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Planescape Torment reference in NWN2


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Anyone caught this? Apparently, if you manage to gather enough influence with


she mentions a few notable Githzerai warriors, including Dak'kon. Now, I personally couldn't get her to talk to me about that, but several people on the Bioware forums have reported this. FYI, here's the transcript taken directly from NWN2's dialog.tlk file:



"I have known many heroes before they knew themselves. I knew Chardassa's Heart, whose mercy turned aside Vilquar's Blade at Sargassa's End. I knew Oliss' Sacrifice before he gave his mind, filled with well-crafted lies, to turn aside the plans of the illithids and shield us from a Third War. And the tale of Dak'kon is known to all zerths... when his loss of faith shattered the walls of Shra'kt'lor, and finally, when he came to know himself again at the Pronouncement of Two Deaths As One. So when you ask if I think you can save us all, know that I have seen others with your will move the planes themselves and turn aside war. Trust this. Trust yourself, and even the King of Shadows will fall."



I like it how Chris managed to subtly sneak in that small reference. :cool: BTW, judging by the end sequence, the next NWN2 expansion could take place in the Planescape setting and, who knows, if we're lucky we might even run into a few of Torment's NPC's. :rolleyes:

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I got that. You don't need all that much influence with her to get that one. I didn't even notice that one was influence based, it comes when you ask her why she wants to go with you and why she thinks you can stop KoS or something like that.


It was a nice reference though.


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...BTW, judging by the end sequence, the next NWN2 expansion could take place in the Planescape setting and, who knows, if we're lucky we might even run into a few of Torment's NPC's


But the Torment rights and characters still belongs to Interplay yes? I only know that Obsidian purchased Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate 3 intellectual properties unless Torment is amongst the purchases.


It'll be nice if we do encounter some Torment NPCs as Easter Eggs in future expansions. Imagine your stronghold involves setting up the Brothel of Slaying intellectual lust. >_<


But a wishful thinking in the end :'(

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But the Torment rights and characters still belongs to Interplay yes? I only know that Obsidian purchased Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate 3 intellectual properties unless Torment is amongst the purchases.


Actually, I believe the rights to all D&D based games are now owned by Atari. IIRC, that was one of the reasons why Interplay couldn't publish their own BG3 (project Jefferson) back in the day. So technically, Obsidian could use any assets from their past (BIS) games, including NPC's. :cool:

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I got that one!


I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I heard, the Pronouncement  of Two Deaths as One.


I miss the TNO and his companions!



Hehe me too.


Githgirl sucks BTW, except for the Dakkon reference. Shes just a wannabe! She has a strange voice and looks like something that popped out from KOTOR. And with her the *knowing* stuff is way overdone. And she does silly things like pledge herself to you(shouldnt Githzerai hate that?)


She doesnt even have spells with cool names like reign of anger and scripture of steel.

Edited by roshan
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I like it how Chris managed to subtly sneak in that small reference. :cool:  BTW, judging by the end sequence, the next NWN2 expansion could take place in the Planescape setting and, who knows, if we're lucky we might even run into a few of Torment's NPC's.    >_<

I doubt that. I got the distinct feeling from that ending that the shard-bearer will no longer be featured in any games as a character. As a point of reference, sure, but not as a character. It's a shame, really, I love sagas. Maybe next time.

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I got the distinct feeling from that ending that the shard-bearer will no longer be featured in any games as a character. As a point of reference, sure, but not as a character. It's a shame, really, I love sagas. Maybe next time.


Not necessarily.

The party might have been sucked in through the portal and ended up stranded on the Astral Plane. After all, the soldiers found no trace of them (save the cloak) when they searched the ruins of the fortress. No corpses = no proof of death = possible sequel. >_<

An epic level HotU-style expansion seems plausible, especially considering that the epic feats are already in the 2DA's.

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"MCA certainly has a soft spot for his Gith. Githgirl is imo the best written and realized NWN2 character by far."


I wouldn't got that far. She's very good though. Khelgar, Sand, Elanee, and a few otehrs ar epretty impressive. Sure beats that piece of poo Neeshka though.


As for the topic, cool. :cool:


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I don't think the Githerzai have to speak like that. That seems to be a Mr. Avellone thing. Certainly none of the materials I've read on them states that they have a tendency to overuse the word 'know' (or knowing). LOL They speak quite normally actually.


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Sure; but they don't all speak so one dimensionally. Like I said, nothing in the books on the subject that I have read even hints that they speak only like Dak'kon or Zhaevre. Like I said, that's most likely a Mr. Avellone touch to them. Nothing wrong with that though.

Edited by Volourn


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Perhaps all Githzerai don't speak of *knowing* because not all Githzerai are Zerths.


EDIT: This reference alone makes me want to fire up Torment again, while I'm waiting til I can afford a graphics card capable of running NWN2, that is.

Edited by mr insomniac

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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