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Kaftan Barlast

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You get bonuses from each stage, that follow you into the Space age. After the first playthrough you can directly make a creature and go to the space age - but you lose the bonuses you would have otherwise earned by playing from Cell to Space.

Fortune favors the bald.

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I'm not a fan of how the bonuses work. If I like the look of a certain mouth or such, I'm potentially penalized because its bonuses aren't as good as the terrible looking later mouths. This is the same for pretty much everything. Also, I don't like how the omnivore/herbivore/carnivore trait is hardwired into the different mouths. I wanted to create an herbivore bird, but couldn't because the beaks are omnivore. I think it would work better if you could choose your parts at no cost, then use your DNA points to buy your stat bonuses.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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That is true... although you could choose to go on a herb diet even if you are an omnivore.


In essence making you Herbivore Poultry.



But I have to say that the more I play the more I enjoy it.. The first 10 hours were fun - then the next 10 were a bit tedious (I got bored of the Space Age too), but now it's fun, flying around terraforming. I'll probably be tired of it in a few days again, until I discover something new and fun.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Played tribe and moving on to civilisation if I can get my work done fast enough.


Tribe, I believe, is the much-maligned stage - well, I thought it was okay. I wanted to do peaceful at the start, but the buggers kept attacking me so I got fed up and conquered everybody.


Small control flaws continue to plague Spore - in the cell stage movement is much too lethargic even with speed upgrades, which is accurate for deep underwater but still frustrating; in the tribe stage selection you can't use Ctrl+Number to assign groups, and if you want to select multiple creatures through portraits you have to shift+click every one, which really irritated me.


Thought the city hall / vehicle creators were really cool, although I thought the base for the city hall was much too small. I would have happily spent hours building a big building five times the size.

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I was never really terribly excited by Spore in the first place, though I might have bought it if it weren't for the draconian DRM. I refuse to rent games - I only buy them and then don't want to be watched by some big brother as to when, how and where I am allowed to play them. It is one of the reasons why I refuse to play MMOs too.

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I was never really terribly excited by Spore in the first place, though I might have bought it if it weren't for the draconian DRM. I refuse to rent games - I only buy them and then don't want to be watched by some big brother as to when, how and where I am allowed to play them. It is one of the reasons why I refuse to play MMOs too.


Um, what? Your reason for not playing MMO's is because you have to be online? I don't think I've ever heard that as a reason before.

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I was never really terribly excited by Spore in the first place, though I might have bought it if it weren't for the draconian DRM. I refuse to rent games - I only buy them and then don't want to be watched by some big brother as to when, how and where I am allowed to play them. It is one of the reasons why I refuse to play MMOs too.


Um, what? Your reason for not playing MMO's is because you have to be online? I don't think I've ever heard that as a reason before.


It makes perfect sense. It is also the very reason why I refuse to post at internet forums.

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Anyone involved in computer programming should get this joke.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It's funny, because I've heard dozens of arguments against MMO's. Some are strong, like the problems with grinding and lame playerbases. Some are weak, like complaints about monthly fees. But this is the first time I've heard someone complain about an ONLINE game being ONLINE.

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so i bought it after playing with the free editor. am up to the tribal stage, which seems a little too RTS-ey for my liking. but the first two stages were fun and it's clever enough to keep going.


At least play through space, in order to make a true impression of the game

yeah, space is definitely fun. so far, it's been a good mix of exploration and colonisation and blowing sh1t up.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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