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NWN2: Toolset Creations


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So what has everyone been up to in the toolset? When I uninstalled the pre-release toolset to install NWN it deleted all the modules I had made with that.. which I was not happy about by the way... So I took a look at my original world and tried to see if there were any major cities that I could use the whole cliff/lake design on, or cities I haven't even thought about yet, and I found a nice one. So here's the beginning of Hillwater, capital city of Reimar.




I don't know why part of the cliff has that big black mark on it. And this is just the view from Merchant's Isle. I've also started on the slums of the Northgate, and the Castle District has most of the buildings placed. Still needs some heavy texture work, and there are pretty much no props placed other than some buildings. With the game out its nice to be able to launch it in the game and walk around, and I'm slowly getting the hang of some of the finer points of the toolset.

Edited by Fionavar
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Wow, that looks neat :D


I'm almost tempted to learn how to use this... once I finally beat the game of course. :)


I hear Bradygames made a guide just for the toolset >_<

They did and it's a good read. Even list all of the item codes and such. For those making a store mod I would guess. ^_^


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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While I haven't really done anything with the toolset, I'm thinking of modding the OC (with mostly extra dialogue options) to make NPCs react in more ways to the character you create, and to decisions you make during the game. It's still just an idea, though.

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I may be tempted to give NWN2 mod creation a try. Looks like fun.

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I am going to finish the game first then jump in and make a mod. I am going to buy that Builder's Guide to see if that will help out. I want to make a full sized city that has a population of 75,000 people (roughly).

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


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Wow, that looks neat :D


I'm almost tempted to learn how to use this... once I finally beat the game of course. :thumbsup:


I hear Bradygames made a guide just for the toolset :(




An introduction to C++ would serve you better.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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I never cared much for mod making, I don't mind throwing togeather enviroments for a session with friends but nothing major... No SP stuff like Penultima.


I just don't find NWN's Toolset to be very advanced, I always want direct access to the engine proper, and thus end up frustrated.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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Nick and me will be making a mod where you play a time-travelling lizard. It'll be called The Chosen One Must Choose. We might do a second mod called 1001 Creative Ways to Eviscerate Deekin.


Sounds great.... :crazy:



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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I am going to finish the game first then jump in and make a mod.  I am going to buy that Builder's Guide to see if that will help out.  I want to make a full sized city that has a population of 75,000 people (roughly).


Good luck with that.


I hear Bradygames made a guide just for the toolset


Anyone know where I can find this?

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I liked the NWN1 module guide. It helped a lot (though of course I have yet to finish a mod, r00fles!).


If the NWN2 guidebook EVER comes to town, I'll buy it as well. I'm sure it's useful.


The NWN2 toolset seems very cool; but between the camera and the lack of ability to actually view an entire area at once (unless I'm missing a way to do so) is not cool. Not to mention, the annoyance of not being able to undo stuff easily. I'd like to be able to right click on soemthing and then choose 'erase'. Is that so much to ask?


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I always thought the NWN2 toolset would come with some sort of a tutorial system anyway.


You mean like the "nwn2toolsethelp.html" file that is in the documentation folder in your NWN2 directory?


It's basically a manual I guess. Text and pictures. Not sure if that was what you're referring to, but it's something.

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I always thought the NWN2 toolset would come with some sort of a tutorial system anyway.


You mean like the "nwn2toolsethelp.html" file that is in the documentation folder in your NWN2 directory?


It's basically a manual I guess. Text and pictures. Not sure if that was what you're referring to, but it's something.

I don't own NWN2 yet, so I had no clue what content the manual has.


I do have some art skills, so creating terrain, normal maps and art assets (if Maya is supported?) should be no problem. I'm more inclined to know how the scripting stuff works. On which language is it based? Does it lend more towards Java/C++, or is it simplified?

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Seriously, does anyone know how to 'undo' things that were added to the module far back? It be very useful. And, a way to view an entire area in the toolset at once as I'd like to be able to judge the 'look' of an area completely. :)

Edited by Volourn


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Well you could press Ctrl-Z for Undo. Lawl. That's at least standard in most applications. Maybe what you mean is a History for Undo? Listen Obsidian! That's the next feature you have to implement!

As for the view: Hard to tell since I don't have it yet. But most 3D editors use a Side-Top-Front-Perspective view. With that, you certainly should be able to have some glimpse of the map.

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There is an undo button; but it only undoes the latest additions. I'll try Ctrl-Z.


And, yeah, you can see the area; but not the whole thing. Depending what you are looking at; parts of it will 'vanish'/move off screen. I'd like a view like the 'over the top' method ala NWN toolset where you can see the whole area. If that's even possible with the new age toolset.


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