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NWN2 bashed and thrashed


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I have personally talked to tens of thousands of NWN1 players


  1. NWN1 was out for 4.5 years (correct me if I'm wrong).
  2. 365 days a year. 4.5 * 365 = 1642.5 days total.
  3. "Tens" of thousands implies more than 1x 10,000 people.
  4. Let's be conservative and say it was 20,000
  5. Result: ~12 people a day

So you are saying you were meeting 12 people a day who are saying certain thing (implies you meet more than 12 new people a day total), if playing every day for 4.5 years since NWN1 release?


... Let's say it is a little exaggerated. :aiee:

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he's right in almost every one of his points, the only thing i disagree with him is that he thinks nwn1 was nigh perfect. i dont.



edit: and of course i like the game, but the problems are there.


Yeah, like I'm going to listen to a guy who thought NWN1 was perfect. <_<

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I don't really have any problems with the UI either... for SP, at least. There are some things that needs to be fixed for MP, I think, like some stuff needs to be bind-able that isn't right now. Also, I almost always (have to) pause before targeting an enemy... this won't work in MP.


It'd be nice if you could press or toggle a button to make the mouse snap to enemies, for easier attack and spell targeting.


Of course, if there was an attack button, you could target the enemy (right click) THEN attack/cast spells. I'm using this method more now that I'm playing a warlock and I don't think I pause as much as when I played a melee character.


Anyway, these are potential problems for MP, as they aren't issues in SP where you can pause.

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I have dedided not to get neverwinter nights 2. My reasons after fidling around with it a bit on a friend's computer :


1. Plot revolving NPCs forced on you, this rubs me the wrong way.

2. No permadeath, this breeds indifference.

4. Bad selection and camera controls, the awkwardness never wore off.

3. Disapointing graphics. I need to be able to have my main character 'just so', 50 different choices of ugly isen't doing it for me.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I like NWN2 more than NWN1... Mostly due to the new interface and an OC worth playing. Beyond that NWN1 and NWN2 are pretty close in gameplay. I agree with Volourn that the game has some problems but so does every game.


There is no such thing as the perfect game, nor will there ever be one.


What character models are ugly? :shifty:

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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Haha Spider. I got the sarcasm don't worry :shifty:



As for the article, I laugh at some of these complaints:



"- You are unable to multiple-select your characters in a party under your control. Why could you do that in every single Infinity engine game and most every other RPG with a party system, but not in NWN2? Because that's the way it was in KotOR."


I don't recall being able to do that in NWN either!!1



NPCs with no freedom of selection of class? Check. Auto-level button? Not here! Okay, so it's a regressed KotOR engine.


Outside of Deekin, was it possible to affect anyone's level in NWN? Even then I think Deekin was only in HotU, which isn't technically NWN, but rather NWN++.



- licensed a (perfectly unsuitable) engine that they did not develop

- refrained from modifying that engine to suit the needs of the game


This is super awesome, as the engine (as Volo pointed out) at its root is the same as NWN.



- Inventory. Who stole a paycheck for designing this travesty? The icons are about as informative as C3PO's beeps. It has 128 one-cell slots each of which can fit any item, potentially enabling you to carry one hundred and twenty eight scythes on your person. If the elementary "realism" and "roleplay" connotations of this do not worry you like they do me, then I hope you will at least agree with me that the inventory is nigh impossible to manage visually. Inventory tetris was a part of my pack-rat roleplaying experience. I liked the fact that even if I was inhumanly strong, I could carry at most 30 greatswords.


I never understand beefs like this. If he's that interested in roleplaying, there's nothing stopping him in not picking up 128 Scythes.



- You have more quickslots than in NWN, but they are inaccessible by hotkeys. In a way, you have less quickslots, but more useless slowslots. Why in the hells can't I drag a spell from the quickcast into one of those?


Hitting Shift+Number works fine. Though it means I only use the first 4 or so (Shift-7 is an awkward reach, and not even really necessary anyways).



- There is no freedom of choice in this game, and the difference between good and evil is that evil simply kills everyone, while good talks to them a bit and then kills everyone. Lovely roleplay.


Is this really any different than pretty much every CRPG out there?



- Being evil. The campaign is simply not made for it. Nothing should stop me from murdering peasants for a few gold coins if that is what I want, but this game stops me. It's nearly impossible to maintain an evil alignment in this game to keep, say, assassin or blackguard class features within the frames of roleplay. The "evil" dialog options are mostly just obnoxious or rude. Rude does not equal evil. I'm rude. And obnoxious. But I'll give you a hand if you're drowning, and I will not ask for any compensation. In this game you end up inadvertently doing good deeds to just advance the plot.


I'm not sure I understand. He just genuinely performed a good deed by saving someone's life, and gets some Good points for it. It's not like it put him all the way to full Good! I played an Evil Rogue/Assassin, and they still did the odd Good deed. But it didn't suddenly make my character something other than Evil.



- The quests are all regurgitated nonsense that we saw in NWN. Go to area A, kill baddie B, and bring quest token Q to move on. Only this time you have the NPCs tag along with their...


Heh...welcome to CRPGs!



- The OC is non-multiplayable. It has dialog pauses, forced party transitions, a plot thoroughly incompatible with multiplayer (so which of the four of us is the main character?). Makes you remember how the NWN OC started perfectly compatible with multiplayer - a few friends in a city's military academy called to serve their homeland. Great hook! Everyone is equal, everyone can complete the tasks, and the plot is not character related. In NWN2, most dialogs make no sense whatsoever unless initiated by the main character. Seeing how the developers specifically designed the OC to not be played in multiplayer, it is not surprising.


Meh. Never stopped me from playing BG and BG2 in multiplayer, and won't stop me from playing NWN2 in multiplayer.




The guy is a moron.

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The first NWN was big because of what other people could make to turn it into a good game, NWN with out online play well blew, so Bioware made a game that allowed to them let it suck and leave it up to its fanboys to make good. NWN2 who cares, i thought both well kinda sucked. Give me time and allow me to create a world and galexy around KoToR, and I bet it would be just as big as NWN was.  I played NWN for awhile and all it always seem the same and boring. 


I got this from the guys rant


"The icons are about as informative as C3PO's beeps"


Not our fault the guy can't understand Droid.


Or know that C3PO is actually quite articulate, whereas R2-D2 can't communicate in anything other than beeps or squeals.

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Actually that guy is right and I agree with about 80% of his points.


NWN2 is really a load of garbage and I find it shocking that any company can put this on the shelves and still be able to sleep at night.



Yes, all those people sending their copies back to Atari support your (very reasonalbe and reasoned) views ..! /sarcasm




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I have dedided not to get neverwinter nights 2. My reasons after fidling around with it a bit on a friend's computer :


1. Plot revolving NPCs forced on you, this rubs me the wrong way.

2. No permadeath, this breeds indifference.

4. Bad selection and camera controls, the awkwardness never wore off.

3. Disapointing graphics. I need to be able to have my main character 'just so', 50 different choices of ugly isen't doing it for me.


I think youve made the correct decision. I regret buying this game at all (and I regret even more that I bought the LE)

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Actually that guy is right and I agree with about 80% of his points.


NWN2 is really a load of garbage and I find it shocking that any company can put this on the shelves and still be able to sleep at night.



Yes, all those people sending their copies back to Atari support your (very reasonalbe and reasoned) views ..! /sarcasm


I dont know anything about people returning copies to Atari.

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Roshan: You never stated your specs. Care to post them?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It's induction.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Roshan: You never stated your specs. Care to post them?


Mobility Radeon 9800 256 MB

Pentium 4 3.0 GHZ

1024 mb RAM


The game actually runs fairly well on my aged system considering the great graphics(both interior and exterior). The only bad thing about the graphics are the pc models which are absolutely disgusting. The NPC character models on the other hand are decent. Animations are horrid all around.

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Actually that guy is right and I agree with about 80% of his points.


NWN2 is really a load of garbage and I find it shocking that any company can put this on the shelves and still be able to sleep at night.



Then I share the same disdain for your opinion. Or at least 80% of the disdain. COmplaining because the game has similiarities to KOTOR. Wow.

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