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Why did you join he military?

Kaftan Barlast

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Brilliant! Just remember not to end every sentence with "eh" and you should be near unCanadiable! :))


In real life I end every sentence with a blood-curdling scream.


And my own reason was something along the lines of 'I don't see anyone else stepping forward and SOMEONE had better do it or we're all shafted.'

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I was kicked out of my house because my pregnant sister needed the extra room, and my mother spent my college money, and still justified kicking me out. So here I am, nearly graduating highschool about to be homeless in need of a career to get me on my feet ASAP.


A brother in law was in the marines and he felt that was fun so I thought I'd give it a try for few years as a reservist. I talked to the guys, I was going to be in logistics blah blah blah something important sounding where I was probably going to be a plumber. I took the physical, the test and I came back into town to just sign the paper.


While I sat down to sign up, the commanding **** started to bitch at me for only being a reservist, how I was weak and should do Fulltime, how Ill still have plenty of time to do what I want to do. He got in my face and intimidated me.


I slamed the pen and Walked out. He followed and apologized, and I got to my car. They harrassed me at highschool for a week, and then I graduated. I found a job painting making good money, and a cheap apartment that was huge.

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Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

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I was kicked out of my house because my pregnant sister needed the extra room, and my mother spent my college money, and still justified kicking me out. So here I am, nearly graduating highschool about to be homeless in need of a career to get me on my feet ASAP.


A brother in law was in the marines and he felt that was fun so I thought I'd give it a try for few years as a reservist. I talked to the guys, I was going to be in logistics blah blah blah  something important sounding where I was probably going to be a plumber.  I took the physical, the test and I came back into town to just sign the paper.


While I sat down to sign up, the commanding **** started to bitch at me for only being a reservist, how I was weak and should do Fulltime, how Ill still have plenty of time to do what I want to do. He got in my face and intimidated me.


I slamed the pen and Walked out. He followed and apologized, and I got to my car. They  harrassed me at highschool for a week, and then I graduated. I found a job painting making good money, and a cheap apartment that was huge.


Independent plumbers make good money. Like the industry standard is like 40$/hour. And since nobody studies plumbing anymore there will be a huge shortage of plumbers soon.

It's off topic but I'm always bothered by plumber bashing. It's decent, essential work and you have genuine opportunities to help people. Or screw them, whatever floats your boat(that was my link to the Navy so I'd be on topic).

Edited by astr0creep
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Yeah! Look where it got Hades! (w00t)


@astr0creep: Yeah, but plumbers are evil. Many of the things plumbers do ordinary homeowners could easily do themselves if they took the time to learn how. Trouble is, many people don't have the time or are just too lazy to do it themselves, or in some cases, are physicaly unable.

Edited by Mothman
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Also, plumbing yourself comes with the extra risk of destroying your entire house if something goes wrong.

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Also, plumbing yourself comes with the extra risk of destroying your entire house if something goes wrong.

Um, yeah, but the chances of that happening are pretty minute, especially if you know what you're doing. Heck, my dad and I just installed two toilets in our house ourselves. It wasn't really that hard, and we saved ourselves money by doing so.


Um, back on topic, my sister is currently in the Air Force, she considers it to be one of the best decisions she's made. She just graduated from tech school in Texas at the top of her class and is now working at a local base. And she has a college degree in psychology, by the way.

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Um, yeah, but the chances of that happening are pretty minute, especially if you know what you're doing.

the problem is that a) not everyone is capable of learning (as you've noted) and b) not everyone has the time to learn.


Um, back on topic, my sister is currently in the Air Force, she considers it to be one of the best decisions she's made.  She just graduated from tech school in Texas at the top of her class and is now working at a local base.  And she has a college degree in psychology, by the way.

my brother is a marine. served in the first iraq "war" as an amtrack mechanic. he's now a diesel mechanic for cummins. unfortunately, it's union work so the fact that he's the top mechanic in his shop is meaningless. he'll probably start his own business some day (i think they want him to take the shop steward's position when the current one retires).



comrade taks... just because.

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Taks, that is why I didn't mix well with the Navy.  Add to the fact they were too freaking structured and did the most inane things like scrapping off perfectly good paint on the side of the ship jus to paint it the same color.

given what little i know about you, this does not surprise me. the mindless tasks, btw, would bother me, too.


it was a perfect fit for my brother, however, as he was a little lacking in direction at the time. his personality changed rather radically, too. a change that is still evident today (he's been out 10 years or so). of course, this was the marines, and they are decidedly more intense than the others. i think basic training was 11 weeks with about 5 weeks of advanced infantry training at camp pendleton afterwards. THEN he went to school for his MO.



comrade taks... just because.

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I should just mention that theyve closed the officer schools in Sweden, no new officers are being trained. Now all we have to do is to sell our tanks and stuff to Finland, make underwear of camouflage clothing, and close down all the bases and turn them into amusement parks where people can come in and use whatever munitions are left to blow **** up ;))




my sister is currently in the Air Force, she considers it to be one of the best decisions she's made.  She just graduated from tech school in Texas at the top of her class and is now working at a local base.And she has a college degree in psychology, by the way.



So shes gonna be one of those people who ride around in helicopters over Iraq saying "all insurgents have small penises" over the PA in order to break the very minds and souls of the opposition?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I'm philosophically opposed to killing other human beings as a way to solve a difference of opinion (particularly as these differences in opnion are usually limited to the politicians who send you off to kill and die while they inevitably sit comfortably back home), so I have never and would never join the army unless perhaps if some invading force had sworn it would kill every man, woman and child in my country, and even then I'd think seriously about fleeing the country instead.


Honestly, joining any organisation that can potentially send you off to die in the hell holes of the world for no good reason and without any say in it yourself is strictly for loonies, IMO.

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I was kicked out of my house because my pregnant sister needed the extra room, and my mother spent my college money, and still justified kicking me out. So here I am, nearly graduating highschool about to be homeless in need of a career to get me on my feet ASAP.


A brother in law was in the marines and he felt that was fun so I thought I'd give it a try for few years as a reservist. I talked to the guys, I was going to be in logistics blah blah blah  something important sounding where I was probably going to be a plumber.  I took the physical, the test and I came back into town to just sign the paper.


While I sat down to sign up, the commanding **** started to bitch at me for only being a reservist, how I was weak and should do Fulltime, how Ill still have plenty of time to do what I want to do. He got in my face and intimidated me.


I slamed the pen and Walked out. He followed and apologized, and I got to my car. They  harrassed me at highschool for a week, and then I graduated. I found a job painting making good money, and a cheap apartment that was huge.



Haha I bet he felt like a twit.

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I was kicked out of my house because my pregnant sister needed the extra room, and my mother spent my college money, and still justified kicking me out. So here I am, nearly graduating highschool about to be homeless in need of a career to get me on my feet ASAP.


A brother in law was in the marines and he felt that was fun so I thought I'd give it a try for few years as a reservist. I talked to the guys, I was going to be in logistics blah blah blah  something important sounding where I was probably going to be a plumber.  I took the physical, the test and I came back into town to just sign the paper.


While I sat down to sign up, the commanding **** started to bitch at me for only being a reservist, how I was weak and should do Fulltime, how Ill still have plenty of time to do what I want to do. He got in my face and intimidated me.


I slamed the pen and Walked out. He followed and apologized, and I got to my car. They  harrassed me at highschool for a week, and then I graduated. I found a job painting making good money, and a cheap apartment that was huge.


Independent plumbers make good money. Like the industry standard is like 40$/hour. And since nobody studies plumbing anymore there will be a huge shortage of plumbers soon.

It's off topic but I'm always bothered by plumber bashing. It's decent, essential work and you have genuine opportunities to help people. Or screw them, whatever floats your boat(that was my link to the Navy so I'd be on topic).

No offense Astrocreep to plumbers, I know they make a great living. Its just that my friend signed up for the airforce to be something fancy and actualy became a plumber. His military career was switched without his knowledge and as soon as you could say **** he was a plumber in the military. Wasn't his ideal job at the time is all.

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

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Honestly, joining any organisation that can potentially send you off to die in the hell holes of the world for no good reason and without any say in it yourself is strictly for loonies, IMO.


If you are willing to own a slave, then you must be able to endure being a slave. If you are willing to hate, then be able to endure being hated. If you are willing to send others to war, then you must be able to endure the horrors and scars of war.

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Haha I bet he felt like a twit.

I hope so. Not to mention it was some other officer trying to sign me up, so the head one lost this guys recruit, me.


A week ago I got a call from the Army which was trying to recruit me. I was on a lunchbreak when he called. I asked him how he got my number and he said he recieved it from the college i went to. So the military buys my private information from the college to get rectruits. I told him "if i wanted to join the army I'd contact him, leave me alone - bye" Click.

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

Myspace Website!

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OMG!!1 Big, uniform-clad hunks stalking you day and night! The wet dream of uh... some people I'm sure.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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DemonKing, would you mind carrying some kind of sign so I can tell my mates not to bother saving your ass? :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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