs really aren't that bad and sometimes it makes for good comedy when they are 'that bad.'

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Did low level Nexus twice over the weekend. Once on Saturday, no deaths, full clear. It was fun. A nice, easy dungeon for folks just getting into the WotLK. Todays wasn't so good, but no fpws. My brother has a fury warrior and he just doesn't do the damage and can't take the heat. Good Lord, my rogue outlasts his warrior. What the hell is that?


I'm rightly sick of the Nexus, though. I've taken four characters through and I've had to go every single time as either dps or tank. One of the few people who's joined the guild from outside the family couldn't finish the quest in Wintergard to save the townspeople. She had to have her son do it so she could get the WANTED quests and whatnot. A lot of guildies have complained about that quest and I don't know why. Anyhow, I'm rightly sick of the WANTED quests also. Two DPS warriors and a rogue and they can't take the damned last magnataur in that Wyrmrest line? Hell, I think my warrior could solo the guy. I know my hunter did.


I've played some L4D with PuGs on normal and advance. Haven't done expert yet. The biggest beef I have is that some folks want to do a speed run and others want to look for pipe bombs and whatnot. The results can be pretty ugly. On the other hand, a couple of times I've had folks on voice who coordinate, and those have gone well. We managed to do Death Toll with no deaths and everyone made it out alive. That was cool. Even the barest amount of planning really helps.


I'm probably not good enough to get into expert at this point. :shifty: Sadly, I don't know that I ever will be. ...But I do enjoy joining a game or two and I might try one on expert one of these days. Some of the PuGs really aren't that bad and sometimes it makes for good comedy when they are 'that bad.'

Seriously? they couldn't do the wanted quests with THAT!? I hope the warriors are speced right and have Titans Grip cause that sucker does MASSIVE DAMAGE!


That said, with anything that's protection/tank speced you can pretty much take down elites like nobodies business (I was in t6 gear and able to do 3 man quests by myself until dragonblight. and even after that in blues and greens I could three man 5 man elite quests).


Aristes, if you want to try expert give me or Der a poke. Like I mentioned earlier, we make a pretty good team assuming nobody runs infront of eachother.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I completed Mirror's Edge totally by accident. Some of the platforming was fun, most of it was frustrating. The story was a joke and the end boss took 3 seconds to beat. So much for that...


I have been playing some of Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13 which was really good. I'm kinda sick of normal JA2 map, can anyone suggest any good total conversion mods that work with 1.13? Also there are SO many guns that have pretty much the same stats, shouldn't have chosen "tons of guns" I guess, this time it actually meant it.


Maybe I'll play Torment again, haven't had time recently...

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I did the first couple of maps of No Mercy with Calax in the wee hours of the morning. It was only on advanced and we made some mistakes. When I say we, I mean as a group. I think Calax was basically perfect. I did pretty well myself except for one extremely stupid mistake which was to run into a room and close the door when the tank was chasing me. I knew it was stupid the second I did it. For some reason I was thinking he was on fire, but then it occured to me that there wasn't enough time. So I figured I'd see how long it would take for the tank to beat down the door. hahahaha One of the other players died a couple of times, which kind of hurt the team, but I think the director was laying easy on us and we probably would have finished the level. We had just made it into the hospital when the server crashed. :)


I'd also played another game right before with some folks and that one did pretty well. Playing with other people can either be a lot easier or a lot more painful. One thing that really stands out is that if you have a decent group, you can make some mistakes and recover whereas you're likely just screwed with the AI. I found out about a cheating spot on Death Toll where, should you stand there, the zombies can't even reach you and the tank doesn't even spawn and you can shoot him to death with the pistol even if he does. Made for me feel dirty just doing it, but it was a very easy final level. :)


Oh, did more WoW. My tank, whom I only play with others, is almost 80 now. My brother has played with me most often and so I want to make sure we're questing together when I hit 80. Then I will have a grand total of two maxed characters. I haven't been concentrating on leveling, but I'll be glad to have my warrior get there. My gear will improve greatly.

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I found out about a cheating spot on Death Toll where, should you stand there, the zombies can't even reach you and the tank doesn't even spawn and you can shoot him to death with the pistol even if he does. Made for me feel dirty just doing it, but it was a very easy final level. :)


There is a spot on the No Mercy finale that is similar if it hasn't been removed yet. On the back of the tower that has the machine gun there is a very tiny ledge that you really should be able to get on to. It's probably about 10 feet off the ground so the regular zombies will just run around right below you. Occasionally drop down from above, but when they do that the momentum carries them almost off the edge of the building. I had a game with some guy that kept going back there every time we tried the finale. He was always the last one left alive, but hunters apparently know how to find the ledge. :)

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Oh, did more WoW. My tank, whom I only play with others, is almost 80 now. My brother has played with me most often and so I want to make sure we're questing together when I hit 80. Then I will have a grand total of two maxed characters. I haven't been concentrating on leveling, but I'll be glad to have my warrior get there. My gear will improve greatly.

Tanks are beastly now when solo. Particularly with Enraged Regeneration (30% heal that takes 15 seconds).


I'm by no means a perfect player of L4D. On advanced I'm extremly good because I don't have to worry as much about being hit (on expert each normal zombie hits for 20, witches and tanks are one hit kills/incaps respectively, it gets pretty painful)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I don't play my tank with other people because I need the help. I play him with my brother because he wanted help getting to 80 and, at some point, I team with his mage and it just stuck. Other than that, tanks are so beastly these days, I'm constantly going around and doing group quests with other players. If I have to kill Kreug one more time, I think I should get an achievement.


What I like best about high level tanks is that you can herd a whole bunch of baddies into an area and then kill them all. Especially melee mobs. You can stand in a group of them all day and wear them down.

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Level 47 palidan. 300 in BS and mining.


Went on my first raid (Zul) with a level 70 hunter who ran around and killed everything while I watched. I'm the only person in my guild without a 70 (there are low level alts) and it's driving me nuts. I feel as though I add nothing to the group.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Level 47 palidan. 300 in BS and mining.


Went on my first raid (Zul) with a level 70 hunter who ran around and killed everything while I watched. I'm the only person in my guild without a 70 (there are low level alts) and it's driving me nuts. I feel as though I add nothing to the group.

if you want to level faster, at 47 you ought to switch to protection spec and pick up tanking gear. Mainly because you can gather up a large number of enemies and kick the crap out of them (you kill 1 mob at the same rate as 7 ish mobs in prot spec).


That said, you really don't know what it feels like to not be contributing anything, in the olden days before 3.0 Tanking consisted of generating threat while doing 200 damage per second. so if you were the off tank, you did NOTHING until you had a trash pull to deal with. With 3.0 and the changes it wrought on tanking in general, warrior tanks had their damage boosted to 1.2k per second at 80, I can also throw out 6k threat per second when in a rage flows like water environment (like Patchwerk in Naxxaramas)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What are you supposed to do? I get up to the cloud thing and then I can only reset..


You have to place them in a certain order to get all the way to the top. There are a lot of different reactions depending on how you stack, so try new combinations.

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if you want to level faster, at 47 you ought to switch to protection spec and pick up tanking gear. Mainly because you can gather up a large number of enemies and kick the crap out of them (you kill 1 mob at the same rate as 7 ish mobs in prot spec).


I've gone from level 1 to 50 in eight days. I'm fine with my leveling rate.


And no, I don't want to be a tank. If I wanted to play sword and board, I'd have picked up a warrior and done just that.


That said, you really don't know what it feels like to not be contributing anything, in the olden days before 3.0 Tanking consisted of generating threat while doing 200 damage per second. so if you were the off tank, you did NOTHING until you had a trash pull to deal with.



1) I have tanked pre-3.0.

2) Sitting in the middle of a mob, generating threat and doing 200 dps is still contributing more to a raid than standing around doing nothing.

3) Contributing to a guild has nothing to do with dps/healing/tanking. I have my BS up to 300, can I make something for my guildmates? No, they're all level 70. I have my mining up to 300, can I gather mats for them? Nope. Can I answer questions they might have? Nope. Can I help them with a difficult quest? Nope.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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