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KotOR2 confirmed at 1Up.com

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Sounds like a win-win situation to me...


Obsidian get the benefit of using an established engine, setting and role-playing system, with a massive built in fan-base, which will almost guarentee them a big hit with their first title.


Bioware can concentrate on creating new engines, technologies and IPs. If KOTOR 2 is disappointing, then its Obsidian's fault. If it's a mega-seller it will still have Bioware stamped over every box and title screen.

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I don't think it would take a lot to correct my personal gripes with the game. The controls, some of these guys *must* have played Unreal Tournament. The tiny maps. Give us a bigger areas please. Lots of bland npcs. Cut the numbers and make the remaining ones more interesting. Oh, and the voiceacting was outright bad in most cases. Jennifer Hale really disappointed. The few good actors (like Mission, Jolee and Carth) should get the parts for a reduced cast of npcs. Like I said, nothing really earth shattering. Wonder if these guys (Obsidian) do any kind of "surveys" when they design a game, especially a sequel (assuming the rumours are true), or simply do what they think people want ? Or does their publisher do something like that ? :)


Oh, and I positively hated the end part with the constantly respawning enemies, sheesh guys, what were you thinking. Almost ruined my impression of a fun game. Hopefully, Obsidian doesn't include that in a sequel (again, if it's a sequel) B)


Time to lean back, wait and see what comes out, cross my fingers and hope it will be a game with the depth of Torment meeting the polished graphics of the Odyssey engine... :)


Edit: Does anybody know why Bioware made the game 2D when the engine appears to (at least judging by the cutscenes) support 3D ?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh, and the voiceacting was outright bad in most cases. Jennifer Hale really disappointed.

I can't agree with that. The voice acting was almost perfect. Perhaps the most impressive in any game to date. The actors fit their characters like a glove, with Jennifer Hale being one of the best. I certainly wasn't disappointed by any of the voices.


Oh, and I positively hated the end part with the constantly respawning enemies, sheesh guys, what were you thinking.


I actually quite liked this part, which is strange since I dislike mindless action in an RPG, but the relentless attacks made it clear you were now a force to be reckoned with, with waves of jedi and soldiers falling before your power. Admittedly, this slaughter works best if you've chosen the dark side. I felt it was a chore as a lightsider, only there to slow your progress, but dark-side it's great to mow down all those enemies.

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Thing is kotor was like an interactive movie.. great the first time around.. but after you've watched it the first time it does nothing for you second time.


This can be said of Bioware games on a whole. They tend to focus on story, and its production values.


Bioware can concentrate on creating new engines, technologies and IPs. If KOTOR 2 is disappointing, then its Obsidian's fault. If it's a mega-seller it will still have Bioware stamped over every box and title screen.


I'm almost willing to bet that, if the game turns out to be not as good as KoTOR, it'll be Obsidian's fault; but if it turns out to be better, people will attribute the achievement to Bioware instead of Obsidian.


Then again, we still haven't been clued on what Obsidian's contribution to the game would be.

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I can't agree with that. The voice acting was almost perfect. Perhaps the most impressive in any game to date. The actors fit their characters like a glove, with Jennifer Hale being one of the best. I certainly wasn't disappointed by any of the voices.


Sure she has a nice voice, but she is not really "

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I am so disappointed with Obsidian. I thought they were do something that would be worthwhile and not a Bioware-hand-me-down. Oh well. I guess they aren't up to the task of making something original.

Yes, a fledgling company starting out with a powerhouse, name-brand license. Whatever were they thinking?




We all know in Visceris Land devs don't need MONEY to run their company. It's just as simple as snapping your fingers and voila! you've got all the resources necessary to make an original RPG setting from scratch.




And you write for the gaming industry? That's kind of scary, considering you appear to be one of the most uninformed, naive gamers around. Oh well.

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Taste is one of those things that people rarely share 100%. Mine is just different in this case. A brilliant crpg would have offered alternatives

Fair enough... but I think the purpose of spawning enemies (on the Star Forge) is to create an epic feel that would be lost if you simply went through a few doors, destroyed some droids, and there was Malak waiting for you.


Consider for a moment the final section of PS:Torment, when you're in the Fortress of Regrets and the True Shadows are hunting you down - imagine if you immediately confronted the Transcendent One without facing them? Yes you can avoid the shadows, but they are there for the same reason as the Dark Jedi - another obstacle before the main enemy. It's a matter of taste, like you said, but almost all games become hack n' slash during the final stages.


Now the guy that played Carth -he was *really* annoying.

I'm not a fan of Carth, but he was a well-written and performed character. He was just too annoying. If that was Bioware's intention then they succeeded admirably. I'm unsure what the point of his negative attitude was. Not trusting people shouldn't automatically make you a whiner. The actor did a fine job given the material. Not much to work with there other than to complain most of the time.

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Yes, a fledgling company starting out with a powerhouse, name-brand license. Whatever were they thinking?

Even if its true that developers cannot throw away games oportunities there is also a issue of reputation.


If OE make SWKotOR2, then makes a NwN expansion and then makes Fallout 3 what publishers will see on OE is a company that makes RPG sequels and add ons and not a company that makes new RPGs.


Reputation goes a long way, look at BioWare that is known as a RPG developer of established IP, Jade Empire will determine if BioWare can make games based on their IP ... if JE fails you can bet BioWare will be not in the top of the list of a publisher looking for a RPG game, after all BioWare did made Shattered Steel and I dont seen MS giving BioWare a MechWarrior game to be developed by then.


Another thing, games are best developed by the people that created the IP, the best Star Wars games were done back when LucasArts had deveopment teams (TIE Fighter for example).

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If OE make SWKotOR2, then makes a NwN expansion and then makes Fallout 3 what publishers will see on OE is a company that makes RPG sequels and add ons and not a company that makes new RPGs.
Or... OE can make SWKotor2, make it a smashing success, prove that they're a capable group of developers, and with the profits they earn from Kotor2 create their own IP.


Assumptions are great aren't they?


Another thing, games are best developed by the people that created the IP, the best Star Wars games were done back when LucasArts had deveopment teams (TIE Fighter for example).


So we should get TSR - o wait, they don't exist anymore - I mean WoTC to create all the D&D CRPGs in the future? We should get Ed Greenwood to design every new FR game?


Yeah. Right.


if JE fails you can bet BioWare will be not in the top of the list of a publisher looking for a RPG game, after all BioWare did made Shattered Steel and I dont seen MS giving BioWare a MechWarrior game to be developed by then.


Even if JE fails Bioware still has a damn respectable resume behind them, and really that's part of the point here. KOTOR2 is much less likely to fail financially than an IP simply by virtue of its brand name, and being a new company OE really can't afford to fail. In the unlikely event that KOTOR2 is a dud, then OE will burn. But if KOTOR2 is a success, then OE is in a much better position to pursue their own IP both financially and reputationally - after all, they'd at least have one good game on their resume then.


Not to mention the prestige of being trusted with one of the most successful RPGs ever.


As for Troika:


They made Arcanum.


It flopped.


They then tried to develop ToEE in a short period of time to make up for Arcanum.


It was crap.


Now they're working on someone else's IP.


'Nuff said.

There are doors

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Arcanum was a good game.


Judas, if Obsidian wants a reputation of making hand-me-down games that is their business. Frankly I was hoping for something original first, then KotOR 2. KotOR 2 was inevitable, it just shouldn't be Obsidian's first game.

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Arcanum was a good game.


Judas, if Obsidian wants a reputation of making hand-me-down games that is their business. Frankly I was hoping for something original first, then KotOR 2. KotOR 2 was inevitable, it just shouldn't be Obsidian's first game.

I'm glad Obsidian doesn't give a crap if you think they're doing "hand-me-downs" or not. Their reputation will be based on how good a game they can make, no matter what the title of the game will be. Ok, I didn't want a KotOR2 personally, but it will not hurt their reputation in any way. It will probably only boost their popularity and fame.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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In an ideal world, I'd have Obsidian make their own IP game; BIO develop KOTOR2, and we all live ahppily with two games. Ohw ell.. However, to say this is a bad decision by Obsidian is just plain silly. Unless they completely screw up - which i doubt - KOTOR2 will be well recieved. I mean, *all* they have to do is stick with the KOTOR forumla but improve upon it; and voila instant better game. I'll be disappointed if KOTOR2 *isn't* better than KOTOR1.


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Arcanum was a good game.


Judas, if Obsidian wants a reputation of making hand-me-down games that is their business. Frankly I was hoping for something original first, then KotOR 2. KotOR 2 was inevitable, it just shouldn't be Obsidian's first game.

A good, solid game will be a VERY good thing for Obsidian.... even if it's a "hand me down".


"if" KotOR 2 is a well made game, that's ALL that will matter as it will show that Obsidian can make good games, will likely put a fair bit of coin in their accounts and will start giving them a good rep.


The fact that it's KotOR2 makes these even more likely.... assuming the game isn't a total bomb.


It's a very smart tactical move in my opinion.


Once they get established, THEN they can start making original games, and with the rep KotOR 2 will surely bring them... will likely get these games more exposure.


Which is a good thing... we want MORE rpg producing companies, not less.... and I think we can all agree that Trokia isn't off to a stellar start...

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Arcanum was a good game.


Judas, if Obsidian wants a reputation of making hand-me-down games that is their business. Frankly I was hoping for something original first, then KotOR 2. KotOR 2 was inevitable, it just shouldn't be Obsidian's first game.

Right now the game industry is dominated by licensed or established settings. Why? Because the cost of developing a game and getting it into retail is so high that publishers feel they need a "hook" to sell a game. Established settings have a potentially built in audience to draw on.


I think OE made a great choice here. Establish themselves with a relationship to a good dev like Bioware, use an established setting, then do your original stuff down the road. Fargo's InXile is doing the same thing with the Bard's Tale setting.


In an ideal world we'd see a nice mix of original and sequel games, but that's not the reality now in this industry. The movie industry would be the same way if if weren't for the star power of individual actors who can draw to any project. With so few "star" individuals (Sid Meier can do whatever he wants, for example) it's setting and sometimes developer reputation (i.e. Blizzard or Bioware) that sells games. In that environment, establishing a good rep is OE's most likely path to success.

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I think OE made a great choice here. Establish themselves with a relationship to a good dev like Bioware, use an established setting, then do your original stuff down the road. Fargo's InXile is doing the same thing with the Bard's Tale setting.


In an ideal world we'd see a nice mix of original and sequel games, but that's not the reality now in this industry. The movie industry would be the same way if if weren't for the star power of individual actors who can draw to any project. With so few "star" individuals (Sid Meier can do whatever he wants, for example) it's setting and sometimes developer reputation (i.e. Blizzard or Bioware) that sells games. In that environment, establishing a good rep is OE's most likely path to success.

They couldnt really ask for a better first bite of the cherry for a new company.


Hollywood stars get paid obscene amounts of money so funding an "art" film is more like a hobby.

Companies rarely have that sort of funding on an individual basis (the money belongs to the company not an individual). Even if it is the case then it also has to be something that the person with the money wants to do.


Possibly. However just because you have a hit with a big name it dosnt mean that you will get a hit with something original just because its made by the same people. This is why Jade Empire is going to be interesting. Up till now Bioware have been existing on license properties for their big sellers. Jade Empire is their first original concept (since the MDK days).


The ideal would probably be Squenix. They have a franchise thats as recognised, or possibly more recognised than D&D and its all theirs. Thats probably the ultimate dream for any developer I would imagine.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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[Now the guy that played Carth -he was *really* annoying.

True :D


But it was convincingly annoying :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Consider for a moment the final section of PS:Torment, when you're in the Fortress of Regrets and the True Shadows are hunting you down - imagine if you immediately confronted the Transcendent One without facing them? Yes you can avoid the shadows, but they are there for the same reason as the Dark Jedi - another obstacle before the main enemy. It's a matter of taste, like you said, but almost all games become hack n' slash during the final stages.

True. Not exactly my favourite part of that game either. I guess love makes blind, so I tend to forget that part of the game. In the case of Kotor, the thing that sprang to mind was the part of the original Starwars movie, where Obi-Wan disables the generators on the Death Star while Luke and company fights off endless hordes of stormtroopers. I would just have loved the option of a "sneaky"/Obi Wan way (sort of like in Thief) to get to the final destination. They did all end up in the Hangar with Darth Vader anyway (The master and pupil conflict). Yes, I know, it wasn't *the* end part of the movie, but still a tiny epic part. Just wishful thinking :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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In an ideal world, I'd have Obsidian make their own IP game; BIO develop KOTOR2, and we all live ahppily with two games. Ohw ell.. However, to say this is a bad decision by Obsidian is just plain silly. Unless they completely screw up - which i doubt - KOTOR2 will be well recieved. I mean, *all* they have to do is stick with the KOTOR forumla but improve upon it; and voila instant better game. I'll be disappointed if KOTOR2 *isn't* better than KOTOR1.

It's going to be interesting to see if they can pull off the same character/NPC interaction and story without sticking an amnesiac pre gen in there. It worked in KOTOR but if its done in KOTOR II its going to be incredibly lame because everyone is going to be clued in from the start.


The problem with SW is the Jedi are so far beyond your average character that any major conflict is either going to have to include them, or exclude them completely. It's not like D&D where you can be a child of Bhaal and still be any of of the permited character classes and or races without it making a difference.


Its going to be quite a challenge to even pull off a BG level of freedom within the SW universe.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Hand me down? KOTOR possibly one of the best RGP's ever is hardly a hand me down.


Good work Devs.

I agree that it's a great RPG; plus, it's a really good Star Wars story, something we haven't seen in years. It's also gonna be a great money-maker for Obsidian, which makes me happy. I just hope it's a little tougher and a little less "console-ey" this time.


Hades, you hate Life cereal, don't you?

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