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Should women be allowed


Same as the title.  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Same as the title.

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Only when all the men are dead.

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What Di said about draft etc, I agree with also.


In terms of the voluntary aspect - there's more social training (or whatever) that encourages males vs. females and thus (so far) less females have a desire to be career military (or any military...). But if a gal wants to, signs up, and passes all the training/tests/whatever (and then there's combat during her service), she should be allowed, most certainly.


It's like in LoTR films, where that lady says in reference to the hobbit, 'why should he not be allowed to fight for/with his friends/cause also?' (I'm paraphrasing...)

Edited by LadyCrimson
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just as long as they don't start screwing after a battle...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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the biggest problem with it is the way men are wired.

men will seek to protect women even if it does not make military sense to do so.


also, if a man and a woman are both captured, a man will go through great lengths to see that the woman is not tortured, possibly compromising the mission at hand.


in short: NO, women should not be allowed to serve in Combat Arms divsions of the military.


support roles (as now) are a bit different.

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I'd have a hard time shooting a woman. Especially if she was cute.

No you wouldn't. Ask any VietNam vet who has seen an adorable female sidle up and try to drop a grenade into a friend's jeep if he had the slightest hesitation in pulling the trigger to stop her. War is hell. In war, their are only two kinds of people... those who are enemies and those who are not.


As for the quetion, of course women should be allowed in combat. And if there is ever another involuntary draft, God forbid, women should be drafted right along side their male counterparts. It is entirely unfair, IMHO, to ask half of our society to do all the fighting and dying so the other half can sit at home playing Rosie the Riveter and making goo-goo eyes at all the 4-F males who slipped under the radar.


Ladies, please don't stone me. I have both sons and daughters; I believe they have equal responsibility for and in this society, and that includes equal responsibility to protect it militarily.

I would add that, considering the ad hoc tactics nearly ALL militia have




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the biggest problem with it is the way men are wired.

men will seek to protect women even if it does not make military sense to do so.


**** that.

I'd be too preoccupied saving my own ass.


I had a female sarge on a power trip in my platoon, it wasn't pretty. (neither was she)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Catholic school girl outfits with M16 assault rifles? Neat.

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Allow me to bring up something from the previous page.


I'd have a hard time shooting a woman. Especially if she was cute.

No you wouldn't. Ask any VietNam vet who has seen an adorable female sidle up and try to drop a grenade into a friend's jeep if he had the slightest hesitation in pulling the trigger to stop her. War is hell. In war, their are only two kinds of people... those who are enemies and those who are not.


You don't know if he would have a hard time shooting someone or not. Not everyone reacts the same way.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I'm all for women in combat roles, if and when they are just as able as any male soldier. The point of the military is not to be a fair, humane, and egalitarian organisation. The idea is to, if it comes to that, win wars by whatever means necessary. You can't have a military unit's operational ability compromised or reduced just because everyone wants in. If they don't reduce training regimes and application requirements for cripples and morbidly obese male applicants, why should they for women?



You don't know if he would have a hard time shooting someone or not.  Not everyone reacts the same way.
That may be true, but I'm inclined to believe that live fire tends to bring out the best (worst?) of our animal instincts. Chances are you'd shoot first, realize it's a woman later.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Israel, that is considered one of the best trained armies in the world, has compulsory draft for all men and women (alright not ALL, there are exceptions, but most). They seem to be doing fine.


Of course, the women only have two years of mandatory conscription where the men has three, but still.

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If you don't already recognize the desire for power that some people have, I probably can't explain it to you anyways.


Especially given the medieval context of chivalry and the decided lack of paperwork that would have existed in owning a slave.

Edited by alanschu
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Uh huh.


Thankfully, there are those that are interested in our society that are interested enough in social and economic power to finance the video games we like to play.

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