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Games make you do drugs


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Good thing I'm out of the "18-21" range. Of course, I was playing computer games between 18-21 years of age. I drank beer, which was perfectly legal for a serviceman overseas, but never did any pot.


If the findings in this study are legitimate, then the results will repeat. At any rate, I discard the study for two reasons.


First of all, we must compare the results in such studies to real life events that must undoubtedly reflect and reinforce the outcome. For instance, are violent crimes on the rise in relation to violent games? Are accidental deaths more common as a result of "risk taking?"


Second of all, a certain willingness to take risks is not bad. Willingness to take foolish or unnecessary is bad. For example, if I risk my life to save my wife from a burning house, that's undoubtedly a risk, but it's a good risk from my perspective. Likewise, it's a risk to ask a girl out for a first date. I've been willing to take that risk many times in my life. It's worth it. While some folks might say that risking, or even losing, your life in an attempt to save a loved-one is foolish, I disagree. One may freely level the charge of "fool." The other is more than right in leveling the charge of "coward." Moreover, it's risky to tell the schoolyard bully that he can't take your money. It's undoubtedly worth the beating. ...And you just might win. Risks can be bad or good.


Let me make a controversial statement: Violence can be bad or good. I would never regret doing violence to someone who attacked my wife. Sure, I would regret the situation. I would not enjoy nor would I revel in the violence. However, protecting my wife would be well worth the price of violence.


Taking risks and standing up for yourself is not evil, no matter what these studies suggest. Stop worshipping crystals. We're human beings, for crying out loud, and we live in a violent world. It has always been and will always be thus.

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Actually, games do make me want to do drugs. And so do movies, plants, TV shows, dogs, garage doors, red cars, and air.


Seriously for second, I started doing drugs as a teenager when I wasn't playing video games at all. The connection seems kind of goofy to me.

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The only drug games have made me use a lot more of is caffeine.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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This is insanity..

For a start Games dont even make sence on most drugs.

Thats what annoys me when people say

'This game is like *something* on Acid'

Because honestly when your on Acid playing a game wouldnt

even make sence.. you'd be like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?


Then you'd probably come up with


Convinced you've just thought of something so orignal and thought provoking that no body has ever even attempted too think as complexly

as this you go write it down so not to forget how AMAZING it is.

The next morning you remember how pleased you were with your self

rush to the pile of stuff you collected in your corner of the room you spent the last 7 hours sitting in to find something like this:



Welcome to an Acid/ Mushroom trip.

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I really get annoyed by sloppy, sensationalistic science.


What a crock.


Eldar, I agree with your reasoned rebuttal, but I don't agree it is apt to this sham that "Doctor" Sonya Brady has conducted.


Scientific method? Sample space size? Double blind? Variance for the love of whomever you find holy! What is up with this garbage that is foisted on an increasingly innumerate populace as "science"? Psychology has a hard time as it is trying not to look like a soft science, without gibberish like this being published, unsupported.


I'd like to do unspeakably violent things to all the stupid people involved.




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If you play a good game you will be so addicted to it you won't need drugs. Besides that you won't use it since


1) It messes up your aim

2) You cannot get away from drug "Games"

3) You have to go outside to buy it (can't do that now, can we?)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Drugs made me do games :)


Those evil drugs! They are just ruining your life like that! :ph34r:




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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If you play a good game you will be so addicted to it you won't need drugs. Besides that you won't use it since


1) It messes up your aim

2) You cannot get away from drug "Games"

3) You have to go outside to buy it (can't do that now, can we?)


Back at uni I knew a guy who owned all on Goldenye64, the thing is he actually played better while high. :)

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I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me.

My life is in shambles.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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wow, guys off topic but I just got the crazyest De-ja-viou (Sp?)

EVER reading this thread. I almost litrally new what was going to be said before reading it and I KNOW.. its happened before.


Whats even weirder is I remember LAST TIME it happened

I was also this shocked to read it.. ..


Scary! I should lay off them drugs ;p

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I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me.

My life is in shambles.

I never did get coffee.


i'll drink the odd latte but like one a month (if that).

Caffeine is actually a very effective and useful psychoactive substance (second only to nicotine for concentration and reactions), and near to amphetemines for enhanced aptitude. It definitely improves the body's clock-dependent alerting, and I have noticed that it allws me to reduce my daily minimum sleep quota.


Also, it doesn't have a long half-life (between three and seven hours, depending on age, activity and individual's liver enzyme chemistry), so that after the the caffeine begins the have an effect




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