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TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline, READ FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING.

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I seriously doubt this mod will ever come out until Team Gizka has milked all the attention and praise they can get.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, wrong though it undoubtedly is. However, for the sake of balance, I feel the need to say:


Yay Team Gizka!

Yay Team Gizka!

Yay Team Gizka!

Yaaayyyyyy! :):wowey: :wowey:

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Yay Team Gizka!

Yay Team Gizka!

Yay Team Gizka!

Yaaayyyyyy! :wowey: :wowey: :wowey:



I seriously doubt this mod will ever come out until Team Gizka has milked all the attention and praise they can get.

Let them come to you. Don't go to them.


Don't you think that if Team Gizka wanted attention they would have purposefully released the patch by now and announced that they would be periodically releasing patches for it? That would have gotten them a lot more attention than trying to fix every possible bug they can track down.
Possibiliy. I don't think anyone could answer that question except team-gizka. Controversy is also a positive way to get attention. The more people drop a line in this thread, good or bad, the more team-gizka remains in the public's line of sight.


I would just wait until something is said. :) Making assumptions on something we don't know about can only create friction and arguments in the forums. Relax and let things roll.


Vader stated, "He will come to me?"

Palpatine replied, "Yes. Yes. He will come to you, and you will bring him before me..."


Palpatine had the right idea. Patience will bring the answer to you quickly. Worrying about team-gizka's project will only prolong the suffering. I'm sure they will comment on the project at some point in time. Hang tight. :wowey:

Edited by Marcus
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Since I've been around since very shortly after the beginning of this mod in 2005, and watching it since (not to mention being on the closed beta), perhaps I might shed some light on this?


1. The team does not, and never has, sought publicity beyond the couple of WIP threads (here and at LF), and their site. Which is fair enough - most mods follow this kind of procedure. A beta-tester, Wildstorm, made the videos on YouTube, as teasers. Again, nothing out-of-the-ordinary there. From the start, the team has concentrated on making the mod and had little interest in publicity. Aside from those cited bits of publicity, everything else has come to them - they haven't sought it out. So no, attention is not what this mod is about - or the bugfixing.


2. The mod is still being worked upon, and bugs are still being found and fixed. With each progressive build, the number of bugs decreases.


3. This mod follows the 'cathedral' method of programming, not the 'bazaar'. Switching between the two at this late stage would be foolish.


4. Contrary to popular opinion, Team Gizka owes you nothing, and would be well within their rights to destroy the whole mod tomorrow. Insane, but within their rights...


5. If you've waited this long, you can wait a little longer. Calm down, pull yourself up a log, browse KotORFiles for some other mods to toy with in the meantime, and try not to drive yourself crazy. :thumbsup:

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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Since I've been around since very shortly after the beginning of this mod in 2005, and watching it since (not to mention being on the closed beta), perhaps I might shed some light on this?


1. The team does not, and never has, sought publicity beyond the couple of WIP threads (here and at LF), and their site. Which is fair enough - most mods follow this kind of procedure. A beta-tester, Wildstorm, made the videos on YouTube, as teasers. Again, nothing out-of-the-ordinary there. From the start, the team has concentrated on making the mod and had little interest in publicity. Aside from those cited bits of publicity, everything else has come to them - they haven't sought it out. So no, attention is not what this mod is about - or the bugfixing.


2. The mod is still being worked upon, and bugs are still being found and fixed. With each progressive build, the number of bugs decreases.


3. This mod follows the 'cathedral' method of programming, not the 'bazaar'. Switching between the two at this late stage would be foolish.


4. Contrary to popular opinion, Team Gizka owes you nothing, and would be well within their rights to destroy the whole mod tomorrow. Insane, but within their rights...


5. If you've waited this long, you can wait a little longer. Calm down, pull yourself up a log, browse KotORFiles for some other mods to toy with in the meantime, and try not to drive yourself crazy. :thumbsup:


You're making the assumption that I posted that out of impatience or some sense of entitlement. Neither of which are true because I almost never play with mods. Yes they could destroy it and I wouldn't care since I will never use this mod anyway. I only commented as I did because of the ridiculous amount of time it is taking for them to release this thing to the many people who do care, and at my amazement that peoples enthusiasm has not worn out after so long a wait. I honestly hope people are rewarded for waiting so long but I have seen entire games created in less time then it has taken this team to create a bunch of if-then statements. They aren't creating new artwork or re-recording voice overs so one can only assume that the plodding slovenly pace is on purpose.

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Entire games are usually created by a whole studio, not by a handful of people in their free-time...


I have my doubts that any group of similar size could do it any faster, as long as they don't work on it fulltime. It's amazing enough that they managed to come this far, there have been many groups who quit on much smaller and easier mods.


Apart from that, I seriously doubt that it is anywhere near as easy as you want to believe.

Edited by Dark Wastl
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Yes, very selfish of you :lol:


Just playing through Kotor2 again... daydreaming about a certain mod a bit :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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...I have seen entire games created in less time then it has taken this team to create a bunch of if-then statements. They aren't creating new artwork or re-recording voice overs so one can only assume that the plodding slovenly pace is on purpose.


Yeah, well, I believe they are actually doing some voice work and have made some new modules - so your examples are useless. Also, as a person who admits that he has no knowledge of modding, I find it humorous that you seem to be all-knowing when it comes to this particular one. :(

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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...one can only assume that the plodding slovenly pace is on purpose.

Quite. Because we put real life ahead of the mod. Scandalous, I know.



How dare you


I am being a bit of a tool and I apologize. Everyone else was being so positive I felt the need for balance.

Edited by Foamhead
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Yeah, well, I believe they are actually doing some voice work and have made some new modules - so your examples are useless. Also, as a person who admits that he has no knowledge of modding, I find it humorous that you seem to be all-knowing when it comes to this particular one. :teehee:
I hope they fix the bass on the new Jedi female in Khoonda. Her voice sounds as though she is speaking through a can or something. It just needs a bass tweak.
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All the modules have been recompiled, unless I missed one that hasn't. Certainly, the overwhelming majority have.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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True. Surely you can work yourself around a game-breaking glitch, but rather not have them at all, eh? (*cough* Hidden Academy 1.0b *cough*)


All the modules have been recompiled, unless I missed one that hasn't. Certainly, the overwhelming majority have.

If I am not mistaken I read on Mantis that the "Storm the Wall" sequence wasn't (even if it featured the wrong type of dead bodies on the floor) or has that since been changed?

Not to mention whole Peragus... ;).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I don't have tsl installed. I want to play these completed modifications myself; however, I'm becoming more interested in other Obsidian games.


Neverwinter 2 -- Storm of Zehir

Aliens -- The Roleplaying Game


The Sith Lords' initial impact has faded for me. Neverwinter 2, Aliens, and The Old Republic have captured my attention. I'm getting too distracted by the idea of playing an Old Republic game.


I'm becoming more interested in the future of Knights of the Old Republic. The Sith Lords tells the story of a small portion of this world, and there seems to be a wave of new stuff coming. Novels, roleplaying guides, comics, and another game. Possibly two games in development. We have only heard about the possible online multiplayer game; however, I think there is another installment also in the works.


MMORPG will be called something similar to The Old Republic.

I'm betting there will be a second game called Knights of the Old Republic III.


Team-Gizka is doing a great job, but I think there are other interesting elements in the Knights of the Old Republic universe. My attention has been moving forward. The Sith Lords is becoming something of the past.


I knew The Sith Lords was over for me when I played Neverwinter's Mask of Betrayal. I was so caught up with the Neverwinter world, and I ended up saying to myself, "What's The Sith Lords?". I'm eagerly awaiting the second expansion of Neverwinter.


Others will no doubt replay tsl when the modifications are done, but I'm pretty much moving forward into other portions of the story. Time for another chapter. Who knows what is going on in other people's minds, but I'm moving forward and deeper into the Knights universe. Staying at the edge of the story prevents people from moving onward.


After I read the new roleplaying guide for Knights of the Old Republic, I started to see a different interpretation of events. Team-Gizka will only be adding a small portion compared to the whole story. Some of the stuff that was initially cut has been written over, and the Dark Wars have been completley fleshed out. Restoring the missing pieces is a great idea, and I'm still a supporter of the effort. My only quam is that the story behind some of the cut pieces have allready been rewritten.


Someone over at LucasForums.com has suggested to buy Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide . I ended up reading through it, and I realized that someone had allready fleshed out the missing pieces. I allready know the whole story between Knights 1 and Knights 2. The HK Factory and The Exile only hold a small footnote to the events that occur in the Knights universe.


Canonized by this book:

The Jedi Exile (Female - Jedi)

Revan (Male - Sith/Jedi)


I think there may be a love story hidden between the Exile and Revan. Not only was the Exile a general of Revan's, but I also see a posssible love connection. (Similar to Jolee's friend's story on Mannan, or Handmaiden's parent's backstory.). That may be the reason why the Exile and Revan didn't officially connect to anyone. There is a massive story to be told. Waiting for this small footnote to be done will only hold me back. The Restoration Team have my support, but the story has allready started to move forward. Time for me to flip the page.

Edited by Marcus
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I can understand that. I move on to other games rather quickly myself. I had stopped playing TSL after a couple of playthroughs (which is a lot for my standards) when I first bought it, and except from one lonely playthrough later on, never really got into it anymore. But TSLRP is worth a reinstall, in my opinion.

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I can understand that. I move on to other games rather quickly myself. I had stopped playing TSL after a couple of playthroughs (which is a lot for my standards) when I first bought it, and except from one lonely playthrough later on, never really got into it anymore. But TSLRP is worth a reinstall, in my opinion.

Agreed. The changes are excellent, and make replaying well worth it.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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I can understand that. I move on to other games rather quickly myself. I had stopped playing TSL after a couple of playthroughs (which is a lot for my standards) when I first bought it, and except from one lonely playthrough later on, never really got into it anymore. But TSLRP is worth a reinstall, in my opinion.


I can understand that. I move on to other games rather quickly myself. I had stopped playing TSL after a couple of playthroughs (which is a lot for my standards) when I first bought it, and except from one lonely playthrough later on, never really got into it anymore. But TSLRP is worth a reinstall, in my opinion.

Agreed. The changes are excellent, and make replaying well worth it.

Its all about the individual, right? I'm sure eventually I will install and play it, but just not in the immediate future. It may take me a few years. I really can't tell. Its all about a person's mood. One day I feel like I can do a few rounds, but another day I will leave the game on the shelf. I have just seen so much more to the Knights' universe that I want to see whats next.


Its exciting. :thumbsup:

Edited by Marcus
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I stopped playing TSL years ago.


But I'm a console player so my opninion doesn't count.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I've lost interest in TSLRP and have moved on to other projects




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Does anyone know what happened to Aurora? There is a clip on Team Gizka's website with her voice but apart from that she never looked very involved with the project.
Someone updated the developer's page at Team-Gizka.org. Aurora Jenkins and others are no longer listed. Everyone has probally done their part, or they are working quiety behind the scenes. Don't worry. She will be listed in the credits. Edited by Marcus
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