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NFL Season 2007


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"The good news for the Cowboys was that Terry Glenn went through his most rigorous practice since coming back from two knee operations.


Glenn saw limited action in the season finale against Washington, but didn't catch a pass. On Wednesday, he went through an entire team workout for the first time since training camp.


"He wasn't starting and doing every play, but he did quite a few plays and ran quite a few routes," Phillips said. "I'm somewhat encouraged there. ... Whatever you get from Terry is a bonus certainly. He's a very good player that's been hurt and has tried to come back and has made a valiant effort and I think he may be able to play."

Edited by Gfted1
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Pats 31, Jags 17

Colts 24, Bolts 10

Pack 27, Hawks 23 (Seattle covers)

Boys 28, G-Men 24 (NYG covers)


I'd love to be able to predict my Giants in an upset, but I just don't think it's particularly likely, especially with 2 of their top 3 CBs likely to miss the game. Really, they've already dramatically exceeded my expectations for this season (my pre-season guess: 7-9), and I wouldn't be at all unhappy if they lost to anybody but the Cowboys. But Dallas is just so insufferable with Romo's sh*t-eating grin, Phillips' childish celebrative dances, Owens' assorted jackassery, Jerry Jones' repeatedly-lifted naugahyde face, and the hordes of fair-weather fans around the country that I'm sure I'll be fuming at them by halftime. Especially with Dallas homer extraordinaire Joe Buck calling the game. (Troy Aikman actually manages to sound more even-handed than he does when calling the Cowboys!)

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Go PACK Go !!!


what a game. to give up fourteen points and then just explode to a win WOW. I thought they would continue to choke after falling behind, and almost stop watching the game.



Cheeseheads rule again ... best of luck to them in the championship game.


Today I'm a Gaints fan ... we want another game in Lambeau.

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yeah championship game in Lambeau - way to go Giants



to bad for Indy - I still think they had a better chance of beating the Pats.



Pats and Packers ... wasn't that the Packs last time in the super or was it denver ... i think it was denver, i believe we beat the Pats the year before

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to bad for Indy - I still think they had a better chance of beating the Pats.

How would an inferior team have a better chance? Match ups?


The colts lost to QB Billy Voleck for $@%$ sakes.


I would not count out the Giants either. You are going to have your hands full next week.

Edited by Kelverin
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i'm not saying the pack are garanteed the game that's foolish ... the giants played a great defensive game, their offense was a little lacking, but it was enough to rattle the cowboys. with a lot of help from their special teams ...... I know the Packers are gonna have their hands full, the Giants are on a big ego boost, it should be an awesome game.


as far as the indy game I just feel they are a better team, yeah they lost, but any team can be beaten , no matter how good they are.


chargers have a good chance, as good as any, to beat the pats.

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to bad for Indy - I still think they had a better chance of beating the Pats.

How would an inferior team have a better chance? Match ups?


The colts lost to QB Billy Voleck for $@%$ sakes.


I would not count out the Giants either. You are going to have your hands full next week.

On the whole, based on the evidence over the course of the entire season, I still don't think that SD is a superior team to Indy. Indy's offense had several long drives undone by turnovers that were at least in part dumb luck. (Forcing fumbles and bad passes is skill, but fumble recovery is luck, as is the direction that a ball goes when tipped into the air.) Their defense also played uncharacteristically poorly, but I'm willing to credit SD's receivers for getting far more open than I've opponents get in most Colts games this season.


Don't get me wrong-- the Chargers played very well and deserve the win. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll do better against the Pats than the Colts would've.



In any case, I'm still a bit giddy from the Giants' win. Eliminating the eternally-irritating Cowboys is really, really sweet. (And, yes, I will acknowledge that, based on the evidence over the course of the season, the Cowboys were a far superior team and would've had a better chance to beat GB next week.)

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On the whole, based on the evidence over the course of the entire season, I still don't think that SD is a superior team to Indy. Indy's offense had several long drives undone by turnovers that were at least in part dumb luck. (Forcing fumbles and bad passes is skill, but fumble recovery is luck, as is the direction that a ball goes when tipped into the air.) Their defense also played uncharacteristically poorly, but I'm willing to credit SD's receivers for getting far more open than I've opponents get in most Colts games this season.
Let's see we have beat them twice this year. We are 3 - 0 the last 3 times we played them. Hell even Manning admitted they lost to a better team. And don't even get into the fact they gave away the game, we took it. What it came down to was the Chargers vs. Colts, 12th man, the refs, NFL, CBS and we won with our back up QB and RB and an injured TE. The better team won. End of story. Edited by Kelverin
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Indy is the better team. SD played the better game. End of the story.


Anyways, it don't matter. Eli is gonna join his brother as SUPER BOWL CHAMP!



P.S. If we don't win the SB, I blame the head coach.


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I want the Giants to win obviously; but any 4 would make people cry and I like people to cry.


Giants win - All thsoe people who claimed that Eli wans't good enough, he was a choke artist, couldn't win the big on, etc. would be embarrassed.


Packers win - The 'Favre should retire' crowd would eat their words.


San Diego - The whiners who wnated Norv Turner to be fired with SD had that bad start would be the jokes of the world.


New England - The punk Miami guys who are still living in the past would have to sufferf the fact that someone one upped them, and those who felt Randy Moss would destroy NE with his so called 'bad attitude' would be made to look like fools.




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Indy is the better team. SD played the better game. End of the story.


Anyways, it don't matter. Eli is gonna join his brother as SUPER BOWL CHAMP!



P.S. If we don't win the SB, I blame the head coach.

You should have quit while you were ahead. Eli is nothing, nothing at all like his brother. They'll never make it past Green Bay.


It sucked that Dallas lost, they must not have wanted it badly. SD sucks. Colts should have won that but like I just said about Dallas.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"You should have quit while you were ahead. Eli is nothing, nothing at all like his brother. They'll never make it past Green Bay."



"You must be on crack. Green Bay will waste Seattle. Same goes with Dallas vs teh lame Giants."





Edited by Volourn


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Blah, blah blah. SD sucks.
YOU should have quit while you were ahead.


San Diego - The whiners who wnated Norv Turner to be fired with SD had that bad start would be the jokes of the world.

You can count me as someone who wanted Norv's ass. The general feeling was that any idiot could take this group of players on the Chargers roster and be a winner. Most people who know what they are talking about (not you) realize the Chargers are one of, if not the most talented team in football. But after a 1 - 3 start, 5-5 after 10 games, plus his dismal coaching record, questions began to rise that this guy did not know what the hell he was doing. It should have happened sooner, but it took awhile for everyone to get on the same page, also it did not hurt that our schedule got much easier. Bottom line is this team was 14 - 2 last year and did not equal and improve on that record, everyone wanted AJ Smith's head on a platter for firing Marty....Maybe AJ knew what he was doing.

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I'll miss watching Peyton, but welcome Eli to the party. See, the great thing about having the Mannings around is that its like seeing two real yutzes from your childhood take it to the coordinated kids. When you see these two guys go out and play you have to imagine a kid that once when asked to dribble a basketball between his legs while moving forward in P.E. turned beet red, started screaming something unintelligible because of their fairly cumbersome speech impediment and then ran to the bleachers and reverted to the fetal position until his mother could make it up to school to pick him up. When I look at Eli I get this vivid memory of this kid Benji getting beat up on the playground in fifth grade by another kid because he scored a goal into his own net. The same frantic, searching eyes, the same 'what the hell am I suppose to do?' body posture. I have to say, watching Sarah beat down Benji that day struck a cord deep inside me. From that day forth I decided I would always Root, Root for the kids who kept their asthma inhalers in their socks. Sure, seeing M.J. take it to the rack was sweet, but nothing beats a wicked Craig Ehlo throw down. So on Sunday, 3rd and 4, Eli drops back and throws it to no one in particular. I'm not going, "This guy suck, who's the backup again?" I'm going "Come on, Benji!! Get those arms up!! Don't let get into your face like that."

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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"line is this team was 14 - 2 last year and did not equal and improve on that record, everyone wanted AJ Smith's head on a platter for firing Marty....Maybe AJ knew what he was doing."


This is also the same team that couldn't win even one play off game last year AT HOME yet they managed to beat Indy - the defending champs - at home despite injuries to their top players. *shrug*


Just admit it. You, and your ilk were WRONG with wanting Norv Turner fired. (of course, SD shouldn't have fired last year's coach either *shrug*). He's coached the team to a 11-5 record (not exactly shabby, ya know), they have a long winning streak, he managed to right the ship, delat with a poor start from his ace runninb back, got the team to the Conference Championships. Sorry, Norv Turner has done a great job coaching.


Accoridng to your logic, neither Indy and NE's coahces should get credit for their teams' success ebcause they have such 'great' players. R00fles!



P.S. Kinda hypocritical here because I loathe the Giants' head coach thoguh I admit he's done some good coaching.



"winner. Most people who know what they are talking about (not you) realize the Chargers are one of, if not the most talented team in football"


Funnily enough, I never said SD wasn't one of the most talented teams in the league. Where did I say that, little one? Please don't cry because the so called pundits are often wrong.


I mean.. where are all the 'Peyton is a choker' punks now? I know. They started whining about Eli, and now they are moving on to Romo. *shrug*


But, that's ok. Stick your ehad in the ground. Keep calling players chokers, coaches crappy, and other nonsensical stuff, while claiming to 'know football'.




Edited by Volourn


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This is also the same team that couldn't win even one play off game last year AT HOME yet they managed to beat Indy - the defending champs - at home despite injuries to their top players. *shrug*
Two words for ya. Marty Schottenheimer. Can't win in the playoffs that is why his ass was canned. Marty's gone we win two playoff games hell even you can do the math.
Funnily enough, I never said SD wasn't one of the most talented teams in the league. Where did I say that, little one? Please don't cry because the so called pundits are often wrong.


I mean.. where are all the 'Peyton is a choker' punks now?

On ESPN just today, kinda funny 7 - 7 record in the playoffs
But, that's ok. Stick your ehad in the ground. Keep calling players chokers, coaches crappy, and other nonsensical stuff, while claiming to 'know football'.



Players chokers? Where the hell did you get that from? Coaches crappy? Because of Norv's regular season coaching record? 58-82-1 (.415) Or you still pissed about Gilbride? I have watched football (pro, College) every weekend for the last 35 years. I would test my football knowledge against anyone's. Let me know when you catch up
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I love Green Bay, I would hate to see Favre retire but that time is soon. They played a damn fine game Saturday. I saw Seattle score two touchdowns right away and I thought WTF? You guys are getting close to the Super Bowl and you want to blow it now? Than they fought back and destroyed Seattle.


Would someone please beat those cheaters called the Patriots? I don't like SD but they are my last hope before the Super Bowl. Go SD. >_<

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i would love to see the packers go to the super bowl and beat the patriots just because that would be a crown jewel for farve before he retires with the stellar season he's had (a team no one gave a chance to be more than a 500 team this year {this includes me})


on the other hand I would like to see the patriots take it all, because I'm so sick of hearing about the '72 dolphins (not to take away from them being a good team for the accomplishment).


Still gotta go with the PACKERS .... cheeseheads Rule and with such a young team, and the salary cap we have, it should only get better. IMO



as far as the pats cheating, that's a dead horse. every team looks for an edge they just got caught. lol

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The packers versus the Patriots is imanet because the giants have to play at Lambo in the cold. The chargers are in bad shape to beat the patriots, they barly beat the colts and Lt's return is questionable.

the Patriots vs. the Packers will be a shootout wich will come to defence and turnovers. As long as Farve doesn't degenerate into the farve of last year then the Packers have a good chance of winning.

Your not all ways being honest when your telling the truth.


Everything slows down when water's around.

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