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Battlestar Galactica RPG??


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There was a Dr Who RPG at one time.


It's kind of limited though unless they just set it completely independent and allow you to have your own doctor.


In the new series Doc gets it on with Rose frequently. Thats what happens when you have Casanova playing the Dr.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Unfortunately Mickey is suppose to join the TARDIS crew. :p


At least that is what I last heard. Last time I played the Doctor Who PnP game I played a Galifreyan technician who was working on a prototype TARDIS, which malfunctioned and caused me to crash into the Earth back in the 14th century where the other PCs came from. When I finally got the blasted machine to work, which i had to createt he parts from scratch while being in the middle ages, I took the party to 1999 at a Hawaiin Rave. It seemed that the Rave culture was getting infiltrated by an alien race who was using the Ravers as guinea pigs nanite based drugs and sensory enhancers. :blink:


It was a fairly wierd campaign

Edited by Judge Hades
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BSG is a pretty sweet series. Ive just watched the first two episodes of the second part of Season 2 and it was great.




Krookie: look to Galactic Civ 1& 2. Space, turnbased, combat. :)

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I got the miniseries, season 1, and season 2 of BSG on my harddrive.



We don't like piracy here. How are tv-shows different from games?


TV shows are free. it will be piracy once people start downloading the DVD version when it is released.

There is no difference from using Tivo or a vcr to downloading from the internet. As long as its not available on DVD.



I did the same as Hades and I will definitely buy season 2 anyway.

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Precisely, if you pay for the TV channel where a certain series is broadcast, you have every right to download episodes of it from the internet as long as the two versions are the same. It would not be legal to dowbload a DVDrip that has extra material that wasnt broadcast because you havent paid for that content.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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We don't like piracy here. How are tv-shows different from games?


Who said I pirate it? Digital recording off the tele which is no different from taping the show using a VCR. It is so nice that people assume that when someone has media on their computer its automatically pirated. :thumbsup:


I also own the DVD version of the Miniseries as well, and I plan on buying the DVDs of Season one and two as well. I like them on my harddrive because I can set up a playlist and just watch them straight through in a continuous storyline without flipping discs or moving tapes.

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The way I would set it up would be a party based system in which your character leads a squadron of viper pilots/soldiers. Special forces types, you know. It should use a CTB system that can be adapted for both space combat (which I would have it mimic the style as Homeworld 2) and fully 3D environment set up like Oblvion, but with a free roving camera so one can move around the area and get various angles..

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The way I would set it up would be a party based system in which your character leads a squadron of viper pilots/soldiers.  Special forces types, you know.  It should use a CTB system that can be adapted for both space combat (which I would have it mimic the style as Homeworld 2) and fully 3D environment set up like Oblvion, but with a free roving camera so one can move around the area and get various angles..


Oh you and your free camera!



Did anybody ever play Starwolves ?

It's a SpaceSim/RPG hybrid.


I got the Demo from Gamespot a few months back but I think it was only released in Europe.


Could be a good way to make BSG.

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Anyway, back on topic.


How would a BSG RPG work, play? Party based or FPS/RPG Hybrid or turn-based strat/RPG or OH, OHOoOH, X-COMmish!?


Unless they go for a game in which you play through the mini-series and first season (or whatever), I think it should be more strategic. I mean, you command a single Battlestar with the job of defending the civilian ships. I'd like to see you assign patrols, planning attacks on Cylon bases, making recon missions and so forth on a huge starmap with a *lot* of uncharted space that must be explored as you continue your quest for finding Earth.


The performance of the vipers would depend on the stats of the pilots flying them. You could take the place of Apollo or Starbuck during a battle and fly one yourself, but then you would have no operational control over the battle (as that falls to Adama or Tigh).


Could be great. Heck, it should be great :cool:

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Anyway, back on topic.


How would a BSG RPG work, play? Party based or FPS/RPG Hybrid or turn-based strat/RPG or OH, OHOoOH, X-COMmish!?


Unless they go for a game in which you play through the mini-series and first season (or whatever), I think it should be more strategic. I mean, you command a single Battlestar with the job of defending the civilian ships. I'd like to see you assign patrols, planning attacks on Cylon bases, making recon missions and so forth on a huge starmap with a *lot* of uncharted space that must be explored as you continue your quest for finding Earth.


The performance of the vipers would depend on the stats of the pilots flying them. You could take the place of Apollo or Starbuck during a battle and fly one yourself, but then you would have no operational control over the battle (as that falls to Adama or Tigh).


Could be great. Heck, it should be great :cool:


So a mix of Homeworld and Battlezone 2? Sound hellasweet to me! (w00t)

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Eh, the show never appealed to me. An RPG based on the game sounds a bit odd though, has there ever been a space ship combat turn based game?



An computer game was made over the Interceptor game. Turn based space ship combat/rpg hybrid :thumbsup:


Edit: And a fun game it was too.

Edited by Gorth

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Anyway, back on topic.


How would a BSG RPG work, play? Party based or FPS/RPG Hybrid or turn-based strat/RPG or OH, OHOoOH, X-COMmish!?


"Specifically, Moore told the Reporter he had toyed with the idea of a Galactica role-playing game "with Internet participation." "


we expect that it would work more like star wars galaxies. didn't get to watch much of season 2, but ain't the humans on some sorta planet now, under cylon control? set the game on the planet and lets you choose human or cylon options. got potential for space fights and terrestrial fights... or you could choose more social interactions rather than simply fighting the rebels or being the rebels.


regardless, "internet participation" in this day and age says mmorpg to Gromnir.


HA! Good Fun!

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