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Kor Qel Droma

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The only ones who didn't die from the incident are the ones Jacob touched.


He touched Sun and Locke as well...


And man, is Richard(os) gonna be pissed or what? He's been led by the nose for a looong time. It's really funny that even Jack said that Locke was special, in the end he was little more than a puppet, a sad little puppet.


Locke was dead when Jacob touched him, maybe that changed something? And we still haven't got a clue as to why Sun didn't go back in time.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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This season has a lot of (potential) character deaths. Charlotte, Faraday, Locke, Juliet, Sayid and Jacob. (I would assume that fake-Locke will ditch the body(form) now that he has been outed.)


The writers are merciless.

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Btw, the statue was holding two Ankhs - symbolising 2 immortals on the Island?



Good catch, I hadnt noticed that. BTW, did Anubis only have four toes per foot or is that another twist?


The statue had a crocodile face, Anubis has the face of a jackal. It was probably the statue of Sobek.

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Am I the only one that didn't enjoy the season finale?


I don't enjoy the show anymore but I'll continue watching becuase I'm not a quitter.


I completely enjoyed the season finale. one of the best episodes by far.


Usually, I'm thinking I don't like getting jerked around in the mid season, but I find the season starts and finishes pretty good.


I'm just glad this is the last season. Maybe we'll move toward the end of story and some of these issues will begin to resolve.

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Btw, the statue was holding two Ankhs - symbolising 2 immortals on the Island?



Good catch, I hadnt noticed that. BTW, did Anubis only have four toes per foot or is that another twist?


The statue had a crocodile face, Anubis has the face of a jackal. It was probably the statue of Sobek.


Hmm, well Sobek definately has five toes in that link. The plot thickens!

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I was happy with the end. I actually thought this was the best season for answering questions, it seems like the first time they've answered more questions then they created. I'm pumped for the finale.


The special effects for the magnetic pull incident were a bit silly. It looked very B movie-ish for awhile. I still dug it though. When did Jack become a badass marksman?

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Btw, the statue was holding two Ankhs - symbolising 2 immortals on the Island?



Good catch, I hadnt noticed that. BTW, did Anubis only have four toes per foot or is that another twist?



Tawaret has four toes.



Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I came to the conclusion that it was Taweret as well (after Wiki'ing) since they have the same hat and ears .. I totally forgot about the feets, but that fits the bill too (edit: or not seeing as gifted1 found one with 5 toes).. Being a diety of fertility seems pretty appropriate though.


I forgot, did Sawyer loose a toe at some point? I can't remember anymore..

Fortune favors the bald.

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I forgot, did Sawyer loose a toe at some point? I can't remember anymore..


No, that was a theory that Pope had. Also unless its just an oversight, "In their art, Taweret was depicted as a composite of all the things the Egyptians feared, the major part of her being hippopotamus, since this is what the constellation most resembled, with the arms and legs of a lioness, and with the back of a crocodile.", it cant be Taweret because it had human feet.

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I'm just disappointed that it's not Anubis, he's way more awesome.


If Jacob has been all over the place then who was trapped in the cabin by the circle of ash and who broke the circle? I don't think we have seen Smokey in past, maybe the evil dude/Smokey was trapped in the cabin by Jacob/someone until someone let him out after 1977...

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^iirc, the first time we saw Smokey (chronologically) was when Rousseau had just arrived on the Island, which would be in 1988 (Alex being 16 years old in 2004). I too think it was trapped in the cabin and released at some time. I'm sure we'll see how it got out. If I had to guess I'd say Widmore has something to do with it.

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One thing I found odd, was when they went to get the Bomb.... not a single character noticed that they were in some kind of Egyptian tomb. They just completely ignored it. Not even a "What the hell IS this place?":boggle:

Well, as Jack said a few episodes ago, they're kinda getting used to insane.

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One thing I found odd, was when they went to get the Bomb.... not a single character noticed that they were in some kind of Egyptian tomb. They just completely ignored it. Not even a "What the hell IS this place?":boggle:


Well, if you've been trapped on an island with energy pockets, smoke monsters, dead people and underground hatches, why would an Egyption tomb be anything that special?


And it's kind of a long read, but here is an old story about that guy who gets the 'created by' credit with JJ Abrams and the other dude.




Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm just disappointed that it's not Anubis, he's way more awesome.


If Jacob has been all over the place then who was trapped in the cabin by the circle of ash and who broke the circle? I don't think we have seen Smokey in past, maybe the evil dude/Smokey was trapped in the cabin by Jacob/someone until someone let him out after 1977...


I find Anubis to be overated and too cliche. It's good they went with someone else.

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I've heard that idea before, Darque. I think it's interesting, but I also think the writers want to keep us guessing, which is an aspect I don't really like. You might ask, "but isn't that the whole point of LOST?"


I started watching LOST with my sister in law. She had the first and second season on DVD and was rewatching the whole series. I watched the first season DVDs on my own, the second season with her, and the third season with her as it aired. I finished all three seasons at about the same time. Talk about confusing!


Anyhow, the upshot is that it's kind of a social thing. So the whole cliffhanger idea isn't my main reason to watch it. I don't even watch each episode as it airs since I'm not staying with my brother and his wife any longer. It might be a week or two before I bother to watch an episode. What I've noticed about the past few seasons is that I tend to really enjoy the beginning of the season, I'm disappointed by the mid-season, and I dig the season finale in a big way.


Now, however, I see a chance that I might really enjoy all of the last season because the writers will no longer be forced to go to ridiculous lengths to 'keep us guessing' for another few seasons. Everything ends this season and they can start resolving some of this stuff. As long as this isn't the usual bait n switch, we've already had the story tighten up considerably. I'm sure they'll throw some wrenches into the story just to keep us guessing, but that's okay as long as the story progresses.


Anyhow, I agree that the main villain is probably ol' smokey. :)

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Who wants to bet that the "main villain" is smokey?


And everything has been set up/leading to this from the start?


There are also quite a few theories about Jacob being the true villain. It's mostly based on the beginning scene where Dude in Black doesn't want people on the island because they always do bad stuff in the end, but Jacob keeps bringing people there.


Hopefully it won't be as black and white as their clothes were, good vs evil is getting a bit old.

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Who wants to bet that the "main villain" is smokey?

Yes, that is my guess too. Although villain might not be the right term.


Smokey is the Island's security system. By definition, it doesn't like people on the Island (e.g. it killed Parkman when he was trying to use the radio, killed Rousseau's team, attacked Keamy's crew), and if it must allow people, then it scans them to know their intentions (the Others may stay because they really are good people, Eko was killed for refusing to repent).


Jacob brings people to the Island (I suppose to prove that people ultimately have a choice to be good, rather than being predetermined to corrupt as Smokey believes), but other than that he doesn't have any bad intentions to the Island. Hence Smokey can't kill him.


So what was the solution? By appearing to young Ben as his mother, it made Richard believe Ben was special, that he was the Others' destined leader (which he wasn't, hence Jacob gave him a tumor). Then it appeared as Christian, making Ben turn the wheel, and thereby making Locke go back in time. In 1954 Locke told Richard he would eventually become their leader. Thus a self-fulfilling prophecy was created. Locke too was never meant to be the leader. But now that Richard believed so, all that was left to do for Smokey was to send Locke off the Island, where it knew Ben would kill him. This allowed Smokey to take Locke's form and demand of Richard to take him to Jacob. And there, it finally succeeded in having Ben choose to kill Jacob (after first appearing to Ben as Alex and ordering him to follow Locke). Et voil

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Who wants to bet that the "main villain" is smokey?

Yes, that is my guess too. Although villain might not be the right term.


Smokey is the Island's security system. By definition, it doesn't like people on the Island (e.g. it killed Parkman when he was trying to use the radio, killed Rousseau's team, attacked Keamy's crew), and if it must allow people, then it scans them to know their intentions (the Others may stay because they really are good people, Eko was killed for refusing to repent).


It could also be that it killed Eko because he (probably)wouldn't kill Jacob for it.

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