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NWN2: Forumite Impressions


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"IWD nailed claustrophobia down."


No, it didn't. I didn't find it claustrophoic at all.


And, Wtacher's Tower was just as good as Durlag's Tower. DT also had at least one way IIRC to exit it early.





Besdies, are all 'dunegons' made to be the same? Both of these dungeons had different purposes when they were created. taht's why theyt're different. Duh.


Wasnt watchers keep made to imprison demogorgon or the watcher or whatever? Why should a prison be decorated like the venue of a Christmas party?

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Wasnt watchers keep made to imprison demogorgon or the watcher or whatever? Why should a prison be decorated like the venue of a Christmas party?


Because trhe uppermost floor was really more of a temple?


Because Demogorgon is really only at the bottom and all the other floors had people livign in them before?


Because it's a Keep recently run over by monsters, not a manifestation of the lower planes?


It was suitably "decorated" IMO. It wasn't "Christmas" anywhere.

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My impressions, even though I still didn't finish the game:


The good stuff:


* Kudos for the good spanish translation. It's way way (light years) better than Kotor 2. For next games, please use the same guys, and please try and run quality checks before the game is actually released to pinpoint what could be rather important mistakes. Male/Female lines seem to be correct. *phew* :lol:


* Nice graphics, it was very refreshing to see this kind of details in everything!


* NPC interaction is back!


* Great idea to create a stronghold, and great idea to be able to "run" it.


* Nice storyline (though some more side quests wouldn't hurt).


* D&D 3.5! I'm having a blast with my paladin-sorceress :)


* Amazing feats/skills/spell selection. You can really appreciate all the hard work you put in this game when you level up and have a hard time choosing between all this different things.




The bad stuff:


* Linear. SO linear it's painful.


* I hate to have people I don't want in my party. You should give people the *choice* of adding NPCs, no, I don't want that sorceress, I said no, 20 times, and even then it was "invited" into the tavern

Spanish translator.


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"hope you're not suggesting that NWN1 had "Npc interaction"... :)) "


Yup, sure am. You'd have to be completely blind, bias, or a liar to not know or to admit it. It's quality can be debated; but it's existence is a FACT.


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Is the choice between "yes, I like you" and "shut your face" really interaction?

You could have given an option on the settings menu to disable or enable interparty dialogue instead. Because it would have been eerily similar.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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And so it is that Volourn will never, ever, die.


I felt that places like Skymirror, Druid's Clearing, Dwarven Stronghold and other areas could have been made so that you could go anytime you wanted; but even then, there weren't enough of De'Arnise Keep style places - not directly related to the storyline but a big mini-quest and map that is more self-contained. That's why it felt so linear imo - those are the ones where you have more opportunities for choices inside the quest, as well, since they don't break anything else.

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It also had 3 more talkative HENCHMEN in SOU, and 2 HENCHMEN in HOTU that were talkative with both you, and eahc other. The OC had EXPERT HIRELINGS whoe evn told ya their life history and gave you quests that they would reward you if you successfully did so.


Game over.


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...found the party limit cheat...no need fer Khelgar ta e'er leave now!!... :joy:










A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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No problems with getting the patch installed. Whew.


Upgraded from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 with slightly better performance. Not too shabby. I did tweak a few settings though and found a good combo to get an average of 30 FPS zoomed all the way out and spinning 360 degrees over West Harbor's fair. (This is double the FPS I had previously at 1024x768. Major difference.)


- Bloom: disabled (made everything look overexposed anyway, especially on a LCD monitor with 300:1 contrast)

- Soft Shadows: disabled (unrealistic unless you cover the sun with plastic)

- All Filters: Linear (Linear looks just as good as Anisotropic with these medium-res textures and performs much faster)

- Antialiasing: x2 (better than nothing, x4 isn't enough of a difference to warrant the additional performance loss)

- Point Shadows: disabled (shadows are more expensive than lights)

- Shadows: None (character/environment shadows are expensive and ugly, even with high shadow resolution; drop shadows are non-descript circles. Still too expensive.)


All else is enabled, set to max (texture quality), or ignored (shadow resolutions).


Found a bug in the config already: the game swaps the values of the Tooltip Delay and Context Menu delay when it reads/writes NWPLAYER.INI. No biggie, but you'll see them shown in the wrong sliders in Options. So for now adjust Tooltip to modify your Context delay, and adjust Context to modify your Tooltip delay. :aiee:


That's about it. Played just long enough to tweak my video settings for best FPS. Also helps that I OCed my CPU from 2Ghz to 2.22Ghz.

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